He wasn't alone.
Top 99.2% with Xm team. The red resit guy really screwed me to the point I stopped and had a drink between turns. Oh well.
Would it make sense to +297 another ADQXQ? Is she a decent sub for her own team.
I should find another team to play.
Really want to evolve my Sumire and start building a team, but I need to skill up both my Sumire's and my andro so it's not really worth it at this point. Just want to get in on the heart cross meta.
Thanks to multiplayer and Awoken Pandora, I've managed to clear the first four dragon challenges. Just Gran Reverse remains. And of course, the light jewel I need for my Sumire is behind that challenge.
Hm, I was under the impression that Gran Reverse was a particularly difficult descend, but looking at it, maybe not. Would a typical A. Panda team-up be enough to clear it?
Remember: the blue fruits will have Sumire's skill after the rotation, so if you've got the fruits, it might become more worth it. I was cursing my luck at drawing blue fruit after blue fruit, but my Sumire might soon be happy. As soon as there's another increased skill-up event, that is.
Heh yeah thanks - just made it right in time to finish the Exp Dungeon and Daily Tamadra Dungeon for 1 stone each. Glad that is just reflashed everything...1-2 days later and i probably would have missed out on that +297 Tamadra as wellGlad to hear your PAD problem was temporary even with that workaround.
I like that the new ranking dungeon is rewarding shynpy and badly at only 20%. I'll just go for those and call it a day.
True - thats also the only reason i hypered mine....i dont play her often but in Multi/Discord, especially pre-ALB she was always the go to lead if you werent sure about it. Its kinda expected to have her or Luci lol.I'm debating where to put the free 297. Might just drop it on Pandora to give me some incentive to build out that team. Seems most MP players run her.
Obv. im biased because i run Sumire/YY - but you hypering those water units would make sense since they can be used on multiple teams. Nut is a great sub can be used on Sumire/YY, Sumire/Nut/Isis are great subs on YY and so on. So i would agree with those 3 choices... i pulled Escha a while ago as well - she is awesome because of her Awakenings boosting the team damage alone for nearly 20% but i havent really felt the need to hyper her yet - it just wouldnt make a big difference on any team i play right now.I'm sitting on 3 297 mules. I have some choices on where to slot these into and I'm looking for suggestions.
Myr team can absolutely make use of a 297 moogle both as a base for SI and as a low cooldown heart maker. Baal is the only other sub that makes much sense that I have (ADQXQ where are you!?).
Lucifer could make use of a 297'ed D/R Haku, and 297'ed Eschamali for the standard arena team. (Lucifer, Yomidragon, D/R Haku, Akechi, Eschamali) and my alt has a hyper Luci already.
You Yu would benefit from a 297'ed Nut and 297'ed Isis (mostly for HP thresholds)
I have all the parts of a Sumire system (4 Sumires and Isis lol) and none of them are +297'ed. I could burn 1 on Isis and the other 2 on Sumires (lead and one more obv)
Those are my top contenders right now. I'm leaning toward Moogle, Isis, and Sumire as my three, but Eschamali, Haku, Lucifer is also a strong choice.
Venus needs skill ups so she's still not a good target. Running moogle with 3 SDR means you always have access to hearts. Since I lack ADQXQ I'm missing a major heart maker and need to make up for it somewhere. Ideally I'll switch to Venus(saria) once they're skilled up.Obv. im biased because i run Sumire/YY - but you hypering those water units would make sense since they can be used on multiple teams. Nut is a great sub can be used on Sumire/YY, Sumire/Nut/Isis are great subs on YY and so on. So i would agree with those 3 choices... i pulled Escha a while ago as well - she is awesome because of her Awakenings boosting the team damage alone for nearly 20% but i havent really felt the need to hyper her yet - it just wouldnt make a big difference on any team i play right now.
I dont know quite about Moogle sure the awakenings can be useful and he is a solid SI target...but those atk stats. Couldnt you use somone like A.Venus for Skill Inheritance ? Do you even need one more low cd heartmaker when likely every other sub of you will be some kind of heartmaker?
PS: (Semi)Sumire system will be awesome.
Venus needs skill ups so she's still not a good target. Running moogle with 3 SDR means you always have access to hearts. Since I lack ADQXQ I'm missing a major heart maker and need to make up for it somewhere. Ideally I'll switch to Venus(saria) once they're skilled up.
anyone know when we did the Beach Gacha last year ? I know its a trap but i think im gonna pull twice and hoping for something useful.
Fed 14 fruits to Kaede .. no skill up, fed 8 fruits to Sumire, 1 skill up!
Is this a joke?
Thanks....looks like it will be around the same time again.August 17-30, according to an old thread on PADX.
Wait...why are you feeding now when there is a 3x skillup event starting in 2 days ?
OuchFor some reason I thought it started today
OuchFor some reason I thought it started today
OuchFor some reason I thought it started today
This XP bonus is phenomenal! Been running the dungeon for a bit this morning. I hope this is a normal thing going forward.Wow Linthia 1.5x XP today. Go nuts!
