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Quantum Break Review Thread


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Disappointing reviews, but I have a feeling I'm going to love it anyways.

Just have to decide if I want to buy it now, or wait.

How is this disappointing? It is in line with Remedy's previous output and it looks like we are in for a solid game. Man why does everyone expect universal acclaim everytime from big AAA first party games?
Weird set of reviews, usually there's something along the lines of a bellcurve, but apparently this game is either 4/10 or 9/10.

Huh? The scores for this game are all over the place! Are we looking at the same Metacritic or is there some other review weighing site that I don't know of? Can't be Opencritic since they show largely the same review scores - everything between 4's - 10's, mostly 7's and 8's.


I feel like the third person linear action genre is sort of in a crysis, open world is threatening enough to absorb everything and the reviews aren't helpful with the few games that do come out.
U4 has a huge weight on its shoulders now, to prove that this genre is still relevant, that people are still interested in linear action games, that it can still be as important and big as open world games, selling a lot and being a leading GOTY contender.
I feel like it's really important for the genre if U4 will get a 9+ MC just to make a point.

ND was really smart about evolving Uncharted into next gen it seems, if it was just "another Uncharted" with amazing visuals but the same exact formula of the PS3 games, reviews would have slayed the shit out of it.
Luckily it seems like ND did make some very promising changes, we'll have to see how it worked out.

If U4 will recieve a not so warm welcome, I'll feel it can be a final nail or a very significant one at least, in the genre's coffin.


The thing is each reviewer has a different interpretation of what score would apply to an average game.

Some are vocal about the fact that they view 5 to be average. MC views anything over 7 as favorable. So that disconnect will always end with distorted perception of the overall MC score.

It looks like metacritic weights scores according to the popularity of the reviewer, but takes no consideration for the reviewers scale. That's problematic, but it's a problem that only really presents itself when the score from larger publications deviates lower than the norm.

Yeah, the different sites have specific reviewing guidelines, but people interpret questions and scales differentially, to some extent, in all human subjects research. It'll lead to more variance and less reliable scores, but it's still better than no summary metric. If you look at the highest rated games at the end of the year, they will generally be the best games that year. If you look at the lowest rated ones, they'll usually be the worst. People demanding metacritic to he some perfect predictor that accounts for 100% of all variance in game quality are ridiculous. MC is good at what it is, a loose predictor of game quality, and a refusal to use it in that way doesn't invalidate it.


Max Payne - Fantastic
Alan Wake - Fantastic

Until Remedy disappoints me I will keep buying their games regardless of reviews. Still super excited to pick this up next week, even with a few really low scores sprinkled in generally positive reviews.
Newsflash people - The game doesn't have to be a well-made game for you to like it. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking to be fun. Quantum Break can just be a pretty but formulaic third person shooter, and if you like pretty games and third person shooters, then you'll probably like Quantum Break. The gameplay could be nothing special, but if you like Remedy stories, you'll probably like Quantum Break.
My review is behind as got it later. Enjoying it but far from a classic and really linear. I could do without the live action even though it was an ok watch. But when it can sometimes
Buffer when streaming it takes you completly out of the game entirely.

And despite the excellent effects, the lower resolution really stands out on the Xbox One.
I knew who wrote the GiantBomb review as soon as I looked at the score, didn't even need to read any text. Love Gerstmann's cynical personality on podcasts etc. but I can't take his reviews seriously.
I hate to be a dick about it, because I actually really enjoy Jeff as a person, but he has opposite tastes to me.

I didn't enjoy Super Mario Maker at all, love Rocket League, and will probably enjoy this.

We rarely align opinions, which is fine.

Saying you have different tastes from someone isn't being "a dick".


Reviews seem pretty good in general. 78 is not a bad metacritic score by any means. Will certainly play it at some point.


my hard graphic balls
Max Payne - Fantastic
Alan Wake - Fantastic

Until Remedy disappoints me I will keep buying their games regardless of reviews. Still super excited to pick this up next week, even with a few really low scores sprinkled in generally positive reviews.
Pretty much. Weird seeing those GB and Gamespot reviews, but a Remedy game purchase was never going to hinge on any review scores. Their games never dissapointed me.


Since this thread is flying, is there an average completion time and how much of that is cutscenes?

It depends on how much you like to read.

If you go looking for all the collectibles (emails, short newscasts on televisions, etc) and actually read them all (the mails are TL;DR more often than not) you might get over ten hours in. I found the mails and texts not worth the time to plow trough (It really just breaks the pacing, which isn't exactly great to begin with), and I finished the game, show included, in about 7,5 hours on normal difficulty. I got an 84% completion percentage, so I didn't miss all that many collectibles.


I knew who wrote the GiantBomb review as soon as I looked at the score, didn't even need to read any text. Love Gerstmann's cynical personality on podcasts etc. but I can't take his reviews seriously.

Honestly even though I scored it a bit higher I am more surprised we don't see lower scores like Jeff's. Though I would consider it a good game I wouldn't be adverse to someone not.


I knew who wrote the GiantBomb review as soon as I looked at the score, didn't even need to read any text. Love Gerstmann's cynical personality on podcasts etc. but I can't take his reviews seriously.

