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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Tyrone Slothrop said:
I don't know if i believe that an agreement was about tp be made but mccain interjected his fat face and everything went to shit. is it confirmed that's how it went down? I'd totally believe it at this point, but just sayin

Not really, but close. Here's apparently what happened.

- Boehner (House GOP leader) popped a boner at the House GOP idea of fixing the problem with tax cuts and more deregulation and a securities insurance scheme that would not work.
- The rest of the House GOP, not interested in the current bailout bill, got all aboard. McCain's team noted there was Republican support in the House, but not really in the Senate (who want to pass the current bill, for the most part), for the GOP nutter bill.
- They all go to their photo op at the White House and Boehner says "hay guys this sux. I haven't mentioned it yet, but the House GOP doesn't want it. How about these ideas?"
- Frank and Dodd go "WTF, you shitwit. We've been working all week on this bill, and you are JUST NOW saying that it's trash and that you want this alternative bill full of total bullshit? Go fuck yourself"
- Obama asks Paulson if some of the House GOP bill would work in an attempt to hammer out some kind of compromise. Paulson says no.
- John McCain, in a real profile of courage moment, sits on his ass like he's waiting for a fresh batch of creamed corn at the caferteria to come out, not telling Boehner to "STFU and take it, we gotta pass this". McCain is the only one who can really put the screws to the House GOP since Paulson is a flaming liar and Bush is a total lame duck who most of the House GOP hate anyway.
- McCain goes back to his condo and gives some interviews. Hasn't backed the House GOP plan explicitly but his lack of action has tied him to it.


Cheebs said:
In some sort of odd way it has made him more appealing to McCain in my eyes.

How did it happen that the first term senator in this race is the calm cool collected guy and the 26 year long senator is the one all over the map. Hell we don't even know if he'll show up to a debate that is in less than 24 hours! That is unheard of. Bush was so much...easier.
It's the maverick effect. You never know what crazy shit he'll do next! I almost get the impression he makes decisions by looking at the results of a random sentence generation program, or via seance.
Ether_Snake said:
It's no wonder Pelosi is ready to let any bill pass now, she doesn't want to be the one left with the hot potato. The House Republicans proposed something they KNEW Paulson would refuse, and hence they knew he would come to Pelosi to get the bill through. She's not dumb, she won't let it pass unless the House Republicans are in as well. But that means letting them pass whatever they want.

No bill gets passed without the following:

*) A 'yea' from John McCain and Barack Obama
*) A "majority of the minority" from both Houses, meaning more Republicans will support the bill rather than decry it.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one starting to oddly like Bush more and more this week?

Bush's unusually calm demeanor and willingness to work with Democrats compared to John McCain's weird erratic stunts this week has left a very clear comparison of the two in my mind.

And the one on top is one 4 years ago I could never imagine myself saying.

Bush without a political future and a opposition congress is a far more likeable dude than he used to be.
I disagree. The other night was when he was needed most but instead of reassuring the public or making a plan for the economy Bush just said things are bad and faded back into obscurity. Bush is still as much of a fuck-off as before, only this time he's a lame duck too.


Bush is a fucking dumbass, but one who doesn't mince words. He tells you the dumb crap he'll do & does it. McCain is scary crazy. All over the place.


Cheebs said:
In some sort of odd way it has made him more appealing to McCain in my eyes.

How did it happen that the first term senator in this race is the calm cool collected guy and the 26 year long senator is the one all over the map. Hell we don't even know if he'll show up to a debate that is in less than 24 hours! That is unheard of. Bush was so much...easier.

I know Obama does these Bush-McCain ads but really, McCain reminds me more of Nixon.
Why does it make him more appealing?

Basically Bush would tell you exactly how, and why (in his mind) he's doing something. He numbs you from feeling the pain of the country getting raped.

McCain plays a game of gotcha.

At the end of the day, they're good for nothing but fucking the country over. They're both god damn fools.

