Saint Nic
I have 4 Ronove. Not sure how. Should I just keep 2 then?
I'm super jealous. So you have that going for you.I have 4 Ronove. Not sure how. Should I just keep 2 then?
I have 4 Ronove. Not sure how. Should I just keep 2 then?
My personal rule is hang on to cards until I need the MP. if theres no MP monster for sale right now you need then just hang on to them.Thanks to some off-color feeding, I leveled my Perseus enough to evolve him. I then proceeded to feed him a max level Green Snow Globe Dragon and all three Tamadras I had (including a +297 Tamadra I'd been saving). He's still missing one awakening for the form, but hopefully I can remedy that later tonight.
Going by the logic that, having put so much into him, my next pull would make me regret it by being something better, I made another pull. The logic proved faulty, and I received Radious. Now I have to decide if the possibility of it being a useful inherit outweighs the 3000 MP I could get for selling it... It probably does...
Crap I did another pull and got Ronove again. What do you do with REM dupes?![]()
Discord told me getting carried through Zeus-Dios is easy provided I have enough HP to survive his preemptive, which according to PADx is only ~14k, a bar I can easily clear. I'll try and find someone on their dedicated server ¯_(°_o)_/¯
I can run Zeus Dios with you in a few minutes if you still need it.
eek yeah, I just want to see if it's possible
9794 5506 if you're able!
edit: smh I forgot about the fire bind
thank you so so much, sorry about the lost stamina!
edit: I'm guessing there's no way to gift stones, is there
The good news is those rolls aren't bad. You have some great subs looking for the right leader.1. Sun Wukong
2. Archangel Meta (dupe)
3. Balboa
4. Zuoh
5. Cerberus Rider (dupe)
6. Australis
7. Ronove (3rd one)
8. Genie
9. Wee Jas
10. Snow White
Man my day 2 rolls were so bad.
I just updated my padherder, someone tell me I have a viable team somewhere in here.
I think australis has niche uses (and likely future uses with buffs) because of the nutso row awakenings, I see the name floated around some
my 10 were also bad:
berserker z
avalon drake (x2)
fenrir viz (lol)
blue sonia
earth dragon swordsman (smh)
I think the game wants me to use jammers but I refuse!
Alfecca is a safe sell. I'd keep the dupe meta just for inheritance unless you have plenty of quick bind clears.Did 12 rolls this morning:
I can now run the full Ronove team everyone talks so highly of! /sarcasm
- Artemis
- Sitri
- Tsubone
- Red Riding Hood
- Ruel
- Ronove (#5 lol)
- Gadius
- Berserker Z (dupe, MP)
- Alfecca (dupe, MP?)
- Set
- Phact
- LTron (dupe, MP?)
Should I sell my dupe Alfecca and LTron?
Alfecca is a safe sell. I'd keep the dupe meta just for inheritance unless you have plenty of quick bind clears.
WTF do you do with 5 Ronove?
I don't - my box is still evolving.
I am so confused regarding Ronove. He just keeps showing up. I'd much rather see, uh, any other GFE. But whatever. I'll just keep piling up Ronove.
Popped another for shits and got a second Fenrir, which I actually really wanted. And a Pandora and Andromeda. I guess I've got all the match bunches of colors for damage leads now, except Wukong. Just need subs!
I'd for sure work on Pandora, since so many people have her. Makes finding multiplayer games easier.
Several. She's super orb hungry so basically any devil that makes darks is good.Is there a good Pandora template to build a team off of?
Thanks guys. My dark box is suffering, so she will probably go on the back burner for now.
I ran Aegir on both difficulties with dual Ronove leads. This heart cross meta makes some of this old content quite trivial, even for underleveled and non-ideal teams.
Thanks to some off-color feeding, I leveled my Perseus enough to evolve him. I then proceeded to feed him a max level Green Snow Globe Dragon and all three Tamadras I had (including a +297 Tamadra I'd been saving). He's still missing one awakening for the form, but hopefully I can remedy that later tonight.
Going by the logic that, having put so much into him, my next pull would make me regret it by being something better, I made another pull.
my 10 were also bad:
berserker z
avalon drake (x2)
fenrir viz (lol)
blue sonia
earth dragon swordsman (smh)
I think the game wants me to use jammers but I refuse!
Pulled a couple times. Got an Australis.
How useful is she now? I remember she used to be quite good, but I am unsure of current uses for her.
He also makes a ton of greens and clears garbage which is pretty useful. His active is more use than the monster thoughFrom what I gather, he at least has a niche use on an ALB farming team to force monsters that can dispel buffs to waste a turn doing so (thanks to his skyfall effect).
I'm so dumb. I put all these guys in a team so I would remember it while I was working towards leveling and evolving them. Then I started making my way thru the dungeon I'm at (Tower to the Sky). Got all the way thru the entire dungeon until the final level of it and then I died like 2 fights in. I couldn't believe I died but retried (no stone, just quit out and restarted). Half way thru the level the 2nd time I realized that I forgot to switch my team off of this un-leveled noob team. Managed to beat the entire dungeon basically with just Bastet, Ronove, my friend leader and 3 unleveled monsters... Team has like 9k HP.Looks like Awoken Bastet is the best team you can put together at the moment. I'd run
Zhuge Liang
Balboa (I know it's redundant with ZL but the shield is good and Bastet is squishy)
Ronove (clears hazard like a full board change)
Wood Sprite Lily
Dude 3 6* gfe isn't bad by any definition.
Ryune pairs with idunn and idunna for one of the strongest pre cross meta leads. Blue sonia is a key sub and their best burst board. You can fill with pretty much any blue orb changer for a powerhouse team.
Hell blue sonia is a solid leader on her own and Ryune makes a great sub for her.
I dont know much about viz teams but if his cooldown is low he can be a solid stat stick for light teams with inheritance.
Gadius is a key sub for a lot of fire teams since he's bind immune and can clear with a row of hearts that he can theoretically produce.
Those are awesome rolls.
Bladelaw already covered most of this, but Avalon Drake is not a bad card. It's a rather good Perseus sub, for example, that can be used on either a pushbutton farming team to deal with combo shields or a regular team to clear a board or provide a pretty good burst (because unless you're supremely trolled, you should get at least two green rows' worth of orbs from its active).
Anybody know on JP server how to get Verdor, that blue whale looking card. I'm not sure if its something to do with pad r or if its some dungeon I'm not aware of.
Interested in it for Ganesha team
I believe it, it's just that this is my fourth one. :/ I don't know whether to feed two for skillups or sell them for MP (I haven't gotten anything with MP yet but only have ~5k).
PAD Radar exclusive
I have pad radar installed, i think i need to update it I have not used it in a while.
Is it purchasable or I have to actually be in JP to get it?