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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Mau ®

Teenage Dream (single) is indeed better than any Gaga single.

It also aged pretty well.

EDIT: But as far as album tracks go, Gaga is much better.


but lbr Gaga's videos are largely great
Love Game, Poker Face, Papparazzi, Bad Romance, Telephone, Alejandro, Judas, You and I*, Marry the Night, Applause and GUY
if you say so


Applause is post-Bad Romance and it's a concise, focused slay tho

Nah I used to believe this but the multiple tacky outfits and lack of a theme and basic overarching idea really makes the video lose it's appeal. It has the nice direction going for it though, but that's it.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
As much as I love her, I've always found Gaga's videography quite weak. Which is odd as she's such a visual and theatrical person irl with all the crazy outfits etc. and stage performances, red carpet appearances etc. You'd think it would translate to the screen but most of her videos are a damn mess (Edge of Glory? G.U.Y? Judas? BTW? ugh).

I honestly don't get the love for the Bad Romance video. The song is amazing but the vid is very average imo. Bunch of cheap looking costumes, quick cuts to her crying face and white backdrops. Kylie did it better with Can't Get You Outta My Head.

Telephone remains Gaga's best music video.
This. Telephone is leagues better than Bad Romance (never got the love for that one) and one of my favourite videos ever. It's completely random LET'S MAKE A SANDWICH and suited her style perfectly.

I'd put Applause above Bad Romance. LoveGame and Born this Way are kinda cool. The rest of hers are pretty forgettable.


i remember literally everyone waiting for judas to drop in my 11th grade AP English class in the school library. jfc we were dumb


This. Telephone is leagues better than Bad Romance (never got the love for that one) and one of my favourite videos ever. It's completely random LET'S MAKE A SANDWICH and suited her style perfectly.

I'd put Applause above Bad Romance. LoveGame and Born this Way are kinda cool. The rest of hers are pretty forgettable.



i remember literally everyone waiting for judas to drop in my 11th grade AP English class in the school library. jfc we were dumb

The only thing I remember about that video were the ludicrous rumors about it costing 10 million dollars, lmao

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
LOL. Sorry. I know Bad Romance is the sacred cow, but I don't get it.

That kid is seriously creepy. Like something out of an Aphex Twin video.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
if you say so

I'll give you You and I as I've just rewatched it and forgot about Joe Calzone or whatever his name is
but the rest are great and stunning to watch and you will deal.

Et is Katy's best song and video tho
even the kanye version
also kinda in the Telephone > Bad Romance camp but I tend to flip flop a bit
Telephone is a great song but I've never felt it belonged on Fame Monster


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I would like to redact.
ET is katy's best single.
Legendary Lovers is her best song.


reviewed Rebel Heart, originally posted this on another forum but I thought I'd share here so people didn't have to suffer through all 19 tracks


Living For Love - 7/10
Instantly you can tell she's trying to channel classic Madonna, serving a more upbeat version of Like A Prayer
Already I think this is overproduced, especially considering she's going for a more classic sound with the choir and everything. Sure, the production kinda works, but it sucks the soul out of the song and makes it sound like a dated 2011 song when it should serve early 90s.
Not great, not bad.

Devil Pray - 6/10
This starts out so promising and folky.
I'm going to try and reserve judgement based on the demos for these songs, but the unnecessary breakdown in the chorus highlights the problems with the production. Absolutely unnecessary. Decide on a direction Madonna.
The lyrics are very cringe at times, with her listing every drug. Tacky a bit.

Ghosttown - 6/10
The obvious autotune. Already off to a bad start.
This actually has a decent chorus. But the problem with these songs is that there is nothing remarkable about any of them. Nothing classic or memorable.
Kind of a standard filler track, but it's not bad.

Unapologetic Bitch - 6/10
Okay I like the production here. But we've already heard 3 different styles in this album and it is really making it all sound like a mess. ARTPOP teas.
Again, completely unnecessary breakdown in chorus. Song is repetitive.
Not as bad as I remember, but still just too average.

Illuminati - 5/10
Wow this is very overproduced.
Madonna probably thought this song would be more iconic than it is, with all the name dropping. Shame she wasted that on such a badly produced track.
Vocal mastering is a mess.
I wanted to like this song as a shame-bop, but it's not even that. Hardly anything redeemable here.

