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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Photos: Sen. Clinton Campaigns Today For Obama In Grand Ledge, Michigan


Sat Sep 27, 4:39 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., waves to supporters as she is introduced during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


Sat Sep 27, 4:40 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


Sat Sep 27, 4:45 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


Sat Sep 27, 4:46 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


Sat Sep 27, 4:46 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


Sat Sep 27, 5:13 PM ET
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008, in Grand Ledge, Mich.(AP Photo/Al Goldis)


First tragedy, then farce.
Instigator said:
He did say he had a bracelet as well. So yeah, it's a me too.

But it still neutralized McCain's attempt to portray himself as the sole messenger from military families.


Obama didnt neutralize it, he won that segment.

His was a more emotional connection.

1) McCain basically claimed leaving would made the dead soldiers sacrifice meaningless. Obama brushed that aside and was able to say "No, any soldier who serves and dies in combat is a hero and he never dies in vein. They dont make the decisions, they carry out commands with honor". If you watched it on CNN all three lines spiked really really high when he started talking about that.

2) The "make sure no other mother goes through what I had to" is something that connects to people. Look, no one wants America to lose, but this is not a popular war, and everyone can imagine the horror of a friend or loved one dying in a war they no longer support.

That back and forth was a big winner for Obama, and it was also something every limp wristed democrat we've put up for the presidency since LBJ (save Clinton) doesnt have the balls to do. Stare a republican down and say "Fuck you, Im every bit as much a patriot as you are and I am just as concerned about protecting your family as this guy".

THAT is why last night was a good night for Obama. Most Americans think either a) he is too inexperienced and wouldnt know what to do about FP. b) thinks he is a liberal appeaser who is more concerned about keeping Europe happy than killn terrorists.

Now, I dont agree with the librul appeaser image, but it exists and Obama took a massive dump on it yesterday.



Even though his campaign is no longer suspended, John McCain is staying in Washington this weekend to keep working on the bailout legislation. He will not be visiting Capitol Hill, however, preferring to work out of his campaign office.

“He can effectively do what he needs to do by phone," said senior adviser Mark Salter. "He’s calling members on both sides, talking to people in the administration, helping out as he can."
McClown :lol


StoOgE said:

Obama didnt neutralize it, he won that segment.

His was a more emotional connection.

1) McCain basically claimed leaving would made the dead soldiers sacrifice meaningless. Obama brushed that aside and was able to say "No, any soldier who serves and dies in combat is a hero and he never dies in vein. They dont make the decisions, they carry out commands with honor". If you watched it on CNN all three lines spiked really really high when he started talking about that.

2) The "make sure no other mother goes through what I had to" is something that connects to people. Look, no one wants America to lose, but this is not a popular war, and everyone can imagine the horror of a friend or loved one dying in a war they no longer support.

That back and forth was a big winner for Obama, and it was also something every limp wristed democrat we've put up for the presidency since LBJ (save Clinton) doesnt have the balls to do. Stare a republican down and say "Fuck you, Im every bit as much a patriot as you are and I am just as concerned about protecting your family as this guy".

THAT is why last night was a good night for Obama. Most Americans think either a) he is too inexperienced and wouldnt know what to do about FP. b) thinks he is a liberal appeaser who is more concerned about keeping Europe happy than killn terrorists.

Now, I dont agree with the librul appeaser image, but it exists and Obama took a massive dump on it yesterday.

What's this about lines on CNN? Was it hooked to peoples' brainwaves?


First tragedy, then farce.
Door2Dawn said:
I really miss Hillary.

yeah, remember when we were all voting for McCain if she stole the nomination?

Man were we stupid.

Im still glad Obama won, but I would have been 100% behind Clinton had it gone the other way.


Best election ever or Bestest election ever!!!!!!!!!

According to CNN poll

Who would make a better VP?

Biden 48%
Palin 46%

Stupidity holds know bounds.


man I keep watching this Huckabee show and it's becoming more and more scarier

like one of those Tim and Eric skits, and every time I see the audience I cringe


StoOgE said:
yeah, remember when we were all voting for McCain if she stole the nomination?

Man were we stupid.

