Cosmo Clock 21
Finally caught a slight break in skilling up Akechi, who after 500 stamina of Dark Carnival is now one off from max skill
Anyone here already max skilled Jize ? Thinking about farming Legelonte so i can maxskill Jize.
Best of Luck - i also just wanna be done with it tomorrow so better safe than sorry - which means ill need to do a couple more runs later.
I just got 4.6% on my first try, using ALB. I forgot to turn off the skill confirmations and shave off more time.
ALB hyper
A Astaroth
ALB hyper
All max skilled. 1 skill every turn for kill.
I'm pumped about the Spica and Akechi evos.
HOLY BALLS! Akechi is getting an ult! WOOHOO! Now my Pandora team will be even....
He... he's God/Balanced? But what about his Devil type? It's... gone? Well, forget that, then.
It's split ult. What you saw is the leader version. The sub version is generally better with more awakenings.
HOLY BALLS! Akechi is getting an ult! WOOHOO! Now my Pandora team will be even....
He... he's God/Balanced? But what about his Devil type? It's... gone? Well, forget that, then.
It's split ult. What you saw is the leader version. The sub version is generally better with more awakenings.
There are 2 Akechi ults. First one keeps God/Devil types and gets 2 more rows and 1 skillboost. Second one is God/Balanced with 2 dark orb enhance awakenings added and a different leader skill.
Doing some analysis on how many blue fruits to hoard to max skill 4 Sumires from nothing. Based on the data collected from 4 Dios and a Myr I average about 48 feeds for 15 skill ups or a ~30% skill up rate. I need 20 total skill ups for 4 Sumires (I have three bubpys as insurance). To be "safe" I need about 67 Blue fruits to have a reasonable expectation of max skilling the system without dipping into bubpy insurance. So yeah I'll be chain running the daily today until I drop or hit that magic number. All other drops will be fed as hopeful 2x skill ups for Kaede and Tsubaki who I lack systems for. So if anyone wants to run I have a few solid teams but ALB/Dios is the most brainless speed run I have.
Hit me up on discord when you want to run it. I have 2 sumire's to skill and 2 tsubaki's (though 1 is nearly maxed). Going to put together a Sumire team once they're skilled.
Will do, I'm planning on stoning heavily tonight because I'm going to be working insane hours next week and the week after I'll be on vacation so no other real solid opportunity to farm Thursday before another skill rotation. A ALB/Dios team makes it pretty painless, it's more about paying attention and actually hitting your turn.
At least i got Ars Nova and my first Scarlet max skilled - thats something. Even bigger news i freed up like 50 box spots.
PS. Spend around 200stam farming Legolonte with Jagernaut for Jize skillups...ended up getting 2 of them lol. At least i got a skillup from it.
New player here, do the collaboration dungeons ever happen again? i missed so many good ones![]()
They'll return every now and then, yeah. Luckily the vast majority of the really good stuff is non-collab.
Phew thats good.. i want the DBZ and FF ones !
Do not underestimate the power of Moogle.Decided to jump onto the Myr wagon now that I've started hitting walls with Neptune Dragon/Idunn & Idunna + Ryune/Blue Sonia + Blue Sonia teams. Only problem is I don't have a lot of light + heart makers. Right now my best light sub is Saria and the rest would be a situational/not optimal subs (note, when I list monster names, assume they are Awoken/their highest available evolution, I just don't want to type it out):
Light Metatron
Light Kali
I do have "free" options/junk like Moogle, Light Fruit Dragon, etc..., but I'd probably be better off working on another Myr.
5/30 feeds on Sumire. Fuck skill ups. One done 3 to go. Sigh...
Do not underestimate the power of Moogle.
That said, Venus is a super useful sub as a base for skill inheritance. Great awakenings and low cooldown. You're missing DQXQ/Wukong who are both insanely useful for her.
If you skilled Ra or Ariel you could slot snow white or Thumbelina on them as your bind clear. Given your listed options and no inherits I'd run something like:
<flex> where flex options would be Moogle (consistent heart making), Ra (true damage), Ariel (more light orbs and spike damage).
Would be nice if the chibi DQXQ I have in my box could be used for something. I'll give Moogle a shot along with your other suggestions.
They'll return every now and then, yeah. Luckily the vast majority of the really good stuff is non-collab.
Anyone have a hypermaxed dios they can put up? I'm trying to improve my ranking dungeon score.
id: 323,833,337
Still need the Dios?
Are fruit dragon evos eligible for skill transfer? I don't even know if those can come out of the REM anymore
Are fruit dragon evos eligible for skill transfer? I don't even know if those can come out of the REM anymore
Yeah, I just got 2 during the 5x GF. I assume you can inherit the evo, since they're 4* base
Thanks!According to padguide they are eligible.
The ridiculous power creep in the past year (and a half?) has a lot to do with your first point. Endgame viability is getting narrower and until Gungho decides to do a broad wave of buffs to bring older leads back into the discussion, the newer content is basically reserved for heart cross leads, MP cards, or coop play.- While I want to roll, I have to think about the ultimate they gave to Bikinitron, and gungho completely ignoring summer panda. Bikinitrons buff initially made me happy - I actually like the art better, but the leader skill is trash - I was hoping for some use, but as mentioned before even the 27x is locked if you are at full health unless you use an active from a sub. Really terrible design imho, and really is telling about the support gungho is providing to older unique pulls.
- The Special rems are unfortunately pretty useless, over my many active teams I only use one mob I've gotten from a special REM - and one I actually didn't spend any cash on.
- granted I'm hot or cold on the game, and really haven't kept up with the drastic multiplayer shift - while most disagree with me I think its kinda lame of gungho to punish players for not running co-op
before stating the obvious "nothings changed for the solo player", the change occurs when you make all co-op dungeons half stamina and then allow push button systems to farm high amounts of MP - who wouldn't want to change? - a good portion of my friends leads have become co-op leads which just sucks because I have less options.
Did two pulls, and glad I did:
- Ceres (dupe)
- Parvati
I'm FAIRLY certain Parvati is the last one I need for my ultimate Bastet team. Actually, who would be best to take along out the following for a double Bastet team? I think I know the answer, but still:
- Awoken Parvati
- Perseus
- Ruel
- Kaede
- Awoken Meimei
- Awoken Ceres
- Awoken Susano
The ridiculous power creep in the past year (and a half?) has a lot to do with your first point. Endgame viability is getting narrower and until Gungho decides to do a broad wave of buffs to bring older leads back into the discussion, the newer content is basically reserved for heart cross leads, MP cards, or coop play.
And that's really the crux of the issue.
PAD is a game that has performed exceptionally well for a mobile game in terms of longevity, but is well past its prime. Although the game still pulls in good numbers overall, it does not pull in anywhere the revenue that it once did, as it is a dated game by today's standards.
As GungHo seems to be unable to establish another game that has the pull of PAD, they have chosen the route of whale chasing to keep the numbers flowing. This logic shows up increasingly in creation of needed cards to clear top-end content that have sub 1% pull rates via gala exclusives, 8* collab pulls, and MP cards that generally require multiples of the same MP card (like XM). Now, GH is testing the waters for the 3rd generation of MP cards, at 500k points apiece to raise the bar even higher.
At some point, the peasants will revolt. I've long personally stopped chasing the rainbow and enjoying what I can clear with whatever I actually pull. PAD life is much more sane that way, even if there are a bunch of dungeons that I can't clear until whatever comes after Awokens (if at all, as GH is really stalling an dragging its feet more and more as they get closer to the end of the current pantheon card upgrade cycle).