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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
StoOgE said:
Yes, but at least Bush thought he was doing the right thing, as terrible a fucking president as he may have been.

McCain just fucked us and he knows it, and he did it as a political ploy. The backfire is going to be gigantic.

Like Chris Matthews said last night, how would you like 4 or 8 years of razzle dazzle shit popping out of nowhere? There is no rhyme or reason as to what this campaign does.


The debate better not be rescheduled. McCain doesn't fucking get to decide when the debate can take place.

Can McCain be declared ineligible for the election if he skips the debates or is the debate an "optional" thing in reality?


MIMIC said:
The debate better not be rescheduled. McCain doesn't fucking get to decide when the debate can take place.

Can McCain be declared ineligible for the election if he skips the debates or is the debate an "optional" thing in reality?



First tragedy, then farce.
Diablos said:
We do not know this for sure. Wait a few days.

Every single cable chanel spent an hour debating if McCain's stunt shut down this process.

80% of the populace wants a bailout per Gallup.

This backfire is going to be epic. McCain doubled down on looking like a champ with his stunt, and it blew up in his face.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Chris Matthews said:
It is a tricky time, with the war and especially with the economy. People usually look at current conditions when they decide how to vote. Every time we do that these days, people reach for that default button and they say, “We‘re changing parties.”

John McCain is in trouble every time conditions prevail. And that‘s when he pulls a razzle-dazzle. McCain calls this move when he sees the voter going back to the default button.

“Fire Chris Cox!” “Bring in Gov. Palin!" “Call off the first night of the Republican convention!” Anything that changes the situation away from that default button where people naturally say, “When one administration fails, when one party fails, you try the other one.”

We saw it again when he called Wednesday night calling for a delay of the debates, “I‘m not going to the debates.”

That‘s true north politically and every time McCain sees our compass going to that, he goes, “Shake the compass up. Don‘t let them see that. That arrow points to the Democrats.”

How would you like eight years of razzle-dazzle?

I think people like predictability and pattern and they like to see a philosophy carried out. They like to see some sort of, well, he used the word himself, “mission.” Are we going to extend the role or expand the role of the public sector? Are we going to reclaim the balance this country once had between public and private enterprise? Will we bring back the role that government has always played in energy development, in transportation, in education, in regulation? Are we going to regain the balance we had before the ‘80s? That is a pattern and that is, in fact, a mission. I think that‘s Barack Obama's mission.

What‘s McCain's? So far, razzle-dazzle.

Gary Whitta said:
I have a bunch of unfinished (even unstarted) games to play through. Let the era of frugal gaming begin!

I don't even have a backlog!!!!

I should have known better. Stock up while the economy is good and play after I get laid off.

And to think I used to laugh at all the ridiculous backlog threads... I guess they all had the last laugh :(
RubxQub said:
Top 10 Surpising Facts About Sarah Palin (presented by residents of Wasilla):

10. Sometimes Sarah calls John McCain "Grandpa"
9. She stole that sexy librarian look, from me (some random dude)
8. Recently passed legislation to build a bridge to funky town.
7. Does great impressions of Tina Fey
6. Favorite Meal: Moose Nuggets and Beaver Jerky
5. Working on a "Knight rider" spin-off about a talking snow-mobile
4. Favorite Book: "The Late Show: Fun Facts" (letterman book plug)
3. Once spent a week in the hospital after attempting to put lipstick on a pitbull
2. To improve her foreign policy experience, she recently when to the international house of pancakes.
1. Only person I know who's not afraid to go hunting with Dick Cheney.


Fuck that was bad.
That was funny.


Now, people are really seeing my concern over Mcinsane getting elected. I'm not looking like chicken little anymore. You're starting to see his irrational pattern of behavior on display, as he handily crushes sound reasoning under a mantra of maverickness. This guy thinks he's Presidential Rambo... He can waltz in office, do whatever's in his gut, and things will work out. On the verge of a deal being worked out, we have McCain come in and decide to play presidential politics, and what do you know? The deal collapses. Yeah, that's country first. Oh yeah, you want to know another country first? Picking Sarah Palin. She's so bad, that some of the brainwashed amongst the republicans are calling KATIE COURIC sexist because Palin bombs on even basic questions. And the thing is, HE'S NOT EVEN IN OFFICE and he's already hurting the nation.

If this guy is voted in office, I'm getting out of America. We're just getting a taste of what 'the maverick' has to offer. At least Bush was backed by some intelligence, albeit a sinister sort in Cheney. McCain? Watch the Couric interview. Anyone who will be voting for this 'maverick' are willingly tying Lady Liberty onto the train tracks, leaving her to await decimation at the hands of the straight lies express.

