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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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The only way this could end up working out for McCain is if this was his plan all along. Show up, shut down the process for a day, then come back Friday to score a touchdown with no time left on the clock. He rides the wave of success into the debate, taking credit for finishing the process (That he himself was responsible for shutting down).

Otherwise, it's lights out for McCan't.


Gary Whitta said:
Congressional meetings to resume tomorrow at 11:30am? Good to know they're getting an early start! Your tax dollars at work!
And the debate starts at 6:00. Give a couple hours of travel, and McCain needs to rebuild a deal from scratch by 4:00 in order to get to the debate. Unless he's going back on his word, that is.
WickedAngel said:
The only way this could end up working out for McCain is if this was his plan all along. Show up, shut down the process for a day, then come back Friday to score a touchdown with no time left on the clock. He rides the wave of success into the debate, taking credit for finishing the process (That he himself was responsible for shutting down).

Otherwise, it's lights out for McCan't.

That would be crucifying every member of the GOP that stood against the bill.
Son of Godzilla said:

That would be crucifying every member of the GOP that stood against the bill.

You think he gives a shit anymore? His entire campaign has been run on spur on illogical, impulsive decisions.

They come out and support the old measures, saying that the old measures are ones that they had just suggested that day. The truth doesn't matter to them anymore.


devilhawk said:
Thank you. The few conservatives and independents on GAF get overwhelmed when 1/2 the page is useless pro-Obama rhetoric (meaning for example "Oh man Maddow just pwned McCain lolol). I don't disagree with the bailout but I feel it must come with provisions out the ass that guarantee the tax payer or else no deal. A lot of conservatives here hate what Bush has done specifically with the economic bailouts. It is kind of a damned if you do or don't situation. I think we need to plan for the best possible deal before just throwing 700 billion at private companies.

FWIW, I've been a Libertopian till very recently and have very different opinions from my fellow Obama-GAFfers on a lot of stuff, like gun control and the gold standard.

My first instinct to King Hank's demand for a blank cheque was "fuck no, let the bastards burn". Sadly, a lot of innocent people will be completely fucked over if that happens. Yes, we'll liquidate all the misallocated funds and wipe the slate clean, but I think the collateral damage will be unacceptable. So we need to keep banking alive somehow, so things don't completely go to shit.

What I don't want though (as has been said), is for Wall St. to get a good deal. They fucked up royally, and if they want our money, they'll get it, but on the shittiest possible terms. We should get hefty chunks of equity in exchange for what we put up, and we absolutely shouldn't have to overpay for balance sheets full of toxic waste for "assets".


StoOgE said:
Actually all of those were from me and I'm a chartered financial analyst and am a registered securities principle, so I should probably be taken more seriously than anyone else on the forum.
Whoa, hey! I'm seeing a potential violation of Section VII(B) of the Codes and Standards!


First tragedy, then farce.
Incognito said:
You all getting together to watch the debate? I'm a short drive away and the debate parties down here are mehhh.

Macam and I are going to Alamo on South Lamar I think.

I just bought a 5 dollar ticket from www.originalalamo.com, its not even really a ticket its a 5 dollar food voucher.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
WickedAngel said:
The only way this could end up working out for McCain is if this was his plan all along. Show up, shut down the process for a day, then come back Friday to score a touchdown with no time left on the clock. He rides the wave of success into the debate, taking credit for finishing the process (That he himself was responsible for shutting down).

Otherwise, it's lights out for McCan't.

less regulation isn't going in. That cuts at Obama's message of regulation.
Agent Icebeezy said:
less regulation isn't going in. That cuts at Obama's message of regulation.

I wasn't saying it would happen. I was saying that was the only scenario that would allow McCain to spin this positively.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cyan said:
Whoa, hey! I'm seeing a potential violation of Section VII(B) of the Codes and Standards!



I dont know what that article is, Im gonna have to google it

Oh, I didnt break that. GAF is full of idiots, truth is truth :lol
If at this point, after 8 years of having a "compassionate conservative" in the White House hasn't taught you anything about what the Republican party is really all about, then you have no hope.

