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Prey review thread

I will say that it is interesting to see one reviewer hate the game for the exact reason another loves it. I can't think of the last game where that happened.


When more i play, more i like the game.

It's like System Shock 2, everything i wanted...i don't get the reviews.


I play on PC btw.


What are you refering to when you're using neogaf's favourite term when its out of its depth on a game ? How is a game richer and more complex than everything in the last ten years which uses the standard basic controls of today, dated ?
You know you are using a broad strokes comment as well when you say the bolded. What exactly does richer and complex mean? If it's the level of interactivity and the immersive sim aspect of the game then I strongly disagree because Mankind Divided puts most games to shame in that area in terms of level and environment design allowing for a tremendous amount of experimentation. Infact Mankind Divided is imo one of the most fascinating examples of immersive sims gameplay because what it does with a small block of a city, other games fail to do with an entire sprawling open world. It's amazing to see just how many houses you can enter in how many different ways and do them out of sequence and have the game even acknowledge that.

Atleast when I say dated it has a specific meaning, i.e. it has nuisances with its gameplay, movement and level design that have simply been improved upon over time. It can have standard basic controls and still feel bad because of the above mentioned things. System Shock has a more complex level design that a lot of newer games but it's nonsense to think it didn't have issues or games haven't improved upon what was present in 1995 and 1999 in any way. Which is why it can have the more open ended level design than newer games and still be "dated" as those are two different areas. For example Prey has mediocre shooting and movement compared to its contemporaries but it is still considerably better than System Shock 2 because at the end of the day it incorporates the developments made into these areas in the past 15-20 years.

Regardless of difference in opinion, it still doesn't change my original argument that if a review says Prey is "like Bioshock" instead of "like system shock" then it's not really the reviewers fault if they haven't played System Shock. So it's natural that they'll pick the closest game to it that they have played as reference. Because despite Bioshock being inferior due to whatever reasons, it is still a spiritual successor to System Shock and Prey is the same, so it's not hard to see why someone would draw comparisons between those two. And as such it's no reason to disregard their point just because they didn't say "like system shock" when the core idea that they want to express by making that reference, i.e. open ended level design, is conveyed in the end regardless of Prey being more similar to System Shock than Bioshock.


Yeah this game's fucking awesome, full stop, probably my GOTY so far.

I feel completely disconnected from whatever the reviewers are griping about.

Then again there's like a 10-point variance between the PS4 and PC versions, so perhaps it's just a case of shitty console ports.


when does MC finally stop to count multiplatform games individually

Xbox One: 90
Pc: 87
Ps4: 78

Well, with this game the ps4 has some issues the others don't. I think that should be reflected in the Mc score. Same with a game that has a bad pc version, just giving it the same Mc as the console versions seems a bad way of handling that.
Yeah this game's fucking awesome, full stop, probably my GOTY so far.

I feel completely disconnected from whatever the reviewers are griping about.

Then again there's like a 10-point variance between the PS4 and PC versions, so perhaps it's just a case of shitty console ports.

PC version is very smooth for me and I am running it on a GTX 770. Great performance, no crashes and no noticeable bugs 10 hours in.


PC version is very smooth for me and I am running it on a GTX 770. Great performance, no crashes and no noticeable bugs 10 hours in.


Seriously this game is exactly what I want from games. You can go anywhere you want, yet every area feels meaningful, and the game rewards player experimentation and you have like 100 ways to tackle any given situation. I'm finding little not to like about the game so far.


The disparity between XB1 and PS4 reviews is a bit weird. Are the input/deadzone issues not present in the X1 version?

Nope, nothing like that. It's Law of Averages. There are more reviews counted on the PS4 side (18 at the moment) with a wider range of scores compared to the Xbox One version (5 reviews). The PC version has 8 reviews. Lower amount of reviews tend to skew averages higher.
Nope, nothing like that. It's Law of Averages. There are more reviews counted on the PS4 side (18 at the moment) with a wider range of scores compared to the Xbox One version (5 reviews). The PC version has 8 reviews. Lower amount of reviews tend to skew averages higher.

