It is a tricky time, with the war and especially with the economy. People usually look at current conditions when they decide how to vote. Every time we do that these days, people reach for that default button and they say, Were changing parties.
John McCain is in trouble every time conditions prevail. And thats when he pulls a razzle-dazzle. McCain calls this move when he sees the voter going back to the default button.
Fire Chris Cox! Bring in Gov. Palin!" Call off the first night of the Republican convention! Anything that changes the situation away from that default button where people naturally say, When one administration fails, when one party fails, you try the other one.
We saw it again when he called Wednesday night calling for a delay of the debates, Im not going to the debates.
Thats true north politically and every time McCain sees our compass going to that, he goes, Shake the compass up. Dont let them see that. That arrow points to the Democrats.
How would you like eight years of razzle-dazzle?
I think people like predictability and pattern and they like to see a philosophy carried out. They like to see some sort of, well, he used the word himself, mission. Are we going to extend the role or expand the role of the public sector? Are we going to reclaim the balance this country once had between public and private enterprise? Will we bring back the role that government has always played in energy development, in transportation, in education, in regulation? Are we going to regain the balance we had before the 80s? That is a pattern and that is, in fact, a mission. I think thats Barack Obama's mission.
Whats McCain's? So far, razzle-dazzle.