Seriously, what good has Bush done in eight years?
Didn't he help make daylight savings shorter and got the Do Not Call list pushed through? Those are the only good things he did that I can think of. :lol
Douchnozzle that he is, Bush laid out the reasoning for the bailout in pretty plain terms in his address to the nation. I think there is actually a lot more support for the bailout now than the CW thinks, provided that the bailout isn't a handout.


grandjedi6 said:
I disagree. The other night was when he was needed most but instead of reassuring the public or making a plan for the economy Bush just said things are bad and faded back into obscurity. Bush is still as much of a fuck-off as before, only this time he's a lame duck too.
Well then at the very least I hate McCain more than I hate Bush this week. Erratic hail mary's are beginning to really piss me off.

The worst part is I *KNOW* he'll try another one late october. It's not that I fear they will work. They just fucking piss me off.
Selzer and Co, the highest rated pollster this election has this to say:


- Alot of pollsters are still undermining the youth vote
- Alot of pollsters are ignoring higher african american numbers
- Alot of pollsters still using 2004 as a benchmark
- Selzer And Co is the only pollster which accounts for the 52% increase in youth turnout
- Selzer And Co is the only pollster which takes into account the latino and african american turnout


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Top 10 Surpising Facts About Sarah Palin (presented by residents of Wasilla):

10. Sometimes Sarah calls John McCain "Grandpa"
9. She stole that sexy librarian look, from me (some random dude)
8. Recently passed legislation to build a bridge to funky town.
7. Does great impressions of Tina Fey
6. Favorite Meal: Moose Nuggets and Beaver Jerky
5. Working on a "Knight rider" spin-off about a talking snow-mobile
4. Favorite Book: "The Late Show: Fun Facts" (letterman book plug)
3. Once spent a week in the hospital after attempting to put lipstick on a pitbull
2. To improve her foreign policy experience, she recently when to the international house of pancakes.
1. Only person I know who's not afraid to go hunting with Dick Cheney.


Fuck that was bad.


Diablos said:
Why does it make him more appealing?

Basically Bush would tell you exactly how, and why (in his mind) he's doing something. He numbs you from feeling the pain of the country getting raped.

McCain plays a game of gotcha.

At the end of the day, they're good for nothing but fucking the country over. They're both god damn fools.

Seriously, what good has Bush done in eight years?
Didn't he help make daylight savings shorter and got the Do Not Call list pushed through? Those are the only good things he did that I can think of. :lol
What? He was the one behind that? That asshole made me late.
RubxQub said:
Top 10 Surpising Facts About Sarah Palin (presented by residents of Wasilla):

10. Sometimes Sarah calls John McCain "Grandpa"
9. She stole that sexy librarian look, from me (some random dude)
8. Recently passed legislation to build a bridge to funky town.
7. Does great impressions of Tina Fey
6. Favorite Meal: Moose Nuggets and Beaver Jerky
5. Working on a "Knight rider" spin-off about a talking snow-mobile
4. Favorite Book: "The Late Show: Fun Facts" (letterman book plug)
3. Once spent a week in the hospital after attempting to put lipstick on a pitbull
2. To improve her foreign policy experience, she recently when to the international house of pancakes.
1. Only person I know who's not afraid to go hunting with Dick Cheney.


Fuck that was bad.

Top Tens are NEVER funny.


First tragedy, then farce.
I just want to say this again now that I have had like 4 shots and beer (thanks ex girlfriend who knew I would be flipping my shit over this!)

Dear John McCain:

1) Go fuck yourself with your stubby little arms.
2) How about you go be a maverick and actually take a fucking positon on this instead of being a giant vag.
3) Tell the house republicans that there stupid fucking idea is not going to hold muster.
4) You just put the nations largest savings and loan out of business by killing this bill for another day. Congrats. How about you apologize to all of my old coworkers who are going to be looking for a job you selfish asshole. I know people who are now out of work and will have a hard time finding a job just so you can be a Maverick. Please, See number 1 again.
5) You may not notice is right now, but PoliGAF just gave you a 2000 dollar fuck you tonight, and my guess is people all over the country are doing the same thing.

Look, right now I am 100% certain McCain has destroyed his presidential asperations. Today ruined it. Its done. He will not and can not recover from this. Ever single pundit and ever single economist will come out and blame him for this, and rightfully so.

