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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Instigator said:


Thanks. :lol

I'll save it for next year and use it in email.


Previewing a McCain campaign message for the days ahead, top strategist Steve Schmidt claimed Sunday that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is partly responsible for the tentative agreement on a mortgage bailout that congressional leaders announced shortly after midnight.

Schmidt was appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief strategist, who ridiculed the McCain claim as “a little bit of fiction.”

Obama, asked on CBS’s “Face the Nation” if McCain deserved credit for bringing lawmakers together, replied “No,” according to AP.

McCain himself was modest, saying on ABC’s “This Week” that congressional negotiators deserve “great credit” for the bipartisan deal. “"It wasn’t because of me,” McCain said. “They did it themselves.”

McCain initially took a low-profile role in the bailout debate, saying little at a White House meeting and not even saying which version he favored. His campaign released a list of 17 phone calls he had made on Saturday, from President Bush 11 House members.

Schmidt argued: “Earlier in the week, when Senator McCain came back to Washington, there had been no deal reached. … What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans.”

Axelrod responded: “When this crisis emerged, Senator McCain's first reaction was to say the economy is fundamentally strong. The next day, he suggested a commission to study this. And by eight days later, he said it was such a crisis that he was going to suspend his campaign. He showed up a day later in Washington.

“It isn't clear what his role was. So it’s a little bit of fiction to now claim credit for it. That's not the important thing, though. The important thing is that the principles that Senator Obama outlined originally are now embraced and taxpayers will be protected.”

Moderator Tom Brokaw billed the 15-minute segment as “Schmidt versus Axelrod,” a first joint appearance.

The appearance was contentious throughout, with the two top strategists occasionally talking over each other.

Axelrod started by tweaking Schmidt about McCain’s threat to skip the debate, saying: “It was a great setting. It was a great debate – glad that it went forward, glad you guys came.”

Schmidt then referred to Obama as “a great talker.”

And Schmidt said Obama had not used the word “victory” in the debate. The Obama campaign is launching an ad on national cable Monday pointing out that McCain had not mentioned “the middle class.” Schmidt said he addressed middle-class concerned but did not use those words.

Obama had suggested in a statement earlier Sunday morning that he is likely to support the latest bailout proposal, although he would review it if he were elected president.

Schmidt also suggested McCain is likely to support the tentative agreement: “He’s happy that there appears to be a framework completed. … Senator McCain looks forward to reading the fine print of this.

But it does appear that great progress has been made overnight.”
On other matters, Axelrod acknowledged Obama may have to rethink his priorities because of money constraints imposed by the financial breakdown.

“Obviously we’re going to have to look at the budget, and Senator Obama said he’s going go through it line by line and he’s going to get rid of things that don’t work,” Axelrod said. “We have, for example, a reading program that was installed by the Bush administration that turned out to be a big boondoggle – it’s not helping any kids learn. We ought to say: That doesn’t work; let’s get rid of it.

“And that’s the approach he’s going to take. If we’re going to do … the things that are going to strengthen the middle class in our economy, we’re going to have to be very flinty-eyed about what we can keep and what we don’t.”

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
gkrykewy said:
In case it's not already posted, Gallup is going to be +8 today. That's according to the Gallup fellow on MSNBC.

The McCain campaign is going to go batshit insane for the next few days. I think the hopium is taking hold with me as well. This feels different now. :D


Frank the Great said:
We all knew McCain would claim credit for the bail-out. It's up to the media to call him out on this ridiculous claim (I think they will.)

They let him slide on claiming credit for the Normandy invasion, but this is a bit much.
Agent Icebeezy said:
The McCain campaign is going to go batshit insane for the next few days. I think the hopium is taking hold with me as well. This feels different now. :D
Election day is still a month away. Although there's nothing wrong with celebrating the current lead, I'm never going to call this election until the results come in on november 4th.
Door2Dawn said:

Schmidt needs to talk to his candidate. I thought McCain on This Week today gave probably his most impressive interview ever where he said completely that he wanted no credit for the bailout, may not have contributed a thing, but thought it was important for him to be there. It was honest and, frankly, I think what he legitimately believed. As per usual, though, his campaign and party will take that away from him and craft it to their own devices.


