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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
wait, so they already reached the deal?


Is this the good deal or the house GOP deal?
It's a compromise, which incorporates the house GOP's insurance proposal as an alternative, while including all of the Democrats (and Obama's) requirements.


The plan calls for the Treasury Department to buy deeply distressed mortgage-backed securities and other bad debts held by banks and other investors. The money should help troubled lenders make new loans and keep credit lines open. The government would later try to sell the discounted loan packages at the best possible price.

At the insistence of House Republicans, some money would be devoted to a program that would encourage holders of distressed mortgage-backed securities to keep them and buy government insurance to cover defaults.

The legislation would place limits on severance packages for executives of companies that benefit from the rescue plan, but details were sketchy.

Also, the government would receive stock warrants in return for the bailout relief, giving taxpayers a chance to share in financial companies' future profits.

To help struggling homeowners, the plan requires the government to try renegotiating the bad mortgages it acquires with the aim of lowering borrowers' monthly payments so they can keep their homes.

The measure's main elements were proposed a week ago by the Bush administration, with Paulson heading efforts to push it through the Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats insisted on greater congressional oversight, more taxpayer protections, help for homeowners facing possible foreclosure, and restrictions on executives' compensation.

To some degree, all those items were added.

At the insistence of House Republicans, who threatened to sidetrack negotiations at midweek, the insurance provision was added as an alternative to having the government buy distressed securities. House Republicans say it will require less taxpayer spending for the bailout.

But the Treasury Department has said the insurance provision would not pump enough money into the financial sector to make credit sufficiently available. The department would decide how to structure the insurance provisions, said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., one of the negotiators.

Money for the rescue plan would be phased in, he said. The first $350 billion would be available as soon as the president requested it. Congress could try to block later amounts if it believed the program was not working. The president could veto such a move, however, requiring extra large margins in the House and Senate to override.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Deus Ex Machina said:
Few more pics






These are the greatest pics in presidental history!


all that he wants is another baby
mckmas8808 said:
These are the greatest pics in presidental history!

All he needs is a helicopter overhead and an american flag fluttering in the background and, boom, its a Michael Bay rally.

And, yes, I need some hi-res versions for all my desktops.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ViperVisor said:

It's crazy because Obama just stayed out there with thousands of people and still talked in the rain. And the people loved it. It's something that those people will remember for the rest of their lives.

I believe this WHOLE election is actually a movie that all of us are living in we just don't know it yet. I wonder who's directing it?
just to emphasize this...bolded parts added by tina fey, striked parts were not said.
otherwise it was a word for word exact copy of what palin actually said.

That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, were ill about this we're saying hey why bail out fannie and freddie and not me? position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, to help um helping the—it's got to be all about job creation, too, also to shoring up our economy and putting fannie and freddieit back on the right track. and So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending cause barack obama, you know has you know we've got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans also having a dollar value meal at restaurants, thats gonna help.And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created today in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. that, you know, also This bailout is a part of that.

she added a coupke of 'alsos' and 'fannie and freddie' and the value meal joke, and shortened the ending. but holy crap. hole. E. crap. i cannot emphasize this enough, she is a major party ticket's VP candidate


First tragedy, then farce.
Obama fucking owned Face the Nation, just a great job.

He also showed us how they are going to handle Palin on Thursday, very hands off kid gloves. He wouldnt attack her at all just say "Look, its the Americans peoples job to decide if she is ready or not. Im more concerned with McCain and Palins support of Bush's same failed policies"

Combine that with how Biden acted after the debate.

He is just going to answer his questions and look like he knows what he is talking about and let her dig her own grave.


First tragedy, then farce.
gcubed said:
when you are up as big as Obama is, there is no need to be the aggressor like that, just do your job and let it roll

especially when he does a better job of hurting herself than you can. Why even get into the fray like that where you can be painted as being a jackass.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
# As of September 28, 8:00AM EDT:
# Obama: 304
# McCain: 234
# Meta-margin: Obama +2.58%



The transcript of the first debate is here. Several pieces of survey evidence point to an Obama win. Obama did better among undecided voters in a CBS survey [PDF]. Frank Luntz’s Fox focus group (read the 11:35 entry) showed that a majority was “moved” by Obama’s performance, especially his criticism of McCain’s judgment errors on the Iraq war. CNN/Opinion Dynamics has a phone poll showing that 51% thought Obama won vs. 38% McCain.

Update. A nugget: the CBS report PDF says that among uncommitted voters, 46% came away with a better opinion of Obama, 8% worse, and 46% no change. For comparison, 32% came away with a better opinion of McCain, 21% worse, and 47% no change. Obama’s better/worse split was 5.8 to 1 compared with McCain’s 1.5 to 1. There were a number of shifts in Obama’s favor, the largest on being “more in touch with the needs and problems of people like you.” Views of McCain didn’t change much, perhaps because he is considered to be a known quantity. The real targets in this debate were the uncommitteds, and they came away liking Obama.

