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Quantum Break Review Thread


I know. I love Starbreeze. The Darkness is one of my favourite games. I just never got around to Syndicate due to shooter burn out last gen.
The Darkness is also one of my favorite games. I never got around to Syndicate, because EA practically stealth released it.


So he has an opinion and people can't have opinions about his scoring method? I read his review and I was surprised he shot it as low as 2. It's that simple. Obviously plenty of other reviewers disagree or agree that's how these things work. Have GB explained their review scale? Maybe that would help me understand better. 2 out of 5 is very damning on the quality of a game from my perspective and his review seemed to point toward mediocrity.

Reading his review, it sounds like he really didn't like it. He said the shooting was mundain, and he mentioned that the powers and cool down didn't seem to flow well. And he didn't appreciate the wrinkle that time-suit equipped enemies added to the gameplay. He wasn't really feeling the story, nor the live action episodes.

It didn't really seem to like anything about the game really. so I'm not surprised he gave it a 2.

I AM surprised that his opinion on just about of these issues is the exact opposite of how most other reviewers felt about the very same issues...

But hey, that's how opinions work. And he's certainly entitled to his.
I would like to think those other people don't throw out personal insults when someone disagrees with them. Especially when that person has actually played the game.
If only that was true lol. Seriously lol. looking back at that post, I shouldn't have insinuated what I did and I will edit it. Apologies don't mean much on an Internet forum but I shouldn't have said that about Jeff given that I have no info to back it up in the slightest.


Those seem fair votes. I mean sorry, but with 8h of campain and withouth Multiplayer, i don't think it deserve mord than a 8... Also, some gameplay rule looks shit, honestly.


not sure if old, but looks like a few European shops broke the street date. So watch out for spoilers if you care about the story.

Just got home and found this in the mailbox:

I'm confused? So is this Jeff dude like the biggest and best Videogame critic or something? This entire thread is about him. Is he that important to the industry like a Roger Ebert was to film?

He's probably the most well known reviewer (as in not a youtube personality) in the industry. He has been doing this for 20+ years and is highly respected, but he doesn't give a shit about adhering to the norm and he has his own distinct opinions, so his reviews are often controversial.


Are any of the reviews of the PC version? If it's not a complete mess like the other MS Windows 10 games, then I'm going to be picking up Quantum Break as a digital download on the Xbox One to get the free PC copy. If it is, I'm getting the physical version with a 20% discount.


All the praise on the storyline is making me look forward to buying this game. But I will be waiting until I have upgraded my PC. I'm not buying a game at launch price to be restricted to medium settings.
Fucking Christ, GAF. I'm so embarrassed for some of you right now.

It's a review thread. This happens.

Especially with games releasing on one console and not the others.

They can be really entertaining if you approach it from the right angle. I've enjoyed reading.


There's always that polemic review in exclusive titles. LoL

Good score overall though! More or less the type of scores I was expecting besides a little bit lower metascore.


Reading his review, it sounds like he really didn't like it. He said the shooting was mundain, and he mentioned that the powers and cool down didn't seem to flow well. And he didn't appreciate the wrinkle that time-suit equipped enemies added to the gameplay. He wasn't really feeling the story, nor the live action episodes.

It didn't really seem to like anything about the game really. so I'm not surprised he gave it a 2.

I AM surprised that his opinion on just about of these issues is the exact opposite of how most other reviewers felt about the very same issues...

But hey, that's how opinions work. And he's certainly entitled to his.

Most of the reviews read the same. Interesting but flawed game. For some outlets that's worth a 9/10? But that may reflect they are judging it on production value as well as other factors.

Jeff doesn't care too much about production value needs the mechanical basics of a game to be good. And from videos and his review the moment to moment loop seems boring and the game hangs on if you can care about the story (alan wake has similiar issues and similiar spread of scores). Jeff doesn't seems to relate to the story and thus can't over look the other flaws.


The Darkness is also one of my favorite games. I never got around to Syndicate, because EA practically stealth released it.

You didn't miss much.

The co-op mode was good, but the single player campaign was very forgettable and not a patch on Riddick or The Darkness.


Well, OpenCritic score is a 77 so it's not effecting the overall score as much as you'd think.

That's interesting. I don't know much about opencritic, but if you remove the weight the MC reviews, the average score is 81. On N4G, with 110 unweighted reviews it's at 81.

So yeah weighting definately is playing a large role here...

Note: I do notice that OC has 50reviews listed whiles MC has 67.


If we get another UC3 review thread that will be the best.
And the saddest
Haven't witnessed this one but damn, if people really had a meltdown about an outlet giving the game 8/10 then I should get some popcorn ready for UC4.