Ah. I didn't know the X1 version had so few reviews.

big fake

Why would IGN let the same person who wrote this:


Also review Prey and caution people from buying it because his game keeps crashing.
Im sorry it just seems a bit biased even if he does like it and scores well.

Oh no... Dan Stapleton.

Be prepared for an extra dose of hyperbole. I agree that this will for sure be bias. Dan thinks he's rational but is far from it most of the time.



refusal to let players choose their own path


I don't understand how they arrived at that. I couldn't care less about the score they gave it. That's their prerogative but that sentence is a big "huh?" I've been going all over the place in this game. I've found multiple routes for areas I both wanted to get into and needed to get into. I've been able to play the way I've wanted to play for some 20 hours so far.



I don't understand how they arrived at that. I couldn't care less about the score they gave it. That's their prerogative but that sentence is a big "huh?" I've been going all over the place in this game. I've found multiple routes for areas I both wanted to get into and needed to get into. I've been able to play the way I've wanted to play for some 20 hours so far.

Yeah, I can't even remember the last FPS that was as open-ended and accommodating as Prey is. Certainly Bioshock (a game the reviewer goes out of his way to praise) doesn't even come close to Prey in that regard.



I don't understand how they arrived at that. I couldn't care less about the score they gave it. That's their prerogative but that sentence is a big "huh?" I've been going all over the place in this game. I've found multiple routes for areas I both wanted to get into and needed to get into. I've been able to play the way I've wanted to play for some 20 hours so far.

Techraptor is a terrible, terrible site and that reviewer is bad at their job. I wouldn't sweat it.

In general I'm loving this game, more than either Dishonored or any Deus Ex besides the first one. It's an amazing achievement and the space station is seriously one of the GOAT gameworlds, like a worthy successor to the Von Braun from SS2.

It's also running just fine on my shitty PC and hasn't crashed once. So idk what that's about.

I know I'm going to sound like a snob but after reading this thread it kind of feels like a lot of reviewers don't really understand what this game is trying to do.

I don't know if it's because they're rushing through to meet a deadline or just have bad taste.

Idk, usually when I see a low score for a game / movie I like it doesn't bug me, but some of Prey's bad reviews just seem... incompetent.


Techraptor is a terrible, terrible site and that reviewer is bad at their job. I wouldn't sweat it.

In general I'm loving this game, more than either Dishonored or any Deus Ex besides the first one. It's an amazing achievement and the space station is seriously one of the GOAT gameworlds, like a worthy successor to the Von Braun from SS2.

It's also running just fine on my shitty PC and hasn't crashed once. So idk what that's about.

I know I'm going to sound like a snob but after reading this thread it kind of feels like a lot of reviewers don't really understand what this game is trying to do.

I don't know if it's because they're rushing through to meet a deadline or just have bad taste.

Idk, usually when I see a low score for a game / movie I like it doesn't bug me, but some of Prey's bad reviews just seem... incompetent.

I agree, in my opinion this game is getting completely robbed at the moment. Reviewers who harken back to the old PC immersive sim days are giving it the praise it rightly deserves. It's LGS/Ion Storm through and through.
Have enjoyed listening to and reading the impressions of people playing the full game today, particularly the throughline of 'pleasantly surprised'. This game wasn't on my radar at all beyond knowing the IP's history and I was able to put in an 11th hour physical preorder so that I could get my 20% off. Looking forward to putting in time with it this week.


Man this thread is gonna be a cluster.

When more i play, more i like the game.

It's like System Shock 2, everything i wanted...i don't get the reviews.


They'd never admit it, but it wouldn't surprise me if outlets were being tougher on their scores to punish Bethesda for not giving out review copies.


Despite the non-amazing (but still good) overall meta score, it sounds like this game will help my craving for a new System Shock type game. I like what I'm reading about well designed environments and choice in terms of how to proceed. I think I'll have to put a cdkeys order in.


