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POPGAF |OT3| Geo Da Silva > nails on chalkboard > Taylor Swift

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And weren't they driving a Lexus That Night...?




irresponsible vagina leak
She truly is a fucking flop. I tried to listen to that album thinking that it would be interesting but it was just utter garbage.

I think vocally she aint bad. But her music its garbage to the point you might forget who she is over time.


Your love is perfection, please point me in the right direction
I'mma give you all my affection
Every touch becomes infectious
Let's make out in this lexus
There's no other love just like this
A life with you I want, then can we become lust persona



Your love is perfection, please point me in the right direction
I'mma give you all my affection
Every touch becomes infectious
Let's make out in this lexus
There's no other love just like this
A life with you I want, then can we become lust persona


Look at Rih stanning Persona, just in time for P4 Vita.



irresponsible vagina leak
Exactly. Her voice is pretty damn good tbh.

I think she and Jessie J and some others (Wont list everyone) need someone helping them do something cohesive.

Jessie J has wonderful vocals and has good singles but when you go to listen the album there is no cohesiveness to talk about. The singles are the best songs and the ones on the album might have 1 or 2 decent ones but the rest its filler. I hope she tries to do a more serious direction to fit more that voice she has which apparently she will do on the the next album so we'll see if she learns.

Rita simply has the vocals but doesn't have an idea of what to do with any of her talent. She needs simply a whole new team to help her out with a sound to fit her better. I don't really remember the rest of the album (Which I heard completely in youtube since it was me previewing it)

Overall I think there are tons of people with talent that need just a better team to help em out. An example being these girls. Rita definitely needs more help if she wants to stay in the business.


FFXII changed the game. There would be no Xenoblade without its marvelous innovations to the genre.

Lesser RPGs (and their lesser fans) will deal.


Wow, that thread really took a turn for the stupid. To be expected though, it was a Kim Kardashian thread, after all.


I think it's stupid that people jumped on race so quickly. Using any member of the primate order to refer to someone as an idiot has been practiced since the dawn of time. It's a particularly strong insult in some parts of the world, and in most cases it has absolutely NOTHING to do with race and everything to do with someone acting like a damn fool. Making it out to be a solely racial insult is reaching. Point blank.

Some of the logic in that thread reminds me of this kid back in my 6th grade Spanish class who pitched a fit when we learned the Spanish word for the color black.

So call someone an idiot or a fool instead of calling them a baboon, because unless you've been living under a rock the size of Texas or ignorant, insulting black people by referring to them as a 'monkey', 'baboon', or 'chimp' is a very fucking popular and hurtful thing to do amongst racists and white supremacists to this very day.

I'll give that someone messed up and could faintly plead the lack of knowledge, but planting your flag in the ground and defending it is another thing that I don't find tolerable in the least. I came here to find out the context of the word in Pop-GAF and I'm finding none.
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