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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends

4 skillups from 15 feeds on Myr so far. The good thing is that with coop ALB team on legend, runs only take about 5 minutes if there is no latent tama invade. I'll try to do 10 runs a day on natural stamina and hopefully finish by the end of the week. Had 4 invades on 10 legend runs today.
Coop ALB farm team pretty much requires Ra or Thanatos inherits, right? I have neither. 😞


Really jealous of all of these Saria pulls. She's one of my most wanted cards, so much versatility. Strong leader, great sub or amazing inherit.


Coop ALB farm team pretty much requires Ra or Thanatos inherits, right? I have neither. 😞
Ra is mainly for M+. I did L+ runs all weekend and only had Thanatos on my main.

ALB (Thanatos) / 3xZD / Leeza (A. Hades)
ALB / 3xZD / Verdandi

No bicolor board changer so used Verdandi+ALB (or just Verdandi if the board was favorable).


Coop ALB farm team pretty much requires Ra or Thanatos inherits, right? I have neither. 😞

No Ra needed for legend but a dragon killer sub and/or +99 atk Dios's maybe required to burst Wee Jas. My 3 Dios need more attack plusses so I run team b ALB(Thanatos), 3 Dios, and Avalon Drake. Team a starts the dungeon and bursts Wee Jas. Team a also brings gravity or delay inherits for floor 3.


Im up for it tomorrow night? Why be able to pay much today.

On another note, the power creep is real and getting out of control.


What team would u like to carry me with haha, i dont have an alb team and have been generally clearing w luci or astaroth. I have a perseus but that means no one shotting wee jas (but everything else is generally no prob)
From what I see, you can make a good Awoken Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao (A.DQXQ) and Awoken Archdemon Lucifer (AA Luci) team. It depends on what play style you are more comfortable with (Rainbow vs Rows). If I had to choose one team to focus on (in terms of gathering evo materials and hypermaxing), I'd go for A.DQXQ due to easy activation and she can carry you all the way to Arena.


AA Luci/Eschamali/Persephone/Pandora/Dark Metatron

Then again, this is just what I can make right now. Other people may come up with better team compositions and can give better advice than me.

I see. I always went for a team with roughly an even split between the attributes because I figured that way I'd usually have at least a half-decent attack, but it seems that's not the way to go. Kirin is my leader most of the time so my playstyle usually centred around getting the 4 colours for her leader skill, I'm guessing that's rainbows? I can always change it up though, might take some getting used to but I can deal with it.

By the way, you put Izanami in the first suggested team but I missed putting up Empress God, Izanami as well as the Dawn Bride, Izanami. Would Empress God, Izanami be better?

Thanks for the advice, guess it's time to grind so I can try out these teams.

Edit: Any Eurobros on here wanting to link up let me know.


The forums ate my post and I don't have time to retype it, but Dr_LawyerCop planted the seed that I should build a button team for Star Thieves Treasure Den. I looked around and wanted to put the info here so folks could see what they could put together. Coop of course means maximum stamina efficiency per +egg.

Team A: Goemon, Betelgeuse (Red Mechdragon), Devil Fish, Devil Fish, Devil Fish

Devil fish needs ~800 ATK to one shot a trash floor which is trivial to accomplish with random leveling feeds. They can be found in Mephisto Descended and Jormungandr Descended.

Team B: Goemon, 10-17 Skill Boosts

Team A can replace a Devil Fish with a Rodin if Rodin is max level and has either 40+ATK eggs or 19+ATK eggs and 5 ATK latents.

Everything needs to be boosted or skilled enough to be up turn 1. Each Rodin Team A brings drops the SB requirement on Team B by 3 to a minimum of 10, unless your partner has max skilled every thing then pretty much a warm body will do.


FL1: Goemon, (If a Blue Ogre Spawns, also use Betelgeuse)
FL2: Devil Fish or Rodin
FL2: Devil Fish or Rodin
FL2: Devil Fish or Rodin
FL5: Betelgeuse (To enhance) and swipe

If a Blue Devil spawns you need to hit around 2,750,000 fire damage to kill it so leveling Goemon and Betelgeuse is recommended if your partner hasn't or can't level their Goemon.