I've been alive for 27 years and "aware" of politics for two presidencies: 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Bush. All I can go by is what I've observed in my lifetime and what I've seen is that the Republican approach to government -- a supposedly "conservative" approach -- has failed massively.

Fuck the theories and fuck Reagonomics. I've followed politics for two presidencies with my own eyes and I've seen for myself the difference in philosophy and, most importantly, the difference in results. Seriously, fuck the theories. Fuck the philosophy. Look at the goddamn results for crying out loud. Look at the results. The Republicans had control of the Executive branch and the Legislative branch for 6 of the last 8 years. Let's not forget that 7 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices are Republican appointments. Look at the results that has lead us to. Just forget everything else -- forget the theories -- and look at the fucking results.

If by "conservative" you mean Bush, then I just don't know what to say. If, after all of the evidence provided here by GAF and all of the information provided on the Net, you still think that the Republicans represent the "conservative" view, then I don't know what to say since they've been anything but from a financial standpoint. If, even after all of the evidence, Libertarians still want to believe that the unbridled free market works, then I don't know what to say. All I know is that some of you guys really need to reevaluate your positions and stop grasping for some ideology that doesn't exist in the party that you support.

I don't understand how any person can look at the results that they've seen over the last 16 years and say that the Republicans have done a better job of guiding this country. I DON'T SEE HOW IT'S POSSIBLE.
devilhawk said:
I don't disagree with the bailout but I feel it must come with provisions out the ass that guarantee the tax payer or else no deal. A lot of conservatives here hate what Bush has done specifically with the economic bailouts. It is kind of a damned if you do or don't situation. I think we need to plan for the best possible deal before just throwing 700 billion at private companies.

That's what we were getting.

Look, fella, Dems aren't too happy with any of this, either. It's our god damn money, too. This burdens all of us.

The bill was going to get everything you just mentioned, but McCain swooped in and napalmed it. The Republicans in the Senate did a good job, no doubt. It's the House Republicans.

Again, hardcore socialism like this scares them. It should scare us, too. But there's nothing else for it. None. We can hash out the details later, but this is one gash the free market can't heal on its own.

That's what government is there for; to complement big business. They don't have to be at odds.


Master of the Google Search
FlightOfHeaven said:
That's what we were getting.

Look, fella, Dems aren't too happy with any of this, either. It's our god damn money, too. This burdens all of us.

The bill was going to get everything you just mentioned, but McCain swooped in and napalmed it. The Republicans in the Senate did a good job, no doubt. It's the House Republicans.

Again, hardcore socialism like this scares them. It should scare us, too. But there's nothing else for it. None. We can hash out the details later, but this is one gash the free market can't heal on its own.

That's what government is there for; to complement big business. They don't have to be at odds.

McCain bringing Presidential politics to the meetings certainly didn't help (and probably greatly hindered) however lets get our facts straight, it is the House Republicans that are causing all the trouble. One would have ever thought that one day the Democrats, the Bush administration and the Senate Republicans together would be facing off the House Republicans


StoOgE said:


I dont know what that article is, Im gonna have to google it

Oh, I didnt break that. GAF is full of idiots, truth is truth :lol
:lol Yeah, true enough.

I'm studying right now, so I happened to have it in front of me. ;)


First tragedy, then farce.
grandjedi6 said:
McCain bringing Presidential politics to the meetings certainly didn't help (and probably greatly hindered) however lets get our facts straight, it is the House Republicans that are causing all the trouble. You would have ever thought that one day the Democrats, the Bush administration and the Senate Republicans together would be facing off the House Republicans

McCain appears to have at least brought up the house republicans plan in the meeting at the whitehouse.


WickedAngel said:
You think he gives a shit anymore? His entire campaign has been run on spur on illogical, impulsive decisions.

They come out and support the old measures, saying that the old measures are ones that they had just suggested that day. The truth doesn't matter to them anymore.




Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
McCain appears to have at least brought up the house republicans plan in the meeting at the whitehouse.
and there are also reports that Obama brought it up too. Neither man is stupid and both spent the day talking around capital hill. They both at least had an inkling of what the House Republicans were about to do.


grandjedi6 said:
McCain bringing Presidential politics to the meetings certainly didn't help (and probably greatly hindered) however lets get our facts straight, it is the House Republicans that are causing all the trouble. One would have ever thought that one day the Democrats, the Bush administration and the Senate Republicans together would be facing off the House Republicans

Avg Senate Republican:

Avg House Republican:

This is actually not so surprising.
devilhawk said:
I think most conservatives have been reluctant about the whole bailout idea from the beginning. So was a lot of PoliGAF, but changed their tune - being blind followers. Really hard to take anyone seriously when their criticisms of not doing the bailout include "fuck you," stubby armed," giant vag," and "selfish asshole." But please continue.
It seems he works at WaMu and was fueled with several shots, so ignore the profanity .
GhaleonEB said:
And the debate starts at 6:00. Give a couple hours of travel, and McCain needs to rebuild a deal from scratch by 4:00 in order to get to the debate. Unless he's going back on his word, that is.

it's 9pm eastern when it starts... that gives mccain another 3 hours of pure rebuilding!


First tragedy, then farce.
grandjedi6 said:
and there are also reports that Obama brought it up too. Neither man is stupid and both spent the day talking around capital hill. They both at least had an inkling of what the House Republicans were about to do.

but the reports are it may have been the only thing that McCain said, and he refuses to back the Paulson plan.

Obama brought it up after McCain did, and only to ask Paulson if anything about that plan was workable. Paulson said it wasnt.

McCain has at least given the house republicans a good deal of cover to work with.

This is the house republicans fault, but McCain is enabling them.


Master of the Google Search
Xisiqomelir said:
Avg Senate Republican:

Avg House Republican:

This is actually not so surprising.[/QUOTE]

Senate Republicans for the most part have to worry about getting both liberal and conservative voters to support them to some degree. After 2006 most of the House Republicans left are extremists themselves who are guarenteed reelection in their highly conservative districts. And people wish both chambers were elected like the house, sheesh!


First tragedy, then farce.
speculawyer said:
It seems he works at WaMu and was fueled with several shots, so ignore the profanity .

Use to work there. And yeah, Im pretty upset. Here in Austin they are going to have to close down most of the branches, which means most of my old coworkers are gonna get the ax.


So if the Dems control both houses, and as far as I can tell the Senate Republicans are with them, why don't they just say fuck it to the whole majority of the minority thing, pass their bill, and leave Bush with the choice of screwing over the House Republicans or screwing over the nation with a veto. He may be Bush, but he still knows what's at stake here, and is more concerned with legacy than anything else. He won't take any risk of letting the economy fall to please the House Republicans. He'd sign the Democratic proposal, even without a majority of Republicans behind it.


Small balls, big fun!
Yeah, it really looks like the House GOP was operating with McCain's assent.

He certainly didn't go up to bat for the Paulson plan and his "there was no agreement" press release basically echoes the House Republicans. Looks very much like he's letting them do the dirty work, though I'm not sure what his planned endgame is.


Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
but the reports are it may have been the only thing that McCain said, and he refuses to back the Paulson plan.

Obama brought it up after McCain did, and only to ask Paulson if anything about that plan was workable. Paulson said it wasnt.

McCain has at least given the house republicans a good deal of cover to work with.

This is the house republicans fault, but McCain is enabling them.
Oh of course. McCain should have gone in there and twisted/protected the House's arms into supporting the bill. But instead he just stood around and possibly even deluded them into thinking he supported them. Normally its the Minority leader you takes care of the arm twisting but Boehner is the core of the problem. Makes one almost miss Delay


First tragedy, then farce.
Iksenpets said:
So if the Dems control both houses, and as far as I can tell the Senate Republicans are with them, why don't they just say fuck it to the whole majority of the minority thing, pass their bill, and leave Bush with the choice of screwing over the House Republicans or screwing over the nation with a veto. He may be Bush, but he still knows what's at stake here, and is more concerned with legacy than anything else. He won't take any risk of letting the economy fall to please the House Republicans. He'd sign the Democratic proposal, even without a majority of Republicans behind it.

because, if it isnt a truly bipartisan bill the democrats are going to get blamed for the bill, and everyone realizes that this isnt going to go over well, but it is necessary.


