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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Haunted said:
Well, that was interesting.

I'm obviously biased and a dirty foreigner so my opinion is worthless, but everything I'm hearing on CNN, and reading in the different polls/audience reactions... well, Obama won.

He won in the eyes of the public that watched the show, and the media narrative tomorrow is going to reflect that. A good night for Obama supporters.

As I said right after the debate ended: the public doesn't want another asshole president after Bush. McCain came off like a condescending prick tonight, on top of getting smacked around on the issues.


GhaleonEB said:
[*]Speaking of impressions. It's pretty clear McCain fucking HATES Obama. He came across as a testy, crabby old man. Obama was reasoned and steady. I hope that's what lasts, in this era when sighing too much can cost you a debate.
I didn't quite get that impression. I didn't feel that McCain has any problem with Obama himself, he just hates anyone publicly disagreeing with him or questioning his stances. It's okay if *he's* the big brave maverick out there kicking the arse of those in power, but turn it around and he gets petulant.


First tragedy, then farce.
Haunted said:
Well, that was interesting.

I'm obviously biased and a dirty foreigner so my opinion is worthless, but everything I'm hearing on CNN, and reading in the different polls/audience reactions... well, Obama won.

He won in the eyes of the public that watched the show, and the media narrative tomorrow is going to reflect that. A good night for Obama supporters.

Bingo. That is the key, the narrative is set, Obama won.
You know what I really found interesting.... and I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned on CNN yet...

Body language.

And specifically, Obama and McCain looking and addressing one another.

Obama constantly looked at McCain and specifically spoke to him...

I think I only saw McCain do that 1 time for more than a brief second.

Perhaps folks have been talking about it here but I haven't seen anyone else even bring it up yet. It seemed to me at least to give Obama great stature and confidence.

Am I the only one who found it so notable?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
Sean Hannity took about five punches to the face in that segment. I've never seen him so abused. It's usually the Hannity hour, but not this time.
Him stumbling to get out the word "BUT BUT BUT WAIT A MINUTE NOW BUT BUT" when he knew Wexler had him by the balls was great.


So here's the 2004 Presidential Debate thread, from before PoliGAF was PoliGAF. Only 600 posts for the whole thread. Oh how much more paranoid we've become since then.

The first debate was considered a huge Kerry victory.

Some quotes:

MetatronM said:
Ok. Kerry DEFINITELY won that debate by a WIDE margin.

THAT SAID...I doubt it will result in much of a boost in the polls, if any at all.

CNN Headline: "Kerry cool and collected. Liquid cooling in Bush Robot fails, flushed and overheating on stage."

Lemonz said:
ABCNEWS just aired a post debate poll.

Who won the Debate?

Kerry 45%
Bush 36%
Tied 17%

But the general feeling was that the debate hasn't changed many minds.

Incognito said:
73% vs. 27% in favor of kerry at msnbc.com for the debate.

Incognito said:
hannity getting owned on his own show.


Though I could've sworn there was one debate where GAF thought Bush overwhelmingly won and they were all flipping out over it.

CBS News and Knowledge Networks conducted a nationally representative poll of approximately 500 uncommitted voters reacting to the debate in the minutes after it happened.

These figures are still preliminary and could change as more respondents complete the survey. But here's what we have so far:

Forty percent of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner. Twenty-two percent thought John McCain won. Thirty-eight percent saw it as a draw.

Forty-six percent of uncommitted voters said their opinion of Obama got better tonight.

Sixty-eight percent of uncommitted voters think Obama would make the right decisions about the economy. Forty-one percent think McCain would.

Forty-nine percent of these voters think Obama would make the right decisions about Iraq. Fifty-five percent think McCain would.

We will have a full report on the poll later on. Uncommitted voters are those who don't yet know who they will vote for, or who have chosen a candidate but may still change their minds.


ixix said:
I'm not being facetious here, I thought he did really well and stuck to the approach that brought him this far, but both the people I watched the debate with and GAF seem to think that he should have been more aggressive.
Obama is an intelligent man that comes off as a really great guy, hell, he got O'Reilly to like him. People like him for that reason, he's assertive, but not a cutthroat. If he started being more aggressive, I think his popularity would diminish.
Biden did a good job on MSNBC. I think that's one of the best things about the choice of him: if you're not completely comfortable with voting on Obama's judgment and expertise, Biden is there to push you over the line as a second, intelligent voice with a different angle. It feels like on the McCain side that if there is an area McCain lacks at, Palin doesn't fill that void in the same way. She may be seen as a conduit to the people, but she seems to barely qualify as a vice presidential choice, the short list of things she has that are seen as strengths, other than her gender, overlap with McCain's strengths completely, and in no cases do they seem to exceed McCain's for the people they matter to.


aka iby.h
GhaleonEB said:
Snap. So one poll shows independent voters giving it to Obama 2:1 over McCain, and CNN's poll has Obama winning across the board. And Mark-conventional-wisdom-Halperin gives it to Obama across the board.

