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Poll: Sony Pony's 8 Year Old Son Wants an Xbox for Birthday?

Should I get my Son a Series console for his Birthday?

  • Yes - Series X

    Votes: 113 35.8%
  • Yes - Series S

    Votes: 44 13.9%
  • No - slap him and make him beg for forgiveness to your picture of our Lord Cerny

    Votes: 111 35.1%
  • No - Buy a gaming PC

    Votes: 33 10.4%
  • No - Just Subscribe Back to GamePass PC on your POS 1070 system

    Votes: 15 4.7%

  • Total voters


Well he plays Forza, asked for a Xbox so the only logical thing to do is to buy him the Xbox. Don't let your preference override his own.

I got my daughter a Xbox as the only thing she plays is Roblox, Minecraft, and then some of the easier Gamepass titles. I'll help build her a PC of her own when she is older.
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As always if you can monetarily afford it without any affects on your financial situation then do it, who the hell cares 🤷‍♂️
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The "wide variety of games" is also a huge negative with kids, based on my personal experience with gamer kids ...................................................................
that's a long post to say MORE CHOICE = BAD
I don't need your bullshit 'logic' and experience to fluff that up.
Should kids in the past have not been able to visit the library? because there were too many books to read lmao? they should have been stuck with the Bible for commitment purposes...

kids get endless choices with video streaming now, I don't know why you think games are different. Kids develop taste and will gravitate towards certain things.
why not save money by letting the kid explore more games?

We had blockbuster as kids, I rented 2 (usually 1 gamecube and 1 playstation) games a week just to try them. If I liked one of them, I would finish it. When I would play flash games, I'd always go back to my favorites, even with having access to thousands to explore and have fun with. I loved xbox 360 demos when I was younger, some even convinced me to get the full game, which I then beat and enjoyed. Xbox gamepass and ps+ are basically full game demos for a small cost.

oink oink oink blah blah blah
you know game subscriptions are relatively more valuable if you play more than a handful of games a year dude.
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you know game subscriptions are relatively more valuable if you play more than a handful of games a year dude.
That statement only applies to people only buying AAA games day one at full retail price (in other words, idiots).

You can just wait, get on Deku Deals, and buy 10-20 great games a year for the same price.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
What's it like to raise some other guy's kid?

j/k....buy an xbox and blame your wife.

Sexy Bad Boy GIF by Yung Bae

I posted this because it just looks weird as fuck. What is even going on here?
Yeah, don’t be a shitty dad because of your fanboism.
Allow your children to be their own person.

It’s like those shitbag dads that force their kids to play sports because they themselves can’t play so they try to live their sports deems through their kids but the kids are all fucking miserable.

Alan Wake

Series S is litterally THE Game Pass machine. Affordable and all digital. But if you're unsure whether he will use it all that much I would advise against the more expensive Series X (although that's my spontaneous choice when people ask which Xbox to buy).


Gold Member
I'd say gaming PC would always be the best, but yeah let the fanboy shit go and rather give him what he wants.


One of the green rats
You kids are only young for a very short amount of time. Get him what he wants.. not what you would like.
My 6 year old has a Series X with GPU, but she only plays Fortnite and Roblox on it, if there is games on gamepass that your Son want's to play then sure get it for him, but i'd go through the GPU list first and make sure, because it's quite slim pickings in reality.


hes 8, it really doesnt matter that much. personally if he wants an xbox, why not? if its to expensive, then obviously no, yeah. but thats for everyone to decide for themselves. If a series s is in the budget then, good. If the series x is in the budget then even better. Maybe u can see things that make it so you know he wont use the xbox as much as he thinks he is. But the point is you CANT give your son expirience as a present. You can give him the tools so he can build expirience for himself. That means doing alot of stuff u "know" is wrong but whatever, its for ur son. Also its a plastic box. Who cares what brand is on it. Maybe he will love his Xbox because his friends have one and they share a connection through their favorite games.


Just buy him a PS5 and play co-op together, thats a better bonding experience.
And explain to him how Xbox are killing the games industry and supporting bullies is a slippery slope.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
IT is nice to indulge your kids on some things. I don't teach mine to be fanboys though, we just play what we have.