Mandark said:
Yeah, it really looks like the House GOP was operating with McCain's assent.

He certainly didn't go up to bat for the Paulson plan and his "there was no agreement" press release basically echoes the House Republicans. Looks very much like he's letting them do the dirty work, though I'm not sure what his planned endgame is.
And he probably didn't take into account that the dems could fight back. It would be a safe bet, I know they haven't yet, but there is that slim chance.
grandjedi6 said:
McCain bringing Presidential politics to the meetings certainly didn't help (and probably greatly hindered) however lets get our facts straight, it is the House Republicans that are causing all the trouble. One would have ever thought that one day the Democrats, the Bush administration and the Senate Republicans together would be facing off the House Republicans

StoOgE said:
McCain has at least given the house republicans a good deal of cover to work with.

This is the house republicans fault, but McCain is enabling them.

What I was going to say. He's providing cover, purposefully or not, for them to pull this. It's ridiculous.


Incognito said:
You all getting together to watch the debate? I'm a short drive away and the debate parties down here are mehhh.

C'mon down if you want. I'm just aiming to go to the South Lamar Drafthouse to catch the debates. Just give yourself a bit leeway since Austin City Limits will likely clog things up a bit. Check your PMs shortly.

StoOgE said:
Macam and I are going to Alamo on South Lamar I think.

I just bought a 5 dollar ticket from www.originalalamo.com, its not even really a ticket its a 5 dollar food voucher.

I didn't even know they had that. I'll have to find out if they even require anything to get in given that it's free, but it's good to know.


First tragedy, then farce.
grandjedi6 said:
Oh of course. McCain should have gone in there and twisted/protected the House's arms into supporting the bill. But instead he just stood around and possibly even deluded them into thinking he supported them. Normally its the Minority leader you takes care of the arm twisting but Boehner is the core of the problem. Makes one almost miss Delay

pretty much the case. The house republicans are being idiots and McCain isnt doing much about it/ kinda sorta not really backing them.


Small balls, big fun!
Republicans in the House can't get the troops in line like they did in Delay's day because their whole strategy was predicated on being the majority.

Without control of Congress they can't force lobbyists to act as an arm of the party, nor can they use committee assignments and pork spending as cudgels against recalcitrant Representatives. 2006 smashed all the levers of power the House GOP leadership had over its members.
So all this talk we've been hearing from McCain during the campaign about how he'll reach across the aisle to bring Dems and Repubs together and get stuff done? How's that working out?
Cloudy said:
Seriously, they better not let it pass tomorrow. Make McCain look like a jackass. I just hope it's not a meltdown in the market on Monday :\

Well I hope they hash it out over the weekend. Some members have already indicated they're willing to do this. Hopefully that will prevent market meltdown on Monday.

Stall tomorrow, cut the deal over the weekend.


CharlieDigital said:
If at this point, after 8 years of having a "compassionate conservative" in the White House hasn't taught you anything about what the Republican party is really all about, then you have no hope.

I've been alive for 27 years and "aware" of politics for two presidencies: 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Bush. All I can go by is what I've observed in my lifetime and what I've seen is that the Republican approach to government -- a supposedly "conservative" approach -- has failed massively.

Fuck the theories and fuck Reagonomics. I've followed politics for two presidencies with my own eyes and I've seen for myself the difference in philosophy and, most importantly, the difference in results. Seriously, fuck the theories. Fuck the philosophy. Look at the goddamn results for crying out loud. Look at the results. The Republicans had control of the Executive branch and the Legislative branch for 6 of the last 8 years. Let's not forget that 7 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices are Republican appointments. Look at the results that has lead us to. Just forget everything else -- forget the theories -- and look at the fucking results.

If by "conservative" you mean Bush, then I just don't know what to say. If, after all of the evidence provided here by GAF and all of the information provided on the Net, you still think that the Republicans represent the "conservative" view, then I don't know what to say since they've been anything but from a financial standpoint. If, even after all of the evidence, Libertarians still want to believe that the unbridled free market works, then I don't know what to say. All I know is that some of you guys really need to reevaluate your positions and stop grasping for some ideology that doesn't exist in the party that you support.