13 Skill boosts is a reasonable target to ask for from Team B.
5-Ore Mystic Stone Dragon Mithril Edge is farmable 100% of the time and has 3 skill boosts

4 of those and the skill boost on fully evo'ed Goemon gets you 13. 4 Fully evo'ed awoken Tengu's is obviously better (hitting that 17 skill boosts)

Other REM options
Awoken Archdemon Lucifer
Uevo Avalon Drake
UUevo Wukong
UUevo Yamato
Orpharion (lol not REM but...well)
It is done. My first hypermaxed team.
How is that team working out for you? I could make that exact team but didn't buy Orchid since I only have 1 Uriel.
It has worked well for me though I don't try arena. Tons of HP, healing and crazy damage. It's not optimal of course since Laila isn't exactly the best sub but since my main aim is just clearing descends It fits the bill.


What team would u like to carry me with haha, i dont have an alb team and have been generally clearing w luci or astaroth. I have a perseus but that means no one shotting wee jas (but everything else is generally no prob)

I clear with Xiang Mei. REalizing that I would need whomever I run with to have her as well. I've cut the time needed on the dungeon down significantly but there is still a bunch of stalling.

Floor 1 - RRH burst from left to right
Floor 2 - Use Gadius - Uriel combo and move on.
Floor 3 - Mamiya and XM actives - to one shot and active res on the dark dragon, finish him next turn
Floor 4,5,6,7 - is really just stalling for combos


So I'm planning on throwing Myr at the Arena 1 solo and I'm trying to think of all the contingencies to plan around.

My base Myr team
Myr (Snow White)
Wukong (Cecil?)
WedSatsuki (Saria?)
Elia (Delay?)

Elia feels like the most flexible spot to put another card in and also the only one not 297'd. WedSatsuki could also be moved but I'm missing ADQXQ as my garbage cleaner. Also she does a ton of damage so losing her could be a problem. I could Inherit Saria on her? She'd maintain haste and still clear junk

Wukong and Apocalypse are too valuable to replace.

I have orb change, board change, binds, shields, and haste accounted for. I don't have delays or defense breaks. Non inherit delay option: Xmas Archangel, Inherit delay options: Orochi, Sun Quan (not awoken), Zeta Hydra, Okuninushi. Possibly others but nothing is jumping out at me.

Any other mechanics I need to keep an eye out for? My Myr also has rainbow latents in the event of a 100% gravity and I don't have the shield up. The Apocalypse-->Elia spike is my solution to LKali's damage check, I can also inherit Facet (9 TPAs) if anyone thinks I really need a hard spike. Alternatively, I could put MZeus in the last slot and just gravity away the damage check.

My padherder is a little out of date (it's missing Saria, Rodin, Myr, Elia's max skilled, and +eggs) if anyone wants to look through it.
Ra is mainly for M+. I did L+ runs all weekend and only had Thanatos on my main.

ALB (Thanatos) / 3xZD / Leeza (A. Hades)
ALB / 3xZD / Verdandi

No bicolor board changer so used Verdandi+ALB (or just Verdandi if the board was favorable).

No Ra needed for legend but a dragon killer sub and/or +99 atk Dios's maybe required to burst Wee Jas. My 3 Dios need more attack plusses so I run team b ALB(Thanatos), 3 Dios, and Avalon Drake. Team a starts the dungeon and bursts Wee Jas. Team a also brings gravity or delay inherits for floor 3.
Guess I'll have to plus my other Dioses and find somebody with a Thanatos inherit. Thanks.


So after way to many KoG runs, I can evo mecha zeus. Is it worth using the memorial tama on him, or are there any other people who will need 10M exp?
I need the rainbow keeper dudes to evolve some of my team but yikes dude hits hard

I made a zombie (resolve?) team but nobody on the list is one of those healers :(

I need a 1k size box for all these materials
It may not seem palatable but these days with the right friend leader you can just crush through his pile of HP before he even attacks, even as a beginner.
So after way to many KoG runs, I can evo mecha zeus. Is it worth using the memorial tama on him, or are there any other people who will need 10M exp?

I just used a couple off color snow globes and kings from farming rouges. I have him +297, lvl 80. Haven't found a need to max him yet. I'd hold on to it.
Currently my lead is The Norn Verdandi (my starter roll, which apparently is a Really Good Monster™)
-Wild Flowerdragon, Howling Brachys (maxed level and I gave it a ton of Tamadras so all its skill things are.... activated?)
-King Woodsie (max lvl) who I kinda want to replace because his stats are shit and I don't think I have the necessary team for his skill, if I'm understanding it correctly
-Earth Baron (lvl 61)
-Armor Ogre (max level, I want to get its fire evolution because apparently it's good)

Also I have a bunch of random cards from the Godfest (I pulled ~8 times) but I have yet to research whether or not they're quality.

