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Prey review thread


Coming from someone who gave Fallout 4 a fucking 9.5. A game infinitely more buggy than Prey in my experience.


Especially when he says this in the same paragraph

I'm not going to fault someone if such bugs marred their experience that much, but I think it's pretty messed up to damn a game you admit is compelling and very good/even great based on technical issues on the verge of being fixed according to the devs

All reviews score the game at launch. Is that unfair? Probably. I'd say it's more unfair for a Dev to launch a game with gamebreaking issues and major bugs.

Edit: I would say that score is inconsistent with what they wrote in the review, bugs aside.


4 seems really harsh if it's a bug that's not too common. I'm all for taking games to task for obvious "how did this pass cert" kinda stuff, but if it's a rare bug it feels a bit unfair. Not really familiar with the situation enough to know how many people are encountering the issue though.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
When you see reviews like that it starts to give the tinfoil hat theorists credence.

It really does. Game gets knocked for not innovating, what about every year a new CoD releases and gets 8s and 9s? Game doesnt let you choose how to play, factually incorrect. Cookie cutter story? While this gets sibjective on how much you like the story Id argue they dont appreciate what it is doing from a story intertwining with gameplay perspective. I also find the story very interesting on its own. 4/10 over a bug? I dont think any big FPS release has gotten such a hit from having unplayable multi on day 1. Some of the knocks this game is getting make no sense.
Well, I've run into some late-game issues myself.

No save corruption, but I've had a few optional quests fall apart due to inexplicable bugs.


So he reviewed the game pn PC, suffered from a ug and fucked the score.

Prey is one of the best immersive sims in a decade by miles, but if he suffered a bug like that, i understand the score.

BUT that's on PC, what about PS4 or XBOne? If there's no bug on those versions, why is the score the same?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BUT that's on PC, what about PS4 or XBOne? If there's no bug on those versions, why the score is the same?

This is literally the first sentence of the review:

[Note: Please take notice that this review applies exclusively to the PC version of Prey. We're currently playing the console versions to see if we encounter similar issues, and if not we will score them separately at a later date.]

Maybe read it?
So he reviewed the game pn PC, suffered from a ug and fucked the score.

Prey is one of the best immersive sims in a decade by miles, but if he suffered a bug like that, i understand the score.

BUT that's on PC, what about PS4 or XBOne? If there's no bug on those versions, why the score is the same?

That's because it is explicitly a review of the PC version.
Is the bug the reviewer experienced already fixed? If not, I don't really see the issue. His reasoning for the review and score checks out to me.


Man, those reviews for one of the most complex, polished and well designed fps since 90s...

Insert Fansworth meme here pls. xD

Save corruption is unfortunte - it happened to me on the FINAL episode of Walking Dead Season 1. Does it suck that I never finished it, especially considering the critical acclaim that it achieved? Absolutely. But you can look high and low and you'll never find a comment (or 'professional' review lul) from me calling it an outright bad game.
Save corruption is unfortunte - it happened to me on the FINAL episode of Walking Dead Season 1. Does it suck that I never finished it, especially considering the critical acclaim that it achieved? Absolutely. But you can look high and low and you'll never find a comment (or 'professional' review lul) from me calling it an outright bad game.

He even says it's good, even great in the review, it's creates a kind of disonnance between review and score, according to their own scoring scale.
Save corruption is unfortunte - it happened to me on the FINAL episode of Walking Dead Season 1. Does it suck that I never finished it, especially considering the critical acclaim that it achieved? Absolutely. But you can look high and low and you'll never find a comment (or 'professional' review lul) from me calling it an outright bad game.

Yea but just because you wouldn't, doesn't mean others wouldn't or shouldn't. Games are products as much as they are entertainment, so if a product goes and shits itself, then it should be no surprise that some people will adjust the score to that product accordingly.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yea but just because you wouldn't, doesn't mean others wouldn't or shouldn't. Games are products as much as they are entertainment, so if a product goes and shits itself, then it should be no surprise that some people will adjust the score to that product accordingly.

Those reviewers werent giving 4s to MKX and Arkham Knight when those games shit themselves. It's two faced behavior.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
As someone whos constantly cited DOOMs 7.0 as an example of why not to trust reviewers. LOL.
They should have finished the game on another platform and put a disclaimer up warning PC customers. Throwing out something like that with an issue that 60+% of purchasers will never encounter seems useless.

Edit - make it 99% if it is getting patched as quickly as some are saying. But Bethesda should have known reviews would get pushed out as close to release date as possible for more clicks, and shit like this can happen as a result.
Those reviewers werent giving 4s to MKX and Arkham Knight when those games shit themselves. It's two faced behavior.

Okay? First of all, I'm not sure why this particular reviewer is being judged for the actions of the collective whole. That makes little to no sense.