I didn't read all the 20+ pages, but seeing that even on page 22 Jeff's review is still being discussed I can guess that, in typically Gaf's review threads tradition, all the 20+ pages of this thread are focused on the controversial big site review?


I think I'll wait a few months to buy, I have other stuff to play anyway. Would rather play on PC than Xbox and my PC can't run it right now.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Jeff lost his love of the medium a long time ago. Its a shame though because his success means he will be shackled to it.
I knew we wouldn't get far without one of these types of declarative statements.
Pretty even spread of scores.

Seems like a pretty good buy even still, maybe not launch but $30-ish bucks maybe.

Wish it was coming to Steam :(
I feel like the third person linear action genre is sort of in a crysis, open world is threatening enough to absorb everything and the reviews aren't helpful with the few games that do come out.
U4 has a huge weight on its shoulders now, to prove that this genre is still relevant, that people are still interested in linear action games, that it can still be as important and big as open world games, selling a lot and being a leading GOTY contender.
I feel like it's really important for the genre if U4 will get a 9+ MC just to make a point.

ND was really smart about evolving Uncharted into next gen it seems, if it was just "another Uncharted" with amazing visuals but the same exact formula of the PS3 games, reviews would have slayed the shit out of it.
Luckily it seems like ND did make some very promising changes, we'll have to see how it worked out.

If U4 will recieve a not so warm welcome, I'll feel it can be a final nail or a very significant one at least, in the genre's coffin.

Don't agree all. In fact I'm kind of happy seeing 9/10 and 10/10 scores for this very obviously linear shooter.

I think the fad of open-world is still present, and still strong, but it seems to be finally waning a little bit in fashion which I'm OK with.

Not every game has to be open-world, and I'm glad QB is not. I don't see it really impacting scores here besides a few reviews and I highly doubt it will affect Uncharted e.g. great game but not open world = don't buy, I don't that happening.


Strip the tv-show back to it's basics and it is hardly innovative. You can imagine the same thing with real time cut scenes à la Uncharted, and it would change nothing at all. The fact it is live action doesn't add a thing, except for Remedy to be able to call it 'tv'. It's just cutscènes.

Case in point; the show is not fit to be watched without the game. You would probably understand jack shit of it all if you just watched the show. Hence, it is just long cutscenes between acts.

And that is withouth taking the quality of the show into account. Which some reviewers seem to like, but I found awfull. It's bad game-dialogue and story, but filmed live action.

I cant strip the tv show cause its part of the game, ridiculous or not, good or bad, its part of the game, and i at least aplaud the corage, the time stoping effects looks cool too and i didnt see that before, we seem to judge harsh on games that try something(good or bad) new And love the games that are more of the same.


This guy should stop playing videogames. Go race classic cars or something ffs.

There's salt in 'them mugs.



This isn't really true. The armchair psychology that goes into review threads is off putting. Is it so hard to focus on the text?

Yeah, it's loathsome to see people constantly spouting the jaded/hates games thing in every topic where GB, and Jeff in particular, comes up. Just because he's not a hysterical fanboy or on a message board demanding to be photoshpped onto idiotic looking hype train memes doesn't mean he doesn't like games.
And there it is. This is the going to be the thing that is most discussed in this thread now.

This guy should stop playing videogames. Go race classic cars or something ffs.
I don't know the context or read into the situation, and even though I don't always agree with reviews, they aren't everything.

I certainly don't think, for example, metacritic is a good source go by for digimon story cyber sleuth

if a game gets bad reviews, it gets bad reviews. fuck em. read the reviews and decide for yourself if the score is going to define your decision.

that didn't do it with driveclub for me.
This isn't really true. The armchair psychology that goes into review threads is off putting. Is it so hard to focus on the text?

Off putting? I am finding it absolutely hilarious.

The explanations people come up with, just because a game they have interest in (and most likely haven't even played yet) is getting mixed reviews, some of them quite bad. No, it can't be!


Pretty even spread of scores.

Don't agree all. In fact I'm kind of happy seeing 9/10 and 10/10 scores for this very obviously linear shooter.

I think the fad of open-world is still present, and still strong, but it seems to be finally waning a little bit in fashion which I'm OK with.

Not every game has to be open-world, and I'm glad QB is not. I don't see it really impacting scores here besides a few reviews and I highly doubt it will affect Uncharted e.g. great game but not open world = don't buy, I don't that happening.

I don't think you got me, I'm all for QB, of course I'm happy for the 10's and 9's, but the overall scores are pretty disappointing, I feel like there wasn't a significant game in this genre for a long time, I was hoping QB would be the one, it seems like it might not.

U4 needs to prove that a linear action campaign can still be a strong GOTY contender, still can shock waves, that this genre still have a place cause it seems like it's been a long time since we've seen something truly impressive.

I feel like such cinematic action games are a rare breed anyway, I really hope U4 can prove they still have a big place in AAA gaming.


This isn't a binary option with Jeff's review and Giant Bomb in general. It is not like if you disagree you must hate the guy and if you agree you love him. Life is nuance.