How often does the list of random helpers update?
edit: Apparently I have a friend named "Someone" (from GAF maybe? I remember adding a GAF person when I started) with Norn Verdandi's fire evolution thing, I'm gonna try running it with her

edit 2: wow, that did it, I don't even think my friend has her maxed all the way but the damage was CRAZY
Currently my lead is The Norn Verdandi (my starter roll, which apparently is a Really Good Monster™)
-Wild Flowerdragon, Howling Brachys (maxed level and I gave it a ton of Tamadras so all its skill things are.... activated?)
-King Woodsie (max lvl) who I kinda want to replace because his stats are shit and I don't think I have the necessary team for his skill, if I'm understanding it correctly
-Earth Baron (lvl 61)
-Armor Ogre (max level, I want to get its fire evolution because apparently it's good)

Also I have a bunch of random cards from the Godfest (I pulled ~8 times) but I have yet to research whether or not they're quality.

How often does the list of random helpers update?
edit: Apparently I have a friend with Norn Verdandi's fire evolution thing, I'm gonna try running it with her

Send me a PM or hit me up on discord if you want help. I need some rainbow keepers anyways. My discord is Dr_LawyerCop#6284.

Friends list refreshes when you friends log in again. Not sure when randoms refresh.


Man, I bought king carnival and farmed it for a super king emerald Dragon and finally got one, for Threedia evo. When I was leveling up tornado Dragon I accidentally used it. Now I am one super king emerald from Myrs first evo. I want to mess around with her and I am kicking myself for not favoriting that thing...

Ran two stones worth of king carnival again and didn't get one.


Man, I bought king carnival and farmed it for a super king emerald Dragon and finally got one, for Threedia evo. When I was leveling up tornado Dragon I accidentally used it. Now I am one super king emerald from Myrs first evo. I want to mess around with her and I am kicking myself for not favoriting that thing...

Ran two stones worth of king carnival again and didn't get one.

Well Padx has emeralds invading tomorrow so you should be ok to get it then.


If anyone for some strange reason needs coins, the current Golden Mound coin guerrila making rounds at the moment is being granted bonus coins. Can't say I've seen that before.
Played it once for giggles.

Even without a Ganesha, I got a bit over 1mm coins for15 sta co-oping with my throwaway account.


Random Thoughts:

Anyone buying latents at 1/2 off MP? I'm tempted to pick up some SDR at 12,500 as I've had terrible luck with invades during predras. I have several solid choices for recipients on Myr but I don't want to blow all my MP on them.

Skill rotation finally means I can skill up my Sumire system. Kaede and Tsubaki will also get max skilled pretty much as an afterthought. 4 Sumires to 2 Tsubakis and 1 Kaede. Let the fruit trolling begin I guess. I really want Parvati. She'd be the perfect endcap to my Kaede team. I've done some ghetto work with heart/wood enhance boards just to see what it would look like and it's beautiful. At the moment I'm still having better luck playing Myr than Kaede but I've also spent more time on the team as opposed to Kaede where I'm just grabbing the bits of my Bastet team.

I'm working on getting the Evo Mats for Myr on my alt. I'm at the point where I just need some variant of the Tornado dragon to get stage 2 Myr. Then it's just a matter of evoing the other materials. It'll be a while before that account gets the necessary jewels though. Zera looks to be the real hurdle. I have the base form and the evo components but the jewels required to get both Zeus's and Hera uevoed is a pretty high price.
Random Thoughts:

Anyone buying latents at 1/2 off MP? I'm tempted to pick up some SDR at 12,500 as I've had terrible luck with invades during predras. I have several solid choices for recipients on Myr but I don't want to blow all my MP on them.

Skill rotation finally means I can skill up my Sumire system. Kaede and Tsubaki will also get max skilled pretty much as an afterthought. 4 Sumires to 2 Tsubakis and 1 Kaede. Let the fruit trolling begin I guess. I really want Parvati. She'd be the perfect endcap to my Kaede team. I've done some ghetto work with heart/wood enhance boards just to see what it would look like and it's beautiful. At the moment I'm still having better luck playing Myr than Kaede but I've also spent more time on the team as opposed to Kaede where I'm just grabbing the bits of my Bastet team.

I'm working on getting the Evo Mats for Myr on my alt. I'm at the point where I just need some variant of the Tornado dragon to get stage 2 Myr. Then it's just a matter of evoing the other materials. It'll be a while before that account gets the necessary jewels though. Zera looks to be the real hurdle. I have the base form and the evo components but the jewels required to get both Zeus's and Hera uevoed is a pretty high price.

I've thought about buying a couple SDR because I don't really farm latents, I can replace the MP quickly with ALB, and I don't know what my next MP purchase is going to be. Problem is I don't know who I'd put them on.


