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POLL: Favorite Resident Evil game


I did this earlier this year on the old GAF, so here's the rerun. If you don't like Resident Evil at all, your comments are not appreciated (although you could still post...... but it's not appreciated...)

What's your favorite Resident Evil game? Do you think RE4 or Outbreak File 2 will surpass your current fav?

My fav is RE0, but RE4, judging from the demo, is going to change that.


The GC remake. Great game.

In fact, this thread has inspired me to play the game again. Beautiful water effects.


The one with the intuitive and current day controls, innovative camera system, and beautifully rendered and interactive 3D areas.


Resident evil 2 is the best game in the series I feel. Which is why I'm superbly dissapointed capcom never gave it the treatment REmake got. I'd have loved to see alot of the cool shit in that game with WAY better graphics.

Kon Tiki

Pachinko said:
Resident evil 2 is the best game in the series I feel. Which is why I'm superbly dissapointed capcom never gave it the treatment REmake got. I'd have loved to see alot of the cool shit in that game with WAY better graphics.

I would of taken a RE 2/3Remake over Dead Phonix and PN03.


I love the first one the best. None of the newer games click with me as much the original, not to say they are bad or anything. I guess I just love the whole charm of that simple little mansion. I'm still pissed about that GBC game getting canned. :lol
Resident evil 2 is the best game in the series I feel. Which is why I'm superbly dissapointed capcom never gave it the treatment REmake got. I'd have loved to see alot of the cool shit in that game with WAY better graphics.

I'll second that post! RE2 was my favorite game in the series by far and if Capcom had the brains to give that game the same treatment as REmake I'd likely be a Game Cube owner by now.


Pachinko said:
Resident evil 2 is the best game in the series I feel. Which is why I'm superbly dissapointed capcom never gave it the treatment REmake got. I'd have loved to see alot of the cool shit in that game with WAY better graphics.

KilledByBill said:
I'll second that post! RE2 was my favorite game in the series by far and if Capcom had the brains to give that game the same treatment as REmake I'd likely be a Game Cube owner by now.

Don't worry, RE fans. Capcom will make RE2make exclusively for Xenon and then port all the others (from Zero to 4) and then release Resident Evil 5 also 'exclusively' for Xenon after announcing it'll appear also on PS3 (and possibly PSP).


Gaspode said:
Don't worry, RE fans. Capcom will make RE2make exclusively for Xenon and then port all the others (from Zero to 4) and then release Resident Evil 5 also 'exclusively' for Xenon after announcing it'll appear also on PS3 (and possibly PSP).

You mean PSP2 or GBA3 or DS2.


The first Resident Evil was great, and it felt fresh as well. It also had that mysterious, eerie feeling only an abandoned mansion can give you. :p

So I'll say REmake, because it improves on the original, mainly with amazing graphics. But the original will always be special to me.


I like RE 2 the best, because it has some of the funniest lines in the series.

"Crazy maniac! Why'd he bite me?"

"EVERYONE'S gotta die!"

I DO fault the series though for inspiring some of the fuckups present in the Onimusha series. Tank controls and dying in two hits might make for a pretty suspenseful horror game, but they have no place in a samurai action brawler


How many people naming RE remake as their favorite have actually played the first 4 RE games when they came out on PS1 and DC?

Anyway, for me it's Resident Evil 2. Must've played that at least a dozen times trying to get an A ranking on the different scenarios.


Miburou said:
How many people naming RE remake as their favorite have actually played the first 4 RE games when they came out on PS1 and DC?

I reckon not a whole lot.

In my opinion though, they've gotten progressively better as I played them, except in a few cases. I started with RECV (hence the name), then RE3, although RE2 and RE1 didn't quite hook me as much. RE0 and REmake were great, IMO.


Resident Evil 2 is my favorite. Best RE by far, perfect balance of shock scare + action and actually had awesome level design and bosses. Wuv.
My favorite RE game.. hmm..

Well probably REmake. Great game. Then Resident Evil 2. Then Code Veronica(never finished completely). Then Resident Evil Zero (never finished it). Then Resident Evil 1. Then Resident Evil 3(never finished). Never played Outbreak, Gaiden (GBC :D ), Resident Evil 2 for Game.com (although I own the system.. ~cries~.. ), the Survivor games, etc.

Speaking of Game.com.. Nintendo's not innovative.. they're just copying the DS touch screen from Tiger's Game.com. Heh. ;) At least I think that's who made that piece of crap.


REmake, if only for the crimson heads. :(

I played each Resident Evil when it was released, except for CV. I played it on the ps2. Never played the handheld ones, though, nor the shooters.


I reckon not a whole lot.

In my opinion though, they've gotten progressively better as I played them, except in a few cases. I started with RECV (hence the name), then RE3, although RE2 and RE1 didn't quite hook me as much. RE0 and REmake were great, IMO.

Well, it's all relative to when they were released. I got RE back in March 1996, and frankly didn't like it that much. I thought the graphics were a mixed bag, and the game was a bit frustrating (choose the wrong path and you're fucked). I had a save just before the last boss with Chris, but I couldn't beat the last boss, and then that save got erased. A year later I played using Jill and finished the game, and appreciated it a lot more for its atmosphere and shock tactics.

But I was pumped for RE2, and enjoyed it a lot for its more action oriented approach. I guess replaying it over and over to get an A rank made me appreciate it even more. And I watched my brother unlock Tofu which was a damn impressive achievement.

I also liked RE3, and to this day don't understand the hate for it. Nemesis was a brilliant idea, and the game was even more action oriented than RE2. Those moments where you had to make a choice when ambushed by Nemesis were freaking intense.

My love for the series diminished when RECV came out. It wasn't bad, and it had higher production values than past REs, but it was more of the same, and I was getting tired of it. Still, I bought my GC when RE came out, and was really disappointed. Less of a remake and more of a bastardization in my eyes, it really had little in common with RE1.

RE0 was OK, but again more of the same. But I'm looking forward to RE4 since it's supposed to be a bigger step than any of the previous games were over their predecessors.

So in short, while I agree that the series has improved, it hasn't improved enough to keep my interest and enjoyment level as high as it once were. Here's hoping RE4 will change that.
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