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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Anyone seen these Romney/Ryan signs?


Is this just a really common format I've never seen before 2008?


President gonna president. I still don't understand how small the situation room is, and how outdated it looks. They're still using projectors? C'mon son. That room should be Tom Cruise's office from Minority Report. They're still stuck in the 1960s it seems.

That minority report bit was good theatre, but to actually get anything done with it would be hard. You gotta do a Zumba fitness routine to get a carved wooden ball? No thanks, I'll take a keyboard & mouse.
Okay, why am I starting to believe Christie will make a decent president in 2024 after the turnover that happens after two presidencies of the party occurs?


I just made that shit up, sounds like some real shit they'd say though right? Romney would need nothing short of that to win at this point though.

Bravo, that's some good tag team. I shouldn't have given it away so soon.

Conservatives seem to think Obama is gay. Interesting how they construct fictional identities for him so they can hate him even more, it truly is bizarre.


Funny this is, that would actually be a better critique than most of the real ones.
That's asinine on every level conceivable and show a complete lack of understanding of high-school math.
It's not better than anything.

Edit: not sure why i'm replying for something 3 pages ago, internets acting weird...
Ann Romney in Good Housekeeping:

I’ve been a First Lady of the State. I have seen what happens to people’s lives if they don’t get a proper education. And we know the answers to that. The charter schools have provided the answers. The teachers’ unions are preventing those things from happening, from bringing real change to our educational system. We need to throw out the system.

I wonder if this will used against Romney now...


Won't stop picking the right nation
Nah, Klein's claim to fame is his ability to distill 20 page white papers by the actual policy wonks into readable 1 page articles or blog posts. He's basically the Cliffnotes of policy, but I've never seen him write great, in-depth, original analysis that wasn't sourced from somewhere else. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Cliffnotes are great.
I agree with most of that, but I also think his job is a little more complex than the mechanical task of simply writing down rote summations and distillations. Otherwise, he would be better suited for more traditional parts of the paper. Even if his analysis isn't very original, he's good at delivering concise observations that constitute something more novel than mere cliffnotes. He's making connections and points that I don't think most people would have the capacity to do.


Yeah, everyone knew Obama was going to win that one.

There was some delusion, still. I remembered Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air posting a completely laughable McCain/Palin victory map... just googled it, here it is.

I also quite clearly remember Jay Cost over at RCP (now of the Weekly Standard and really just a lightweight Dick Morris-type windbag at this point) repeatedly attempting to spin bad news for McCain and insisting he could still win, although he wasn't so bold to actually claim Obama wasn't ahead (as he is now).

My favorite was this one though. Actually bookmarked it and dropped him a nice little note after the election. Good times!

So there was some of the same stuff going on. But:
a) This is a closer race so there's simply more straws to grasp at.
b) The rightwing bubble has only gotten more vast and impenetrable over the years.
c) Saying "winning!" more times than Charlie Sheen is, this time around, actually campaign strategy for the GOP ticket.

So yeah, we're reaching Peak Idiocy this time around. At least I hope it's at its peak...
And I certainly hope it's idiocy.
Oh lord I just decided to see what was going on in crazyville (aka Infowars, Alex Jones, etc) and found out that Sandy is a government conspiracy to save Obama's Presidency lol

So how did the government create Sandy? HAARP? Chem-trails? Never-mind, I don't want to know.
and shit's getting real in NYC now

battery approaching 10ft and we aren't even at high tide yet (iirc 11.5' = subway's boned)

so basically everything's going about as expected

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"


No Scrubs
"hey look last time this happened I turned out to be right you turned out to be dead"

I hope he runs in 2016 ill vote for him

If he wasn't so wrong on most policy positions (for me) and toned down the dickishness a bit I'd vote for him. I will tell you this though: he's a bigger dick than he is a person and he's a big fatty.


I'm not surprised, but really, thank Christ that reasonable people are coming to Nate's defense. OTOH, I'm glad that this is giving Nate more visibility and it just makes his conservative critics look more foolish.

And on a whole, it's clear that people are clearly tired of the media's bullshit.
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