Grats Quantum Bikinitron gets an ult

I'm very excited.

I swear this game is a roller-coaster for me. Hate it one week - love it the next.

I'm already working on teams - 5.25 (27.56) fifty percent of the time for lead is pretty nice, unbindable, with dual leads already at 80% skill

if anything I'll make it a main farming lead now - where before she just sat around. without working the math yet shivad might be retiring.

- love the art
- wont replace anything unfortunately. while the multiplier is nice it is kinda broken because bikinitron cant use her active at full health

- this severely limits the multiplier and just makes it an unconditional 3.5.
- will stay on bench, but very pretty to look at.


I've thought about buying a couple SDR because I don't really farm latents, I can replace the MP quickly with ALB, and I don't know what my next MP purchase is going to be. Problem is I don't know who I'd put them on.

I have 2 Awoken Ras with 2 SDRs each solely for button farming predras. The intent was to use those SDRs to farm more. In practice I get 1 SDR per hour I run the invade which it turns out isn't all that efficient in terms of stones/MP given I can run something like Z8 for effectively free (except time).

Solid choices for SDR: OP skills (true damage, shield, delay) to bypass certain dungeon mechanics, hastes are always a safe bet if you use them. I'm considering 2 SDRs for Apocalpyse and WedSatsuki, Myr being unbindable without haste means she gets rainbow latents. I'm not 100% sure Elia is staying on the team so I don't want to use any SDR on her but she's a great pick too.

Putting SDR on ALB isn't a terrible idea either since his skill is going to be super useful in Star Justice.


I'm finally starting to buy into the MP aspect of the game. I completely forgot about the 1/2 stamina dungeon cost and the Monster Point bonus for playing MP. I needed a ton of Rainbow Keepers and Mystic Masks for Myru, finding people on the discord reddit channel is easy and fun.

I'm really looking to pair up with some friends on here to run the bigger dungeons. Anyone focusing on Myru or XM teams that want to run Machine Hera/Zeus or anything else let me know.


I'm finally starting to buy into the MP aspect of the game. I completely forgot about the 1/2 stamina dungeon cost and the Monster Point bonus for playing MP. I needed a ton of Rainbow Keepers and Mystic Masks for Myru, finding people on the discord reddit channel is easy and fun.

I'm really looking to pair up with some friends on here to run the bigger dungeons. Anyone focusing on Myru or XM teams that want to run Machine Hera/Zeus or anything else let me know.

It is a game changer indeed. I am already at 540K MP and since XM is not in this rotation, my new goal is to get to 900K MP by the end of this month. I just keep running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8/Volsung/Nordis nonstop and sell everything that's over 10MP.

XM system here I come.
It is a game changer indeed. I am already at 540K MP and since XM is not in this rotation, my new goal is to get to 900K MP by the end of this month. I just keep running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8/Volsung/Nordis nonstop and sell everything that's over 10MP.

XM system here I come.

wow, that's pretty impressive. I really need to step up my MP farming. Just haven't fit it in much. Really like running scarlet, haven't done the other ones with ALB yet.


It is a game changer indeed. I am already at 540K MP and since XM is not in this rotation, my new goal is to get to 900K MP by the end of this month. I just keep running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8/Volsung/Nordis nonstop and sell everything that's over 10MP.

XM system here I come.

I'm at 220 right now and debating what I should do when I hit 300k again. A second XM would be very nice but I really like Mamiya on the team... being able to generate additional red orbs is really nice. Not sure replacing her with another XM would really allow me to clear anything additional. I'd rather get another strong lead down the line.


Will corroborate the "game changer" discussion re: the ALB farming team. Have spent a total of 3-4 hours doing runs with Scarlet and almost have a fully skilled Scarlet system and have more than paid off the MP needed to get extra jewels (which I impatiently jumped the gun on).

With a Liu Bei, you can fully farm teams capable of brainlessly running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8. Only three possible outcomes from this MP economy-breaking: extreme power creep beyond what's led here, nerfing of future MP monsters, or (what we're starting to see) shift away from MP monster creep towards gala exclusives.


Will corroborate the "game changer" discussion re: the ALB farming team. Have spent a total of 3-4 hours doing runs with Scarlet and almost have a fully skilled Scarlet system and have more than paid off the MP needed to get extra jewels (which I impatiently jumped the gun on).

With a Liu Bei, you can fully farm teams capable of brainlessly running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8. Only three possible outcomes from this MP economy-breaking: extreme power creep beyond what's led here, nerfing of future MP monsters, or (what we're starting to see) shift away from MP monster creep towards gala exclusives.

