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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Killthee said:
2 hours and 30 minutes left...

Im all excited, I just popped out to get some supplies, cant be watching a debate without biscuits to dunk into my tea :D

anyone else felt the need to stock up on supplies for tonight? I bumped into a friend in the supermarket doing the exact same thing! (and this is in the UK lol)

ps. I dont actually drink tea, i just use it for is biscuit moistening properties.

From the analysis i've read, the media has McCain pegged to "win" the foreign policy debate. If this is the case, why was McCain lobbying so hard to get the first debate cancelled or postponed? It didn't turn to economy until he pulled his little stunt, did it?


First tragedy, then farce.
Souldriver said:
Yeah, I don't really expect you to know the political landscape of Belgium. :lol For good reasons. The US is a liiiiiittle bit more important. ;)

Q: if Hillary was picked as nominee, would West-Virginia have gone blue for sure?

But you make such good ale. You are critical for Friday night drunk stooge. Delerium Nocturnum and Kwak = the awesome.

WV would have probably been slightly more in play, but CO, NV and VA would likely be out of play.

Clintons map to win was basically going to be Kerry + Ohio or Florida.

It would have been the same old fight weve had the last two cycles. If nothing else Obama is switching some shit up.


So we were talking about the rules to the drinking game last night for the debate. The norms generally "change", "my friends", "POW", but one suggested using "street". So you have to drink twice everytime someone said Wall Street and Main Street.

I have a bad feeling that is going to be the one that gets me. =(


DeaconKnowledge said:

From the analysis i've read, the media has McCain pegged to "win" the foreign policydebate. If this is the case, why was McCain lobbying so hard to get the first debate cancelled or postponed? It didn't turn to economy untilhe pulled his little stunt, did it?

Well now there will be more economy questions asked since people want it.

According to 538, it was originally gonna be about the economy. The McCain campaign wanted to make a better first impression with a foreign policy debate (considered McCain's strong point), and the Obama campaign thought a strong final impression of him knowing what to do about the economy would be best. So the two campaigns agreed to switch. The third debate is still the economy, but there are gonna be some economy questions tonight.

I think McCain's gonna come out the "winner" after tonight and maybe even at the townhall, but I think the VP debate and the economy debate are gonna be disasters.

Considering Obama has about a 5 point lead averaged across most national polls, Obama's already sitting higher than what most people expected (a small 1-2 point lead, tied, or trailing 1-2 points).


Setec Astronomer
Pimpwerx said:
Eastern Standard Time? Are we still in daylight savings? PEACE.
Until November, so our time zone on the east coast is Eastern Daylight Time, not Eastern Standard Time. Standard means NOT ADJUSTED.
Zeliard said:
Sorry, I've been on a LittleBigPlanet kick and haven't checked PoliGAF regularly today. Thanks for the links.
Wasn't meant in a finger pointing way. Just giving props to the guy who provided the links. :)

I'm watching the CNN internet live stream now, where they're running a story about a goth boy fighting for his right to wear make-up at school. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, fuck the spin.

Obama is going to own McCain tonight. Bush fucked McCains shit up. Bush.

Look, 90% of the people washing this have already made up their mind who won this before it started, its going to be won on the margins.. and old man McCain isnt going to look good next to a calm cool presidential Obama.


AniHawk said:
I think McCain's gonna come out the "winner" after tonight and maybe even at the townhall, but I think the VP debate and the economy debate are gonna be disasters.

As much as I hate to agree with you I will. The sad truth is people would rather hear some talking point rambled off immediately even if it doesn't even answer the question or make sense over Obama who will probably give thoughtful answers that actually address the question. This is especially true when talking about foreign matters because you can play off of Americans' xenophobia. I can already hear the, "My friends, Evil exists in this world and must be destroyed."


First tragedy, then farce.
greepoman said:
As much as I hate to agree with you I will. The sad truth is people would rather hear some talking point rambled off immediately even if it doesn't even answer the question or make sense over Obama who will probably give thoughtful answers that actually address the question. This is especially true when talking about foreign matters. I can already hear the, "My friends, Evil exists in this world and must be destroyed."

Guys... Jim Lehrer is the moderator.

He isnt going to put up with talking points nonsense.
my coworker just sent an email out with some NY Times article that essentially blames all of our current economic problems on...drum roll...Clinton and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac giving loans to poor people.

I really want to respond with:

Well I’m glad the administration that came into power afterwards kept an eye on things and provided proper regulations to keep anything crazy from happening 8 years later.


but I'm trying hard being "too political" at my job :lol


soul creator said:
my coworker just sent an email out with some NY Times article that essentially blames all of our current economic problems on...drum roll...Clinton and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac giving loans to poor people.

I really want to respond with:

but I'm trying hard being "too political" at my job :lol
But that doesn't really prove the articles wrong. FM does have a role in this.

Is it unsettling to you people that you can't blame one person for all of this?


Setec Astronomer
VictimOfGrief said:
Actually EDT is the correct form here until we go back to EST.
I was asking people to use a form that didn't distinguish between DST or not if they weren't aware of the difference.


First tragedy, then farce.
soul creator said:
my coworker just sent an email out with some NY Times article that essentially blames all of our current economic problems on...drum roll...Clinton and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac giving loans to poor people.

I really want to respond with:

but I'm trying hard being "too political" at my job :lol

I do to, most of my coworkers are republicans, but I flipped my shit this morning. There were lots of agape jaws just staring at me as I went off on a diatribe about the house republicans 11th hour shenanigans yesterday and McCains dog and pony show.

Two people emailed that they agreed with me, the rest of them agree with the house republicans.

idiots I work with.


Junior Member
StoOgE said:
Guys... Jim Lehrer is the moderator.

He isnt going to put up with talking points nonsense.


Zeliard said:
Do you guys know of any websites streaming the debate live tonight?

mydebates.org here's the official streamer for the debate; I assume it will be pure debate without any commentary. Does anyone know if any of the streams (mentioned upthread) will be in hd?
avatar299 said:
But that doesn't really prove the articles wrong. FM does have a role in this.

Is it unsettling to you people that you can't blame one person for all of this?

well, for some extra background, the person who emailed it isn't making some balanced argument that they've simply "played a role".


First tragedy, then farce.
avatar299 said:
But that doesn't really prove the articles wrong. FM does have a role in this.

Is it unsettling to you people that you can't blame one person for all of this?

FM had a role in this, and the dems hands are dirty, but deregulation is the biggest problem in this, and one party has been the biggest proponent of deregulation for the last 30 years. This is a 70% republican problem and 30% democratic.

We all have our hands slightly dirty on this deal.

However, we can pretty much blame this deal stalling on the house republicans with a good deal of blame to McCain for giving them cover.
DeaconKnowledge said:

From the analysis i've read, the media has McCain pegged to "win" the foreign policy debate. If this is the case, why was McCain lobbying so hard to get the first debate cancelled or postponed? It didn't turn to economy until he pulled his little stunt, did it?

He wanted tonight's debate to be held next Thursday in place of the VP debate, in hopes of there never being a rescheduled VP debate. This whole thing, the past two days have all been another attempt to hide Palin from public scrutiny.
So what's everyone's plan on election night? Me, it'll be pizza and soda. I know there's no way I'll be able to stay up in my room all night and morning, so I'll throw in a couple of PS3 sessions. :D
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