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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Junior Member
The Chosen One said:
Wow Morning Joe is being brutal to Palin. :lol

I was wondering how much play the Palin interview would get considering all the other things that are going on, but the media is still jumping on it.

Today Joe Scarbs is in full on objective analyst mode. Yesterday he was saying how patriotic McCain was for suspending his campaign. But now he's being more upfront on McCain's intentions and saying how he's possibly causing havoc (duh). Like I said yesterday, you never know what Scarbs you'll get in a given morning.

Absolutly true.. Scarbs woke up down the middle of the bed today apparently..

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Chosen One said:
Wow Morning Joe is being brutal to Palin. :lol

I was wondering how much play the Palin interview would get considering all the other things that are going on, but the media is still jumping on it.

Today Joe Scarbs is in full on objective analyst mode. Yesterday he was saying how patriotic McCain was for suspending his campaign. But now he's being more upfront on McCain's intentions and saying how he's possibly causing havoc (duh). Like I said yesterday, you never know what Scarbs you'll get in a given morning.

At least after the most recent interview there is no remaining doubt that Palin is, in fact, not too bright. Hopefully this will put an end to people crying about sexism when people call her an idiot.


bdizzle said:
I'm not big on economics but could someone answer some basic questions for me?

1) Where are we getting the 700B from? I'm guessing we don't just have over half a trillion dollars sitting around.
2) If the Fed doesn't already have the money on hand now to write this check, are they just gonna print the money out of thin air?
3) What taxes will be raised to get the 700B? Gas? Food? Video games? Hentai?
4) Is the world really gonna explode if we don't bail them out, or is this just more scare tactics?

EDIT: Forgot to ask the most important question

5) Is anyone going to prison for this? Are their assets being seized? If you're responsible for potentially bringing on the 2nd depression and costing the american people 700B, then someone should be getting ass fucked in prison because of it

1) We will borrow at pretty low interest rates (for now) and invest them into the securities, is there a risk we won't get our money back? Sure, that's why lawmakers are debating on the provisions of the bailout.

2) No money in hand, borrow borrow borrow, those nice shiny treasury bonds, t bills, I-bonds, saving bonds, TIPS etc.

3) If we have alot of losses on the assets we will have to square the hole somehow, probably income taxes on the rich if Dem in congress, or cut social spending if Repub in congress

4) If no bailout and we decide to let the chips fall as they may, then yeah probably, massive financial failures and massive contraction of money supply. Great Depression II Electric Bogalo.

5) Investigations are pending, FBI raided AIG Lehmans, Fannie Freddie already.


Zefah said:
At least after the most recent interview there is no remaining doubt that Palin is, in fact, not too bright. Hopefully this will put an end to people crying about sexism when people call her an idiot.
That will always exist just like the general attitude that you're racist if you don't vote for Obama. No matter who wins we're never going to hear the end of it.

I truthfully believe there's still enough of both going around.


Huzah said:
1) We will borrow at pretty low interest rates (for now) and invest them into the securities, is there a risk we won't get our money back? Sure, that's why lawmakers are debating on the provisions of the bailout.

2) No money in hand, borrow borrow borrow, those nice shiny treasury bonds, t bills, I-bonds, saving bonds, TIPS etc.

3) If we have alot of losses on the assets we will have to square the hole somehow, probably income taxes on the rich if Dem in congress, or cut social spending if Repub in congress

4) If no bailout and we decide to let the chips fall as they may, then yeah probably, massive financial failures and massive contraction of money supply. Great Depression II Electric Bogalo.

5) Investigations are pending, FBI raided AIG Lehmans, Fannie Freddie already.

Actually, #1 is that when the Fed spends any money (ever) they actually are creating brand new money. Because of the fantastic ability to transfer money without a bank note, it's never printed. This, however, is set off by an increase in the T-bonds made available and sold in order to stave off inflation. But it's rarely a purely 1:1 thing.


I think the media is really starting to come around and say, "Hey, we better stop playing these ratings games so much... We might actually have to DEAL with a McCain Palin presidency in the midst of a massive crisis."


Can we still for the record discuss how wildly batshit insane Republicans would be right now if a Democrat President was in charge and presiding over this mess?

If Bill Clinton were currently President, and all this shit was going down, every Republican in the country would be like this:



Is that from a porno?