My guess is that we'll see the next wave of extremely strong MP cards have their price increased. 500k or higher for the next tier leads.


Will corroborate the "game changer" discussion re: the ALB farming team. Have spent a total of 3-4 hours doing runs with Scarlet and almost have a fully skilled Scarlet system and have more than paid off the MP needed to get extra jewels (which I impatiently jumped the gun on).

With a Liu Bei, you can fully farm teams capable of brainlessly running Scarlet/Linthia/Z8. Only three possible outcomes from this MP economy-breaking: extreme power creep beyond what's led here, nerfing of future MP monsters, or (what we're starting to see) shift away from MP monster creep towards gala exclusives.

I'm expecting gala exclusives will be the new power creep. This gives them some leeway with MP monsters and material farming while still keeping the cream of the crop leads and subs Gala and GF exclusive. It also keeps the peasants from revolting since it doesn't directly devalue their MP purchases or their farming teams.


YOLO roll on my alt: Barbarossa


What the hell can I do with him? My water monsters on that account are
(Few enough I can actually list them)
Scheat x2 (I know)
Xmas Paulina
Xmas Siren

I could farm up Kamui and pair Barbarossa with my main's You Yu but I'm not sure that'll clear any additional content Lucifer isn't clearing. I'm thinking he gets to play box cheerleader hoping I roll something he can work with (Hermes, Bvalk, Ryune, Neptune).

I tried him out with Urd subs (Hey they make water orbs and have the Attacker type) and I wasn't all that impressed. Maybe Barbarossa, Gabriel, Scheat, Scheat, Alrescha? Basically ignore the attacker bonus and go full TPA stupid. I hit full SBR, have orb skyfall for days and the RCV multiplier should be enough to keep me afloat against things that absorb dark (really the only hiccup I hit with Lucifer)
Just got around to looking at the new cards for beach REM. Goemon, navi and armadel all look useful. I like this trend towards useful 4* in the special REMs. I wasn't interested in pulling it at all, but when there's useful pulls as consolation prizes it makes it easier to justify.
Wow, beach REM looks great now. Blue Myr, B. Eschamali, B. Mei Mei. B. Myr is 8 stars but could possibly be in the MP shop. Haven't looked at it too much, but it seems like you could just move your Sumire systems/teams to subs and lead with B. Myr.


Wow, beach REM looks great now. Blue Myr, B. Eschamali, B. Mei Mei. B. Myr is 8 stars but could possibly be in the MP shop. Haven't looked at it too much, but it seems like you could just move your Sumire systems/teams to subs and lead with B. Myr.

you can't roll for it though - 8* is like 1/10k chance correct?

(6* is less that 1 percent)

if it is in the mp shop - wonder if it would be worth it to buy - unlikely given my current teams.

farming MP and half stamina is so tempting, unfortunately where I play most often has spotty reception so multiplayer farming is really just a pipe dream for me. Feels bad that most dungeons are half stamina for you multiplayer folk (I have an alt account which is ok, but even with the phones sitting next to each other I get constant disconnects)

Only MP mon is (still) beach Claire.

No Summer Urd uvo :(

- I have a couple (for which I paid too much for) and wanted to see some more updates too

- my ego is trying to run a subterfuge on my system - you can totally roll for the new 8*s - you will totally get it...
I'm sure rates are terrible, and I'd never whale enough to chase an 8*, but the REM is saved by some awesome 4* that you could actually roll. Goemon is really good, adds a SB. I told myself I was done IAP for a while, but I'd buy a small pack for this after checking out the rates.

Are they done announcing updates for beach REM? It just seems like most of the old cards aren't relevant.


Wow, not a bad lineup. Plenty of good homes for skill inherits, strong chase cards and the promise of not having to farm up Myr's evolution line is pretty tempting. I'm happy enough with my Light Myr team and after I got burned bad by the Wedding REM I'm going to skip this one entirely. But good luck to those who pull.

I'll be back for the Kenshin Collab.

Anyone interested in farming up Jormungandr skill ups later today? I'm hoping to get it to the point he's up turn 1 in coop. I have other poison solutions but he's on type for ALB so it'd be nice to have. As a bonus you can farm up Devil Fish there for the Team A side of the Star Thieves Treasure Den button farm team (and Goemon is up Saturday). I have a few teams that can consistently clear it but Myr and Awoken Liu Bei would be my preferred pairings. ALB can clear it pretty much full buttons as long as one of the Dios on team B has 3 turns of SDR (like say an inherited skill) to eat Echidnas preemptive.
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