End of times.

this is only the beginning, its only going to get better or worse depending on where you stand. Thursday is going to be a fun day.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
AniHawk said:
So here's the 2004 Presidential Debate thread, from before PoliGAF was PoliGAF. Only 600 posts for the whole thread. Oh how much more paranoid we've become since then.

The first debate was considered a huge Kerry victory.

Some quotes:

Though I could've sworn there was one debate where GAF thought Bush overwhelmingly won and they were all flipping out over it.
Verrrrrrrrrrrry interesting, and throws me straight back into paranoid mode.

Way to fucking go!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Aaww man. Fox text poll.

"82% are correct that McCain won. Only 16% think Obama won."

Hannity all giddy and shit.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Hannity says that Obama was combative, immature, and inexperienced in the debate.
I think McCain did a great job of looking angry and more experienced than Obama who looked foolish and aloof much of the time. Most of the points McCain brought up were total bullshit but Obama brought up alot of gaffes that nobody takes seriously anyway.

It's a wash overall I think
AniHawk said:
So here's the 2004 Presidential Debate thread, from before PoliGAF was PoliGAF. Only 600 posts for the whole thread. Oh how much more paranoid we've become since then.

The first debate was considered a huge Kerry victory.

Some quotes:

Though I could've sworn there was one debate where GAF thought Bush overwhelmingly won and they were all flipping out over it.

The difference;

Obama has a personality. He came off as intelligent, knowledgeable, and respectful without seeming boring. Kerry never did that on his best night.

The political climate has changed a lot since 2004.


reilo said:
Aaww man. Fox text poll.

"82% are correct that McCain won. Only 16% think Obama won."

Hannity all giddy and shit.
Over 90% of Fox's viewers are Republicans. Not just saying that, there was a study. So Obama won over a bunch of them. :p


force push the doodoo rock
SpeedingUptoStop said:
looking at the polls...Is Poli-GAF really underrating Obama's success tonight?

GAF was slamming Obama for a lot of the stuff they slammed Bush on.

82% of the Fox News text message poll says MCain won.... the fuck?!

Ron Paul has won multiple Fox News text message polls.


Our own political leanings are going to bias who we thought really "won" in a debate that was so even on both fronts.

But I'll agree that in the foreign policy debate, I should be begrudingly admitting that McCain won...except that I'm not.

I won't say that he's finished per se, but this was the debate that he needed to win without question and he just didn't do that.


Kulock said:
Biden did a good job on MSNBC. I think that's one of the best things about the choice of him: if you're not completely comfortable with voting on Obama's judgment and expertise, Biden is there to push you over the line as a second, intelligent voice with a different angle. It feels like on the McCain side that if there is an area McCain lacks at, Palin doesn't fill that void in the same way. She may be seen as a conduit to the people, but she seems to barely qualify as a vice presidential choice, the short list of things she has that are seen as strengths, other than her gender, overlap with McCain's strengths completely, and in no cases do they seem to exceed McCain's for the people they matter to.
Biden rounds around in every news organization and done good, but Palin decline and decline opportunities to speak after the debate.


Frank the Great said:
GAF, I've been gone.

What's the GAF consensus on the debate?
sky falling etc.

CNN doing a soundbite comparison and how the audience (their focus group) reacted to these moments. Independents and undecided favouring Obama.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"Book knowledge from an elite ivy school, versus a lifetime of real experience at the Hanoi Hilton."


How do you people not find this Colbert/Onion hilarious?


RubxQub said:
Verrrrrrrrrrrry interesting, and throws me straight back into paranoid mode.

Way to fucking go!

This debate was actually the one that helped Kerry close in on Bush after a very long September of trailing him by 8-10 points at some parts.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
So here's the 2004 Presidential Debate thread, from before PoliGAF was PoliGAF. Only 600 posts for the whole thread. Oh how much more paranoid we've become since then.

The first debate was considered a huge Kerry victory.

Some quotes:

Though I could've sworn there was one debate where GAF thought Bush overwhelmingly won and they were all flipping out over it.

Pretty much, the debates were a wash for the most part, with a slight Kerry lean. The difference being Kerry was pretty far behind in the electoral map.

Kerry got back in the race after that first debate, then did pretty poorly in the town hall.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Hey guys saw the debate and this is how I saw it. The beginning was Obama's and towards the middle McCain kept putting Obama on the defense and I hated when he would say that McCain was right. I love the way Obama ended it though with his view on how we should be reaching out to other countries and not just focus on Iraq. I will give a slight edge to Obama.
K.Jack said:
82% of the Fox News text message poll says MCain won.... the fuck?!

Think about the audience that would be tuning into Hannity right now.

If Olbermann ran a poll it would probably be more lopsided in the other direction. A bad measurement by all accounts.
Isn't Hannity the same guy who BLASTED the Fox News text polls when Ron Paul overwhelmingly won them in the Republican Primary debates?

What a fucking tool.
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