Im still glad Obama won, but I would have been 100% behind Clinton had it gone the other way.
Speak for yourself,I would have GLADLY voted for Hillary if she won the nomination. GLADLY.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
What's this about lines on CNN? Was it hooked to peoples' brainwaves?

Little response dials for a focus group. They had 3 groups of people (green - registered independents, red - republicans, blue - dems).. and they gave them dials to move into positive or negative response with varying degrees.. so they could "kinda like it" or "really like it", etc.

All three lines were hovering near 100% approval when Obama went off. The red line dipped when Obama started saying we needed to pull out of Iraq. The Blue and Green lines stayed up there.

He won that segment.


First tragedy, then farce.
Door2Dawn said:
Speak for yourself,I would have GLADLY voted for Hillary if she won the nomination. GLADLY.

I was actually always on the "I wont like it but I vote a straight party ticket" side of things.

Right now I can say if the shoe was on the other foot I would be doing as much for her as I am doing for Obama.
so ABCnews has confirmed Palin won't be on SNL tonight (the real Palin) -- any word on if Fey will be back this week? or if there will be a debate skit on such short notice (normally they rehearse during the week and the debate was only finished last night at 10:30...)


The Huckabee Show really is coming off as a crazy right-wing Oprah, I'll stop posting about it since it's an hour old broadcast or whatever. (but man this show is pretty creepy, not huckabee as much as the entire environment of the show)


StoOgE said:

Obama didnt neutralize it, he won that segment.

His was a more emotional connection.

1) McCain basically claimed leaving would made the dead soldiers sacrifice meaningless. Obama brushed that aside and was able to say "No, any soldier who serves and dies in combat is a hero and he never dies in vein. They dont make the decisions, they carry out commands with honor". If you watched it on CNN all three lines spiked really really high when he started talking about that.

2) The "make sure no other mother goes through what I had to" is something that connects to people. Look, no one wants America to lose, but this is not a popular war, and everyone can imagine the horror of a friend or loved one dying in a war they no longer support.

That back and forth was a big winner for Obama, and it was also something every limp wristed democrat we've put up for the presidency since LBJ (save Clinton) doesnt have the balls to do. Stare a republican down and say "Fuck you, Im every bit as much a patriot as you are and I am just as concerned about protecting your family as this guy".

THAT is why last night was a good night for Obama. Most Americans think either a) he is too inexperienced and wouldnt know what to do about FP. b) thinks he is a liberal appeaser who is more concerned about keeping Europe happy than killn terrorists.

Now, I dont agree with the librul appeaser image, but it exists and Obama took a massive dump on it yesterday.
Saying a soldier can't die in vain is a pretty stupid argument myself and I say that as an ex-soldier. I would be pretty damn pissed if I or a loved one was killed in a war the US never or decided wasn't important enough to win.

When I was in the Army I painted alot. Some may say painting something is never a waste. Well I can sure say that painting a barracks that was to be demolished one week later was a fucking waste.

A more truthful answer would have been "how many people would you sacrifice to make those deaths not in vain?" or some shit like that, but I don't think any soldier is so gung ho that he lives just to die while taking orders, whether for Iraq or to just get some Generals coffee. Everyone wants their death to have some kind of meaning and no-one wants it to be for nothing or a lost cause.

This argument, frankly speaking, pisses me off more than the whole "we support the troops, but we think you're all a bunch of welfare soldiers who were either too poor or too stupid to do anything else. But we respect you guys, seriously we're doing this all for you." Right.


So any thoughts on what the Gallop will be tomorrow? It'll be the first day of polls with post debate numbers factored in.


You know, watching the debates last night made me wish that Hillary was there. I'd love to see Mcgrumpy try to be that condescending to Hillary. She wouldn't take it, and the media wouldn't let him get away with it either.

White Man

kkaabboomm said:
so ABCnews has confirmed Palin won't be on SNL tonight (the real Palin) -- any word on if Fey will be back this week? or if there will be a debate skit on such short notice (normally they rehearse during the week and the debate was only finished last night at 10:30...)

I hope Tina does it again. She was born to play Palin. It's pretty scary, actually.