I enjoy listening the the GB personalities on the bombcast every week. And Jeff in particular has such a depth and breadth of knowledge of the industry that he usually provides great context for issues and happenings in games.

The fact of the matter is I rarely agree with him specific reviews but that doesn't mean he is wrong or I am right. We have different tastes on specific games but that doesn't mean he hates the industry.
Look Jeff can give it whatever score he wants but as far as scores a 4/10 tells me a game is garbage and borderline unplayable. His review didn't indicate that. From what I read a 3/5 score seems more in line from my perspective. The score troubles me a bit.

Look how much attention GB gets by having scores like this.. Just sayin
But The Division is a bad game....

so youre telling me reviews are subjective and down to the person's taste?

well, shit, i've been going about this whole thing all wrong

Look Jeff can give it whatever score he wants but as far as scores a 4/10 tells me a game is garbage and borderline unplayable. His review didn't indicate that. From what I read a 3/5 score seems more in line from my perspective. The score troubles me a bit.

Look how much attention GB gets by having scores like this.. Just sayin

if 5/10 is average then a 4/10 is just below average.

it seems his review isn't the issue, it sounds like he feels the game is just below average from what i read

how you perceive review scores is troublesome, though
Surprised this game got any high marks at all, the gameplay looks bad and the story looks even worse. Definitely on par with the Order, another game I aggressively hated. :p

I don't know how people can make these statements without playing it

You know, his statements are no different than people that could have said "The gameplay looks amazing and the story looks even better!" in any of the hype threads, without ever playing the game as well.

People can be just as un-interested in the game without playing it as there were people very interested in the game without playing it.

You should be going back to every person that said the game looks great and the story looks interesting (even though they never played it) and saying "I don't know how people can make these statements without playing it." If you are calling him out for his opinions without playing it, why are people with positive opinions without playing it getting a pass? It doesn't just work one way my friend.
I don't think you got me, I'm all for QB, of course I'm happy for the 10's and 9's, but the overall scores are pretty disappointing, I feel like there wasn't a significant game in this genre for a long time, I was hoping QB would be the one, it seems like it might not.

U4 needs to prove that a linear action campaign can still be a strong GOTY contender, can shock waves, that this genre still have a place cause it seems like it's been a long time since we've seen something truly impressive.

I feel like such cinematic action games are a rare breed anyway, I really hope U4 can prove they still have a big place in AAA gaming.

In that case I think they can prove they still have earning power.

I hope we continue to get linear shooters, if only for the chance to get games like QB or Binary Domain.

Every genre and sub-genre can offer a great experience if used in the right way, I'm sure U4 will prove that for linear action games too.

In fact I kind of wish that they would do a James Bond game... haha.


Look Jeff can give it whatever score he wants but as far as scores a 4/10 tells me a game is garbage and borderline unplayable. His review didn't indicate that. From what I read a 3/5 score seems more in line from my perspective. The score troubles me a bit.

2/5 doesn't translate well to a 10 point scale because people like yourself think 4/10 is "borderline unplayable". In reality 4/10 should mean below average, as it does in Jeff's review, where he didn't like it very much.
So, it's either great, really good, average, or not worth my time. Thanks, reviewers!

This is good and the way it should be. Some things in a review like this are objective, like the performance. But most other things from the graphics including art style, to the gameplay, to the music is all subjective. Good fucking thing that people disagree with each other, rather have honest opinions than some watered down bullshit.
Look Jeff can give it whatever score he wants but as far as scores a 4/10 tells me a game is garbage and borderline unplayable. His review didn't indicate that. From what I read a 3/5 score seems more in line from my perspective. The score troubles me a bit.

Look how much attention GB gets by having scores like this.. Just sayin

Please explain your dumb opinion. I'm sure it makes total sense.


Look Jeff can give it whatever score he wants but as far as scores a 4/10 tells me a game is garbage and borderline unplayable. His review didn't indicate that. From what I read a 3/5 score seems more in line from my perspective. The score troubles me a bit.

Look how much attention GB gets by having scores like this.. Just sayin

Not this shit again.
2/5 doesn't translate well to a 10 point scale because people like yourself think 4/10 is "borderline unplayable". In reality 4/10 should mean below average.
Sure but games aren't reviewed like that. He knows that. 7 is pretty mediocre and 6 is below dip below 5 and you are in bad territory. He can do whatever he wants but I don't think the 2 lines up with his own write up. That's just my opinion.


In that case I think they can prove they still have earning power.

I hope we continue to get linear shooters, if only for the chance to get games like QB or Binary Domain.

Every genre and sub-genre can offer a great experience if used in the right way, I'm sure U4 will prove that for linear action games too.

In fact I kind of wish that they would do a James Bond game... haha.

I hope so as well, I'm all for such linear experiences which seems more and more rare this gen unfotunately, and the few games that do come out, doesn't seems to make a splash, in some cases they even damage the genre's reputation like with TO 1886.

Holding hands really hard for U4, hopefully ND will prove this genre is still relevent and big as it ever was, be a shame if not and if this trend of everything open world will continue, I might have to stop buy AAA games this gen.
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