A Vritra, A Indra and Ult Ult Lu Bu are up. That helps easing my box space a bit.
Yeah. I am past the point of being able to chain rank rogue dungeons normally but this will enable me to do so for a day. This is simply MP heaven.This XP bonus is phenomenal! Been running the dungeon for a bit this morning. I hope this is a normal thing going forward. anyone available to run Star Thieves Treasure Den with me during group E (12pm US EAST)?
I need either 14 skill boosts, or 13 and a skilled Goemon Partner (mine needs 1 more skill up to match Rodin)
It's during my lunch time so I can dump 30 minutes into it. I might be able to sneak away for a few minutes during the other groups as well but no promises.
Are you talking about solo or coop arena? I still haven't cleared Arena 1, I should prepare a team for it. My best bets are probably A Pandora, Yomi Dragon, or Myr.
Are you talking about solo or coop arena? I still haven't cleared Arena 1, I should prepare a team for it. My best bets are probably A Pandora, Yomi Dragon, or Myr.
Whats a good 1 player ALB team (Yes I know it shines as a two player team)
I have have 3 max skills Zeus DIOS and one L10 skill Zeus Dios.
What I've been doing so far is use
Christmas green healer girl(Max skilled menace)
So 11 skill boost. Start battle (if no shield) with Menence and I'm now 2 turns away from ZD active. The two ALB actives would cover the next two turns if needed. Then 3 straight SD Actives for 20 mil plus damage each.
My only real weakness is damage shields (which there's nothing I can do about), Combo shields (I try to save ALB actives for those) and Skill Binds which I have no solution for.
There's a few issues with this team as a general purpose team. Most descends will expect you to be prepared with 100% skill bind resistance. Dios has none and neither does Liu Bei. What you want for a Liu Bei team is a bunch of hard hitting low cooldown green orb generators with haste.
To hit 5 SBR awakenings you need at least 1 sub with 2 SBR and the rest of your subs with 1 SBR.
2 SBR green subs with low cooldowns:
(Longer cooldown option is Freyja)
Then pretty much any subs with 1 SBR. of which there are too many to list.
Solid Liu Bei options:
Hanuman (massive pain to skill up, no SBR but great awakenings and super low cooldown)
To do any meaningful damage with Liu Bei you need to use a skill and get a large blob of green orbs. An Australis Active inherited on someone like Algedi or Hanuman is super useful. Vishnu overs a solid gap too so you always have increased wood orb drops.
UUevo LuBu just schooled my Sylvie's 2661 ATK, clocking in at an absolutely silly 2903 ATK.
Is that the highest ATK in the game at the moment on a single card?
If you need someone to run 1 with I could do it with panda.
May be around later today if you would like.
Uvo Lu Bu is #8 in atk. Here is the top 5.
Edit. Machine Athena hyper and with all atk latents has 3,278 atk.
Got to 4% on ranking dungeon in NA, should hold for top 10%, not going for a crown after the pain last one. Got to 8% on JP, hopefully it holds, need the last quest badge.
What team did you use? I don't have a solid wood team for this, struggling to break top 20 with Myr.
All cross boosts carry onto the next floor if the enemy didn't use any preemptives and you sweep the floor in one turn. A easy way to tell is by looking for the flashing "DEF" on the heart icon to the left of your HP bar.I don't have my but was just playing with a friend myr and was getting 7x for doing nothing when I missed a cross. Is it just a free 7x for doing nothing? Or do you need the cross for the 7x and defense?
All cross boosts carry onto the next floor if the enemy didn't use any preemptives and you sweep the floor in one turn. A easy way to tell is by looking for the flashing "DEF" on the heart icon to the left of your HP bar.
32 Blue fruits...will probably farm some more to be save for tomorrow - need to max skill 2 Sumires and have a feeling that i will be trolled tomorrow -.-
lol seems like Myr will be receiving a buff.
What team did you use? I don't have a solid wood team for this, struggling to break top 20 with Myr.
What team did you use? I don't have a solid wood team for this, struggling to break top 20 with Myr.
FINALLY Guan Yinping comes back on descends. Been waiting about a month for her, I can finally awaken my Meimei! Long time coming with this one
Guan Yinping is also in descend carnival, which you can buy from coin dungeons. Definitely look there whenever you need a descend boss for an evolution. A lot of the older ones are in there.
Dios or ALB with fast orb changers can easily land you in the top 10. Leeza or Sasuke can help you achieve the max damage bonus with the killer awakening.
Doing some analysis on how many blue fruits to hoard to max skill 4 Sumires from nothing. Based on the data collected from 4 Dios and a Myr I average about 48 feeds for 15 skill ups or a ~30% skill up rate. I need 20 total skill ups for 4 Sumires (I have three bubpys as insurance). To be "safe" I need about 67 Blue fruits to have a reasonable expectation of max skilling the system without dipping into bubpy insurance. So yeah I'll be chain running the daily today until I drop or hit that magic number. All other drops will be fed as hopeful 2x skill ups for Kaede and Tsubaki who I lack systems for. So if anyone wants to run I have a few solid teams but ALB/Dios is the most brainless speed run I have.