First tragedy, then farce.
kkaabboomm said:
so ABCnews has confirmed Palin won't be on SNL tonight (the real Palin) -- any word on if Fey will be back this week? or if there will be a debate skit on such short notice (normally they rehearse during the week and the debate was only finished last night at 10:30...)

Im sure there will be a debate sketch. The debate sketches rely on a few people playing charachters they already know well and not the guest star. They should be able to pull it off easily enough.

I wouldnt be surprised if they have Fey doing the Couric interview as Palin. Fey is a big time Dem (like everyone on the staff) and Im sure they want to mock her as much as possible.


kkaabboomm said:
so ABCnews has confirmed Palin won't be on SNL tonight (the real Palin) -- any word on if Fey will be back this week? or if there will be a debate skit on such short notice (normally they rehearse during the week and the debate was only finished last night at 10:30...)

They probably realized it might look pretty awful to not have your Veep available for post-debate interviews and then have them on SNL the next night.:lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wray said:
So any thoughts on what the Gallop will be tomorrow? It'll be the first day of polls with post debate numbers factored in.

My prediction is that the horse's feet will leave the ground!


SNL has gotten pretty bad. I cannot watch it without feeling sorry for the people involved with it.

Tina did do a good impression of Palin though.


Setec Astronomer
StoOgE said:
I wouldnt be surprised if they have Fey doing the Couric interview as Palin. Fey is a big time Dem (like everyone on the staff) and Im sure they want to mock her as much as possible.
No, Fey hates Palin and hates playing her. She wants the association to end in November.


Watched the debate in full earlier today and wow, Obama did an amazing job.

This was the foreign policy debate, the one where McCain was supposed to do best. Yet most people are either saying that there is no clear winner or Obama actually did a better job, either of which are bad news for McCain. For those years and years and years of foreign policy/other general experience, he didn't have much of anything to say at all.

Obviously I am partially biased here, but in all honesty, Barack exceeded my expectations. I was expecting him to do a not-so-great job since foreign policy is not his forte. He held his own while also managing to find common ground with McCain while not giving in; very hard to do considering his campaign's tactics. McCain on the other hand acted like a stubborn and snobby fool who didn't know how to act like a grown up.

Even putting my mind in complete observer mode (with the least amount of bias possible) still suggests that Obama had the upper hand in this debate. Which is just pathetic (for Obama's opponent, that is). If McCain can't roll with the punches in a debate that should have naturally suited him, chances are he's screwed for the next two. But we shall see.


First tragedy, then farce.
mAcOdIn said:
Saying a soldier can't die in vain is a pretty stupid argument myself and I say that as an ex-soldier. I would be pretty damn pissed if I or a loved one was killed in a war the US never or decided wasn't important enough to win.

When I was in the Army I painted alot. Some may say painting something is never a waste. Well I can sure say that painting a barracks that was to be demolished one week later was a fucking waste.

A more truthful answer would have been "how many people would you sacrifice to make those deaths not in vain?" or some shit like that, but I don't think any soldier is so gung ho that he lives just to die while taking orders, whether for Iraq or to just get some Generals coffee. Everyone wants their death to have some kind of meaning and no-one wants it to be for nothing or a lost cause.

This argument, frankly speaking, pisses me off more than the whole "we support the troops, but we think you're all a bunch of welfare soldiers who were either too poor or too stupid to do anything else. But we respect you guys, seriously we're doing this all for you." Right.

Look, I agree that soldiers die for pointless stupid reasons. But Obama's point was more "the soldier did everything right and everything they were asked to do, winning the war doesnt make his sacrifice any more or less heroic", the blame goes to the politicians for fighting lousy wars with lousy strategies.

I think Obama was making your point in the most PC way you can. If he had come out and said "how many soldiers have to die before its not worth it to win?" he would have gotten lit up by the media and republicans. He would have been correct, but it would have played into that whole concept of the librul peacenik apeaser than hurts so many Dem candidates.


It would actually be better if they played the Couric interview and just had the audience watch it and laugh, instead of doing a skit out of it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hitokage said:
No, Fey hates Palin and hates playing her. She wants the association to end in November.


but I think they understand mocking her in such a fashion also helps the narrative.