Despite the non-amazing (but still good) overall meta score, it sounds like this game will help my craving for a new System Shock type game. I like what I'm reading about well designed environments and choice in terms of how to proceed. I think I'll have to put a cdkeys order in.

Fuck the metascore, the game IS amazing. Sidenote, *most* of the scores in right now are from less than reputable outlets.


Fuck the metascore, the game IS amazing. Sidenote, *most* of the scores in right now are from less than reputable outlets.

That's what I'm noticing. This is definitely a case where you need to read the reviews, see what the pros/cons are, and consider who wrote the review.
All I know is that I'm having a blast with it, and its getting better.

I keep expecting a Typhon to starting singing "If I didn't care..."

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Alien: Isolation being too hard

IGN's review vs. like... a ton of them

I turned Alien Isolation down to the easiest difficulty and enjoyed it much more for it, dying completely kills the immersion in a game like that and the damn Alien just wouldn't stop riding my ass on higher difficulties.


I turned Alien Isolation down to the easiest difficulty and enjoyed it much more for it, dying completely kills the immersion in a game like that and the damn Alien just wouldn't stop riding my ass on higher difficulties.

I removed the Alien completely.
(I did play it all the way through with the Alien the first time.)


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
How does this compare to Dishonored 2? Im a huge fan of that


I think that while it is a lot like System Shock and Bioshock, it could have learned a lot more in the 10+ years since those games came out.
I think that while it is a lot like System Shock and Bioshock, it could have learned a lot more in the 10+ years since those games came out.
Like what? I'm playing System Shock 2 now and played Bioshock again a few weeks ago. This absolutely is a modern reincarnation and you feel the Dishonored DNA as well
I still literally have no idea if the technical issues are fixed on ps4 or not,
the demo was largely divisive
the reviews are dodgy and few as hell
ign and gamespot can't even beat it because of bugs

bomba written all over it. what horrible mishandling of the entire thing.

this isnt doom, its not as approachable , its not as old an ip, and its demo wasnt even half as good. they can't possibly expect people to just up and buy this game on aesthetics alone?
I think that while it is a lot like System Shock and Bioshock, it could have learned a lot more in the 10+ years since those games came out.

I'm replaying Bioshock and I just realized something.
Prey doesn't throw a hacking minigame at the player every other minute. I'm still in Fontaine's fishery and I've already been awarded the "complete 50 hacks" achievement.

If Arkane has learned anything, it's not to make the same mistakes.


I think that while it is a lot like System Shock and Bioshock, it could have learned a lot more in the 10+ years since those games came out.

Like how to be terrified of emergent play lest reviewers frustrate themselves? That's kind of the vibe I'm getting thus far. Thinking outside the box is a reward in and of itself, and prey is unprecedented in the AAA space for the sheer plethora of choices you get from moment to moment. Like that guardian review: heaven forbid a game offer you a trade off in throwing fireballs or having a leg up on security. That's too punishing for a game in 2017, I guess.


Wow, it's reviewing much better than I expected. I don't mind my purchase, but the game is mediocrity defined, and I expected more backlash from reviewers over this. I don't play on PS4 or PC though, so input lag other technical problems haven't reared their ugly head for me, but it's good to see such things aren't having too drastic an effect on reviews.

Hopefully they sell enough to make a bigger & better sequel.


Like what? I'm playing System Shock 2 now and played Bioshock again a few weeks ago. This absolutely is a modern reincarnation and you feel the Dishonored DNA as well

I agree, I think it does modernize the... well, System Shock outline, but I think there are a lot of weird issues I have with the game that seem like they shouldnt be there.

Without spoiling anything:
1) Arkane sometimes doesnt plan for your course of action and NPCs will be left without dialog.
2) You have a lot of powers and abilities but not a lot of opportunities to use them. I never found a combat use for the mimic ability.
3) Final act falls apart in some places. Cant spoil so thats all I will say.
4) NPC interaction is super awkward and stiff. At one point an NPC was in a doorway staring at me, looked like she was waiting for me, I expected her to say something but then she just walked away
5) dialog playing over other dialog

I think these are things we just shouldnt be doing anymore in video games. Still like the game a lot, Bioshock is in my top 5 probably so its my kind of game, I think it missteps a bit.