True enough though, the Democrats have been relatively tame compared to the Republicans to that I give them credit.
kevm3 said:
I think the media is really starting to come around and say, "Hey, we better stop playing these ratings games so much... We might actually have to DEAL with a McCain Palin presidency in the midst of a massive crisis."

Yeah, it's not just the media too. I think quite a few moderate Republicans and Independents are starting to feel the same way. There's a Republican Op-Ed this morning that's saying Palin should step down. Beyond all the political gamesmanship, the candidates need to at least pass a basic threshold of competency on national and world issues. Palin seems like a nice interesting person, but she doesn't pass that threshold at all. Since she doesn't pass that threshold, she literally would be a detriment to our country if she ended being Commander in Chief. People are slowly starting to get scared shit-less about this possibility I think. We are not in a time of prosperity. We are in the middle of two wars and economic crises. Change is one thing. But giving the reigns over to a hockey mom with no worldview and knowledge of national issues is another thing.
BenjaminBirdie said:

"47 to 42, within the margin of error."


Yeah I saw that too. :lol

That poll went against their little narrative they were spouting about, so they said, "it's just about within the margin of error!". Nevermind Obama is 3 points shy of 50 and McCain is in the low 40s...


Mandark said:
True that. Shock therapy capitalism...

soul creator said:
naomi klein <3 <3

Is an incredibly stupid person, yes.

Drinky Crow said:
it's okay to be angry about people gettin' shit with money they didn't earn. but in this case, overwhelmingly demanding retribution against the folks with the bad mortgages and massive debt is a bit like blaming grandma when she gets defrauded -- sure, she's senile and stupid, but let's predominantly cast the blame on the guy with the greasy hair and the flashing smile who sold her the bad bill of goods, and to a lesser extent, the nurse that held the door open.

Grandma is liable for grandma's money unless someone else has been legally appointed to take over that role, which is something grandma could have done or one of her children could have legally initiated. In any event, we are not all "grandma's" keeper and she gets to make her own decisions.

The nurse is there on Grandma's dime, and she'd gladly shut the door if Grandma told her to. Of course, the nurse has just their one patient and doesn't run around shutting everyone's door like you apparently want "the nurse" to do.

Greasy hair man reaps what he sews when his practices lead to his own ruination.

Of course, in your little scenario, greasy hair man is defrauding; no such thing occurred in the real world event the model is based on. People took out loans they couldn't afford, and they shouldn't have; side-companies and side-projects tied to major banks gave out loans that weren't going to be paid back with interest when foreclosure and bankruptcy and other such fun things happened.

Lots more blame to go around there.
Just cause Naomi Klein shows that Libertopia is bullshit that only can be implemented halfway up the ass in crisis situations as a depository because it is, ironically, a half-assed philosophy doesn't mean you have to player hate.
Krugman's OpEd this morning is so on point.


So the grown-up thing is to do something to rescue the financial system. The big question is, are there any grown-ups around — and will they be able to take charge?

Congress balked [at the original bailout]. No government official should be entrusted with that kind of monarchical privilege, least of all an official belonging to the administration that misled America into war. Furthermore, Mr. Paulson’s track record is anything but reassuring: he was way behind the curve in appreciating the depth of the nation’s financial woes, and it’s partly his fault that we’ve reached the current moment of meltdown.

Mr. Paulson argued that he could solve this problem through “price discovery” — that once taxpayer funds had created a market for mortgage-related toxic waste, everyone would realize that the toxic waste is actually worth much more than it currently sells for, solving the capital problem. Never say never, I guess — but you don’t want to bet $700 billion on wishful thinking.

Furthermore, one non-rank-and-file Republican, Senator John McCain, is apparently playing spoiler. Earlier this week, while refusing to say whether he supported the Paulson plan, he claimed not to have had a chance to read it; the plan is all of three pages long. Then he inserted himself into the delicate negotiations over the Congressional plan, insisting on a White House meeting at which he reportedly said little — but during which consensus collapsed.

Funky Papa

syllogism said:
Another conservative commentator abandons Palin


Don't read the comments though
That's one of those advices like "don't click on that link, there's gross stuff behind it". I had to do it.

I will support any candidate that understands that God is in charge rather than an inside the beltway policrat that believes the Government is in charge.

Our country needs a strong non-politician with common sense not another used up brain dead souless policrat like Biden.

Edit: Holy fuck.

