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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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mAcOdIn said:
I think otherwise. Dying heroically and in vain are two totally different things. If someone throws a grenade and I jump on it, well that's pretty fucking heroic, but if no-one else was around, well you know...... why do it?

But if it's about what gets points with crowds oh sure, Obama rocks, but I totally disagree with him. If we do lose Iraq those deaths will have been in vain, no ifs ands or buts. That's just how it is. Doesn't make those individuals less heroic, but it does mean they died for nothing.
Well then you need to get that out of your head. Iraq can not be "won"; it is a police action keeping two parties away from each others throat. You can't force people to like each other, like it or not when we leave the floodgates of civil war will open up. Iran will supply the Shia side while Saudi Arabia will supply the Sunnis.


In his first public address since last night’s presidential debate,.John McCain accused Barack Obama using the current financial crisis for political gain

“ It was clear that Sen. Obama still sees the financial crisis in America as a national problem to be exploited first and solved later,” McCain said. “I am determined to help achieve a legislative package to help avoid the worst, and to set our economy back on the path of stability, confidence, and growth.”

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Oh man, that is a rich statement.


Come on, important to get started on this early. Here's what I got so far.

Amtrack = drink
Aerial hunting = x3
Border with Russia = drink
crazy 007 gesture = shot
"US americans", "everywhere including such as", "THE IRAQ" = double shot


*drowns in jizz*
gkrykewy said:
What an amazing asshole.

Nice to see that gun quote is still getting mileage. They're milking it for all its got, and then some. Very pathetic how little ammo they've actually got.
Steve Youngblood said:
Ahahahaha! You said rich! And McCain was talking about money! And McCain himself is quite wealthy! What a delicious pun!

You fail.

“You can also tell a lot about a man by how he speaks when you're not around,” McCain said. “Earlier this year, Sen. Obama gave us all a little insight into his opinions of gun owners when he was among friends in San Francisco. He was in a room full of rich liberals, right at home. And he reported on some of his findings from his encounters with ordinary Americans. He said that in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and elsewhere, people are ‘bitter.’ And that is why, in his clinical opinion, you folks ‘cling’ to your guns and religion.”


LuCkymoON said:
Well then you need to get that out of your head. Iraq can not be "won"; it is a police action keeping two parties away from each others throat. You can't force people to like each other, like it or not when we leave the floodgates of civil war will open up. Iran will supply the Shia side while Saudi Arabia will supply the Sunnis.
Really? Seems Saddam did quit good actually.
I'm guessing some posters here have never seen or read of Astrolad.

Meet Astrolad's best friend, Steve Youngblood. He treads where Astrolad fears to tread; PoliGAF.


Slurpy said:
Nice to see that gun quote is still getting mileage. They're milking it for all its got, and then some. Very pathetic how little ammo they've actually got.

Worked great for Hillary, huh?


Shins said:
If Iraq ends in a state of rule via fairly brutal dictatorship, what was gained?

edit: mAcOdIn? nevermind
How far back are you familiar with Saddam? He was of course a dictator, he did of course come to power through harsh and cruel means, but until the Iraq-Iran war I don't think you would have recognized it if you saw or read about Iraq in that time period. Yes, under Saddam.

You make it sound like all these people, that theoretically should have exterminated each other decades ago just magically arrived in the country post Saddam. The whole reason this situation exists is because of the shitty fucking job that Bush and Co did right at the beginning. I mean what would happen if you just got rid of all the police one day in a country being invaded? Fucking seriously? What would America look like if that happened to us?

I think it's completely ignoring certain parts of history if you think that Iraqi's just have to have an ethnic cleansing.

Edit: Basically I'm saying that if power had been kept at the government and laws enforced the whole time, it should have been completely possible to place a new government and keep law and order. Of course, yes, there's always that possibility that 2 elections down the line a mad man would get in power and just kill off one group, how can any piece of paper stop that? But it would have been a much better situation than what we have or what they had if they at least were under a more democratic state that was heavy on the policing. I mean, France could get a leader that decides to exterminate a whole group for all we know, the US could, it's not like there's any way to immunize society from that outside of actually killing everyone but one group off.

Edit: And to not dodge your question, absolutely nothing would be gained to trade one dictator for another, just as nothing would be gained by getting a democracy of flowers and love built on the bodies of all the other ethnicities of Iraq.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
That can't be real can it?

But during a 1988 vice presidential debate in Omaha, Bentsen delivered one of the most devastating slights ever. Turning to his GOP opponent, Sen. Dan Quayle, who had defended his inexperience as similar to that of John F. Kennedy, Bentsen responded with scathing disdain: "Senator," he said, "I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy."

The audience erupted. In that moment, Bentsen, on the ticket with presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, managed to remake his dry persona and earn himself a footnote in political history. "It's the best put-down I've ever seen," says Germond. But was Bentsen's flawless response to Quayle, then 41 and running with George H. W. Bush, rehearsed?



Small balls, big fun!
Gruco said:
Come on, important to get started on this early. Here's what I got so far.

Amtrack = drink
Aerial hunting = x3
Border with Russia = drink
crazy 007 gesture = shot
"US americans", "everywhere including such as", "THE IRAQ" = double shot

I would be eternally grateful if someone would post the Biden point, along with the shopped James Bond version of the Biden point.
I did see the Palin skit on SNL and something occurred to me. The real interview was actually funnier than the skit.

I missed the skit about Bill. Hopefully someone will youtube it soon.


Tamanon said:
Thank god he couldn't see Russia.

He couldn't spell Russia.

Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
:lol Maybe Palin isn't so bad anymore...

As annoying as Quayle was, he was relatively harmless. He picked a fight with the Murphy Brown show and lost.

Palin scares the hell out of me. These times are too serious for Dan Quayle part Deux.
Steve Youngblood said:
Okay, that response was far from my finest work, but come on!

I'm not sure what you want me to see here. McCain pulled one of the most transparent stunts of modern political history under the guise of helping an economic bill that he actually ended up harming; he should keep his mouth shut.

I can't even say McCain took the low ground; that would be too generous. He tunneled under that motherfucker.


WTF, I'm watching a recap of the debate on CNN right now (Watched on MSNBC yesterday) and usually as soon as McCain starts talking, the focus group bar starts trending down :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Ether_Snake said:
Who are those two?

EDIT: Oh Dan Quayle. I don't know the other one.

Lloyd Bentson is one of the finest Senators in this nations history and treasury secratary under clinton.

He is from the better days of my state when we were consistently blue. Dubya ruined this states politics before he fucked up the national scene.
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