Like how to be terrified of emergent play lest reviewers frustrate themselves? That's kind of the vibe I'm getting thus far. Thinking outside the box is a reward in and of itself, and prey is unprecedented in the AAA space for the sheer plethora of choices you get from moment to moment. Like that guardian review: heaven forbid a game offer you a trade off in throwing fireballs or having a leg up on security. That's too punishing for a game in 2017, I guess.

Way to strawman, dude.

I'm replaying Bioshock and I just realized something.
Prey doesn't throw a hacking minigame at the player every other minute. I'm still in Fontaine's fishery and I've already been awarded the "complete 50 hacks" achievement.

If Arkane has learned anything, it's not to make the same mistakes.

At least in Bioshock you can eventually ability up to autohack turrets and cameras, if thats how you want to play. Its not easy, but its a great reward. Ive done a lot of hacking in Prey, but its by choice so whatevs.
I agree, I think it does modernize the... well, System Shock outline, but I think there are a lot of weird issues I have with the game that seem like they shouldnt be there.

Without spoiling anything:
1) Arkane sometimes doesnt plan for your course of action and NPCs will be left without dialog.
2) You have a lot of powers and abilities but not a lot of opportunities to use them. I never found a combat use for the mimic ability
2 in particular isn't really a combat ability. It's for stealth, getting into places you can't usually reach, passing through hazardous areas (ie a metal wrench can't catch on fire), and use in synergy with other abilities


2 in particular isn't really a combat ability. It's for stealth, getting into places you can't usually reach, passing through hazardous areas (ie a metal wrench can't catch on fire), and use in synergy with other abilities

Sure, I just think it would have been cool to have some combat purpose. imagine pretending to be a dead body in Bioshock and have the little sister and big daddy come over THEN SURPRISE!

At least, when I chose that ability thats what i thought. I still loved that I could use it to get in tight areas yet wasnt told to do that.
Sure, I just think it would have been cool to have some combat purpose. imagine pretending to be a dead body in Bioshock and have the little sister and big daddy come over THEN SURPRISE!
You can mimic turrets, but yeah, you can use the stealth ability for the same thing here. Pretend to be a coffee cup, phantom works past, surprise attack


what kind of performance should I expect at 4k with a 6700k @ 4.2, 32gb ram and a 1080 Founders OCd

I had drops down to 45ish fps in the 4 test chambers during the tutorial/prologue (no idea why). Outside of that performance has been surprisingly good at 4k on my 1080 (8 hours in, but I take my time and just finished the psychotronics part). Fps are mostly at 60 on max settings, with some drops here and there. If you turn down screen space occlusion and reflections to half and maybe shadows down a bit 60 fps should be doable.

Short performance video, maybe 20 minutes into the game (the part was also in the demo). Recorded with Geforce experience, so there seem to be more stutter than there really is.



Neo Member
I'm actually really enjoying this game. I think that it's just come out at a bad time, with the bar being raised ridiculously high by other games that have been released recently. Last year this would have been a GOTY nominee.

Prey is excellent. I haven't noticed any bugs on my PS4 copy yet, but I've heard others have experienced them, which sucks.

Some of the bigger YouTubers are seemingly doing a series on it, if you're still undecided.



I wonder how well System Shock 2 would do in terms of reviews if it were released today.

I would have add the maze image of Doom in the What i Got ! I don't remember the last time a played a game, and going back to any previous place so see if i miss a lockdoor, or a place that i could not hack or remove a box to advance further. The guys who did level design should be hired for SS3.... I mean this is the most amazing exploration I've had since a long time. I thought first few level of the last Doom were the pinnacle of vertical exploration and secret. But i was so wrong, this really put me on a new standard on level design....

SS2 would have great review, i think it was way more scarier then prey, use way less jump scare everywhere, and the music was fitting the game so well. Prey is stressful, but never reach the level of fear i had on SS2. Story is also a little better in SS2 IMO.
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