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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Mau ®;131892758 said:
Emma Watson questions Bey's feminist message.


What does King Roy think?
Disagree with her on this one because I don't think women expressing their sexuality is a bad thing.

That said, idk how much of a feminist Beyonce really is cus I don't keep up with her t b h


PopGAF, it's time to have a real discussion about dream pop duo Beach House and their ascension to one of this centuries most well crafted discographies and why you should care. Having already amassed critical acclaim from Pitchfork, Stereogum, and Rolling Stones, the trend is set to continue in their inevitable fourth album, which I announced pretty soon. So let's take a walk in the park shall we?

Beach House formed 10 years ago, when vocalist and lyricist Victoria Legrand became disenchanted studying theatre in Paris and moved back to Baltimore, Maryland and eventually became involved with guitarist Alex Scally and released their eponymous debut to generally favorable reviews in 2006.

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Choice picks:

Following initial success, the duo developed their sound further with the release of Devotion in 2008, with Legrand's songwriting prowess taking a cleaner and crisper sound. This was also Beach House's first album to chart on the Billboard 200, peaking at #195.

Listen: | Spotify | iTunes |

Choice picks:
It was in 2010 that the duo released Teen Dream, a personal favorite, to wide success and found a mainstream audience. Beach House evolved their sound in such a remarkable degree that almost everyone in this thread should experience, if you haven't done so already. Teen Dream was the result of extensive touring from promoting their previous album, Devotion, that acted as a physical restriction to songwriting. The album debuted #43 on the Billboard 200, and has sold over 140,000 copies.

Listen: | Spotify | iTunes |

Choice picks:
This brings us to their latest record, Bloom. A much more emotive experience, the album is much more sonically focused as a continuous album experience, rather than focusing on singles, rewarding uninterrupted listens. In contrast to previous albums, Bloom was recorded much quicker in a span of only 7 weeks, and continued their commercial and critical success, peaking within the top 10 of the Billboard 200 at #7.

Listen: | Spotify | iTunes |

Choice picks:
So, what's next to Beach House? Well, there hasn't been an official word on their fourth record. But considering, the consistent 2 year gap between releases and their current 2014 tour, a 2015 release seems like a pretty safe bet. Let their light in. This has been a post. *.*
Voted for Madonna. Because you guys seem to be voting in a bunch of hews for some reason.

I do like Charlie xcx a bit, and I expect better music from her in the near future than from Madonna. But seriously, this xcx girl just made 4 (?) hit songs, Madonna made 40. Everyone can find a few songs from Madonna they like, whether it's her immortal 80s stuff (looking at you cosmicbus), from her 90s Magnum opus Ray of Light, or her 00s stuff (COADF is godly). Even turd album MDMA had I'm addicted, which I personally find better than any xcx song.

In previous voting rounds I made a top 10 for each of the artists to make up my mind. In this round that's not even possible. One of the artists hasn't even made enough songs for such a list.

Madonna is the only logical choice IMHO.


Mau ®;131925767 said:
You didn't give it a chance, did you?
I listened to a snippet of each song listed. It's virtually the same song repeated ad nauseum. Not my thing. Is it even pop music?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Clearly they don't, seeing as the race critique is used as a defense when a white person critiques a black person for any reason. Sometimes its just petty.

I don't see Emma's criticism of Beyonce's approach to feminism as "white vs black feminism" as I don't read anything in her statement as referring to Beyoncé's blackness or black culture... Unless you consider open displays of sexuality to be exclusively a black thing, which would be worlds of problematic.

The only reason this is being labeled as "white vs black feminism" is because Emma, who is white, said something critical about Beyoncé, who is black. But really, it should take more than that.
Except that Emma's 'critiques' are basically rehashes of critiques that White feminists have made about black women for years.


