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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Frank the Great said:
Is there a breakdown on how Dems, Reps, and Indies voted?

We all know Dems are gonna say Obama and Reps will say McCain.

Not sure. you need to remeber a draw is a win for Obama because this was John McCain's debate to win


lexdysia said:
If it wasn't for Pat Buchanan's even appraisal that Obama was presidential and came off as a nice guy I don't know how I would have slept last night. Leave it to Winnie the Pooh to tuck me in....



when is my burrito
The first thing that comes to mind about the whole McCain refusing to look at Obama is that he was maybe coached to not look at him if he started to feel angry to help control his temper. You could tell McCain was seething throughout that whole debate. Obama was doing a great job at getting him fired up.

That or McCain is feeling like he is losing control over this whole election and that Obama actually being a competent candidate with an exceptional campaign caught him off guard. It's almost an exact replay of the primary.

Hilary/McCain runs conventional negative campaign about wedge issues whose strategy and decisions look aimless and nonsensical because they come from advisers. The candidate had/has no clear philosophy behind their run for President and thought they were going to own the electorate just by showing up. They both completely misunderestimated Obama and they're getting stomped because of it. Causing a progressively building meltdown into obscurity. Glorious!

It's gotta be painful and at the same time strangely fascinating for the Clinton people to see this strategy working against someone else in so similar a way.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
lexdysia said:
I'm never browsing Gaf during debates or speeches again.

Last night and during the Palin RNC speech I was browsing GAF and both times I overreacted.

If it wasn't for Pat Buchanan's even appraisal that Obama was presidential and came off as a nice guy I don't know how I would have slept last night. Leave it to Winnie the Pooh to tuck me in....


I disagree, it will be worth it Thursday :D


Hitokage said:
If that's the situation then you'll have a lot of gaffers on alcohol poisoning watch.

I would want to get stinking drunk, but at the same time I know I'll end-up passing-out and only remembering the night through a hazy drunky-lens. And I'd prefer to remember as much as I can of this night. It'll provide a nice antidote to the sober horror of 2000.


tanod said:
The first thing that comes to mind about the whole McCain refusing to look at Obama is that he was maybe coached to not look at him if he started to feel angry to help control his temper. You could tell McCain was seething throughout that whole debate. Obama was doing a great job at getting him fired up.

That or McCain is feeling like he is losing control over this whole election and that Obama actually being a competent candidate with an exceptional campaign caught him off guard. It's almost an exact replay of the primary.

I think the anger comes from being an entitled bubble-wrapped priss for years, so much so that even the press corps threw roses at your feet and it just doesn't feel good to be called out or questioned at all. Nothing but total subservience is what politicians like McCain are used to when it comes to what they say or do. And that's exactly what Obama incites that terrifies the GOP: accountability.

I'll put it this way: it's like those guys who get caught cheating but get really, really pissed when their girlfriend exposes them.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY I'M A LIAR!!" All self-righteous fury to mask their own guilt.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Since it was swept under the rug by the debate, how did the bailout go yesterday? Still imploding?

I don't think the stock market will be all that patient if nothing happens over the weekend.
I doubt it will crash Monday, but it will certainly drop a significant amount.

The, "It's almost finished" line was already used up.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Suikoguy said:
I don't think the stock market will be all that patient if nothing happens over the weekend.
I doubt it will crash Monday, but it will certainly drop a significant amount.

The, "It's almost finished" line was already used up.
Also, does anybody have link to proof showing how mcCain was involved in fucking this shit up?
I'm surprised such a big deal is being made out of Obama's partial agreements with McCain. Giving some credit to someone before getting into differences is just plain a good way to make one's case without turning off everyone who didn't already disagree with the statement being responded to. Non-inflammatory posters do it around here all the time.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Oh come on guys :lol

There is a big difference between your own personal opinion and your perception of what the opinions of others will be.

Last night my own personal opinion was correct in that Obama won the debate, but I assumed that Joe American would pop a woody over McCain's tone and PoW pandering. I mentioned that I'm glad I was wrong!

Thread title is devastating :lol


JoshuaJSlone said:
I'm surprised such a big deal is being made out of Obama's partial agreements with McCain. Giving some credit to someone before getting into differences is just plain a good way to make one's case without turning off everyone who didn't already disagree with the statement being responded to. Non-inflammatory posters do it around here all the time.

That's what politics has become in this country...