A general comment: partisans are generally unable to assess debates accurately. They observe the candidates from a polarized viewpoint. Witness the highly divergent reactions among partisans here, here, and here. The last one seems closest to what a typical uncommitted person thought. In this regard I found the surveys to be clarifying.

CNN had a test group insta-reaction showing reactions among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. in a tracker plot at the bottom of the screen. This was addictive to watch. Obama spent more time well above the average, though he sometimes sagged toward the end of his longer answers. On the other hand, during an answer on Russia I noticed Obama’s numbers soaring among all three groups.

According to the same tracker, McCain scored well at certain points when talking about the financial sector crisis and about runaway federal spending. McCain called for a freeze on non-defense non-entitlement spending, which turns out to be only a small fraction of the budget. But people don’t know that. When McCain made repeated attacks on Obama’s readiness and experience, audience reaction tended to go downward, especially toward the end. He came off as mean, even to some conservatives (here’s an an extended reaction). Here’s a reaction from Washington Monthly.

My own quick reaction: The criticism that Obama is a poor match for McCain in foreign policy is over. Substantively, their prior positions came through fairly clearly. In some ways the debate was a draw. McCain was calmer than I had been expecting him to be, but his contempt for Obama shone through. He never looked Obama in the eye. This error of tone may be discussed over the weekend.

Overall, I believe this was a bad night for John McCain. He needed to win, and he didn’t even get a clear draw. Look for Obama’s lead to solidify or widen over the weekend.

Update: MediaCurves has Obama winning 61-39 among independents. Obama led in this group on all foreign policy issues, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran. The largest gap was for Russia, the answer I flagged earlier.


This guy knows what he is talking about. It's obvious now that McCain lost the debate. Palin HAS to do very well now.


First tragedy, then farce.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I thought Schmidt was going to roundhouse Axelrod if he grabbed his sleeve again.

The McCain camp knows not mentioning the middle class was a clusterfuck.


First tragedy, then farce.
gkrykewy said:
In case it's not already posted, Gallup is going to be +8 today. That's according to the Gallup fellow on MSNBC.

America. FUCK YEA!.

So, Obama won the debate, I think that is clear.

Edit: Why is Tom Brokaw bringing up a 6 week old economist article? :lol It was a good article, but it seems old.


mckmas8808 said:
This guy knows what he is talking about. It's obvious now that McCain lost the debate. Palin HAS to do very well now.

LOLOL on the shoulder of Palin

Boy Gallup+8, my hopium is off the charts at this point. Might have a hopium overdose soon.


First tragedy, then farce.
Amir0x said:
LOLOL on the shoulder of Palin

This is starting to look a lot like the 1980 election. America wants change, they dont like the current administration and see McCain as an extension of, America wants a democrat, they want Obama, but they were unsure of him.

They dont have those worries anymore, this could turn into an electoral blow out.
gkrykewy said:
In case it's not already posted, Gallup is going to be +8 today. That's according to the Gallup fellow on MSNBC.
Does that mean an 8 point difference between Obama and McCain?

Just to be sure, cause now it's a 5 point difference.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
StoOgE said:
This is starting to look a lot like the 1980 election. America wants change, they dont like the current administration and see McCain as an extension of, America wants a democrat, they want Obama, but they were unsure of him.

They dont have those worries anymore, this could turn into an electoral blow out.
I wouldn't go as far right now. A month from now, I'll be hitting the hopium bong like crazy.
StoOgE said:
This is starting to look a lot like the 1980 election. America wants change, they dont like the current administration and see McCain as an extension of, America wants a democrat, they want Obama, but they were unsure of him.

They dont have those worries anymore, this could turn into an electoral blow out.

I agree completely. I think a lot of the poll expectations didn't really realize how little a majority of Americans needed to see from Obama to finally support him. Frankly, he is a new face that a lot of people had filled in blanks on themselves. They didn't know if he was going to be a typical Democratic waffler who wouldn't commit to military action intelligently, etc. If you were watching CNN, you saw the Green Independent line stay with the blue Dem line almost the whole time. They just needed some reassurance right in front of them. A debate is conflict. Speeches are just hoping. They don't tell voters what a candidate is capable of, just what they want. Obama had to show he could hold his own in a real way. McCain has that built into his persona with POW! Obama needed to be seen in conflict and come out tough and (pretty much) unscathed.

Mission Accomplished. Blowout Time.


First tragedy, then farce.
Can someone make me an avatar of Obama with the Heisman (preferably with the longhorns still in the background)
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