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PS4 & Xbox One: August 2015 games


Rare Replay day one for me. Madden same since I am an addict. Can't stop despite the drop in quality from the past days of it's prime. Gears I can wait on since I still have yet to solo play 2(did co-op), 3, and that other one that came out.

Anything else I will wait for reviews and impressions.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
These threads are so nice to have.
EGttR, Volume, Dishonored for me. One game a week. I would've done One Piece or Until Dawn but that $20 deal won my money for that week. Until Dawn will be $30 one day in 2016 and One Piece can wait for later.


More games coming out in August then I thought.


Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (pre-ordered)
Until Dawn


Rare Replay

Submerged I'm also getting, but don't know whether for PS4 or X1 yet. Will wait and see 1) how it runs 2) how big it is. My poor PS4's HDD is running out of space.


Rare Replay and Gears on Xbox One, then Galak-Z, Rapture, Volume, Dishonored and Until Dawn on PS4. Submerged maybe, it does look promising! August was supposed to be quiet!
August is almost here. The calm before the holiday storm.


**PS4 Version**

Title: Galak-Z: The Dimensional
Developer: 17-BIT
Genre: Shoot-Em Up
Release date: August 4 (PS4), TBA (PC)
Youtube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txVsvoZMBq0


**PlayStation Exclusive**

Title: Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment Director's Cut
Developer: Aquria
Genre: RPG
Release date: August 4
Youtube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR5KekeI98Q


**PS4 Version**

Title: Aeternoblade
Developer: Corecell Technology
Genre: Action Platformer
Release date: August 7
Youtube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShEy-dJhEPU


**PS4 Exclusive**

Title: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Developer: The Chinese Room
Genre: Adventure
Release date: August 11
Youtube trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKyoVQKnD4U

yup, life is good. i hope goat sim comes to ps+ and im not sure about until dawn.
Submerged interests me, but I feel like I need to wait for reviews. Same for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Volume.

Pumped for Until Dawn though!
Rare Replay, Gears of War Ultimate Edition and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture are must-buys for me.
Submerged and Until Dawn are on my radar for now.


maybe sword art online since it seems to be 20€.
ill wait for a sale for these ps4 indies release.
i just got bastion in the sale and i 've got transistor from plus that should be enough for this month.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Never heard of Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, but I love the genre so I might have to grab it. Until Dawn looks interesting but I couldn't handle the frame rate unless they've fixed it since the IGN preview, so will wait and see on that one.


Galak-Z without hesitation, and then maybe one or two others depending on GAF feedback and reviews. Mostly eyeing Everybody's Gone to Rapture as a possible secondary, but my back log keeps building, and I'm not sure I really ought to be stocking up on more games till I have more time to play them!


Galak-Z without hesitation, and then maybe one or two others depending on GAF feedback and reviews. Mostly eyeing Everybody's Gone to Rapture as a possible secondary, but my back log keeps building, and I'm not sure I really ought to be stocking up on more games till I have more time to play them!

Just keep pushing forward! Keep building the backlog!


Too many games!

I think i wont buy any of those on release even if im hyped for a lot of them , gotta clean a little my current gen backlog. Until Dawn will be my october game for sure tho.

Edit: Also, USD pls stop growing, you are hurting my wallet too much, that friggin exchange rate doesn't seems to slow down.


I need to get my PS4 pretty soon. Really, really want Until Dawn and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Galak-Z and Volume also look good.


Getting Rare Replay...maybe. I don't have time for it right now.

However, I want to encourage Rare/MS to revisit any Rare IP.


Well that's an expensive month.

Rapture, Submerged, Galak-Z at least. Maybe Gauntlet too.

Until Dawn is a maybe - most likely a pre-Xmas purchase.
Just to add to the August 11th craziness...I believe that's also when Toy Soldiers War Chest releases.

Even without that...Everybodys Gone To The Rapture, Gauntlet, and Goat Simulator all on one day? I'll be broke.
There's more to play this month than I thought. Thankfully the 2 remasters I want hit at the end of the month, a week before MGSV. Makes it easier to hold off on them until Black Friday. 40$ for a remaster is ridiculous to me.


butthurt Heat fan
I think I got $90 of free credit from the Xbox Live Rewards program for spending like a drunkard at happy hour getting the Forza 6 Ultimate edition and a bunch of movies off of Xbox Video. I'm in for Rare Replay, and possibly Gears Ultimate if the reviews are good.


Will buy Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, maybe Until Dawn and Submerged, and Dishonored possibly later on. Good month.


Rare Replay and of course...my pride and joy. Gears of War Ultimate, baby. I'm hype as fuck. My excitement is straight up stupid. I played the beta so much, you would think a crack head was a perfectly normal, productive member of society. One more month until I fall off the face of the Earth.

August 25th seems like a pretty big day. Retailers will surely enjoy it.
One Piece for sure.

Maybe Until Dawn and maybe Gears of War. I really want to pick-up GoW but I know I'll end up dropping it once Forza 6 hits.


Absolutely ludicrous month as a PS4 owner. It's insane that they didn't push to get some of this out in July so this month wasn't so crowded. I want to play Volume (why is this not part of Play?), Until Dawn, Galak-Z, and Rapture, along with possibly Dishonored when it drops in price a little bit. Problem is that I leave for my freshman year of college August 25, so all of those releases will have to be put on the backburner for a little while, unfortunately. And that's nothing to say of Mad Max on September 1!
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