I know some of you may be lifelong republicans or have some other reason have a strong affiliation with the republican party. I'm asking you to put aside this game of partisan football, and seriously look at the actions of John McCain. Even if you can't bring yourself to vote for the Democratic candidate in Obama, please do NOT vote for McCain. I urge you to stay home or to vote for Barr or Paul instead.
I just realised something. McCain wanted to be the only one invited to be at the meeting with the dems and paulson and bush but Bush personally invited Obama as well to the meeting. I have a sense he knows Obama can help him pass some sort of Bailout where as he knows McCain will try and add further deregulation and screw the economy further screwing his legacy. At this time all bush has is protecting his legacy. Iraq has destroyed it, so has katrina so if Bush can save the economy he will be known as the President who did just that.


kevm3 said:
Now, people are really seeing my concern over Mcinsane getting elected. I'm not looking like chicken little anymore. You're starting to see his irrational pattern of behavior on display, as he handily crushes sound reasoning under a mantra of maverickness. This guy thinks he's Presidential Rambo... He can waltz in office, do whatever's in his gut, and things will work out. On the verge of a deal being worked out, we have McCain come in and decide to play presidential politics, and what do you know? The deal collapses. Yeah, that's country first. Oh yeah, you want to know another country first? Picking Sarah Palin. She's so bad, that some of the brainwashed amongst the republicans are calling KATIE COURIC sexist because Palin bombs on even basic questions. And the thing is, HE'S NOT EVEN IN OFFICE and he's already hurting the nation.

If this guy is voted in office, I'm getting out of America. We're just getting a taste of what 'the maverick' has to offer. At least Bush was backed by some intelligence, albeit a sinister sort in Cheney. McCain? Watch the Couric interview. Anyone who will be voting for this 'maverick' are willingly tying Lady Liberty onto the train tracks, leaving her to await decimation at the hands of the straight lies express.

kevm3 said:
If this guy is voted in office, I'm getting out of America. We're just getting a taste of what 'the maverick' has to offer. At least Bush was backed by some intelligence, albeit a sinister sort in Cheney. McCain? Watch the Couric interview. Anyone who will be voting for this 'maverick' are willingly tying Lady Liberty onto the train tracks, leaving her to await decimation at the hands of the straight lies express.
Yeah the Bush years are going to be seem like a golden age if the Maverick gets in.

BRB gotta go make sure my British passport is still current...


Sharp said:
It's okay because they're the bad guys. We're practically a collective Robin Hood.
I'm just saying, if the world has decided that socialism is the way to go, why jump straight to the violence.


It's incomprehensible to me that the debate is to be held tomorrow and we literally have no idea at this point if McCain will show up. That's pretty short notice.
Fatalah said:
Where can I see Selzer's latest electoral map?

With her turnout assumptions and polling, it's Kerry + every swing state for Obama. Except maybe Montana and ND. It's an electoral rout, and one I am starting to believe in given the erratic McCain behavior of the last 48 hours and the GOP suicide squad in the House.


artredis1980 said:
I just realised something. McCain wanted to be the only one invited to be at the meeting with the dems and paulson and bush but Bush personally invited Obama as well to the meeting. I have a sense he knows Obama can help him pass some sort of Bailout where as he knows McCain will try and add further deregulation and screw the economy further screwing his legacy. At this time all bush has is protecting his legacy. Iraq has destroyed it, so has katrina so if Bush can save the economy he will be known as the President who did just that.

Rove doesn't like McCain, so I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was advised to prevent McCain from doing whatever the fuck it is that he was trying to do.

BTW what is that site where people "bid" on the election results, war with Iran, etc.? I forgot the URL.


Gary Whitta said:
Yeah the Bush years are going to be seem like a golden age if the Maverick gets in.

BRB gotta go make sure my British passport is still current...
Except McCain won't have a free pass with everything like Bush did for so long.

Worst case scenario for Democrats is a gain of seats in the House and Senate. McCain will have no choice but to work with them.

Now, Democrats losing their majority status in either the House OR Senate with McCain as President would be a very scary thing indeed.

Of course, a President Obama in the White House, obviously, is much better than any of that.
Zeliard said:
It's incomprehensible to me that the debate is to be held tomorrow and we literally have no idea at this point if McCain will show up. That's pretty short notice.
Don't candidates typically block out quite a bit of time for debate prep? Presuming McCain is foregoing that in favor of this economic savior pantomime act, he's going to be unprepared if he does in fact show up.

I guess they could squeeze in some prep sessions in downtime when McCain isn't doing this financial charade, but doesn't he need that spare time for naps etc? If he does show up he's either going to show up poorly prepped or very very tired.


First tragedy, then farce.
Zeliard said:
It's incomprehensible to me that the debate is to be held tomorrow and we literally have no idea at this point if McCain will show up. That's pretty short notice.

It sounds like its going to be nothing but Obama for 90 minutes.

