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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Expected response. I hope whatever trauma you're going through will be promptly addressed in therapy or with proper medicinal treatment (depending on the state of your health insurance, etc.) in a timely manner.

Personal attacks because I have fun at Mariah Carey's expense. And I'm the one that needs medical help and therapy........


Personal attack? The perturbing content of your previous posts led me to believe you were struggling with something truly severe. If that's incorrect, I take that back. Whatever the case, I'm only here to spread love and light.
The list of things for which B-Dex must immediately re-examine his taste.

1. Men (we've addressed this before, dear)

2. Alcohol consumption (you've addressed this before, dear)

3. Avatars (OK that's better now)

4. Everything else

Please keep me updated regarding any progress on the above-noted.


Your sis and concerned friend,

Leona Lewis



sputum-flecked apoplexy

Aww sis you have to learn to not take it persoanl on popgaf. Get some sleep, it's all love. <3

it's kind of difficult not to take it personal when people make it personal

'you're a fat annoying cunt with no friends'
'that's a bit personal'
'lol don't take popgaf personal!'
it's kind of difficult not to take it personal when people make it personal

'you're a fat annoying cunt with no friends'
'that's a bit personal'
'lol don't take popgaf personal!'

When was this said? I didn't see it in the past few pages but either way I agree. Being shady can feel cute when you're dishing it but everyone has way more fun when there's a sense of support and respect instead. We're all queens discussing people we don't know personally, it ain't that serious.


The strain is real.

Nick Cannon got out just in time.

5 dates in a country with the entire worlds population? That's like playing one show in LA and one in New York then saying the entire US bought tickets to her tour.

So when will she tour NA since she's conquered Asia?

Mariah got curvy. It's the fighters that can't talk. Aguiwhalera got obese tbh.

Michael Buble is murdering Mariah's Holiday classic during his special.

RIP All I want for Chistmas.

Praying your ear plugs work.

I hope Mariah sends you cheks every 2 weeks for all the work you do for ha.

This Perez talk reminded me of this.

Mariah getting sued for being a C U N T Diva. Hew is surprised?

Disgruntled overworked underpaid staff.

Also HEW else but GODGA geting 10x VEVO Certified. And all the amazing comments on the award video.

Who keeps trotting out the same video to "prove" ha point? Weren't you lambasting people for the same thing but disproving your point?this hypocrisy.

Take several seats. The grammar may be bad but I'm drunk. Maybe you should stop suckling the sows teets for a minute and educate yourself.

Also bye. You linked that same video at least twice today.

I don't see how stating facts makes me an angry drunk.

Bye. Circular arguments are for people that know they got it wrong.

Maybe your opinion will
Matter when your fave has new music to talk about.

B Y E. She married Nick Cannon.

I took Mooriah next level. You should be embarassed for touchdown.

World Tour?

13 in Asia
7 in Oceania
20 Total

Lord MC can't even belt out obsessed anymore. I wonder if her tickets will need groupon to sell.

I hope you mean queen if the bargain bin. Because I don't think anyone bought her last "album".


[quote="B-Dex, post: 147706808"]Personal attacks because I have fun at Mariah Carey's expense. And I'm the one that needs medical help and therapy........[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

The w[I]h[/I]ine you're serving tastes extra-virgin pressed.


I was a damn mess last night. I groped 20 straight dudes and made out with a married man in front of his wife.

Then I can't remember the rest of my night.

Anaconda was played a lot though. A lot.

Love yourself.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't see it for Bey. The recency bias is strong here.

Recency? It's been over a year since BEYONCÉGÉDDON.

Well her career can't get any more desperate.

True, but I mean a return to the Gaga of 2009. The perfectionist who made her own musical moves and owned them, who didn't lean on the excuse of 'doing her own thing' while she releases a tired, worn out album of shit jazz standards, who actually did her own thing and forced the rest of the pop world to march to her beat.
yes gaga

abandon all of this post-TFM idiocy and embrace the immaculate pop artist you were in 2009

I'm super excited! Then again it might just be for one track from the album ala Gypsy, lol. I haven't disliked a single thing she's done so whatever she serves this year will most likely slay my bussy


Checked wiki and I see that RedOne is responsible for all of those tepid, brand x pop songs on Pink Friday.

No Gaga, not like this.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Checked wiki and I see that RedOne is responsible for all of those tepid, brand x pop songs on Pink Friday.

No Gaga, not like this.

first of all, redone is responsible for slayships, so hush

second of all, he's also responsible for

just dance
poker face
bad romance
so happy i could die

so in summary,


first of all, redone is responsible for slayships, so hush

second of all, he's also responsible for

just dance
poker face
bad romance
so happy i could die

so in summary,

About 2 of those songs were cute and all of them sound dated at this point. The last of his production I've heard were those Nicki songs and they're trash.

The though of Gaga singing something in a similar vein as Starships disgusts me.
It's obvious from the songs RedOne has done with other people that he needs Gaga just as much as Gaga needs him. Kindred pop spirits tbh

Bad Romance
So Happy I Could Die

End me now plz


RedOne's songs with GaGa were cute...... in 2010. All of his recent productions shows he isnt evolving as a producer and is continuing to make the same generic synth bass heavy repetitive dance-pop tracks. The fans who think he will automatically score her another hit are delusional. No one is here for 2010 music in 2015. Madonna will realize that too.


Monster and Gypsy (along with the obvious Poker Face) are some of my favorite Gaga songs, I think Gaga and RedOne bring out the best in each other.
promote online kindness! buy LGBT chanteuse BlueBadger's album now, available on iTunes!

Aww wow... Thank you for this Vitanimus o//////o! I really appreciate it ^^;!

This aggressively antagonistic posting is getting a bit over the top at this point, don't you think? I implore you to think harder before you press the "submit reply" button next time, okay? Thanks.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'll be keeping an eye for the music but RedOne after Gaga has been pretty much redoing most of his stuff over and over and IDK what Gaga has in her head. If she makes a TFM like album then I guess that might be alright as long as is sounds current and not stuck in the year TFM came out.


I guess that the true Queen of Popgaf is Gaga, her power to always sneak in the conversation is amazing since apparently she is irrelevant now...

Just admit it. Everyone likes and is holding out love for Gaga. Every two pages is back to trashing Gaga... I mean, that's love.


Everyone's ready to drop everything and stan for Gaga again, they're just waiting for the right music. I don't think any other pop ladies have that on us at the level Gags does tbh
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