Seems Kathleen Parker believes that if Palin keeps going in this campaign that she could set conservative women back. I don't buy it, I do not trust Sarah Palins experience but I trust her judgment & that is what is important to me.
Obama's foreign policy experience is just as limited as Palin's but he would surround himself with quality advisors just as she would. As far as economic issues go, I would prefer a high school drop-out with limited understanding of a free market economy over a socialist.
Not Out Of Her League....
In a league of her own, Sarah Palin is. This is a silly column to post before Sarah's debate preformance. The test of our presidential nominees is Leadership. These leadership qualities are what ultimately cause voters to pull the lever, and likeability goes a long way.

We shall see if Palin preforms well, but even if it is a less than brilliant performance, she will still outshine the field, as the ONLY ONE WITH EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE.

Chin up Kathleen...it's a long way to November, with plenty of time for Obama to open his mouth and tell America what he really believes.

If we must lose, better we give the good fight with candidates of courage and class. McCain is fighting, and so is Sarah. You aren't allowed to give up until they do.

None of us are.
Subject: Whaaat?
What have you been smoking? I have found Sarah Palin to be highly intelligent, incisive, and articulate. One who can answer succinctly while realizing she's being interviewed by a biased, "gotcha" person/question. And all the while radiating authenticism, trust and honesty. Aah, that's what your problem is!!!??? You don't recognize honesty anymore. Not with all the drive-by-Media used to dealing with cynical, power-hungry, stab in the back mentalities. Maybe Sarah can give you a refresher course??
Wrong Again!!!
Having watched Reagan turn calif around then the whole country when the media said he didnt have enough experiance and didnt stand a chance of winning, I have watched Sarah Palin go against established politcos and win then cut taxes get corrupt politicos prosecuted and return money to the Alaska citizens. She is smart and Tough and will do what is best for the People of this country.
Actually, I change that to HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK.

I'd really like to believe that those nutjobs represent only a tiny part of the electorate.


venison crêpe
What time is the debate planned to start? I've got to convert it to GMT to work out when I need to wake up for it!


Wes said:
What time is the debate planned to start? I've got to convert it to GMT to work out when I need to wake up for it!

That was the plan for me too but I don't know if I'm going to set my alarm late Friday night for a debate that might not even take place ...
I hope we know early enough if McCain is going to be there.


venison crêpe
Thanks AniHawk.

Kildace said:
That was the plan for me too but I don't know if I'm going to set my alarm late Friday night for a debate that might not even take place ...
I hope we know early enough if McCain is going to be there.

Well if he doesn't show no doubt there'll be some very lively discussion going on in here and on the news shows which is enough for me to wake up for!
Kildace said:
That was the plan for me too but I don't know if I'm going to set my alarm late Friday night for a debate that might not even take place ...
I hope we know early enough if McCain is going to be there.
Either way, it's beneficial for Obama. Think about it: 90 minutes of him answers questions and explaining his policies.


Dax01 said:
Either way, it's beneficial for Obama. Think about it: 90 minutes of him answers questions and explaining his policies.

"My friends, I would have loved to debate Barack Obama, but I was goofing off and eating candy putting my country first."


Dax01 said:
Either way, it's beneficial for Obama. Think about it: 90 minutes of him answers questions and explaining his policies.

Oh I agree, but if it's just an extended Obama interview I could wait til the morning to see it.


JayDubya said:
Is an incredibly stupid person, yes.
She is neither a economist nor a historian, yet that shock doctrine book is popular for some reason.

I don't understand progressives. They espouse about their alleged intelligence, yet will listen and follow any idiot. Case in point John Kerry.

Just cause Naomi Klein shows that Libertopia is bullshit that only can be implemented halfway up the ass in crisis situations as a depository because it is, ironically, a half-assed philosophy doesn't mean you have to player hate.
Yet you probably live in the most libertarian country in the world.:lol
AniHawk said:
"My friends, I would have loved to debate Barack Obama, but I was goofing off and eating candy putting my country first."

Mmm. Candy... Uh, I mean, WTF MCCAIN!

Kildace said:
Oh I agree, but if it's just an extended Obama interview I could wait til the morning to see it.
Too true, but then you would miss all that shall be had in the PoliGAF during the "debate."


Junior Member
Btw could Droopy oh sorry Liberman stop hovering over McCains privates for 1 freaking second. Shesh during his MSNBC interview it sounded as if McCain was Moses coming to part the red sea.


lopaz said:
... whose financial system is imploding taking the rest of the world with it?
thanks to a quagmire of government intervention, lack of evolving regulation, stupidity and yes greed.

