Something odd happened last night with the Game Categories plug-in while I was updating my PSP2000 from Prome-3 to 4.
After updating to Prome-4, all the games icons in the Game category (X:\ISO\CAT_Games) became just standard PS gray icons [each one with its corresponding name, though].
When trying to start them all I got was a blank screen, so I had to turn the console off.
I disabled the Game Categories plugin and 3 broken icons with the legend "Corrupted data" appeared.
I enabled it again but then I got a "There are no games" message in the Game section of the XMB.
The weird thing is: everything else worked just fine [emulators, apps, etc] in their respective category.
I spent 2 hours looking for a solution on Google. No luck! [Apparently Rock Band erases the Game folder... who knew?]
I was going to give up and ask here tomorrow [today] and it occurred me: maybe the problem is just the name of the category. Changed the category name and still got the same no game message.
Then I thought: what if I don't use a category in/for the ISO folder (just the files on X:\ISO instead of X:\ISO\CAT_Games)
That's what I did and BINGO!
The games appeared again, although on an "Uncategorized" section of the XMB.
If I create a category inside the ISO again, the issue reappears and all starts from square one once more (and everything can be repeated exactly as I described).
So... anyone who uses the Game Categories plug-in has had the same problem? When I was in Prome-3, eveything worked normally and without any issues, so I am guessing there is something specific about Prome-4 and the ISO folder, maybe?