ChatGPT 0.1
You could get your son an xbox, we know new games are coming tomorrow. Microsoft’s strategy is having the gaming aspect in everyone’s home.


All the options you've listed are good, except the slap one... better go with a kick.. he'll learned faster. But joking aside.. i like my Series X, nice console and combine with Game Pass it's really good. I can see Series S also being good choice for someone with limited funds. And ofc PC is always good. Perhaps ask your son what he's prefer.. anyways enjoy whatever you get. :)


It is his present. He will be happy if you can respect and fulfill his wishes.
I would not advise to spoil him with everything he wants, but if you can afford it, get him a series X and a couple games

El Muerto

Xbox Series S. My nephews are about the same age and they're always playing Fortnite and Roblox. I asked them what games they wanted for their birthday and they asked for v-bucks instead...


Go for it. At the least you'll get to try starfield.

I'm the same way. Big Sony guy, then Nintendo. Never owned an Xbox until recently. It's an S but only $150.


Steamdeck or Switch, then he can play handheld or docked, which will keep him quiet in more places. He won't give a shit about power, just the games.

Don't bother with a Series console. Mine's gathering dust. His will too. It's only function is a GamePass machine, and if that's not coming up with good games, it's pointless.
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The S is kind of made for this scenario, get the X if you are going to play stuff on it yourself and you have it connected to a decent tv. If you have a smaller tv or 1080p just get an s


Let me ask you this...As a parent, would you allow your child in play in traffic? Would you allow them to eat from a landfill, would you allow them to swim in a septic tank? If the answer is no, then why would you allow them to get an Xbox? Getting an Xbox is worst than all the stuff I mentioned.
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Let me ask you this...As a parent, would you allow your child in play in traffic? Would you allow them to eat from a landfill, would you allow them to swim in a septic tank? If the answer is no, then why would you allow them to get an Xbox? Getting an Xbox is worst than all the stuff I mentioned.
The edge of your blade is honed so finely..😂
Honestly I bought both a Series X and a Series S. I hardly play the X myself, but the Series S is for my older brother who doesn’t play games that much.

I saw if your son likes gaming as a hobby and it’s in your budget, you may as well spring for the Series X. But if you’re limiting on funds, I’d suggest either going with the Series S model or re-upping on GamePass for PC.

The fact that the Series S has by and large the same core features as the X is great for anyone on a budget. Buying a console used or secondhand would be the way to go, but if you like all the bells and whistles and need the best of the best for your boy — which I’d be skeptical of since you’re polling for public opinion — then get an X or build a PC together.

Honestly, if he’s in school, you can probably find a gaming laptop that’s a few years old that will run most of what his age group will play.

It really depends how much your budget is and what they want at the end of the day. Use your best judgment or just let them tell you and go from there.


Buy a PC. If you do? There's a chance he will fondly credit that PC as the reason for him being a good student and having successful career 30 years from now.
Buy a console and he'll still be there living in your basement, filled with suspiciously stained dakimakura covered in cheeto dust and spending all his money on Gacha.
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So my son's 8th birthday is coming up and he mentioned perhaps getting an XBox for his birthday (after I told him we no longer had GamePass on my CPU bc we rarely used it). We already own and he plays quite a bit of "my" PS5 (as well as the old ps4/ps4 pro) and he occasionally plays the Wii and his Switch (although not often other than in the car on occasional long drives/trips)

I'm torn not bc of my fanboyism but b/c I'm not sure he would actually use it all that much. However, if I decide to pull the trigger I'm torn further on the X vs S. We'd certainly ONLY use it as a GamePass machine but the lack of power the S concerns me going forward. I've also been considering building myself a gaming PC so I could kill two birds with one stone that route. Or just resubscribe with my old PC and let him use that.

You've done a poor job raising your son these past 8 years if he's asking for an Xbox. Luckily, however, he still has many formative years left for you to right the ship.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
You've done a poor job raising your son these past 8 years if he's asking for an Xbox. Luckily, however, he still has many formative years left for you to right the ship.
What? I asked for a Sega when I was around that age. Seems reasonable.
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