My biggest problem in my consistency with Arena is skill usage. I hold things too long. Awoken Kagu hosed me because I triggered his resolve (thanks skyfall!) then Grisar poisioned me to death since I couldn't fix the board.
I didn't keep trying because I wanted to take advantage of the Skill up x3 to max out Gabriel. In the event I snag You Yu I'm pretty much set for subs now. I just need to find 250k MP lying around...somewhere. Or do the rational thing and wait.
Just need to farm that MP from co-op... Doesn't take too many runs before that starts adding up. Most of my co-op sessions are less than an hour long and I end up with like 5,000 MP. So i'm pretty much selling a REM roll every time I grind it, with all the other benefits of co-op rogues. Saving up for an MP purchase is not out of the realm of possibility, and can probably be done in a month or two. I don't have any MP targets since I don't think I have any ideal teams. I might buy a SDR latent or two when I find an ideal target for them and when we get them half off again.
You Yu just needs blue orb changers, 100% SBR, something to deal with binds, and maybe a shield.Also whats the ideal subs/team for YY?
You Yu just needs blue orb changers, 100% SBR, something to deal with binds, and maybe a shield.
I plan on running: You Yu, Gabriel, A. Isis, Scheat, and Skuld
I don't know if we're getting 1/2 off latents any time soon, but with some luck once everything is coop the SDR invades might stick around in Machine Zeus/Hera.
Also if you've got time to run coop I could certainly run some more tonight. I've been playing around with my team composition and after some testing I think for my side I could run Apollo, Baal, A. Ra, and A. Ama. I'd swap in either Apocalypse, or Wukong if we could afford to get rid of A. Ama.
You Yu just needs blue orb changers, 100% SBR, something to deal with binds, and maybe a shield.
I plan on running: You Yu, Gabriel, A. Isis, Scheat, and Skuld
So the reason I bring up binds and shields is You Yu doesn't have an HP multiplier so mistakes are more costly than on Xiang Mei. The Bind thing is an issue for every team, but only as a situational problem. Andromeda solves the leader bind problem, Isis, Snow White or even an off color bind clear work for full team binds. The one thing You Yu doesn't lack is damage so you can sacrifice a sub slot or two for utility if you can keep orb production up.I unforunately only have blue orb changes (Andromeda, Scheat, Ryune, Hermes, Gabriel, Blue Valk, Blue Sonia). I guess I can depend on heart unbind pf Blue Sonia or Andromeda. I don't have access to a shield except for Yuna if I want to inherit that. I do have access to xmas siren as my only delay.
Nothing else would improve my box, except for maybe Charite.
I can probably co-op a bit tonight. Just message me on discord since I for sure get the message there. Just one of us will need to bring A. Ama. If we're short on SBs for some reason you could go WuKong, otherwise Apoc probably works best. I'll use A. Ama and run the utility side.
I unforunately only have blue orb changes (Andromeda, Scheat, Ryune, Hermes, Gabriel, Blue Valk, Blue Sonia). I guess I can depend on heart unbind pf Blue Sonia or Andromeda. I don't have access to a shield except for Yuna if I want to inherit that. I do have access to xmas siren as my only delay.
Nothing else would improve my box, except for maybe Charite.
Awoken Hermes and Scheat are great, pop Hermes and when his blue skyfall buff is done pop Scheat. By the time hers is done he will be up again, or close to, depending on what haste you have on the team.
I used to run 2 Hermes on my team, but swap one out for utility most of the time now because I almost never need the seconds active.
Fully plussed my main teams (Awoken I&I, Blonia, Awoken Lakshmi). Nice that they share many of the same subs.
Looking to work on my next team.
Would this Kaede team work?
Kaede / Vishnu / Verdandi / Osiris / Thumbelina / Kaede then inherit Verdandi onto something (probably Thumbelina.)
Also whats the ideal subs/team for YY?
That Kaede team isn't bad by any stretch, but I see some key issues.