Thanks to Google Play's Free Errorana Gwrongde-Album Day, I've been listening to it at the gym at there are some potentially good tracks that are either marred by these horrible rap infusions or seemingly incomplete, go-nowhere tracks. I do like Hands On Me, even though I rolled my eyes in the beginning. Kinda reminds me of something Tamia would do production wise, like U'nh...To You, Can't No Man, Can't Go for That, etc. I genuinely like One Last Time and Break Free grew on me. Love Me Harder is good but the male vocal is really underwhelming. I don't mind Be My Baby either.

But Best Mistake could have been good but that rap break is just...what. Break Your Heart Right Back is just really irritating, but I've never really cared for that Diana Ross sample anywhere else either. I can't use the rest of the album.

Ronika is slaying me again with her debut.

Forget Yourself

Pop perfection. Don't sleep on her, gals! Never Forever has already praised her, but I'm doing it again, just in case.

I still use Forget Yourself. Truly a funky throwback bop.


I totally forgot to post about this Jennifer Hudson track featuring Iggy. It's a bop, for sure, but Iggy's verse is trash. Major trash. Adds absolutely nothing to the original track and is the epitome of desperate hottest-rapper-at-the-moment syndrome. Song is so much better without Iggy.


I replaced it with something else. He's clearly trolling.

Ah. Got ya. There's plenty of people that needs educatin' but I'm kinda waiting to see what Rob says.

3phemeral. Ha urban era. ;__;

I've posted these same pics before. I don't know why they're getting attention now. ;_;

On another note:

I'm actually enjoying JHUD. I like the disco influence. I'm a few tracks in and I feel if it continues, it might start sounding a little same-y. I Still Love You is sounding a lot like One Night Only.

Mau ®

Abel from The Weeknd is really good live. He's got presence and confidence!

Ariana needs to work on those things tho...
It just seems like a really shallow understanding of the album to claim that the extent of the feminism was a thirty second sound-bite, when it was every bit as implicitly feminist throughout
This is Roy here. Beyonce could say the sun is yellow and he'd have a problem with it.

it was a more explicit and more coherent representation of those values, and she wasn't a coward too afraid to own the label.
Beyonce's been big on "girl power" from way back. From Independent Women, to insisting on having an all female band, to Run the World etc. Folk seem to think that since she embraces being a wife and mother, that that somehow diminishes her stance on womens issues. Or that since she dares to show her body (which she stated was to show women that they can get their body back after having a baby), and sing about sex (with/to her husband mind you), that she's somehow different from any of the women Roy mentioned. Didn't Madonna release a "pornographic" coffee table book? I don't recall any woman power anthems... Express Yourself... maybe? Wasn't Janet always singing about getting dicked down? Sometimes right along side social commentary? Christina was singing about dudes putting icing on her cake and singing about dudes not holding her down. Wasn't TLC's first single about them being unashamed to beg for sex? If them hoes (in the colloquial sense) are Feminists, so is Bey. Roy can stay bewitched, bothered and bewildered with his crabs in a barrel mentality.

5 Reasons I’m Here for Beyonce’ said:
Lo and behold, what do I find – a remixed version of Beyonce’s song from earlier this spring. On the album it’s titled “Flawless” but you might know it is as “Bow Down, I Been On.” Some feminists I know had their panties all in a wad when the first version came out, because Bey instructed some generally nameless bitches to bow down. (Here at CFC we reposted this great piece from Red Clay Scholar about Bey’s sonic ratchetness, which you should check out.)

Look, I don’t generally get into debates about whether women can or should say “bitch” or Black people can say “nigga.” Because why? The bottom line is we do it anyway, and marginalized groups have the right to self-define. What I will say is that it took feminism to introduce me to real bitches (good and bad.)

Anyway, folks said that Beyonce’s choice to do something so demeaning killed her feminist street cred. But then folks been pulling Bey’s feminist card from the beginning. Let us not forget how much folk acted a fool after the Superbowl.

So the reason I fucks wit Bey so deeply is that she had something for that ass.

The remix. The remix with Chimamanda Adichie spitting a very clear and succinct definition of feminism for the masses. “A person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.” Yup. For starters anyway. And that interlude came right after Bey said, “bow down bitches.”