Lockbox, invented the internet, etc. were created by SNL as much as anything else.


why the hell hasn't the mccain campaign thought of "americain hero" before this woman on the view


also huckabee is using the same font radiohead used for "the bends"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jack Scofield said:
I haven't really been following this thread lately, so forgive me for asking, but what is the thread title referring to?
After the debate was over, in full force, glass half-empty GAF imploded and thought McCain won the debate. There weren't enough chicken little avatars to go around.

Also, holy shit at 538's latest projections.
Jack Scofield said:
I haven't really been following this thread lately, so forgive me for asking, but what is the thread title referring to?
everyone freaking out during debate and right after saying mccain won or obama lost or didnt do enough/etc, and then having the snap polls/general media narrative say it was a tie at worst or obama wins, basically mccain not having a game changer which he "needed"


Bailout, please don't fail!


Bailout failure 'will cause US crash’
The US stock market could suffer a devastating crash with shares losing a third of their value this week if Hank Paulson’s financial bailout plan fails, US Treasury officials have warned.

By Tim Shipman in Washington and Edmund Conway
Last Updated: 11:47PM BST 27 Sep 2008

The financial system could face a meltdown of 1929 proportions unless US politicians succeed in their efforts for a $700bn rescue scheme, experts added.
The warning came as Republicans and Democrats met in Washington for a rare weekend debating session to attempt to seal agreement on the contentious plan, aimed at preventing a long-lasting recession in the US.
Officials close to Paulson are privately painting a far bleaker portrait of the fragility of the global economy than that advanced by President George W Bush in his televised address last week.
One Republican said that the message from government officials is that “the economy is dropping into the john.” He added: “We could see falls of 3,000 or 4,000 points on the Dow [the New York market that currently trades at around 11,000]. That could happen in just a couple of days.
“What’s being put around behind the scenes is that we’re looking at 1930s stuff. We’re looking at catastrophe, huge, amazing catastrophe. Everybody is extraordinarily scared. It’s going to be really, really nasty.”

Investors fretted about contagion into Europe, where Fortis, which was part of the consortium that bought ABN Amro last year, fired its chief executive after liquidity concerns pushed shares down more than 20pc to a 14-year low. Holland’s ING and BNP Paribas are looking at buying the bank this weekend.
London investors have warned that the FTSE could suffer falls of as much as 1,000 points - a fifth of its value, if the deal falls through.
Peter Spencer, economic adviser to the Ernst & Young Item Club, said: “This is the time you have to bail people out and ask questions later. It is very difficult to see how the US banking system would survive without that.This has the potential to make 1929 look like a walk in the park.”
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said: “We hope sometime [Sunday] evening we can announce some kind of agreement in principle. We may not have another day.”
Rebel Republicans - who see Paulson’s proposals as socialism by the back door - were warned they will be responsible for causing an “amazing catastrophe” if they continue to oppose the plans, which would see taxpayers buy up the bad debts of failing banks. Instead they want an insurance scheme for banks, which would spread the cost to private enterprise.


StoOgE said:
Look, I agree that soldiers die for pointless stupid reasons. But Obama's point was more "the soldier did everything right and everything they were asked to do, winning the war doesnt make his sacrifice any more or less heroic", the blame goes to the politicians for fighting lousy wars with lousy strategies.

I think Obama was making your point in the most PC way you can. If he had come out and said "how many soldiers have to die before its not worth it to win?" he would have gotten lit up by the media and republicans. He would have been correct, but it would have played into that whole concept of the librul peacenik apeaser than hurts so many Dem candidates.
I think otherwise. Dying heroically and in vain are two totally different things. If someone throws a grenade and I jump on it, well that's pretty fucking heroic, but if no-one else was around, well you know...... why do it?

But if it's about what gets points with crowds oh sure, Obama rocks, but I totally disagree with him. If we do lose Iraq those deaths will have been in vain, no ifs ands or buts. That's just how it is. Doesn't make those individuals less heroic, but it does mean they died for nothing.


First tragedy, then farce.
Jack Scofield said:
I haven't really been following this thread lately, so forgive me for asking, but what is the thread title referring to?

There was a general Poligaf meltdown that Obama was getting crushed in the debate last night, when all pundits and the polls said otherwise once it ended.

Not all of Poligaf mind you, I was level headed about it.
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