The Fix ‏@TheFix
Across 11 days of tracking in CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, OH, VA and WI, it's Obama 49, Romnney 48 in WaPo-ABC poll.
Not that this means much but what happened to Romentum?
The Fix ‏@TheFix
Across 11 days of tracking in CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, OH, VA and WI, it's Obama 49, Romnney 48 in WaPo-ABC poll.
Anyone seen these Romney/Ryan signs?
Is this just a really common format I've never seen before 2008?
guys , 8 more days!!!
Well played, good sir.never?
He doesn't want Obama to be ripping on him in 2016.Lets be honest, Christie knows that Obama is winning this. He wants to put in some praise for the President.
President gonna president. I still don't understand how small the situation room is, and how outdated it looks. They're still using projectors? C'mon son. That room should be Tom Cruise's office from Minority Report. They're still stuck in the 1960s it seems.
wow, bain capital owns dominos. they bought it in 1998.
My first job was at AMC Theaters, who I've come to learn is owned by Bain Capital. Awesome, bain capital owns dominos. they bought it in 1998.
Yet they are still in business! Romney's claims as being a jobs creator have been vindicated!
Except for the fact that they suck at making pizza.
#ObamasAmerica1.6 Million people without power right now. If it lasts that's a big impact.
@TheFix: Nate Silver on his status as liberal talisman: "A little scary."
I just made that shit up, sounds like some real shit they'd say though right? Romney would need nothing short of that to win at this point though.
Bravo, that's some good tag team. I shouldn't have given it away so soon.
My first job was at AMC Theaters, who I've come to learn is owned by Bain Capital. Awesome stuff.
That's asinine on every level conceivable and show a complete lack of understanding of high-school math.Funny this is, that would actually be a better critique than most of the real ones.
Ive been a First Lady of the State. I have seen what happens to peoples lives if they dont get a proper education. And we know the answers to that. The charter schools have provided the answers. The teachers unions are preventing those things from happening, from bringing real change to our educational system. We need to throw out the system.
oh yeah
guys , 8 more days!!!
Christie trashing local mayors, rofl
Ann Romney in Good Housekeeping:
I wonder if this will used against Romney now...
I agree with most of that, but I also think his job is a little more complex than the mechanical task of simply writing down rote summations and distillations. Otherwise, he would be better suited for more traditional parts of the paper. Even if his analysis isn't very original, he's good at delivering concise observations that constitute something more novel than mere cliffnotes. He's making connections and points that I don't think most people would have the capacity to do.Nah, Klein's claim to fame is his ability to distill 20 page white papers by the actual policy wonks into readable 1 page articles or blog posts. He's basically the Cliffnotes of policy, but I've never seen him write great, in-depth, original analysis that wasn't sourced from somewhere else. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Cliffnotes are great.
Yeah, everyone knew Obama was going to win that one.
Oh lord I just decided to see what was going on in crazyville (aka Infowars, Alex Jones, etc) and found out that Sandy is a government conspiracy to save Obama's Presidency lol
Christie is hilarious
Another article about Nate..
New North Carolina poll shows race tied:
5% undecided and the other 5 refused to answer or said neither (virgile goode!?!?!?)
Was this posted?
polling a bit odd. Ras and Gravis show 6 and 8. PPP and Elon show tied. That's quite a difference.
New North Carolina poll shows race tied:
5% undecided and the other 5 refused to answer or said neither (virgile goode!?!?!?)
Was this posted?
polling a bit odd. Ras and Gravis show 6 and 8. PPP and Elon show tied. That's quite a difference.
"hey look last time this happened I turned out to be right you turned out to be dead"
I hope he runs in 2016 ill vote for him
Pundits vs data
how is this real life?
Believe Mabma BELIEVE
Can't attack Obama, so attack a gay, nerdy statistics guy? lol
oh yeah