But yah, people ITT saying they need a game to have a high Metacritic score to enjoy it are pretty weird lol


I haven't played it yet so I cant say how i feel on the game, but most of the reviews are positive so i'll give it a twirl. I don't know why people are focusing on Jeff's 2/5 (time also gave a 2), look at Jeff's other reviews and you might disagree with him, it doesn't mean he's against you or he's a bad guy. play the game and make your own opinion then let discuss soon.
No, they're meaningful to players too. Not everyone obsessively reads GAF or wants to scroll through a dozen reviews. A metacritic average is just a shorthand for all that. It's not perfect, but someone grabbing a 90+ game is almost always going to get a better game than someone grabbing a 70. People arguing about whether a 75 game is better than a 73 game or quibbling about the differences between PS4/XBone version scores are clueless; that's not metacritic's fault.

Agreed. Although flawed, I personally find Metacritic averages about as useful / accurate as GAF opinions. How dare I say that! But it's true for me - I have seen countless games get glowing comments in a games OT thread and then a few weeks later, people suddenly turn on the game. And then there's the hyperbole surrounding certain games whether it be extreme and undeserved negativity (Uncharted 3, Elders Scroll games etc.) or extreme over praising of decent but unremarkable games like Nier and Deadly Premonition. In these cases at least, the Metacritic scores more align with my tastes than the consensus on GAF.


Most of the reviews read the same. Interesting but flawed game. For some outlets that's worth a 9/10? But that may reflect they are judging it on production value as well as other factors.

Jeff doesn't care too much about production value needs the mechanical basics of a game to be good. And from videos and his review the moment to moment loop seems boring and the game hangs on if you can care about the story (alan wake has similiar issues and similiar spread of scores). Jeff doesn't seems to relate to the story and thus can't over look the other flaws.

Yeah, that's your and his opinion of it. But many other publications feel the exact opposite regarding the gameplay loop and mechanics. Many site the mechanics as one of the games strongest suits.

Completely disregarding production values, I'm surprised that there is such a wild swing with regards to the gameplay itself. Probably because the gameplay I've seen looks anything but boring or mechanically flawed. Overall though, it seems that the lionshare of reviewer view the mechanics and gameplay favorably.

Opinions. That's how they work.


He's probably the most well known reviewer (as in not a youtube personality) in the industry. He has been doing this for 20+ years and is highly respected, but he doesn't give a shit about adhering to the norm and he has his own distinct opinions, so his reviews are often controversial.

Or as I like to say, he's usually right.

Quantum Break from the outset worried me. The idea of the TV show melded with a shooter with time manipulation mechanics didn't grab me. I figured I'd wait it out. That took forever which made me loose more interest, and from what they've shown of the game it looks like a standard third person shooter with powers.

I'll still give it a shot but I'm not going to get my hopes up.


ACG is the first place I go for reviews these days. You won't find much better.

Thanks Coolade glad you liked the review man.
Gonna replay this again actually for a walkthrough and a walking the walk game dev video too. But they told everyone to hold off on the Lets Plays and those are close so the 4th I think.


the uncharted 4 review thread is my most anticipated thread of the year

I doubt it'll be more or less entertaining than any major exclusives review thread, including this one. You only get real fireworks however when there's one outlier review that sticks out like a sore thumb.
I don't feel like there was ever a clear vision behind this game. At least, that was the first feeling that I got when it was first shown at the Xbox One reveal event way back in 2013. Personally, I don't see how could anyone think that interjecting extensive live action sequences between gameplay segments would be a good idea...


I don't feel like there was ever a clear vision behind this game. At least, that was the first feeling that I got when it was first shown at the Xbox One reveal event way back in 2013. Personally, I don't see how could anyone think that interjecting extensive live action sequences between gameplay segments would be a good idea...

The explination: Don Mattrick was in charge when this game was in the planning phase.


So what stage are people at right now? Bargaining?

78 is a decent score, it's just not stellar. Could be worse. Nobody will give a shit in a week.


did you play the game?

QB no, but everything from the reviews read great. All except that one or two negative ones that read like they didn't even like the genre/style in the first place. Everything else is mostly 7-10. Nothing groundbreaking but great.

If you are asking about The Order, then yes I also played it and it really doesn't seem to be anything like The Order other than they are shooters.

I liked The Order a lot for what it was and I'm sure I will like QB, but they do not seem like a good comparison to make other than people wanting to hate on it because of a couple of negative reviews.

Reading his review, it sounds like he really didn't like it. He said the shooting was mundain, and he mentioned that the powers and cool down didn't seem to flow well. And he didn't appreciate the wrinkle that time-suit equipped enemies added to the gameplay. He wasn't really feeling the story, nor the live action episodes.

It didn't really seem to like anything about the game really. so I'm not surprised he gave it a 2.

I AM surprised that his opinion on just about of these issues is the exact opposite of how most other reviewers felt about the very same issues...

But hey, that's how opinions work. And he's certainly entitled to his.

I mean I understand it is an opinion, but even if it is 'not feeling' a game does not translate at all to the game being bad. That's why the review doesn't make sense to me or at least feel it is too low.

I feel reviews should be more involved. If a guy is assigned a game he is not feeling they should get a second opinion or a joint review or something. I've read a couple of reviews on the game and the only big difference I am seeing is that he reads like he does not feel the game, story, genre style etc.
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