I don't understand how any person can look at the results that they've seen over the last 16 years and say that the Republicans have done a better job of guiding this country. I DON'T SEE HOW IT'S POSSIBLE.
It's simple. You don't pay attention to the last 16 years and listen to stories about boogymen.


Iksenpets said:
So if the Dems control both houses, and as far as I can tell the Senate Republicans are with them, why don't they just say fuck it to the whole majority of the minority thing, pass their bill, and leave Bush with the choice of screwing over the House Republicans or screwing over the nation with a veto. He may be Bush, but he still knows what's at stake here, and is more concerned with legacy than anything else. He won't take any risk of letting the economy fall to please the House Republicans. He'd sign the Democratic proposal, even without a majority of Republicans behind it.

The problem isn't votes. The senate is an easy 80+ "for" vote so far, from the information we have.

The House can pass it with a straight party line vote.

BUT the problem is political cover for the House Democrats. This could be deadly for them.

They might have to do that though. Save the country, and lose the House majority.


CharlieDigital said:
If at this point, after 8 years of having a "compassionate conservative" in the White House hasn't taught you anything about what the Republican party is really all about, then you have no hope.

I've been alive for 27 years and "aware" of politics for two presidencies: 8 years of Clinton and 8 years of Bush. All I can go by is what I've observed in my lifetime and what I've seen is that the Republican approach to government -- a supposedly "conservative" approach -- has failed massively.

Fuck the theories and fuck Reagonomics. I've followed politics for two presidencies with my own eyes and I've seen for myself the difference in philosophy and, most importantly, the difference in results. Seriously, fuck the theories. Fuck the philosophy. Look at the goddamn results for crying out loud. Look at the results. The Republicans had control of the Executive branch and the Legislative branch for 6 of the last 8 years. Let's not forget that 7 of the 9 SCOTUS Justices are Republican appointments. Look at the results that has lead us to. Just forget everything else -- forget the theories -- and look at the fucking results.

If by "conservative" you mean Bush, then I just don't know what to say. If, after all of the evidence provided here by GAF and all of the information provided on the Net, you still think that the Republicans represent the "conservative" view, then I don't know what to say since they've been anything but from a financial standpoint. If, even after all of the evidence, Libertarians still want to believe that the unbridled free market works, then I don't know what to say. All I know is that some of you guys really need to reevaluate your positions and stop grasping for some ideology that doesn't exist in the party that you support.

I don't understand how any person can look at the results that they've seen over the last 16 years and say that the Republicans have done a better job of guiding this country. I DON'T SEE HOW IT'S POSSIBLE.
Way too many assumptions. I understand your view and that you are calling them as you see them. Yet, as you admit, you haven't seen everything. One sentence you argue that republicans are not fiscal conservatives because there plan hasn't been free market. The next sentence is an assumption about how the free market couldn't possibly work. You are too busy taking shots to realize what you are shooting at.

First, the current market is not a free market. The free market has never been tested. We might not have been in this situation if there was a more free market. There wouldn't have even been a freddie and fannie in a totally free market. It could be argued that part of the sub prime crisis would have been avoided with less regulation. I am not against regulation, but we must be careful

The republicans or neocons are not fiscal conservatives. Bush and Clinton were not fiscal conservatives. The only thing you have proof of is that neoconseravtives haven't worked.


I may be confused here, but as far as I know, the majority party has absolute power in the house of representatives, so basically, the democrats should be able to pass this if they want to.

If they really believe it's important for the country and they refuse to bring it to the floor because they're afraid of the political consequences of letting the republicans vote against it, that would be highly immoral. That's politics at it's worst.

And for the record, I'm too much of a libertarian to favor this bill. A recent article by Ron Paul on cnn has turned me against it completley. The consequences for not doing something might be horrible in the short term, but it looks possible to me that the consequences of acting might be worse in the long term. It's time for our country to stop making all decisions based on short term concerns. Maybe we go through a 5 year recession with job losses and all sorts of catastrophe, but maybe 20 years from now, we have a stronger economy as a result and our children can benefit from that.
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