With the amount of haste that team carries, you can't keep up Vishnu 100% of the time. Kaede squads that either run 2 Vish for 100% green skyfall or 3 haste cards to keep bringing him online are going to be more successful overall. She needs that green orb gen. Thumbelina isn't a bad card by any stretch, but utility and stat wise, Awoken Parvati with a Fairy Tale inherit like her would be preferable. Parv gives you quicker heart orb gen and can enhance green as well, making her active slightly preferable for general use.
You could also use some better green orb gen. Osiris isn't bad, but a double changer like Michael or Perseus can provide you more utility than he can or someone like Sasuke can keep you in more green orbs than Osiris probably can.
It's not a bad team by any stretch and will likely do good things. If you're going to run into trouble, it's going to be because you run out of heart or green orbs or because you're taking a decent size HP hit by running Thumb.
Hmm I guess Awoken Hermes / Scheat / Andromeda should make a nice core. Thats also 100% sbr, so thats nice.
I could feel in the last slot with a board changer (Ryune, Blue Sonia) a fast orb changer (Hatsume or Blue Valk). Unfortunately, I don't have much other utility except for Yuna, Snow white or Light Metatron.
The team you posted seems like the best you've got given your box. Like I said, it's not bad and will do good things. If you're looking for cards to roll for I would say (In order of biggest to least upgrade):
New Orb Change (Michael, Perseus, Sasuke)
Ishida Mitsunari to inherit on Verdandi (He's like a straight upgrade in terms of the active)
Random Utility (Shields, Orochi, etc.)
If you get a second Kaede, you can drop the second Vish. Having 3x Kaede and a Vish is accomplishes the same function as 2x Vish as it allows enhanced wood skyfall to be up 100% of the time. You can easily haste your Vish's active back up once the other skyfall bonus expires.
One thing I see in your box that I'd definitely use is Maeda Keiji. His active is a get out of jail free card for lock boards which can really screw the new Dragoncallers over. I would inherit him on anyone aside from Verd. Verd is a skill you'd likely want to pair off his active, so you don't want them to be mutually exclusive.
Need some help on teams.
1. I've using A. Pandora or A. Lucifer as my lead with subs like DD Pandora, A D. Calk, A Okuni, Izanami. Recently I finally got Yomi. Should I make A. Yomi and use him as lead or sub? I also have DD Haku and D/B Persephone. No Akechi or Zuoh though.
2. I got Persus, Verdandi, and Green Angel, Ruel in my recent rolls along with what I had previously - Spica, Australis, Wonder Woman,Masamune. Osiris. Plus I used to want to make a A Parvarti team with Sasuke, A. Ausano, A. Michael, and A. Green Sonia. Is there a decent top tier green team in there somewhere with the green cards I have?
Pandora and Lucifer are stronger leaders than A Yomi and easier to use. I don' really see her fitting as a sub on those teams much either. I would use haku and Pers on those teams as well imo.
A Parvati is probably your strongest Green lead but she's no longer the cream of the crop.
So I think I can make a good A.Lucifer team?
Here's my box
Just realized I have a bunch of his subs. A.Haku A.Haku A.Loki A.Yomi? Also have Akechi, Okuni and Zuoh
I have the pre-Eschamali perfect YomiDra arena team (YD/AHaku/Okuni/Zeus/Aketchi) all hypered (except that Zeus isn't max skilled), but I still haven't been able to clear despite numerous attempts. The furthest I've gotten is floor 18.
I used Sesshomaru (water/light/dark/heart board) and then A.Persephone to leave only water and finally Nobunaga for the last few dark ones and Akechi for enhance. Had 2 dark skyfalls and the combo total wasn't very high (5 or so?). Would've been nice damage with a devil/dark enhance as well.
What are you getting stuck on? Just running out of actives?
Yeah, mostly. There are some dumb mistakes in there too, and I don't see how I'm supposed to get past Parvati without stalling out 99 turns, but I can definitely feel the loss of an orbchanger in the spot Zeus takes.
Fuck Parvati. Not much you can do with Yomidra beyond stalling out. The only other thing I can think of is get her to just over 30%, pop an inherited Zeta Hydra/Orochi then plink away in peace. Okuni might work too but I haven't gotten to try with Yomidra yet.
Her and Kagu are my oh shit spawns.