Everyone is to blame for this


Junior Member
Erin Burnet just went apeshit on MSNBC, and pretty much said that the markets will open with a sharp dive.

McCain I guess it didn't work out as you thought.... Better fix the mess you made and fast.

Oh and btw.. Anything that Erin Burnett says cannot be criticized, she is just THAT HOT!


avatar299 said:
thanks to a quagmire of government intervention, lack of evolving regulation, stupidity and yes greed.

Everyone is to blame for this
Alright, I'm not going to get into it much since I don't really know shit, I just thought it was kinda odd evoking America as a shining example of libertarianism in practise given all this malarkey :p


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I really wish that I could have stayed home all day and watched this madness on TV.

This really does feel like one of the biggest events in my lifetime (this election, that is). Everything is just all over the place. Throw the economy into the mix and this whole thing is just a fuckstorm.

Looking forward to tonight like no one's business.
RubxQub said:
I really wish that I could have stayed home all day and watched this madness on TV.

This really does feel like one of the biggest events in my lifetime (this election, that is). Everything is just all over the place. Throw the economy into the mix and this whole thing is just a fuckstorm.

Looking forward to tonight like no one's business.
Go play with your RubxQub in a corner, by yourself, and time will pass quickly. I guarantee it.


lopaz said:
Alright, I'm not going to get into it much since I don't really know shit, I just thought it was kinda odd evoking America as a shining example of libertarianism in practise given all this malarkey :p
Well this malarky has nothing to do with the basis of libertarianism economic policy, which was created to counter to protectionism of the days long past us. It's like blaming communism for the social atrocities of Stalin and Zedong. Communism didn't make them crazy, they were already crazy.

Libertarians didn't tell people to take bad loans, libertarians didn't tell Washington to pretend that regulation will automatically update by itself. Libertarians didn't tell the fed to tinker with interest rates

We have a system of regulations, incentives, free trade, and even "socialist" programs etc etc becuase it works, but the core of America's economic principle is very libertarian.


First tragedy, then farce.
The fed will be creating money, but they can sell more Tbills/notes/bonds to offset the bailout to try and stem inflationary concerns.

This bailout better happen today.

For reals.
time for kkaabbboomm to rant.

it is 8:30am eastern. 8 fucking 30 in the morning, on september 26th

the shit hit the fan on september 14th when no one wanted to buy lehman brothers and merrill lynch sold itself to bank of america to stave off complete fuckness. everyone wakes up on 9/15 and the market starts to die. people start to realize the liquidity market is getting absolutely fucked. fucked. not partially fucked, but absolutely fucked. bear already got bought by JPMC, people were talking about how wamu and AIG were getting ready to go, freddie and fannie already went, and, well, shit was hitting the fan.

mccain, in his fucking infinite wisdom, decides to tell the nation the foundations of the economy are strong. no. no they werent. not that morning, not the day before. what the market was letting people know, as mister asshat was being stupid, was that the foundations were NOT strong. oh, but he meant people and their work ethic. good for them. they can want to work all they want, but if money is not being lent, then fuck us all.

night of 9/15, JPMC has to lend lehman bro's 80 or so billion. the fed loans them some money to help cover, because lehman fucking died and pieces were being sold to barclays, the good capitalists they are, for fuck cheaper than barclays wouldve paid on sunday. tuesday, AIG fucking dies. AI fucking G. not just, like, oh no, help me obi wan kenobi you're my only hope, but omfg luke just blew up the death star, sir, shit. AIG. the US government had to seize AIG basically. no one else would, they were over leveraged, one part of their company was royally fucking every other good piece there was.

well fuck us. paulson and co go to capital hill that thursday, and drums it into those congresscritters heads just what is up. congresscritters are that, congresscritters. they arent financial bankers/econ majors/etc. yes, they run the banking committee/etc. but they have advisors, who apparently couldn't let anyone know wtf was up, so other people had to.

shit got real. why? BECAUSE THE LIQUIDITY MARKETS WERE COLLAPSING, and when no one will lend money in the large firms, this is called BAD.

example: just yesterday, Bank of America, BANK OF AMERICA, decided it wouldn't lend any fucking money to MCDONALDS. the house of Ronald and all that jazz.

