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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So explain to me why MSNBC pulled their superliburl hosts off when everyone that watched MSNBC actually liked that and their ratings were the best ever and they replaced them with simian-looking david gregory? In addition to being incredibly boring, he tries so hard to be neutral that it kind of makes me sick.


Who gives a shit about Palin. Screw her, she's irrelevant now.

This crazy shit in D.C is warping my mind. I'm thinking grand conspiracy plot, but that's too fucking smart for McCain. Right?

*flips out*
Obama says:



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:

Yes McCain blew up the deal today. The Newsweek guy's name is Howard Fineman. He said that his reporting tells him that most (40 out of 49 GOP senators) and most of the GOP house agreed with the DEMs, then McCain came into town and fired up the GOP house congressman and now there's no deal.

This is some bullshit.


mckmas8808 said:
Yes McCain blew up the deal today. The Newsweek guy's name is Howard Fineman. He said that his reporting tells him that most (40 out of 49 GOP senators) and most of the GOP house agreed with the DEMs, then McCain came into town and fired up the GOP house congressman and now there's no deal.

This is some bullshit.

I hope to god this kills his campaign. Seriously. Obama needs to decimate his ass tomorrow.


mckmas8808 said:
Yes McCain blew up the deal today. The Newsweek guy's name is Howard Fineman. He said that his reporting tells him that most (40 out of 49 GOP senators) and most of the GOP house agreed with the DEMs, then McCain came into town and fired up the GOP house congressman and now there's no deal.

This is some bullshit.

If this is indeed the case and this gets out, it's only going to hurt him....and probably end his campaign.
Y2Kev said:
So explain to me why MSNBC pulled their superliburl hosts off when everyone that watched MSNBC actually liked that and their ratings were the best ever and they replaced them with simian-looking david gregory? In addition to being incredibly boring, he tries so hard to be neutral that it kind of makes me sick.
It was a questionable move. However, I think the rationale was simply that, to anchor the coverage, they needed individuals who didn't come across as overly partisan.

And honestly, I'm almost willing to concede the point. They'll do just fine as panelists and correspondents.
mckmas8808 said:
Yes McCain blew up the deal today. The Newsweek guy's name is Howard Fineman. He said that his reporting tells him that most (40 out of 49 GOP senators) and most of the GOP house agreed with the DEMs, then McCain came into town and fired up the GOP house congressman and now there's no deal.

This is some bullshit.
... Wow. I hope the media catches on to this and starts talking about it.
Hootie said:
I also noticed that NV has a faint blue hue. That'd be awesome if 'bamaton could take it.

I think Obama has a good shot at it. I mean, residents there apparently support mass-scale gambling and legal prostitution. So I can't see them getting behind a Jesus freak like Palin.


Dax01 said:
... Wow. I hope the media catches on to this and starts talking about it.

From what I saw, Fineman didn't reveal anything substantive. It seemed like mere speculation, though he may be right.


CharlieDigital said:

This is like the exact opposite of what I would expect to see in Texas. So weird.

Since the DKos article noted that this event took place in Central Texas and I presume, at least by the mentioning of Travis County, in Austin or near it. Austin is the one consistently "blue" spot in Texas, and if and when McCain wins the state, you'll see a blue dot in the middle. That's where this is taking place. As a volunteer myself, I can safely say Austin is well organized and optimistic in spite of the state's leanings. I'll be happy enough if we can just get Rick Noriega into John Cornyn's seat for the US Senate.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
wait, so the subject of the debate for tomorrow night has been changed?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Okay, apparently McCain is trying all sorts of weird bullshit to torpedo the deal and get his own version through, Obama better have a plan to counter this.


Y2Kev said:
So explain to me why MSNBC pulled their superliburl hosts off when everyone that watched MSNBC actually liked that and their ratings were the best ever and they replaced them with simian-looking david gregory? In addition to being incredibly boring, he tries so hard to be neutral that it kind of makes me sick.
He's flying to Miss for the debates.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Question is if McCain will be there.
He'll be there. The idea is to make the announcement that McCain will actually show up some kind of big, dramatic news.


That kind of crap. Just more political theater, which is all McCain seems to run on these days.


Frank the Great said:
REID: Negotiations on bailout bill to resume in 35 minutes.

Not torpedoed?
Too bad McCain took the rest of the day off! He's at his house in Virginia now. John McCain, napping in our time of need.


HINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Sen. Chris Dodd, the top Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee, said Thursday that bipartisan meeting with President Bush at the White House on the mortgage rescue plan was nothing short of a disaster. In an interview on the CNN cable news network, Dodd described a meeting in which Democrats were blindsided by a new core mortgage proposal from House Republicans, with the tacit backing of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. "I am not going to sign on to something I just saw this afternoon," he said. Dodd said Republicans and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had to decide what they wanted to support. The whole meeting "looked like a rescue plan for John McCain," Dodd said. He said he was simply going to pretend that the meeting had never happened.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
DeaconKnowledge said:
I don't see how. This only looks to play into McCain's hand.
Fucking EVERYTHING can play into mccain's hand. His spin has a no fail zone. If Failin's couric meltdown can slip under the radar, anything can be wept under the rug by mccain!:lol


GhaleonEB said:
Too bad McCain took the rest of the day off! He's at his house in Virginia now. John McCain, napping in our time of need.

"We're optimistic that Senator McCain will bring House Republican's on board without driving other parties away, resulting in a successful deal for the American taxpayer."

Fucking failure on that one.

So, he lies to Letterman, then he comes to Washington to shit the bed. Lovely.
Zamorro said:

I really can't believe that McCain is going this far for his campaign. Does he realize that this bill is actually, you know, REAL? The financial markets really are in disaster and the global economy is going to collapse unless somebody buys all the bad debt, and he's FUCKING with the negotiations to support his own campaign.

FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I'm very mad right now.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Fuck, let the Repubs have their say, and AMEND what they want into the current bill. Fuck them having their own core bill.

Dude, it's a completely different bill that cuts against everything they have argued over the past week. It's so outrageous, I almost do believe McCain had something to do with it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ya he has. He said that his 5 points need to be addressed for this to work.
Reading Ambinder now, which I try not to do. Meh, I'm sitting this one out for more confirmation before I basely join the chorus crying for McCain's head on this.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
McCain is an evil genius.

Now the question is, can he keep pulling batshit insane moves out of his ass all the way to winning on Nov. 4th?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Frank the Great said:
I really can't believe that McCain is going this far for his campaign. Does he realize that this bill is actually, you know, REAL? The financial markets really are in disaster and the global economy is going to collapse unless somebody buys all the bad debt, and he's FUCKING with the negotiations to support his own campaign.

FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I'm very mad right now.
scorcho said:
Reading Ambinder now, which I try not to do. Meh, I'm sitting this one out for more confirmation before I basely join the chorus crying for McCain's head on this.

Just listen to his statement after the meeting about how his 5 points are essential and as long as he has his ways it will happen.
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