My concern right now is our economy is completely fucked for the next few years and Obama is going to be in a hard position to correct it as president.


avatar299 said:
As they should. We oppose a corporate socialist bailout but support the use of force against someone's property
It's okay because they're the bad guys. We're practically a collective Robin Hood.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Someone needs to modify that gif from Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Wildcard Bitches!) to put McCain's head on the guy and have him say, "I torpedoed the bailout plan! Wildcard bitches! YEEEHAW!"


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Letterman is bringing up McCain again out of nowhere :lol


Diablos, he's just saying McCain's tactics make him seem worse is all. Bush is the worst president in 30 years. And at least Carter & Nixon had job growth. Bush is the first with job contraction since the fucking Great Depression. He sucks.

But McCain is scary.


If something can fuck McCain good at this point, regardless of the bailout, it's:

1- People realizing Pail is dumb and openly mocking her (Letterman and the "Sarah Palin Movie, from Disney" thing will help that a lot).
2- McCain not being at the debate tomorrow NIGHT, night as in at a time when he could be there considering Obama will be.
3- The VP debate with Biden, which I am 1000% will never happen.
Dear Friend,

Attend a Debate Watch Party Barack is moving ahead with plans for Friday's debate.

The election is less than 40 days away, and the American people deserve to hear directly from the candidates about how they intend to lead our country.

You're invited to join a Debate Watch Party in your community and discuss the issues that are most important to you and your family, friends, and neighbors.

Find a Debate Watch Party in your area and RSVP today.

These parties will allow you to to get to know folks in your community, and continue building this campaign from the bottom up by reaching out to even more supporters using our Neighbor to Neighbor tool.

If you can't attend a party, you can still use our Neighbor to Neighbor tool to reach out to swing voters in a crucial battleground state who need to hear from you.

It's an extremely powerful way to build support for Barack.

Whether you can attend a Debate Watch Party or not, it's a great way to connect with fellow voters.

Get your list of potential supporters right now and start making phone calls today.

Neighbor to Neighbor gives you everything you need to get started.

As Barack prepares for the presidential debate, we'll be preparing, too -- by laying the groundwork for victory on Election Day.

Let's get to work.



Jon Carson
National Field Director
Obama for America

whos up for a party here in LA?


MaddenNFL64 said:
Diablos, he's just saying McCain's tactics make him seem worse is all. Bush is the worst president in 30 years. And at least Carter & Nixon had job growth. Bush is the first with job contraction since the fucking Great Depression. He sucks.

But McCain is scary.
And Bush wasn't?

People were scared to death of Dubya. Everyone's just used to him now.

McCain is crazy, about as crazy as Bush. It's just that the means he uses to justify the ends are much more spontaneous, but the end result under a Bush or McCain administration would be similar regardless.

This "gotcha" bullshit won't matter if he actually was President, for example, because it's not like he's in the middle of a real campaign at that point (despite the "permanent campign").


First tragedy, then farce.
Diablos said:
And Bush wasn't?

People were scared to death of Dubya. Everyone's just used to him now.

McCain is crazy, about as crazy as Bush. It's just that the means he uses to justify the ends are much more spontaneous, but the end result under a Bush or McCain administration would be similar.

Yes, but at least Bush thought he was doing the right thing, as terrible a fucking president as he may have been.

McCain just fucked us and he knows it, and he did it as a political ploy. The backfire is going to be gigantic.


Instead he [McCain] found himself in the midst of a remarkable partisan showdown, lacking a clear public message for how to bring it to an end.

At the bipartisan White House meeting that Mr. McCain had called for a day earlier, he sat silently for more than 40 minutes, more observer than leader, and then offered only a vague sense of where he stood, said people in the meeting.


Still, by nightfall, the day provided the younger and less experienced Mr. Obama an opportunity to, in effect, shift roles with Mr. McCain. For a moment, at least, it was Mr. Obama presenting himself as the old hand at consensus building, and as the real face of bipartisan politics.



Fragamemnon said:
Haven't seen it posted yet (but this thread moves fast) :



McCain 48
Obama 46

Obama's got MO in the bag if those numbers are true for SUSA, IMO.

Lamonster probably has better insight to this, but I think Obama is doing alot better than Kerry in urban areas, but he is doing alot worse in rual areas here. That being said, I think there's 6 counties that if Obama carries, he could win the state with just those.
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