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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Trakdown said:
"We're optimistic that Senator McCain will bring House Republican's on board without driving other parties away, resulting in a successful deal for the American taxpayer."

Fucking failure on that one.

So, he lies to Letterman, then he comes to Washington to shit the bed. Lovely.

To add to that, from The Page:

OBAMA: Said what happened to complicate the deal “is not exactly clear,” and is “pretty frustrating.” Suggested injecting presidential politics into the bailout deal made things less constructive. Added economy will likely be part of debate Friday since “we can’t be strong abroad if we’re not strong at home.”

Obama Also speaks on CNN: Says both sides appeared ready to strike a deal before he and McCain landed in Washington, but “something happened in the intervening hours.”


Adds he’ll be staying the night in D.C. having conversations with congressional leaders and will hopefully be able to chat with Paulson. Will continue discussions Friday.

Thanks, McCain. I think this will come back to bite him.
Dax01 said:
Ghal, you of all people should know that old people need their sleep.
We need a president who naps appropriately.

Anyhoo, how was daycare today?


First tragedy, then farce.
I am saying this as a financial analyst:

The House GOP plan is brought to you by the legislative wizards that gave us the border fence, Terry Schaivo, and a large majority of the right-wing crazy people bills we've seen in the last decade.

They shouldn't get anything but a big button that says "push here to vote yes, you neaderthal". These people can't be trusted with anything.


Nice summation Ghaleon. I have to say that if the media spins this as the fault of McCain, especially if the bill fails, then his campaign and our economy are done for.


Bipartisanship on this thing looks to have died this evening. This is getting very ugly, very fast. Fuck John McCain - markets are going to get killed tomorrow.


Dax01 said:
Ghal, you of all people should know that old people need their sleep.

Dax, you of all people should know that Dax people need their practice at Civ Rev because they suck at said game.


First tragedy, then farce.
gkrykewy said:
Bipartisanship on this thing looks to have died this evening. This is getting very ugly, very fast. Fuck John McCain - markets are going to get killed tomorrow.

The market is going to fucking dump tommorow. Its going to be fucking terrible.

And the fucking republicans are trying to push anti-regulation free market solution horseshit.

FUCK YOU. Your bullshit got us into this mess. You cant fix it with what caused the problem you god damn retards. Go play in the fucking road and leave the country alone.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Did John Mccain seriously just screw over the future of America without even holding the Presidential office?:lol Sounds like he doesn't even need to run anymore, he's already acting Presidential on his own.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Just heard that brief description of the House GOP plan on Hardball.


That's fucking straight up insanity.
Was it this:

During the White House meeting, it appears that Sen. John McCain had an agenda. He brought up alternative proposals, surprising and angering Democrats. He did not, according to someone briefed on the meeting, provide specifics.

One the proposals -- favored by House Republicans -- would relax regulation and temporarily get rid of certain taxes in order to lure private industry into the market for these distressed assets.

That approach has been rejected by Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans and, to this point, the White House. During the meeting, according to someone briefed on it, Sec. Henry Paulson told those assembled that the approach was not workable.

Before the White House meeting, Democrats and Senate Republicans were on track to get legislation to the floor by tomorrow. Democrats say that, at best, they hope for half of Republicans in the House to go along. At worst, the vote in the House becomes partisan and then Senate Republicans get shaky and then...

As of 6:30, as the Corner notes, Fox's Carl Cameron notes that the mood on Capitol Hill is "remarkably sour."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement that "it's clear that more progress is needed and we must continue to work together quickly to protect our economy."
As Josh Marshall put it, it sounds like McCain's plan today was to scuttle any chance of a deal. And if there's no deal - doesn't that mean he won't debate?

And how the fuck can they propose relaxing regulations right now? Is he INSANE?



It's so fucked. McCain got his 5 principle ideas in. Bush gave the ok.

Then BOOM. House Republicans meltdown under pressure. Pressure from constituents, or a guy who desperately wants to be president? Both probably.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hitokage said:
Heh, according to some it seems John McCain would rather lose an economy than lose an election!

All kidding aside, I am really seriously scared right now. This could be people jumping out of windows bad in the next 72 hours. Hopefully the worst doesnt happen, but the only thing keeping the markets from shittanking since last Wed. was the prospect of this deal that the republicans just blew up completely.

Their "proposals" are completely antithetical to this bill. Its antithecial to populist McCain who debuted last Tuesday.


I dont want to go to work tommorow, its going to be a madhouse.
There will absolutely be a deal before the debate. I originally thought the House GOP (who are the only sticklers) had reasonable requests.

They do not.

This will be over soon.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So do Republicans view this shit as an awesome and great move by John McCain?

I mean seriously, this is some bullshit.


GhaleonEB said:
Was it this:

As Josh Marshall put it, it sounds like McCain's plan today was to scuttle any chance of a deal. And if there's no deal - doesn't that mean he won't debate?

And how the fuck can they propose relaxing regulations right now? Is he INSANE?

any other country (well, except Venezuela and Russia) this would be the first story run on every news station in the country. It would kill any chances for election. Here no one knows.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
That Mississippi debate tomorrow should just kick McCain and add Bob Barr or any other 3rd party. It doesn't matter which one. All of them understand economics better than McCain, and the debate may actually have substance.


First tragedy, then farce.
RubxQub said:
So do Republicans view this shit as an awesome and great move by John McCain?

I mean seriously, this is some bullshit.

He just did a complete 180 on all of his proposals this week. He just switched back to Monday McCain 'fundamentals are sound'. Sounds like Phil Grahm got ahold of him.



BenjaminBirdie said:
There will absolutely be a deal before the debate. I originally thought the House GOP (who are the only sticklers) had reasonable requests.

