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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Trax416 said:
Everyone I know, and have spoken to in Toronto since the debate ended feel Obama easily won. Yet many Americans, think Mccain and his history lesson, and rants about non applicable wars that happened 20+ years ago won.
Gaf =/ Many Americans. People here are just so defeated from past disappointments they don't notice a smackdown when they see it.


Red Scarlet said:
Go for it.

I watched it initially on MSNBC...that little colored line meter thing is annoying.

It's on the CNN replay too. I'm tuning it out.

So far it looks fairly even to me. McCain goes towards history lessons, Obama goes towards economic lessons. Both effective.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Time to catch up on Real Time with Bill Maher.

This should be good...
Sharp said:
Biden was vicious and on point. I would be looking forward to that debate, for sure, except that it's such a horrible mismatch it may not even be funny. Palin couldn't take fifteen minutes of softball questioning, how will she handle an hour with Biden?

She can't face Biden on any question. I will be stunned if the campaign allows the debate to go forward. The fact that she failed to show up tonight is a sign of things to come next week.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I think it was quite obvious that Obama won, and the polls show it. It seems like McCain was always trying to evade the question and going on about other stuff and his stories.


GSG Flash said:
I think it was quite obvious that Obama won, and the polls show it. It seems like McCain was always trying to evade the question and going on about other stuff and his stories.
They were both evading the question a lot, especially when it came to the economic crisis.


GSG Flash said:
I think it was quite obvious that Obama won, and the polls show it. It seems like McCain was always trying to evade the question and going on about other stuff and his stories.

I couldn't believe he started talking about World War II.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
AniHawk said:
I couldn't believe he started talking about World War II.
Not only that, but he got it completely wrong on his Eisenhower talked about resigning after D-Day bit.


Sharp said:
They were both evading the question a lot, especially when it came to the economic crisis.

They just provide their normal talking points when asked about the economic crisis because they are out of their realm of understanding when it comes to that. It would have been hilarious if they got on stage and started talking about liquidity squeezes.

Red Scarlet

sonarrat said:
It's on the CNN replay too. I'm tuning it out.

So far it looks fairly even to me. McCain goes towards history lessons, Obama goes towards economic lessons. Both effective.

Oh, I meant the colored line thingy wasn't on MSNBC. So it's annoying the hell out of me on CNN.

Palin being a no-show vs Biden says more than enough, really about their debate, imo.


You know, a lot of people are saying that McCain was angry and ignored Obama because he doesn't like him, but I don't know if that's why. Or at least I don't think that's the entire story.

Maybe I'm reaching, but I think that McCain is pissed the fuck off about the Palin situation. He failed in trying to move that debate or cancel it, and he knows it's going to cost him greatly, especially now that even people on the right are basically giving up on her.
I didn't watch the debate as I find it unnecessary on a strictly personal level but it was amusing to see the Obama chicken little crowd converge with the sudden influx of Mccain is owning posters.
The I noticed about watching the debates, and pretty much the majority of politicians that disgust me is how they lie about what other candidates said to make their opponent look idiotic. When McCain said that Barack rejected a bill that gave more funds for troops I was glad Obama pulled his hoe card and said that they both rejected bills to fund the troops because of time tables, not because of funding.

And the Google for Government that Obama talked about needs to happen ASAP! I've been wishing that for a long ass time. A centralized place where anyone can go and see what bill a specific senator voted on, read the bill in it's entirety, see how much they've received in contributions and from who, check their entire voting record, etc. That's the easiest way to have transparency within the govt.


Where are people getting the "McCain pissed and angry" thing from? Like I said, I have facial recognition issues, but it didn't seem that way to me at all. What actions of his gave that impression?


Sharp said:
Where are people getting the "McCain pissed and angry" thing from? Like I said, I have facial recognition issues, but it didn't seem that way to me at all. What actions of his gave that impression?

The shit-eating grin, the constant smirks and sighs.:p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
MassiveAttack said:
She can't face Biden on any question. I will be stunned if the campaign allows the debate to go forward. The fact that she failed to show up tonight is a sign of things to come next week.
Palin's strategy for the VP debate is ironclad. She'll just keep repeating the same basic airheaded "everywhere like such as...let me get back to YAH" responses that the pressure in Biden's head from the sheer cognitive dissonance will build until it explodes. Then she'll whip out a shotgun, pump it heartily, smile for the camera, and leap onto a snowmobile to ride off into the night.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Sharp said:
Where are people getting the "McCain pissed and angry" thing from? Like I said, I have facial recognition issues, but it didn't seem that way to me at all. What actions of his gave that impression?
Not looking at Obama, having a very condescending tone, and almost spiteful and demeaning voice towards him. Several times he said that "Obama just doesn't get it" and that Obama is "naive."

