PESEdit 0.1 is out now for PC. May be time for me to get this. Really wish I could try a frickin PC demo though.
Option is still there, hold L1 and locate the player using the right analogue stick. You get used to it where you can just flick it quickly from player to player.Is there really no way to do a throw-in/corner/free kick to a specified player? There was an option like that for PES2013.
Can't say I agree with the former - goalies seem to behave realistically (ie; not superhuman and error prone) but no worse than the previous games. I played a game online where my opponents goalkeeper could do no wrong, saving my shots left, right and center - mine on the otherhand was fumbling them into his own net. It's just one of those things.Goalies are way gimped in this version, very easy to score if you manage to get into a shooting position. Way harder to get into a shooting position though, so there's that.
It's a sick joke, they are in their offices laughing their asses off about it right now trust me.Pity about the game's insistence to show every friggin' single offside replay. Why can't you disable that?
The defender catch up has always been in PES, but you can mitigate it with timing the run more carefully. Don't just run non-stop or immediately as you get the ball, it doesn't work, you need to dribble out of contention (and use of the right analogue stick can help to push them off) after which you are generally home free. I've had more one-on-one opportunities and breakaways in 2014 than previous titles. Doesn't excuse the catch up, but end result evens out I think. Like you say defence is pretty shocking in this version full stop so the catch up is probably necessary.Oh, and not to mention the catch-up on defense, where players actually get past me, while I'm sprinting with say Ibrahimovic, even after starting way behind me. No matter who the defensive player is.
Hi guys. PC version available on @metaboli now. Also, we're starting 11v11 online beta this week for PC, registration starting later today
Got a copy here in Spain before heading home in October but it doesn't have any English support. I don't mind commentary but the text is also not supported.
Is it possible to download English files for the X360 version or something?
They did beta test for master online mid august with pes 2011, and the game was out one month laterAre these dipshits really doing a beta for a game mode that should be added this month?
I don't think so. I assume there will be option files for NA versions but I'm not sure of any off the top of my head. Hopefully region restrictions on edit data are a thing of the past next gen but it may be more to do with the consoles than Konami, I don't know.hey if the option file is compatible with Europe there a way to make them compatible with North America versions?
There are more fake leagues this year, I forget the exact number, but at least four, plus a "D2" league, and the "other teams" section.I thought there was only room for two extra leagues. How are thy fitting those two in?
Maybe Im being dumb, but Im OK with the ref fucking stuff up very now and then, wish it would happen with offsides (game calls them millimetrically, not the way a lineman would call it)
There are more fake leagues this year, I forget the exact number, but at least four, plus a "D2" league, and the "other teams" section.
Still nothing. Though Konami says they have already submitted the game to Steam.No sight of a Steam entry yet?
Sigh. Registered for that 11v11 thing, expecting it to be an unplayable mess with shitty network lag, input lag and awful gameplay design.
Still nothing. Though Konami says they have already submitted the game to Steam.
To be honest I wish Konami had just included the J League in all versions by default if they put it in the Japanese version - then we could have even more leagues.Had no idea thanks. Looking forward towards using a created j league
To be honest I wish Konami had just included the J League in all versions by default if they put it in the Japanese version - then we could have even more leagues.
Had no idea thanks. Looking forward towards using a created j league
It still amazes me that neither PES or Fifa includes women soccer.
I mean, just use some nice looking players in the advertising (something like 'Sexy Football') and you are ready, players like these:
It's a legit good idea to include women soccer (more football options and variety in general is always a good thing for me, where's my 7 player soccer, indoor soccer, beach soccer, etc - though I understand resources aren't unlimited).
But selling women soccer as a sexy thing would be looked down upon as mysoginistic.
I think I'm finally "getting" the idea behind this game. Won my last matches. What annoys me:
- The keepers are horrible, what the fuck?
- It doesnt detecht my GT650M. Only detects the Intel HD 4000. Seems like Konami forgot about laptop gamers. Still runs in 60fps in 1080p most of the time.
- The Main Menu is awful
It still amazes me that neither PES or Fifa includes women soccer.
I mean, just use some nice looking players in the advertising (something like 'Sexy Football') and you are ready, players like these:
This could quickly turn to DoA Beach Volleyball levels of shit. I dont like the idea very much. Womens football is much slower paced, because they play much different. They have to implement a complete game with animations, physics! and gameplay just for a couple of guys...
Doesnt appeal to me. I respect those women of course, but I think it would just be a gimmick. Its video games and all but besides tennis, there really is no major sports game that would benefit from the women part.How is it just for a couple of guys? I enjoy women's football more than men's football at times.
Women footballers seem a lot more 'sporting' than their male counterparts. Much less diving, bitching to the ref, and all around dickery than the hyper-overpaid men.How is it just for a couple of guys? I enjoy women's football more than men's football at times.
Haha, NO!Women footballers seem a lot more 'sporting' than their male counterparts. Much less diving, bitching to the ref, and all around dickery than the hyper-overpaid men.
Women footballers seem a lot more 'sporting' than their male counterparts. Much less diving, bitching to the ref, and all around dickery than the hyper-overpaid men.
Yes, yes, we've all seen that.
Mainly during the Olympics and the recent European championships.You haven't really watched women's football have you.
I can't believe I'm even thinking about getting FIFA 14. I'm just so fucking disappointed with this year's PES, and knowing that Konami won't fix shit, I'm not about to give them $60.
The heart system is weird.
I score a hattrick with Ribery and he is still blue.
The heart system is weird.
I score a hattrick with Ribery and he is still blue.
They've made a lot of additions that don't work right.
Collisions don't work right; even the lightest touch will create a 1-2 second pause in animation, which makes the player unresponsive.
Referees are fucking lol: Most likely the worst referees in a football game. Ever.
Heart is as fucked as ML form arrows.
Defensive AI is horrendous: CPU tactic is simply to fill the box with 10 super drones who rarely mistime tackles and even when they do, no foul is given.
Offensive AI still revolves around exploiting the shitty defensive AI. Of the dozens of matches I've played, 99.9% of the CPU goals are through balls past ball-watching defenders.
I could go on, but these problems are not new and will not be fixed. I knew some would be making a return, but I was at least hoping for better cursor switching and defensive options. This one is going into the pile until Jenkey fixes it in 6 months.
Yeah, despite all the changes, some of the most game breaking and fundamental problems that has plagued the series still remains. The improved animation just makes these issues stand out even more.
PES2014 at it's current state is just a few yards away from garbage status.
Yeah, despite all the changes, some of the most game breaking and fundamental problems that has plagued the series still remains. The improved animation just makes these issues stand out even more.
PES2014 at it's current state is just a few yards away from garbage status.
Yes, yes, we've all seen that.
Mainly during the Olympics and the recent European championships.
I do expect a LOT better online implementation for the next gen version next year though. You can have all the excuses for current gen shit, but when it comes to PS4, they say theyre taking their time and it better pay off.
When I come to power, anyone who uses the term 'game breaking' to describe anything that is actually just a minor annoyance or small issue with gameplay will be rounded up and shot.Yeah, despite all the changes, some of the most game breaking and fundamental problems that has plagued the series still remains. The improved animation just makes these issues stand out even more.
PES2014 at it's current state is just a few yards away from garbage status.