Talk about Crunk Feminism – percussive, a refusal to fit into particular boxes, a willingness to “fuck with the grays.”

So here’s a few reasons that I’m here for Beyonce, the Feminist.

1.) She’s a work in progress, as are we all. In 2010, she gave an interview saying she was a “feminist in a way,” because she valued her female friendships deeply. Earlier this year, she claimed she was a “modern-day feminist.” Now she is straight up embracing the term in her music and claiming her right to tell women to both bowdown and encouraging them to be self-confident from the moment they step out of bed… in the same damn song! I rock with that because her feminism is complicated, and ours is too. Tell the truth. If your bed and the folks you shared it with were an indicator of your politics, your card might get pulled, too. Moving on.

2.) Sometimes bitches do need to bowdown. Call that a hip hop generation feminist sensibility, but it’s true. It’s just like when Papa Pope gave Fitz the read of the century last night in Scandal – “Boy, I’m literally above your paygrade.” It’s like the swag I don when academic goons try to step to me even though they are clearly less qualified. Sometimes I’ve been known to tell folk “You haven’t read enough to step to me. Go back and come again.” The world would be better if women would learn that we don’t have to take everybody’s shit. Not the white man’s, not the Black man’s, not the state’s, not the hating ass next-door neighbor, not your frenemy’s. Nobody’s.

3.) Academic feminism ain’t the only kid on the block. Confession: the first time I identified as a feminist, I was in grad school. I was able to come to an informed conclusion after reading Beverly Guy-Sheftall’s Words of Fire and Patricia Hill Collins Black Feminist Thought. But we need to stop acting like a radical feminist is the only kind of feminist to be. I mean look, I’m radical and committed to a robust structural critique. But I appreciate the good few liberal feminists in Congress who show up and actually fight for reproductive rights that can be on the books! As Meek Mill says, there’s levels to the shit. But newsflash – everybody didn’t go to college. So when women of color start waxing eloquent about how our grandmothers and mothers were the first feminists we knew and many of them would “never” use the term, I wonder then why we don’t understand Beyonce’s homegrown brand of feminism – one that honors female friendships, one that recognizes and calls out sexism and domination in her industry, one that celebrates the power of women. No, it ain’t well-articulated radical social justice feminism, but if you need a Ph.D. to be a feminist, then we’ve got bigger problems, folks. AND I’ll take a feminist that knows how to treat her homegirls before one who can spit the finer points of a bell hooks to me all day erry-day.

4.) I’m here for anybody that is checking for the f-word, since so many folk aren’t. (Except Republicans. Ain’t nobody here for that.) What we look like embracing Queen Latifah and Erykah Badu even though they patently reject the term, but shading and policing Bey who embraces it? If Bey is embracing this term, that is laudable. If she’s figuring out her relationship to it, I embrace that. I will never let my politics be limited by folks’ identification with a label, but it is nice when folks are willing to take the risk that comes with the word. Especially when said folks are backing it up by living out feminism in the ways available to them – performing with an all girl band, with visibly queer members, for instance.

5.) King Bey always brings her A-game and manages to have fun while doing it. I wish feminism could take some clues here. We don’t always bring our A-game, since we spend a whole lot of time trying to figure who’s in and who’s out as if that is going to get us anywhere. Time’s out for the WOC feminist meangirls shit. Sometimes folks just be hating. Real talk. Cuz if you ain’t critiquing Katy Perry and Pink and alla dem for being pro-capitalist and in league with the establishment, then back up off Bey. Posthaste. (And yes, we can and should have a robust critique, and that in itself ain’t hating. But again, sometimes, folk are just being mean or contrary, and we need to be about building some shit, not tearing shit down. And sometimes folks need to go to therapy and heal from the shit the meangirls in your past did to you. Stop taking it out on Bey. She don’t know you. Seriously.)

More to the point, sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. If laughing and dancing aint a part of this revolution we’re building, then you can keep it.


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