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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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PhoenixDark said:
Teddy :(

Obama never knocked a debate out the park, well at least when facing a good opponent. But...if he can handily win this debate I think this could be the first knockout moment of this election. McCain would be sent reeling into the weekend, and the bad news would only carry into the VP debate slaughter.

I think McCain is going to do well though
I think the perception that Obama is a bad debater is a bit out-dated, he definitely did better in the later debates, but he definitely had a lot of trouble delivering a knock-out blow top Clinton in debates. I agree, I think that this will have a fairly neutral result.


TDG said:
I think the perception that Obama is a bad debater is a bit out-dated, he definitely did better in the later debates, but he definitely had a lot of trouble delivering a knock-out blow top Clinton in debates. I agree, I think that this will have a fairly neutral result.

I think the difference between Obama and McCain during the primaries was that Obama didn't want to be too hard on a fellow Democrat, and McCain had no problem being a giant douchebag to his party members and also had no qualms about lying constantly.

Tonight'll be interesting.


TDG said:
I think the perception that Obama is a bad debater is a bit out-dated, he definitely did better in the later debates, but he definitely had a lot of trouble delivering a knock-out blow top Clinton in debates. I agree, I think that this will have a fairly neutral result.

Pretty hard to knock out someone in a debate someone who has 95% of the same positions you do. He'll perform a lot better in a debate with McCain.
thefro said:

Just saw the clip of Obama arriving to the debate (as seen in the photo above), and he took his shades off the exact same way as the Rock did. Hilarious.

You mean like this:


The Rock takes his glasses off like Obama not the other way around.

The Dark One
TDG said:
I think the perception that Obama is a bad debater is a bit out-dated, he definitely did better in the later debates, but he definitely had a lot of trouble delivering a knock-out blow top Clinton in debates. I agree, I think that this will have a fairly neutral result.
Well, thanks to the proliferation of spin, MOST debates tend to have a fairly neutral result these days. For the most part, if you avoid any major gaffes, then very little is accomplished.

The only real indicator of who won (and it's an admittedly poor indicator) is to watch the polls following the debate and see how they shift. If there's any sizable shift towards one candidate, then he won.


I definitely agree with both of you, of course. I hope that Obama's hesitancy to be aggressive doesn't carry over to the GE debates.
Clevinger said:
I think the difference between Obama and McCain during the primaries was that Obama didn't want to be too hard on a fellow Democrat, and McCain had no problem being a giant douchebag to his party members and also had no qualms about lying constantly.

Tonight'll be interesting.
That explains Obama being too moderate and nuanced, but not his clumsy way of speaking. I hope he got some more practice, and does well tonight.

I also think McCain will do well. He might even have some surprise catch phrases op his sleeve which uninformed (dumb) people will like.



"M I crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I humpback humpback I, DO YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLA what Barack is cookin'?"


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν



*sigh* How silly is this process that, even with McCain threatening a no-show, third party candidates weren't considered to be part of the debate?

Do they still have protests outside the hall? Which station usually shows those?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
heliosRAzi said:
They should've gotten ILM to do that
Instead they got EA and the shit only ran at 30 fps and had absolutely zero sparks.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
Yeah it is, but Buchanan's on this fierce anti-bailout kick and thinks that all you have to do to win the election is vote against it.

Buchanan has been consistently wrong time and time again about Obama being in trouble.

He is like the real world cheebs.
Btw, the holodeck is cool and all, but is it really ncessary just to show poll/demographic results? :lol I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they spent on it...
Zeliard said:
True, but if goes that route, how can she possibly argue that she can be VP?
No, that's the point . . . if they decide to drop her and go with another candidate . . . a highly risky move that some would view as crazy. In other words, just another bold decision by the Maverick!


speculawyer said:
No, that's the point . . . if they decide to drop her and go with another candidate . . . a highly risky move that some would view as crazy. In other words, just another bold decision by the Maverick!

Sadly that's exactly what they would spin it as.....to hell with questioning judgement!


speculawyer said:
No, that's the point . . . if they decide to drop her and go with another candidate . . . a highly risky move that some would view as crazy. In other words, just another bold decision by the Maverick!

I would love to see this for the massive lulz. Too bad it will never happen.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
RubxQub said:

:lol :lol

The Holodeck and the Surface table both just scream "we can do fancy polls better than CNN" to me. In the end the Holodeck looks really lame and the Surface table just looks like a gimped version of CNN's awesome Magic Wall.


1.167 hours until the debate.

Beer? Check
Pizza? Check
Cynicism? Check

We should consider turning this into a drinking game.


nyong said:
1.167 hours until the debate.

Beer? Check
Pizza? Check
Cynicism? Check

We should consider turning this into a drinking game.

I bought rib-eye steak. It was the easiest meal that I could think of. :lol


My thoughts from the last few pages

1) Palin is not leaving unless something REAL happens. If however things get so bad (aka she makes a fool out of herself at the debates that McCain's polling numbers drop in the single digits) I can see the GOP saying that her son in Kuwait is injured and she needs to be by his side

2) Hopefully Ted Kennedy is OK

3) The debates I think are going to be pretty interesting. McCain can either go crazy and try to slam Obama on every turn he gets or he will try to restrain himself. McCain has been unpredictable.

4) From most econonmist I have been reading about this bailout is a very bad idea.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Vomiaouaf said:
Is the MSNBC feed that was posted (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/22886841#22886841) supposed to be working already or does it start with the debate? Wondering if they blocked the video for Europe viewers or not.
Its not up yet, the frontpage will update when it's live.

The frontpage looks like this right now.

It should go live/frontpage should be updated in about an hour.

Kennedy Update
Chris Matthews: He had a seizure due to new medication. He's fine, will be watching the debate at his home.
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