EDIT: Thanks to the Tama invasion my Sumire system just needs skill ups. It'll be nice to have once her Uevo hits NA. I plan on running 5x Sumires and 1 bind clear. Probably Isis for stats and awakenings. Sure I may need to stall a turn somewhere but x-heart is pretty foolproof for that.
I just made my Sumire ult on my JP account, still need tamas though. I had 8 water jewels and the skill up gods were kind to me, those 8 skilled her up to just 1 shy and I used a bubpy for the final one. Once I get tamas I'll mess around with a team, but mainly will use her on my You Yu team.
Need some help on teams.
I got Persus, Verdandi, and Green Angel, Ruel in my recent rolls along with what I had previously - Spica, Australis, Wonder Woman,Masamune. Osiris. Plus I used to want to make a A Parvarti team with Sasuke, A. Ausano, A. Michael, and A. Green Sonia. Is there a decent top tier green team in there somewhere with the green cards I have?
Expect like half of my friendlist to be full of A. DQXQ later lol.
I'm a dummy and forgot to evolve the feeder mats and Xuanzang requires two dub-topalits which are the bane of my existence. I just can't find these things.
I think folks are still asleep as I only have 5 ADQXQ friends available. I'll be leaving mine up as she's fully decked with rainbow resists. I am considering switching to fingers as I only have the ones on the leads for extra TE.
I don't have Baal but would Arthur be a good sub to cover dark or should I just skip the color altogether? Team would be ADQXQ/A.Apollo/Raphael/Arthur/flex with Thor, Ammy, LKali, and some others available.
The only 3K card I'm missing...sigh oh well. Dr_LawyerCop convinced me Awoken Liu Bei will be in my future. I'm sitting on 1 max skilled Dios.
Now that everything is multiplayer I need to work out farmable clears for my alt. Machine Zeus works much better in pairs.
It looks like the June Bride cards have been added according to PADx. I'm looking at those cards and man...MechaZeus would love pretty much any of them. Akechi and Eschamali especially.
I'm excited because I got my first Liu Bei from the rank 250 machine reset and I haven't had a single push button REM card in my 800+ days of playing. No Rodin, no Ra, no Vritra, etc.
Just a heads up, depending on the team comps and what dungeons you're trying to push button, you don't need all of your Dios max skilled. I think 20 turns usually works, and obviously your 3rd Dios can have one less skill.
If anyone else is interested, A. Liu Bei, Zeus Dios teams are completely game changing in co-op and worth investing in if you have Liu Bei. You can put together push button teams that can clear Z8, Scarlet, Linthia and other end game content. We're talking taking minutes to clear those by just pushing buttons, which gives you insane XP, MP, and fodder experience. You can get to like rank 600 with ease. And you can farm enough MP that even non-IAP people can start planning on making 300,000 MP purchases.
I probably won't have the team up right when it his NA, but it's now become my number one priority in PAD these days. Also, for most of the content you'll be farming, the only card you'll need to have +297 on is A. Liu Bei.
So the standard team I looked at was A. Liu Bei, Dios x3, flex. I saw Sasuke in the flex spot.
So with 10 SB total, Dios needs to be at skill level 10 each. A pain, but doable. Things that concern me: Skill bind preemptives and binds over 4 turns or multiple binds in a dungeon. I don't know how relevant this is to roguelikes. A. Liu Bei being immune helps immensely for the latter but the team has little answer to the first. Unless Team A brings Perseus and Team B brings Chester? With this you'd have an answer to most preempts.
The goal is being able to multifarm Roguelikes and Rushes I'd think. Given the number of floors in Z8 I'd think the flex would have to be true damage for predras and baby Z8 not sure about Scarlet.
Also might as well grab the evo mats in the 3k challenge if you haven't already (Zhou Yun and Zhang Fei)
And that's what makes this co-op team so awesome, the only REM required card is Liu Bei. Pretty much the blueprint is Dios x3 plus a flex, where the flex is dungeon specific. Sometimes it's Tengu, sometimes it can be another Dios. And even where the team set-ups might require a true damage, that's usually just on one team and there'll be enough people running that side that everyone should be set.
On occasion, Artemis or Gronia can replace a Dios, but that's dungeon specific and might require a match, just in case people already have those developed.