does that make sense to people now? do they understand just what the problem is? when BANK OF AMERICA WILL NOT LEND MONEY TO MCDONALDS, things are bad. franchise owners cant borrow to buy that new coffee machine to compete against starbucks, new ones won't open, etc, etc.

the US economy is based on people being able to have access to money, short and long term. when no one will lend you money, it doesnt just hurt the financial sector and those who were fuckups. it hurts many other pieces as well that, on first glance, have nothing to do with anything.

why post in poligaf this rant. one word. johnfuckingmccain. he's a fucking asshole. not an asshole. a FUCKING ASSHOLE. oh, im going to suspend my campaign (and by suspend i mean take down tv ads for a couple days, save a couple million to use later, still do everything else, and not hold a town hall meeting with Palin where people won't ask her a real Q because holy fuck did anyone watch her with gibson or couric), go to washington and break this deadlock on the deal.

fuck you john mccain. fuck you. wednesday, a deal was being worked on hardcore. hard fucking core. people were negotiating, etc. principle ideas were being reached. that core group of dipshit R's in the house who want to deregulate more and whatnot, yeah, they were told by paulson, WH, dems, everyone, that they were stupid and shit was hitting the fan. in honesty, when the leadership was all announcing a deal yesterday midday, the house R's probably would've come along.

but no. nooooooo. john fucking mccain came to town, and they got a cause. we can help him out. he'll fight for us. he wants our plan, not theirs. so after mccain said jack shit at the white house besides cursorily bringing up their plan, shit hit the fan. the absolute fan.

the deal fucking fell apart. last night, the house R's walked the fuck out of talks.

thanks john mccain. thank you for being an asshole. theres a reason you should not have come back, because presidential politics bring fierce party loyalty/etc to things. which, omg, who would've guessed, IS WHAT HAPPENED.

something has to happen. the ONLY REASON the market has been doing "ok" this week is they knew a 'bailout' was coming. sad but true. the market, right now, is fucked. not a bit, but royally. jack welsh/walsh (spelling?) former lead of GE, says no matter what a recession. whatever, his opinion.

but when BANK OF AMERICA is refusing to lend any money to MCDONALDS, maybe there actually is a problem, and if it gets worse liquidity markets can very easily freeze and many banks/etc can and will fail.

i don't know how else to try and explain this besides the mcdonald's example. i really dont.

omg, kkaabboomm is overreacting. its not mccains fault the house R's are balking. yes. yes it is. they werent, they were grudgingly going along, he shows up, and boom, wtf, they walk out all hardline. let me say again - leadership from both parties announced a deal in principle. you dont do this unless you think you've got the votes at the time, even grudgingly.

mccain fucked shit up. shit is hitting the fan. this isn't just about bailing out wall street firms, it really is about rescuing the us economy from their fuckups.

so fuck you john mccain. fuck. you. right now, at 8:50am eastern on 9/26, i say fuck you. go back to your town hall meetings, or hell, fucking SAY WHAT YOUD LIKE ABOUT THE PLAN, seeing as you havent told anyone in congress what you'd like in it. dont do this shit. not now.

fuck you mccain. at this point, i cannot help but completely agree with obama position of 'lets not fuck shit up by going there'. as such, he will now get my vote, regardless of if mccain 'magically saves the deal today in time for the debate!' or whatnot. no. fuck him. fuck him. shit wouldve been mad smooth today had he not been a complete asshat.

fuck. john. mccain.

who knows, maybe i'll soften my stance later today. or tomorrow. but right now, i am mad. this shit better not get fucked up. the markets are currently inflated on the bailout plan alone. maybe that sucks, as a catch-22, and we'll never know what else could be done. at this exact, current point in time, oh the fuck well. personally, i will not be a fan of liquidity markets freezing and no one willing to lend anyone money, and the failures that naturally flow from such an event. and, since john mccain has upped that possibility much more than it needs to be, fuck him.



First tragedy, then farce.
Also, if you guys didnt notice...


Everyone is lighting McCain/the house republicans up this morning.

The backfire, she is beginning.
Vestal said:
Erin Burnet just went apeshit on MSNBC, and pretty much said that the markets will open with a sharp dive.

McCain I guess it didn't work out as you thought.... Better fix the mess you made and fast.

Oh and btw.. Anything that Erin Burnett says cannot be criticized, she is just THAT HOT!

Google Image Erin Burnett...almost nude Maxim cover.


Not sure if Ed Schultz has any credibility, but

Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people
are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held
a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."
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