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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Nabs said:




quadriplegicjon said:
why are 95% of them blond?

Young republican women tend to be more blond, more valley girlish than democratic young women for the most part.

Oh and +8? If Obama just HOLDS not even gains at all but HOLDS he wins in a Reagan sized landslide.


Anyone catch Bill O'Reilly's radio show?


In his radio talk show today, Bill O'Reilly blew up at some of his usual recent targets, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. But he also notably excoriated President Bush and his fellow conservative radio hosts, guys with whom most people assume O'Reilly identifies. The entire tape is after the jump, but here are his best lines:

• "Most talk radio is conservative-dominated, ideologue, Kool-Aid–drinking idiots."
• "It's Clinton's fault? Clinton hasn't been in office in eight years. It's Bush's fault!"
• "These [conservative talk] idiots are misleading you, they're lying to you."
• "Walk away from these liars, these right-wing liars. They're not looking out for you."
• "Barney Frank … disgusting. Pointing fingers. It's you, you big fat toad!"
• "If they were in this room right now, I'd hit them, Dodd and Frank."

Comes with a youtube video. :lol


Cheebs said:
Young republican women tend to be more blond, more valley girlish than democratic young women for the most part.

Oh and +8? If Obama just HOLDS not even gains at all but HOLDS he wins in a Reagan sized landslide.
I thought the +8 was part of a joke.


Incognito said:

Rasmussen: O +6
R2000: O +7
Gallup: O +8

Anyone got word on Hotline?
Hotline tends to be mid-late afternoon but their numbers usually leak early cause you can just change the date in the url's and it pops up with the new numbers, doesn't work yet though.
Steve Youngblood said:
It's easily understood.

McCain wanted a classy campaign about the issues. He proposed a series of debates to that effect. Obama, knowing that he would be outclassed in these debates, didn't agree to them. He preferred the approach of giving superstar speeches (aided by a teleprompter of course) to attract supporters. Now, McCain knew he couldn't win at that game, so he was forced, regrettably, to tap the only other well that a candidate can go to when he's not winning -- going negative. It really does make sense.
When did he say this? And did we watch the same debate last Friday?


Steve Youngblood said:
It's easily understood.

McCain wanted a classy campaign about the issues. He proposed a series of debates to that effect. Obama, knowing that he would be outclassed in these debates, didn't agree to them. He preferred the approach of giving superstar speeches (aided by a teleprompter of course) to attract supporters. Now, McCain knew he couldn't win at that game, so he was forced, regrettably, to tap the only other well that a candidate can go to when he's not winning -- going negative. It really does make sense.

So, is this sarcasm?


Bane was better.
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.

Thai said:
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.



Thai said:
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.


5 weeks is a looong time. Just think about where we were a mere two, three weeks ago.


Thai said:
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.

Bill Clinton beat the Republicans to a pulp with two landslide victories just last decade, it isn't as impossible as you think.
Standing in line


While we were standing in line, people were selling hats, buttons, t-shirts, and yes, even Obama towels. What I thought was most smart, was that I saw two people going up and down the line asking anyone if they haven't registered to vote, they can do so now by filling out a form. I had the most energetic 79 year-old waiting next to me mum and I. She was "FIRED UP AND READY TO GO" more so than any other person I could see. She was yelling out stuff like "Come on, get this line moving! I want to see the Man!" and "Hurry up! Let's go! Let's go!" etc. Sad part about the whole thing is she fainted while Obama was speaking. :( Gotta feel sorry for her.

Me waiting in line:

And across the street Hootie was selling hot-dogs. Hootie, why didn't you tell me you sold hot-dogs!

After about an hour and a half of waiting, the line finally started to move. We came to a point where the Obama people had the line going in a huge zig-zag pattern. I don't know the reason why, but I can guess it made the line move faster and allowed for more people to get through more quickly.



Having gotten pass the metal detectors without incident, we arrived at the place where Obama was going to speak at about 11:20, so we didn't have to wait long. Horrible music played throughout the entire time we were waiting, gah, I was so relieved when Obama and Biden finally came out and spoke.

Pictures while we waited for Obama and Biden, the first of which are of the building where Obama and Biden were waiting to come out of at the appropriate time:



As you can see, there were a lot of people there. Those that arrived a little to late were barricaded off from the first half of the crowd:


Dude on roof:

North Carolina for Change:

Picture of American flag while people are still coming.

And finally a picture of me mum and I while we were waiting.

People were so ravenous to get a hold of some signs. It was crazy.

At long last Obama and Biden came out. There was a lot of screaming which hurt my ears a little, and a sign-waving.

Biden, as I had expected, spoke first. He mainly spoke of how Afghanistan should have been our focus all along and other things relating to foreign policy.




Then it was Obama's turn. He mainly spoke about the economy and last night's debate. Saying that John McCain didn't mention the middle class once, Obama's tax cuts will bring relief to 95% of Americans, health care issues, etc.





And then Obama was done speaking, the crowd goes wild, and he and Biden start waving to the crowd as they walk off stage. Hands down this is the best picture I took:

All and all, I had a really fun time. It was exciting, there were a lot of black people there, almost as many as white people, as well as a lot of young people. Because of this, I can see Obama taking NC is a huge possibility.


Tobor said:
I've already requested the 5th off. Either way this goes, I'm going to end up shit-faced.
Smart move.