Agreeing with your opponent on a common sense issue = You're not a leader

Being flexible (i.e not ruled by ideology) in your policies = You're a flip-flopper

Being resevered = You're not passionate

Being polite = You're weak

Being educated = You're elitist

Being patient = You're "all talk and no action"

One thing an Obama win would do is make a lot of politicians copy him and it would be a GOOD thing...
JoshuaJSlone said:
I'm surprised such a big deal is being made out of Obama's partial agreements with McCain. Giving some credit to someone before getting into differences is just plain a good way to make one's case without turning off everyone who didn't already disagree with the statement being responded to. Non-inflammatory posters do it around here all the time.

I agree, but here is where Josh and I differ; there aren't non-inflammatory posters on the neoGAF. And I don't spend money on orgies


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
JoshuaJSlone said:
I remember that bit last night. I thought he was saying "of course".

In the context, "Of Course" does not make much sense

I guess he could be sarcastically agreeing with him...


RubxQub said:
Last night my own personal opinion was correct in that Obama won the debate, but I assumed that Joe American would pop a woody over McCain's tone and PoW pandering. I mentioned that I'm glad I was wrong!

See, I'm with you on the first part but I really had faith in Americans that they'd see the obvious. My feeling is still that the country has reached a tipping point as to how much crap we're now willing to swallow.

So far, so good.


RubxQub said:
Oh come on guys :lol

There is a big difference between your own personal opinion and your perception of what the opinions of others will be.

Last night my own personal opinion was correct in that Obama won the debate, but I assumed that Joe American would pop a woody over McCain's tone and PoW pandering. I mentioned that I'm glad I was wrong!

Thread title is devastating :lol
I thought he won too, but I have a hard time fighting through my bias. So I called it a draw. Sometimes I just love being wrong.


First tragedy, then farce.

If you want to know how this debate went, go to drudge.

Drudge is basically ignorning the reaction to the debate completely.

The republicans know they lost.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Frank the Great said:

Here's mah pundit spin, "If he can't hold that in during a debate, how can we expect him to meet with other world leaders safely?"


"GAF's biggest wanker"
bob_arctor said:
I still can't believe Obama called him out on that "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" crap. I was shocked and amazed.
I loved it. Well deserved IMO and a perfectly pitched response to McCain attempting to paint Obama as the warhawk. Not so sure about calling him out about what was probably just a gaffe regarding Spain's president. Interestingly though, he didn't try to set the record straight, assuming it was just a gaffe.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Here's mah pundit spin, "If he can't hold that in during a debate, how can we expect him to meet with other world leaders safely?"
I don't think we have to worry about that. He won't meet with any world leaders, be they Iran or NATO allies.


StoOgE said:
exactly, the only thing he will throw up there is an internet poll.
From his (conservative) site. It's like Fox using their text message poll, when 90% of Fox viewers are Republicans. When the empirical data tells one story, make up your own. Making up their own reality is just second nature for Republicans these days.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
From his (conservative) site. It's like Fox using their text message poll, when 90% of Fox viewers are Republicans. When the empirical data tells one story, make up your own. Making up their own reality is just second nature for Republicans these days.

pretty much.

and CNN had a good point, in 1992 when Perot was percieved to have barely won the debate the night of, by Monday morning that perception was even larger... because once people see who "won" the debate in the polls they start parroting it and it becomes an even bigger "win"


tanod said:
The first thing that comes to mind about the whole McCain refusing to look at Obama is that he was maybe coached to not look at him if he started to feel angry to help control his temper. You could tell McCain was seething throughout that whole debate. Obama was doing a great job at getting him fired up.

That or McCain is feeling like he is losing control over this whole election and that Obama actually being a competent candidate with an exceptional campaign caught him off guard. It's almost an exact replay of the primary.

Hilary/McCain runs conventional negative campaign about wedge issues whose strategy and decisions look aimless and nonsensical because they come from advisers. The candidate had/has no clear philosophy behind their run for President and thought they were going to own the electorate just by showing up. They both completely misunderestimated Obama and they're getting stomped because of it. Causing a progressively building meltdown into obscurity. Glorious!

It's gotta be painful and at the same time strangely fascinating for the Clinton people to see this strategy working against someone else in so similar a way.

John McCain has serious anger management issues. Hillary Clinton is just stone cold, she never got angry with Barack during the debates. She just got dirty.


gkrykewy said:
Yes- this was the GET OFF MY LAWN debate.

And by the way, it should be noted that McCain did not swoop in on a populist cart, railing about the bailout of the Wall Street Fat Cats (tm).

Sorry, Pat Buchanan. Sorry, Ether_Snake - put the tinfoil hat back on the shelf.

Yep, looks like I gave too much credit to the McCain campaign!
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