Red Scarlet

Sharp said:
Where are people getting the "McCain pissed and angry" thing from? Like I said, I have facial recognition issues, but it didn't seem that way to me at all. What actions of his gave that impression?

Don't go to the kitchen when Obama starts talking; you'll see it ANY time Obama is talking and they show McCain's face (the smirking, etc). :p

What reilo said also; he said Obama was inexperienced/naive/doesn't know quite a lot (and Palin does???).


Tamanon said:
The shit-eating grin, the constant smirks and sighs.:p
He invariably grinned when Obama hit upon something he had a canned response to. I thought the smirks and sighs were calculated attempts to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced, along with his annoying "I don't think Obama understands" thing. Not actual anger.
Red Scarlet said:
Don't go to the kitchen when Obama starts talking; you'll see it ANY time Obama is talking and they show McCain's face. :p
I watched the entire time, particularly Obama as McCain sometimes went on for a bit too long for me. Like I said, it's probably just a cue I'm missing that most people get.


Sharp said:
He invariably grinned when Obama hit upon something he had a canned response to. I thought the smirks and sighs were calculated attempts to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced, along with his annoying "I don't think Obama understands" thing. Not actual anger.

Man, did you misread this one. McCain was practically snarling the entire time.


Sharp said:
He invariably grinned when Obama hit upon something he had a canned response to. I thought the smirks and sighs were calculated attempts to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced, along with his annoying "I don't think Obama understands" thing. Not actual anger.

Still doesn't play well. Gore did it in 2000 with his sighs and the media called him on it.

But yeah, I think McCain was getting unhinged the longer the debate went on. At one point, Obama let Lehrer speak instead of refute McCain's bullshit, and McCain continued to talk over the both of them.
kaching said:
Palin's strategy for the VP debate is ironclad. She'll just keep repeating the same basic airheaded "everywhere like such as...let me get back to YAH" responses that the pressure in Biden's head from the sheer cognitive dissonance will build until it explodes. Then she'll whip out a shotgun, pump it heartily, smile for the camera, and leap onto a snowmobile to ride off into the night.

Except the crowd response is nullified in the debates; there is no response.

This is another reason why McCain has issue in the debates. He can't gauge his performance with quips and jokes; he looked very uncomfortable when he made that joke about having "been around for quite some time" to the sound of crickets chirping in the distance.

Palin isn't going to be able to rely on the roar of the crowd to drown out her stupidity this time.


Sharp said:
He invariably grinned when Obama hit upon something he had a canned response to. I thought the smirks and sighs were calculated attempts to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced, along with his annoying "I don't think Obama understands" thing. Not actual anger.

I watched the entire time, particularly Obama as McCain sometimes went on for a bit too long for me. Like I said, it's probably just a cue I'm missing that most people get.

Also not looking at someone ever generally means you hate them:p


Sharp said:
He invariably grinned when Obama hit upon something he had a canned response to. I thought the smirks and sighs were calculated attempts to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced, along with his annoying "I don't think Obama understands" thing. Not actual anger.

McCain was becoming very visibly exasperated. It was written all over his face.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Preface: 100% diehard Obama fan votin' for him in Nov.

McCain didn't expect Obama to hang in there as well as he did, and I think overall Obama had much better speaking points and talked about more important issues. That being said the TONE of the debate favored McCain. Obama was slightly more on the defensive.

But this isn't a problem really, this was supposed to be McCain's debate in the first place. McCain was supposed to school Obama on how it's done, and that didn't happen. I guess one could call that a moral victory for Obama.

However I believe the next two debates will be a clear Obama win. I just hope he doesn't prove me wrong.


Bane was better.
wow, I've never heard nor seen Biden before, but his MSNBC interview makes him come off as incredibly likeable.

I can't believe Palin/McCain are even coming close to the poles against these two.

Red Scarlet

Yeah, just watch McCain's face when it shows whenever Obama talks..it looks like a few times he was on the verge of busting out laughing with all his smirks. Plus there's the time(s) when McCain lost his cool completely and made jokes/outright insults in response.