Frank the Great said:
We all knew McCain would claim credit for the bail-out. It's up to the media to call him out on this ridiculous claim (I think they will.)

To Brokaw's credit he did call Schmidt on Obama not using the word "victory" by quoting General Patraeus, McCain's favorite fallback person. Overall, I wish I had been watching Face the Nation.


Souldriver said:
Election day is still a month away. Although there's nothing wrong with celebrating the current lead, I'm never going to call this election until the results come in on november 4th.

I am going to get just obscenely drunk November 4th. I mean, I am going to go blind.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Schmidt needs to talk to his candidate. I thought McCain on This Week today gave probably his most impressive interview ever where he said completely that he wanted no credit for the bailout, may not have contributed a thing, but thought it was important for him to be there. It was honest and, frankly, I think what he legitimately believed. As per usual, though, his campaign and party will take that away from him and craft it to their own devices.

If McCain were allowed to be McCain, this election would be so much better.
Frank the Great said:
If McCain were allowed to be McCain, this election would be so much better.

As an Obama supporter I am of course mostly glad that the less appealing version has been sent out in opposition to him, yes, but it is sad to see.
Amir0x said:
I am going to get just obscenely drunk November 4th. I mean, I am going to go blind.
Just remember that overseas there'll also be a lot, A LOT of people having tears of joy or anger that day.
It's going to directly impact my mood for a whole week, I'm sure. Lets pray for my family and friends Obama wins.


I pray that the Obama campaign is pushing early voting like crazy right now, given his lead. And then add those uninformed undecideds who, by their own words, "just like to vote for the winner."

Just over a month to go. The primaries seem like yesterday, and yet November can't come soon enough.

Amir0x said:
I am going to get just obscenely drunk November 4th. I mean, I am going to go blind.

Not me. I want to remember that night clearly, vividly. I want to dance in front of my dick neighbor's house, right on the sidewalk in front of his McCain sign. Maybe light a bunch of blue candles along my driveway and set-off some fireworks. :lol

In my lifetime, we Dems haven't won all that often. I want to be fully aware for this one.


LOL - republic strategist on MSNBC is spinning so hard on the debate that he went crosseyed.

Ron Christie. Okay, maybe he was crosseyed before, but still. Get that mule to kick you again, dude.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Cloudy said:
WTF I just saw the Israel answer clip from Palin. This election should be OVER. No need to make new ads. Just show that clip along with the "Putin airspace" one and run it in swing states. I'm laughing outside but crying inside...

do you have a link to just this answer? i couldnt sit through the whole interview.. her voice gets way too irritating.
gkrykewy said:
LOL - republic strategist on MSNBC is spinning so hard on the debate that he went crosseyed.

Ron Christie. Okay, maybe he was crosseyed before, but still. Get that mule to kick you again, dude.

He is the hackiest of hacks.


BenjaminBirdie said:
If you were watching CNN, you saw the Green Independent line stay with the blue Dem line almost the whole time.

Actually the independent line was yellow. I guess it was following the blue one!


Amir0x said:
I am going to get just obscenely drunk November 4th. I mean, I am going to go blind.

I've already requested the 5th off. Either way this goes, I'm going to end up shit-faced.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Wolf Blitzer today I predict. Gallup has Obama up 8 points, it is within the margin of error. :lol :lol :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tobor said:
I've already requested the 5th off. Either way this goes, I'm going to end up shit-faced.
Seriously, I'm gonna be partying for hours. Days, maybe.

Perhaps until the Inauguration.


Anyone watch This Week. McCain was on, and if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard this

-shows ad about Obama
Stephanopoulos: why are you running these ads that are not completely true
McCain: these are facts
Stephanopoulos: refutes ad
McCain: changes subject to Obama not wanting town halls
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously, I'm gonna be partying for hours. Days, maybe.

Perhaps until the Inauguration.

That reminds me, I need to ask for the inauguration off as well. Just in case. :D

I'll be driving up from Richmond, most definitely.


First tragedy, then farce.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously, I'm gonna be partying for hours. Days, maybe.

Perhaps until the Inauguration.

