^Dont you have like 3 Kaedes, I think the Ronove team is 2 keades, Ragnorak Dragon (or Dkali) and a card to cover red and blue.
Only one Kaede (so far), but I do have Dkali (and like, 3 LKalis).
^Dont you have like 3 Kaedes, I think the Ronove team is 2 keades, Ragnorak Dragon (or Dkali) and a card to cover red and blue.
Interested to hear if people are going to roll in the Kenshin collab? It just seems gimmicky to chase after Kenshin because he can make huge numbers on your screen. He's great for damage but really lacking in the surivavability department. He wouldn't replace XM or Myr for me, more of just a nice to have.
I like the property and the potential for damage capping content is pretty tempting. I also have a near ideal team for Kenshin. Terra, 2 tsubakis, and Gadius/kiriko/Saria.Interested to hear if people are going to roll in the Kenshin collab? It just seems gimmicky to chase after Kenshin because he can make huge numbers on your screen. He's great for damage but really lacking in the surivavability department. He wouldn't replace XM or Myr for me, more of just a nice to have.
Interested to hear if people are going to roll in the Kenshin collab? It just seems gimmicky to chase after Kenshin because he can make huge numbers on your screen. He's great for damage but really lacking in the surivavability department. He wouldn't replace XM or Myr for me, more of just a nice to have.
Strongest glass cannon in the game is novelty enough for some to chase after Kenshin.
I would not be surprised in the collab update several months from now if he gets a split ultimate or ultimate ultimate that either gives him heart shield or like ultimate muscle 2xhp/rcv but reduced attack multiplier on his red/light crosses.
I'm only rolling for the silvers.
Which silvers? I missed out on Vaan so I really want Kamiya for her top and bottom row orb change. Great for combo shields when using ALB.
Pulled 1 more time and got Satsuki #3. I like her but without God or Devil type I can't find a good place for her on my teams. Maybe she will get an ultimate evo with a 3rd type.
She's got a solid active and dragon typing which means she'll find a home on Ana X Typhon. Her damage is insane. It's a shame Awoken Persephone needs water to do maximum damage otherwise Satsuki would be perfect there.
Facebook says Fire and Dark Shibamarus have been added to the Fire and Dark carnival coin dungeons.
Well I guess I can save those badpys now. 2 Akechis to skill up.
Sumire system is finally complete. I was afraid I'd need to py the last Sumire if this wasn't going to go through.
My friends list is full so I need to open up some slots for more Sumire friends. Right now I've just been slumming it with B. Myrs and You Yus. I plan on running this team extensively in the near future. Basically any dungeon that allows dupes.
Anyone looking to run Sumire? Mine are hypered and I'll be slotting either SDR or HP latents as they become available.
Facebook says Fire and Dark Shibamarus have been added to the Fire and Dark carnival coin dungeons.
Well I guess I can save those badpys now. 2 Akechis to skill up.
So I pulled a few but am not entirely sure what to think. I have basically nothing, so remember that...Not shown are a dupe Horus and a Kanna from this morning with dungeon stones.
I have 3 Ronove now. What a fantastically weird problem to have.
Took Sumire out for a test drive on Ultimate Endless and holy shit. I made it to Lkali. Survived the big hit (Cross + isis shield) and managed to get her to 5% (then got wrecked). I was 1 combo shy and I had the orbs too. Still looking at padx it looks like Ultimate Endless Kali hits harder than Arena 2 Kali so that bodes really well.
Sumire is a top tier lead and worth building around, embrace the water/heart meta !!!
E: Also, I am confused about a few things. I was running a dungeon with Sumire and a Sniper at Rest, Myr partner. I did a full blue board change and triggered a x7 multiplier. But I didn't match a heart cross. What triggered the x7? I didn't get any skyfall combos, either. And is Sumire's skill exactly 5 orbs or at least 5 orbs to trigger?
Exactly five. Now, as to the multiplier, had the enemy had a chance to move since the last time you moved? Summyr's bonuses carry over if you sweep the board of enemies and the new ones don't have a pre-emptive.
Can you explain what you mean for the carryover? Because yes - the previous board was a sweep and I still had a Def boost flashing on my health bar.
Unrelated, upon further research, I decided to not save my 10 stones for tomorrow since Day 2 seems to trump Day 3 in every way. Ra and Hamal. I probably need to re-sharpen my combo skills now.
easiest answer to that is - if def is flashing you have the reduction and the 7x still active.
longer: if you sweep a floor with the active still intact (don't get hit) and you move to teh next floor - if there is not pre-emptive shield, damage or action (including text) you will keep the damage reduction and the damage buff. This lasts until either you are hit or a pre-emptive action is taken.
in the older levels and in the decends this means that if you set up the heart match and sweep the first floor you can keep the 7x dmg buff for the entire dungeon by just sweeping (like the old damage shield/shiva mechanic)
Guess I'll start pooping experience on her.
Also couldn't hold back and rolled one more. L. Kali - not gonna complain.
Are there any poverty Sumire teams I can start with until I get more goodies?
E: Also, I am confused about a few things. I was running a dungeon with Sumire and a Sniper at Rest, Myr partner. I did a full blue board change and triggered a x7 multiplier. But I didn't match a heart cross. What triggered the x7? I didn't get any skyfall combos, either. And is Sumire's skill exactly 5 orbs or at least 5 orbs to trigger?
Rolled 6 times. Was hoping for LKali and got TWO. Neat!
You make a compelling argument. I think i'll join you in that questionable decision.I realized that that Australis pull I got today was indeed a dupe. Sold it, sold a dupe Satsuki and Shiva as well, which put me over the 300k mark. And I bought plum. I have a great team for anaphon with her and am one good sub short of a team for her. I would have to use off color/type or the poison guy from bleach I max skilled.
Either way, wanted the card. Good sub, love the art. Crossing fingers for anaphon to come, will be my main team when she does.
Well, just finished max-skilling my Sumire. Just gotta give her a few more levels and load her with some latents and she'll be pentamaxed.
Speaking of, what is a good latent set-up for Sumire? I'm already building rainbow-resists on two of her subs (Ryune and Summurd), so she doesn't need those.
You make a compelling argument. I think i'll join you in that questionable decision.
Skill delay resist is a solid choice. It keeps the system alive and its the biggest threat to activation.
Skill delay resist is a solid choice. It keeps the system alive and its the biggest threat to activation.
If Anaphon doesn't come over I'll regret it slightly. My dark and fire boxes are strong, so I like adding to them. Slowly making my light and water boxes stronger, green has a ways to go. And I like having good cards/options. If I ever pull Gremory, my box will be ready for that to.
Honestly, she was the only mp cards I didn't have that I wanted and by the time new ones come out, I'm sure I'll be close to another again.
I'm having trouble thinking of a better option. Isis or an unbindable should have rainbow resists for 100% gravity but otherwise what else would you need? Maybe ATK or HP latents?Across the board? Well, I have one SDR left over, so I can get to work on that right away.
I'm having trouble thinking of a better option. Isis or an unbindable should have rainbow resists for 100% gravity but otherwise what else would you need? Maybe ATK or HP latents?
One pull today, got Massive Blade Brave, Zwwilhander. New, but eh.
Do Jewel invades have the same % chance of showing up on mythical and legend? Really need green ones today but not sure if my teams can handle the higher difficulties
Is today's godfest worth rolling on? My initial impression was "probably not", but given that my box is still small and expanding, I figured it's worth asking from folks who know the contents better than me.