I just want to say, youtube and 538 have made this election a million times more fun than 2004. I am sure that having a talented candidate running a great campaign helps too, but those two really have made a world of difference in the flow of information and in following the overall status.

guess said:
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.
Well, I guess that whole point about town halls was that McCain wanted free publicity, so I can almost see it make sense in McCainworld, but then, just because he got the free publicity doesn't mean he'd have dismissed the kind you pay for. But, because he didn't get his ten free town halls, he's having to resort to a series of cheap stunts to get his free attention. Good times. And yeah he's dodging the question.

Newsweek cover is pretty huge. I really think we could be seeing a tipping point this week, especially if the Biden-Palin debate reinforces the trend from crazy old man suspension and Obama's performance Friday. This combined will all of the demographic and ground game factors already favoring Obama = !!!


Thai said:
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.

Next four you mean. The first four may unfortunately be much more difficult than the last four :(


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tobor said:
That reminds me, I need to ask for the inauguration off as well. Just in case. :D

I'll be driving up from Richmond, most definitely.

Oh man you from Richmond? What part? Are you going to help Obama win VA too?


mckmas8808 said:
Oh man you from Richmond? What part? Are you going to help Obama win VA too?

I live in the city. I haven't been able to donate much time, but I've donated money, and will talk to anyone who'll listen.

I have 6 days off coming up. I'll volunteer some time then as well.
Tobor said:
2000 still stings for a lot of us.
My mom and I were talking earlier today and this was running through my mind as we watched McCain on ABC. I said "Wonder how different the world would be if Gore was elected..."


It's two and a half weeks until the voter registration deadline here in West Virginia and several polls have suggested that Obama has a possibility of winning here if turnout in the bigger towns here is high. I've done some volunteer work at the Huntington office, but that "Bad Day" ad has scared the shit out of me so I'm going to work my ass off over the new few weeks trying to register as many people as possible.

P.S.: I was driving by a pawn shop the other day and they had one of those LCD signs outside next to the road, and I remember it saying something like "Get your guns before Obama does." :lol


Thai said:
man, i want to get on the hopium train, but after the last 2 elections, I just can't.

I have learnt never to underestimate the republican party's dirty tricks nor to overestimate the intelligence and attention span of the general american populace.

Godspeed everyone! I am with you until the end.

Obama MUST maintain this lead for the next 8 years.

Understandable. You'll at least vote, right? I hope you don't get that discouraged.
Dax01 said:
People were so ravenous to get a hold of some signs. It was crazy.

So true. Near the middle of one event down here in Texas, I started to hand out the extra signs we had and I've never seen so many people rush me, that fast, in my life.
guess said:
Anyone watch This Week. McCain was on, and if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard this

-shows ad about Obama
Stephanopoulos: why are you running these ads that are not completely true
McCain: these are facts
Stephanopoulos: refutes ad
McCain: changes subject to Obama not wanting town halls
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.
He's been using that for a while. Seriously now John . . . it is OK for you to lie & smear because he didn't agree to your town hall shows? C'mon. WTF?


speculawyer said:
He's been using that for a while. Seriously now John . . . it is OK for you to lie & smear because he didn't agree to your town hall shows? C'mon. WTF?


Also, when did you decide to whip out the ol' Dunkin' Donuts Obama avatar? I haven't seen that thing since the NH primaries :lol
Hootie said:

Also, when did you decide to whip out the ol' Dunkin' Donuts Obama avatar? I haven't seen that thing since the NH primaries :lol
It has been sitting there waiting ever since I lost my avatar rights.

I could switch to something new, but I like it as throw back to the Obama v. Clinton days.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just booked the planeride to Albaqueqe (Spelled really fucking wrong Im sure) for next weekend, and will spend 5 days there working on GOTV and registration. My cousin has a house there so Ive got free room and board.



dr3upmushroom said:
My mom and I were talking earlier today and this was running through my mind as we watched McCain on ABC. I said "Wonder how different the world would be if Gore was elected..."
It's even more painful now than it was 4 years ago. 8 fucking years of opportunity costs for enormously important issues lost as we dug a hole on insane wars, tax cuts, a ridiculous housing bubble, and an administration devoid of basic scruples and competence. I sometimes wonder how people who voted for Bush in 2000 sleep at night.

Hell, I could have registered in Florida in 2000. Sometimes I wonder how I sleep at night :/


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
StoOgE said:
Just booked the planeride to Albaqueqe (Spelled really fucking wrong Im sure) for next weekend, and will spend 5 days there working on GOTV and registration. My cousin has a house there so Ive got free room and board.


Great job man. Do it for your country!


ugh.. just realized i have a calculus exam on november 5th.


i'm in canada, but regardless i've been following the election for a while now! :(:(


Gruco said:
It's even more painful now than it was 4 years ago. 8 fucking years of opportunity costs for enormously important issues lost as we dug a hole on insane wars, tax cuts, a ridiculous housing bubble, and an administration devoid of basic scruples and competence. I sometimes wonder how people who voted for Bush in 2000 sleep at night.

Hell, I could have registered in Florida in 2000. Sometimes I wonder how I sleep at night :/

We would've safely replaced Ginsburg and Stevens, and probably O'Connor. The court would've had a generational shift to the left.

Fortunately, it looks like we have a good chance to correct this.


StoOgE said:
Just booked the planeride to Albaqueqe (Spelled really fucking wrong Im sure) for next weekend, and will spend 5 days there working on GOTV and registration. My cousin has a house there so Ive got free room and board.


You are awesome.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
or they could at least take that Bush/Cheney sticker off their damn car. have some dignity for chrissake

I've seen bumper stickers that say "Bush/Cheney '08" before.
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