My election night is going to be wierd.

I'm the ex girlfriends date to her candidates election night party in West Texas. He is a Republican. I'm going to be drunk off my ass and hopefully the only person there smiling.


gkrykewy said:
LOL - republic strategist on MSNBC is spinning so hard on the debate that he went crosseyed.

Ron Christie. Okay, maybe he was crosseyed before, but still. Get that mule to kick you again, dude.
That guy gives a bad name to black people.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
guess said:
Anyone watch This Week. McCain was on, and if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard this

-shows ad about Obama
Stephanopoulos: why are you running these ads that are not completely true
McCain: these are facts
Stephanopoulos: refutes ad
McCain: changes subject to Obama not wanting town halls
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.

He's acting childish. Why would Obama cosign something that gives them a joint appearance? Obama naturally draws more people and McCain feels confident on those platforms.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
guess said:
Anyone watch This Week. McCain was on, and if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard this

-shows ad about Obama
Stephanopoulos: why are you running these ads that are not completely true
McCain: these are facts
Stephanopoulos: refutes ad
McCain: changes subject to Obama not wanting town halls
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.
That's actually the only part i did see and yes, he was completely dodging the question. COMPLETELY.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously, I'm gonna be partying for hours. Days, maybe.

Perhaps until the Inauguration.

I'm off from Monday until that Friday night. Ordering a case of Bawls so that I can have a marathon viewing session of reactions/wrist-slittings/doomsayings/fits-of-vomiting/flood-of-tears from Hannity, O'reilly, Cavuto, etc etc.


First tragedy, then farce.
guess said:
Anyone watch This Week. McCain was on, and if I'm not mistaken, I think I heard this

-shows ad about Obama
Stephanopoulos: why are you running these ads that are not completely true
McCain: these are facts
Stephanopoulos: refutes ad
McCain: changes subject to Obama not wanting town halls
McCain: If we had town halls, I wouldn't have to run these ads

Anyone else see this, or did I just hear wrong. Because his statement makes no sense.

They have been running this arguement for a while.

"We are only being lying douche bags because we didnt get our town halls, Its Obamas fault Im acting like an asshole"

It still doesnt make sense.


First tragedy, then farce.
Agent Icebeezy said:
He's acting childish. Why would Obama cosign something that gives them a joint appearance? Obama naturally draws more people and McCain feels confident on those platforms.

The real problem is McCain wouldnt want the town halls in states that are competitive like Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, etc where he doesnt want to have to defend "republican" turf.


McCain is running this campaign like a war because that's where all his experience lies in. He is the very definition of old power: using forceful tactics to get a desired result and the polls are clearly reflecting that. Old power works in the short run, keep people fearful, second guessing themselves, keep them distracted. It is a good tactic for quick jabs to make the polls jump here and there but in the long run its absolutely disastrous. When the dust settles and the smoke clears from all the bombing tactics of an election campaign people begin to see what you really are: nothing more then a one trick pony.

Obama/Biden simply need to keep their message strong, campaign hard and continue to neutralize McCain whenever he attacks.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Frank the Great said:
If McCain were allowed to be McCain, this election would be so much better.

The truth is this is the real McCain. McCain obviously is willing to do whatever he can to get to be president. This is who McCain really is.
StoOgE said:
It still doesnt make sense.
It's easily understood.

McCain wanted a classy campaign about the issues. He proposed a series of debates to that effect. Obama, knowing that he would be outclassed in these debates, didn't agree to them. He preferred the approach of giving superstar speeches (aided by a teleprompter of course) to attract supporters. Now, McCain knew he couldn't win at that game, so he was forced, regrettably, to tap the only other well that a candidate can go to when he's not winning -- going negative. It really does make sense.


I haven't felt this good about Obama's chances since he won Iowa. Not that something couldn't still turn up, because it could, but at the time I felt that the primaries were pretty much in the bag for him, and right now I'm close to the same feeling about the general election. I'm only tempering my enthusiasm because of what actually happened in the primaries, but even then he pulled it out despite everything. Whatever happens on election night, though, I am definitely going to be drinking hard, because either way I will not want to be sober after the results are announced.
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