Yeah, when he mentioned Palin as a great candidate was one of the most dangerous moments for McCain, IMO. People know about Palin now, he shouldn't have even brought her up at this point.
Tamanon said:
Also not looking at someone ever generally means you hate them:p
I seriously did not notice the eye contact thing. It's something I'm very bad at myself, so maybe I excused it subconsciously or something. Seems like everyone else picked up on it though.


Thai said:
wow, I've never heard nor seen Biden before, but his MSNBC interview makes him come off as incredibly likeable.

I can't believe Palin/McCain are even coming close to the poles against these two.

Biden is going to be so impressive in the VP debate that even Amir0x, that notorious Biden hater, will warm up to him. :p


I was pretty angry with McCain throughout the entire debate. It wasn't what he was saying, but he took every opportunity to disrespect Lehrer and Obama by talking over both of them constantly, ignoring cues to stop and let Obama speak or to ask for clarification on what he was saying. He reminds me of folks I know who basically just railroad conversations and don't hear anything while they're flapping their lips. My wife and I just kept yelling at the TV, "Shut up already!" He was extremely robotic, disconnected, and the anecdotal stories meant to deflect aren't fooling us. That being said, I think Obama's a mediocre speaker when he's not in front of a teleprompter, but I was impressed with his overall demeanor and the respect he showed the moderator (and at times, giving lots of credit to McCain on issues), while McCain gave him squat.

In terms of who did a better job, I have to give it to Obama.
kaching said:
Why so serious? I didn't think I could have been more obvious.

I know you're joking but that truly is the extent of her strategy; it's the only chip she has and the format of these debates yanks that away.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
You guys saying Obama on the defensive is a bad thing seemed to have missed something.

here's the situation, most of the debate:

Mccain attacks obama. Obama fills in the holes. McCain is wasting time to to talk about his policy and using it to wrongly attack Obama. Obama corrects him and starts talking about his policies. I think this is why Obama is leading in these polls. Mccain opened the door for obama and obama stepped right into it.
I cannot believe that most viewers thought Obama won the debate. As an Obama fan, even I thought the debate was a wash.

This election is over. The Palin debate will only add fuel to the fire of Obama's victory.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Thanks Mathews! My new favorite word: aethereal. I'll be sure to use it from now on.

Red Scarlet

Sharp said:
I seriously did not notice the eye contact thing. It's something I'm very bad at myself, so maybe I excused it subconsciously or something. Seems like everyone else picked up on it though.

I don't know if McCain looked at Obama at all once the debate started, but I could be wrong. Certainly not as much as Obama looked at McCain.


I think a lot of people here were expecting Obama to make McCain look senile and completely out of touch. We've been getting too comfortable here, especially after the Palin gaffes. McCain is NOT Palin when it comes to being asked questions. He has some idea of what he is talking about, especially on his home-turf issue of foreign policy.

Let me once again reiterate that McCain is not Sarah Palin. So the plus is, Barack did surprisingly well on McCain's strong suit, while masterfully handling the issue of economics. McCain was indeed more forceful in the debate, especially when it came to foreign policy, but that may not have necessarily resounded with the American people. It just seems that Americans don't like overly angry leaders.

My biggest concern, however is the underestimation of Sarah Palin. The expectations for her are set so low, that if she comes across as somewhat competent, it could be declared a wash in that debate. Also, my concern isn't that Joe is a more skilled debater than her. my concern is that he gets too aggressive and looks like a bully. I'm also concerned with a Joe gaffe that could overtake any perceived difference in leadership abilities Joe has over Palin. As long as Joe sticks to the issues while craftily and calmly querying her for specifics, he'll do well in letting Sarah destroy herself.


reilo said:
Thanks Mathews! My new favorite word: aethereal. I'll be sure to use it from now on.

Ethereal. It's another word meaning effete.

And lol at Gibbs not being stumped by the unemployment number.


Zeliard said:
Biden is going to be so impressive in the VP debate that even Amir0x, that notorious Biden hater, will warm up to him. :p

The VP debate is going to make Palin implode in on herself so hard, not even light will escape where she used to be.


bdizzle said:
And the Google for Government that Obama talked about needs to happen ASAP! I've been wishing that for a long ass time. A centralized place where anyone can go and see what bill a specific senator voted on, read the bill in it's entirety, see how much they've received in contributions and from who, check their entire voting record, etc. That's the easiest way to have transparency within the govt.


This is the website that was created by the Obama/Coburn bill that Obama was talking about.
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