Bitch I'm Madonna (ft. Nicki Minaj) - 4/10
god, this already sounds like it was released in 2010.
oh my god. the breakdown is absolutely atrocious.
serving BANGERZ a bit. But worse. Somehow. I don't know.
You'd probably have to be extremely drunk, or high, or both, to genuinely appreciate this song.

Hold Tight - 6/10
Very generic dance sounding. Bring back the folk sound please.
I like the synths in the chorus I guess. But I'd like to hear another GREAT Madonna song in the future. Fearing she might never make another one.

Joan Of Ark - 7/10
Finally, a slight improvement
This is actually boring and not really doing it for me in terms of ballads, but at this point I'll appreciate anything that is toned down and not a convoluted mess like the last few tracks
The verses are great

Iconic (ft. Chance The Rapper & Mike Tyson) - 4/10
Wow, this is a mess
Terrible breakdown
Really nothing redeemable about this. Running out of good constructive criticism too.

HeartBreakCity - 5/10
This is not a good ballad. The melody just isn't strong.
Kind of forgot I was listening to this halfway through. Guess my brain was trying to tune it out

Body Shop - 6/10
The cute folkiness lasted for exactly 20 seconds. Then obnoxious clapping started.
The vocal mastering is a gigantic mess on this one. Sounds like a demo.
Song is cute, but again, nothing to write home about.

Holy Water - 3/10
"bitch get off my pole" this must be the Natalia Kills song.
LMAO at the random vogue bridge, she's trying so hard. Or, not trying at all.
I think we found the worst song on the album so far.
Wow the lyrics. Yeezus loves my pussy? Seriously?

Inside Out - 5/10
so I still have 6 tracks to listen to that will also probably be bad so I'm getting lazy and don't wanna write something for every bad song so just know this is a 5/10 its not good

Wash All Over Me - 7/10
Wow, I actually like this so far. Good melody.
Wait, this chorus is decent too.
I'm glad I don't remember the demo for this one, apparently everyone said it was better? This sounds fine to me.

Best Night - 5/10
She put so much filler on this album. Seriously, 19 tracks? 10 at most would have been plenty given the quality of these songs.
Nothing remarkable about this one. You'll probably forgot how it sounds after you listen to it.

Veni Vidi Vici (feat. Nas) - 4/10
This Madonna faux rap is hilarious
Wow this random chorus and guitar. Already a gigantic mess. This song kind of sums up the album too.
And now an EDM breakdown! Because why not.
When I struck a pose all the gay boys lost their mind!
Kind of insulted she even mentioned ROL in this tragic mess

S.E.X. - 5/10
The lyrics, no comment
lazy chorus
the production is extremely bland

Messiah - 5/10
This song is weird cuz the verses have very similar melody to Rebel Heart.. the next song
I was hoping this would go somewhere but it doesn't. Just boring.

Rebel Heart - 8/10
If Rebel Heart gave us one song to remember it by - it should be this one.
The verses are still kinda overproduced, but let me just say how happy I am she removed the breakdown. The lighter production saved this gem.
This could be better still, and I could be overrating it, but it deserves this score for being my favorite in this dreadful album.



To the bottom of the sea, I'd go to find you
Climb the highest peak to be right beside you
Every step I take, I'm keeping you in mind

'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye
Like a double rainbow in the sky
And wherever you go, so will I
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find

Who else?


irresponsible vagina leak
When instrumentals are the best part of a pop album that says a lot.

Lol actually multiple songs of Artpop work better as instrumentals than the pretentious garbage Gaga sings on top of them. Also her painting the album as the second coming of Jesus didnt help to what was an average dance album look shittier than it actually is.

Mau ®

I was mostly bothered that she hyped it up to be an EDM/Techno-raver whatever album and in the end ARTPOP has very few elements of that. It's mostly just pop.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
tay tay has been rumoured for glastonbury apparently
maybe kanye, rih, adele

source: my housemate


alejandro, telephone, and paparazzi are gaga's best music videos

anyways, rebel heart is actually actually probably higher than four or five of her other albums, with some standouts like holy water, veni vidi vici, iconic, body shop, queen, beautiful scars, wash all over me
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