Way to give your opponent 90 minutes of free air time on EVERY NETWORK AT ONCE.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Diablos said:
Except McCain won't have a free pass with everything like Bush did for so long.

Worst case scenario for Democrats is a gain of seats in the House and Senate. McCain will have no choice but to work with them.

Now, Democrats losing their majority status in either the House OR Senate with McCain as President would be a very scary thing indeed.

Of course, a President Obama in the White House, obviously, is much better than any of that.

You forgot that we have to worry about President Palin, which will happen for at least a few days in the next four years should McCain be elected.


Gary Whitta said:
Don't candidates typically block out quite a bit of time for debate prep? Presuming McCain is foregoing that in favor of this economic savior pantomime act, he's going to be unprepared if he does in fact show up.

I guess they could squeeze in some prep sessions in downtime when McCain isn't doing this financial charade, but doesn't he need that spare time for naps etc? If he does show up he's either going to show up poorly prepped or very very tired.

Yah, McCain's still been doing his debate prep, just not labeled as such on the schedule. Obama's schedule was also messed up by Bush requesting the meeting.
StoOgE said:
I just want to say this again now that I have had like 4 shots and beer (thanks ex girlfriend who knew I would be flipping my shit over this!)

Dear John McCain:

1) Go fuck yourself with your stubby little arms.
2) How about you go be a maverick and actually take a fucking positon on this instead of being a giant vag.
3) Tell the house republicans that there stupid fucking idea is not going to hold muster.
4) You just put the nations largest savings and loan out of business by killing this bill for another day. Congrats. How about you apologize to all of my old coworkers who are going to be looking for a job you selfish asshole. I know people who are now out of work and will have a hard time finding a job just so you can be a Maverick. Please, See number 1 again.
5) You may not notice is right now, but PoliGAF just gave you a 2000 dollar fuck you tonight, and my guess is people all over the country are doing the same thing.

Look, right now I am 100% certain McCain has destroyed his presidential asperations. Today ruined it. Its done. He will not and can not recover from this. Ever single pundit and ever single economist will come out and blame him for this, and rightfully so.

My concern right now is our economy is completely fucked for the next few years and Obama is going to be in a hard position to correct it as president.
OK, that got me to donate more. :lol


get some go again
Zeliard said:
It's incomprehensible to me that the debate is to be held tomorrow and we literally have no idea at this point if McCain will show up. That's pretty short notice.
maybe he wants to make a surprise appearance after everybody thinks he isn't showing? imagine them turning off the lights and all of a sudden there is a huge spotlight on the door and mccain comes in with the court of the crimson king playing in the background.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
StoOgE said:
It sounds like its going to be nothing but Obama for 90 minutes.

Way to give your opponent 90 minutes of free air time on EVERY NETWORK AT ONCE.


I doubt it will be aired unless Obama has something very interesting to say.
Selzer is spot on about youth's screening their calls. I screen all of my calls. All of my friends are the same. If a number is unrecognizable, we let the voicemail take care of it.


Zefah said:
I doubt it will be aired unless Obama has something very interesting to say.
It's on a ton of networks and colleges/universities fight tooth and nail for this stuff. No way anyone cancels this


Zefah said:
I doubt it will be aired unless Obama has something very interesting to say.

It is definitely happening. I personally think JSA will do a last minute pop-in, but if he does not, Obama will get free unopposed national airtime.
avatar299 said:
It's on a ton of networks and colleges/universities fight tooth and nail for this stuff. No way anyone cancels this

Yeah, McCain will be there. You don't diss Ol' Miss in Mississippi. Unless you are a Bulldog or Golden Eagle, of course. ;)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Where are JayDubya and all the other pro-McCain gaffers? I would like to hear what they have about the current situation.


smurfx said:
maybe he wants to make a surprise appearance after everybody thinks he isn't showing? imagine them turning off the lights and all of a sudden there is a huge spotlight on the door and mccain comes in with the court of the crimson king playing in the background.

I like King Crimson so I am giving this plan my stamp of approval. McCain, do us proud!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well that is awesome that it will be aired no matter what. I'm sure the University that hosts it and the state it is in will be pissed if McCain doesn't show up. Didn't they say that McCain's absence would cost them upwards of 5.5 million dollars or something?


Zefah said:
Where are JayDubya and all the other pro-McCain gaffers? I would like to hear what they have about the current situation.

JayDub is not pro-McCain and is probably ecstatic this bailout isn't happening.
Tamanon said:
JayDub is not pro-McCain and is probably ecstatic this bailout isn't happening.
I understand almost nothing about economics, but from everything I've seen and read recently, doesn't the bailout HAVE to happen in some form? Isn't the current debate simply about in what form the bailout passes, not whether or not it should, because if it doesn't we're facing all-out economic catastrophe?
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