They do not.

This will be over soon.

Heh. Maybe Ether_Snake was right -- sets up McCain to rail against the unpopular bailout, with it passing anyway. Has his cake and eats it too. We'll see.


First tragedy, then farce.
Deku said:
What's going on. Did McCain win his gambit?

No, he just shitfucked the economy. I think Paulson, Bernake and Bush may actually come out against their own candidate on this. Maybe thats the plan, but the Senate republicans are going to basically shove a knife in their own candidate.


Guy Legend said:
I want to bitch slap anyone who votes for McCain.

My parents. :mad: I still have some time to reason with them, but as of right now they're not budging. Makes me facepalm, because they're supporting him for all of the wrong reasons that make me lose faith in the American public.

inb4 dax


Setec Astronomer


Let me tell you, after this little act, if McCain's approval rating and poll numbers don't drop, the Obama campaign will be in trouble.


testicles on a cold fall morning
So now all the parties are coming back to the Capitol at 8pm to renew discussions.

and MY GOD, this CBS-Palin interview is cringe-worthy. I'm dumbfounded.


First tragedy, then farce.
gkrykewy said:
Heh. Maybe Ether_Snake was right -- sets up McCain to rail against the unpopular bailout, with it passing anyway. Has his cake and eats it too. We'll see.

Nope. Without a majority of the minority, this will not pass. This has to have bipartisan support. The house republicans led by John "flight deck" McCain.

He is right, all hands on deck, and it looks like he just set another one on fire.


StoOgE said:
No, he just shitfucked the economy. I think Paulson, Bernake and Bush may actually come out against their own candidate on this. Maybe thats the plan, but the Senate republicans are going to basically shove a knife in their own candidate.

Wait, i thought they were actually going through with McCain's proposal.


Deku said:
What's going on. Did McCain win his gambit?

There are conflicting reports, but it seems McCain was wavering in the White House meeting, which only opened the door for House GOP to fuck everything with their stupid ass proposals. Seriously, read their plan; it's a disaster.

We might never know what actually happened in the meeting, however.
GhaleonEB said:
He'll be there. The idea is to make the announcement that McCain will actually show up some kind of big, dramatic news.


That kind of crap. Just more political theater, which is all McCain seems to run on these days.
'He showed up, so he wins. Obama? pfft, we already knew he'd show up.'


StoOgE said:
Nope. Without a majority of the minority, this will not pass. This has to have bipartisan support. The house republicans led by John "flight deck" McCain.

He is right, all hands on deck, and it looks like he just set another one on fire.

Well, I'm going to have a fucking glass of wine. This is scary shit.
GhaleonEB said:
We need a president who naps appropriately.

Anyhoo, how was daycare today?

oh it was fun. we had coloring time today and this time i managed to stay INSIDE the lines i was so prowed of myself. and then we had lunch and i had a juice box and it was really yummy and i also had a um other stuff for lunch as well like playdoh. it was asume.

Hootie said:
Dax, you of all people should know that Dax people need their practice at Civ Rev because they suck at said game.
Get of meh balls about that, Hootie.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DeaconKnowledge said:
I don't see how. This only looks to play into McCain's hand.

HOW? McCain blew up the plan and now nobody knows if he will be at the debate. I mean do independants really want a president that they can't trust or know what he's going to do?

I mean doesn't these actions make McCain look like the risky choice?


scorcho said:
So now all the parties are coming back to the Capitol at 8pm to renew discussions.

and MY GOD, this CBS-Palin interview is cringe-worthy. I'm dumbfounded.

Good. Get this back online and while you're at it, censure McCain's stupid ass. What a dumb fucking stunt.


First tragedy, then farce.
ezekial45 said:
Wait, i thought they were actually going through with McCain's proposal.

Every single one of McCain and Obamas bullet points were met with the proposed legislation, then McCain came in trumpeting this new completely different completely incompatible plan with what he said he wanted.

He was basically dancing a jig on this and when it came time to actually vote on it "Oh yeah, fuck all those things I said, I was just saying that shit to get votes"



mckmas8808 said:
HOW? McCain blew up the plan and now nobody knows if he will be at the debate. I mean do independants really want a president that they can't trust or know what he's going to do?

I mean doesn't these actions make McCain look like the risky choice?

Risky?? Don't you mean MAVERICK!?!??!?!

mckmas8808 said:
HOW? McCain blew up the plan and now nobody knows if he will be at the debate. I mean do independants really want a president that they can't trust or know what he's going to do?

I mean doesn't these actions make McCain look like the risky choice?

Um, no. McCain is still white. Are you blind?


StoOgE said:
No, he just shitfucked the economy. I think Paulson, Bernake and Bush may actually come out against their own candidate on this. Maybe thats the plan, but the Senate republicans are going to basically shove a knife in their own candidate.

Watch people love it. THE MAVERICK STRIKES AGAIN!


They DID go through with McCain's proposals. But he chucked last weeks ideology, for some new stuff. His 5 point plan was bullshit.


Frank the Great said:
Um, no. McCain is still white. Are you blind?

Nevertheless, he is coming off as unpredictable and indecisive. Will he debate? Is he compromising? Is he campaigning? No one fucking knows. He is not looking very presidential.

And then you have princess retard talking about rearing putin's head on national TV.


StoOgE said:
Every single one of McCain and Obamas bullet points were met with the proposed legislation, then McCain came in trumpeting this new completely different completely incompatible plan with what he said he wanted.

He was basically dancing a jig on this and when it came time to actually vote on it "Oh yeah, fuck all those things I said, I was just saying that shit to get votes"


So what does this mean now? Will they continue negotiations?
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