Second, most Arkham Knight reviews were of the PS4 version, including I'm pretty sure IGNs, given that those were pre-release copies provided by WB.
This is where the whole review in progress malarkey confuses me now.

Why bother with such a thing if you can't make allowances for common place practices like bug fixes?
Those reviewers werent giving 4s to MKX and Arkham Knight when those games shit themselves. It's two faced behavior.

No, it's really not. Outlets were given PS4 versions of those games to review.

I think Dan's score is harsh (though I get where he's coming from), but it's really not hypocritical.

In a perfect world, sites would have separate reviews for every version of a game, but that's obviously not realistic.

What destroys me is that i can no longer even trust acg

That's your problem, not his. Expecting someone who didn't experience a game-breaking bug to magically talk about it in his review is pretty nonsensical.
Thank god i didn't listen to day 1 players and reviews.
The silence on the game's tecnhical state was always alarming after that demo.
What destroys me is that i can no longer even trust acg


Yeah, most multi-platform news websites will review the game on whatever they're given and not do much in the way of comparisons. It's partly why you don't see much performance talk outside the particular version played. PC especially is usually snubbed.
This is where the whole review in progress malarkey confuses me now.

Why bother with such a thing if you can't make allowances for common place practices like bug fixes?

It's all about site wide practices. Some sites are changing and allow for that sort of thing while others believe in reviewing the product as is since there might be a portion of people who might never update a game. I don't think either side is more right or wrong, it's a tough situation since it still is a relatively new problem to deal with.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This is where the whole review in progress malarkey confuses me now.

Why bother with such a thing if you can't make allowances for common place practices like bug fixes?
I don't mind a game getting nailed for bugs, but there is not a lot of logical consistency for it. Even across the same outlet, with games from the same publisher, nobody sane is going to argue that this game shipped in worse shape than Fallout New Vegas (and I love that game). And then for that score to get attributed to versions not having the same issue... this is why so many people are turning to perhaps less than 100% transparent YouTube channels to see how a game looks and runs. Complaints so specific to one version of the game are not going to be relevant or informative.

Bethesda really put this game in an awkward position. They have been doing this long enough to know what could go wrong with some of the online coverage.


The difference is WB actually provides review copies for their games, and the copies they provided were the PS4 version. So gaming sites couldn't have reviewed the PC version prior to launch even if they wanted to.

So then in that case the publisher is controlling the environment in which the game is being reviewed by way of platform. That is not a positive thing. Many of those reviews got listed under the PC platform for the game and alongside Nvidia's marketing campaign for the game it duped many PC gamers into thinking the game would perform well.

According to googles cached version of that review there was a note stating PC gamers are reporting issues, but there was no seperate review for the PC version to really make a point of highlighting those issues like there is here.

Thank god i didn't listen to day 1 players and reviews.
The silence on the game's tecnhical state was always alarming after that demo.
What destroys me is that i can no longer even trust acg

Yeh only those with negative views on this game are right, especially those citing issues that are rare and have already been fixed. Everyone else isn't trustworthy.


Wow. I now know how all those cry babies who were bitching about Zelda scores feel.

This is thefirst time I've ever seen furious at review scores. A review actually cited lack of freedom as a bullet point? Might this be one of the same assholes who said Fallout 3 had it in spades?
Prey deserves 4. That is what Bethesda gets for not releasing the game earlier for review. If they had released earlier, they could have picked up the bugs before release,patched and fixed so it would not affect the final score.

Reviewer got a game on release date, and was broken, end of conversation , it was not fixed by the time he reviewed. Well deserved the score
LMAO absolutely destroying a game over a bug that has been fixed now.

1. Not on the main branch
2. Was literally 'fixed' mid-today

I'm trying not to puke. I saw this petulance a mile a way. Sure a game breaking bug sucks but to give it a 4/10? Get some perspective... Maybe how you overlooked Arkham Knights PC port?

Utterly terrible. This is Metacritic user score level.

They overlooked the PC version because they didn't review it :/


Prey deserves 4. That is what Bethesda gets for not releasing the game earlier for review. If they had released earlier, they could have picked up the bugs before release,patched and fixed so it would not affect the final score.

Reviewer got a game on release date, and was broken, end of conversation , it was not fixed by the time he reviewed. Well deserved the score

Oh thank god that always happens. That's exactly why publishers should give out early review copies, it actually helps with QA as well. Praise be the journalists who find the bugs so we don't have to. As a result we have ended up with fantastic bug free experiences such as this:


Oh wait...
Oh thank god that always happens. That's exactly why publishers should give out early review copies, it actually helps with QA as well. As a result we have ended up with fantastic bug free experiences such as this:


Oh wait...

The reviewer would have reached Bethesda for the bug, before the score , most likely. That has nothing to do with QA, BUT one specific game breaking bug that should affect the final score

How would you score a game where you lose your saves after hours of gameplay multiple times ?
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