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Quarantine Mafia |OT| The Contagion is spreading.


Let's see, did I forget anything?

Keys, wallet, toothbrush? Check.

Day 1 Gambit? Check.

Day 2 Gambit? Check.

Did I remember to reveal the breadcrumb? Check.

Did I get a sudden outpour of History stories despite nobody trusting me, for some reason? Check.

Did I get a sick burn somewhere along the way? Check.

Did I find seriously scummy individuals based on evidence and logic? Check.

Does Town got this? I think they might.

VOTE: Karkador

See ya!


So that comment alone is what made you think something was amiss with Fat4all and that possibly he was infected?

Not fully understanding how you reached your decision to vote for aco between your two posts. Could you please explain?

It was, I didn't see such a close link between the 2 before this point, then suddenly they're making similar comments about being lovesick after the araxiometer turned 2. Was very curious timing in my mind.


Hi, I'm back

I knew I forgot something

Sorry kid, I've been known to be a heartbreaker.

In some other time... in some other place...

Maybe, we could of been... together.

But alas, my heart belongs to another.

Yeah I really had no idea what this was about, but it felt like he was trying to fuck with me or try to preempt me saying who I was going to claim in my History.


Hi, I'm back

I knew I forgot something

Yeah I really had no idea what this was about, but it felt like he was trying to fuck with me or try to preempt me saying who I was going to claim in my History.

kark, why do you think Fat4all would try and wagon on your day 2 gambit, what would he gain from that?


Just messin' with ya

... or was I?



kark, why do you think Fat4all would try and wagon on your day 2 gambit, what would he gain from that?

Considering that I'm the unreliable narrator here, maybe so whatever name I said would be taken as false?

It wasn't a huge deal, but along the lines of your question, why would he jump into that reveal at all?

Karkador (12)
Sawneeks (Director) #1085
Natiko #1286
exmachina64 #1380
CCS #1391
Faddy #1405
Verelios #1410
11037 #1471
Fat4all #1484
acohrs #1499
Karkador #1501

acohrs (2)
melonrabbit #1326
Swamped #1408

Burbeting (1)
Ourobolus #1341

franconp (0): Karkador #1470 #1501

No active vote for Day 2: Burbeting, franconp, Kalor, Kawl_USC, Lone_Prodigy, TheExodu5, Zippedpinhead

Day 2 ends:

Automated vote tally here

12 votes for majority

Majority has been reached. Please stand by for your game runner.
Karkador please come with me.

Karkador said:
You'll all see, you were wrong to doubt me.

acohrs said:
I can smell the Araxia on you.

Fat4all said:
This all seems a little extreme. Isn't there a more humane way to check if he's infected?

Sawneeks said:
Karkador I sentence you to die.

Karkador stepped into the incineration chamber. As the door shut. A look of panic and fright swept over him.

Sawneeks. As Interim director, you may have the honours.

Sawneeks flipped the switch, and the chamber blazed in a storm of red, orange and yellow light.

Karkador has died.

Lab Technician


You are a scientist working at Lakeshore Pharmatech.


Your alignment is to Lakeshore (This means town).


You win when all infected with araxia have been eliminated.


You have no special abilities


You have no special commands. But you can VOTE:

Aroxometer reading: 1

Day 3 begins:


Night actions are due 2 hours before day start
Please check your PMs before posting

I found his body strewn along the stairwell. It looks like he was attacked by a wild beast. Blood was everywhere. The floors, the walls, his corpse. I feel sick just thinking about how terrifying that must have been. Did he even see who got him?

If anyone has any information about what happened to Natiko last night. Please! We don’t have much time. We can’t let another innocent Lab Technician die in vain.

Natiko has died!



You are an emissary of the Lord of Love.

Your alignment is to Lakeshore. (This means town).

Stop the spread of Araxia. You win when all infected with araxia have been eliminated.

Faith - Due to your faith in the Lord of Love, you cannot be burned by fire, nor can you be infected by Araxia.

PRAY FOR: <player> - During the night phase, you can choose to pray of the soul of one player. That player cannot be infected for the rest of the night. If the player has already been infected however, you'll be told that they are beyond saving.

Nothing about this makes any sense. This facility should have been perfectly sealed. It seems despite our checks and balances. 3 people have vanished without leaving so much as a trace.

Congratulations to the Fugitives Faction on meeting your win condition!

Lone_Prodigy has completed his win condition.


Your friend was abducted by Lakeshore Pharmatech, in order to conduct experiments.


Your alignment is to your friends (This means Fugitive Faction).


Steal a passcard so that you and your friends can flee.


Stealth - You move around very stealthily. As such, your night actions cannot be blocked or tracked.
Passcard - Your passcard will let you exit the game upon completing your win condition.


While you have no special commands, you may submit your faction's STEAL: command.

CCS has completed his win condition.

Test Subject


You were abducted by Lakeshore Pharmatech, in order to conduct experiments to help cure Araxia and other diseases.


Your alignment is to your friends (This means Fugitive Faction).


Steal a passcard so that you and your friends can flee.


Recovery - You can self-heal from most injuries including death. You're also immune to Araxia. I wouldn't test my luck in the incinerator though...


While you have no special commands, you may submit your faction's STEAL: command.

faddy has completed his win condition.
Test Subject

You were abducted by Lakeshore Pharmatech, in order to conduct experiments on your psychic powers.


Your alignment is to your friends (This means Fugitive Faction).


Steal a passcard so that you and your friends can flee.


You have no special abilities


PROBE: <player> - Probe one player's memories for information

You may also submit your faction's STEAL: command, however you cannot submit both commands in the same night unless you are the sole member of your faction.

Araxometer reading: 2

Majority is 9


Day 3 begins


You people majored yesterday before I had time to check the thread again :(.

Since Araxometer went down from 2 to 1, it seems likely that fran and F4A are telling the truth.

The meter went back to 2, though. Does that mean that the araxoids can infect and kill during the same night? (Assuming Natiko was killed by araxoids).

Also, Kark's gambit was not good on the long run, it just took lot of time and concentration from town.

I don't have any comments about the fugitive party. There might be more big neutral parties.


At least we only have two infected.

Right, and supposedly, if fran has more shots, we can cure whomever got hit last night

And I'm still disappointed in all of you guys who lynched Kark. Incredibly idiotic gambit or no, it was increasingly likely he was just vanilla.


Uh...did anyone have a passcard to begin with?

I mean that fugitive faction was incredibly lucky. They got their passcard on the second night!

Is it useful to have the person who had the passcard to own up?

Looks like araxoids can kill and infect on the same night.


Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I'm not infected. Fat4all haven't posted yet in our chat.

Also Kark got really unlucky as he guessed about the "vaccines".


Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I'm not infected. Fat4all haven't posted yet in our chat.

Also Kark got really unlucky as he guessed about the "vaccines".

I'm assuming you are town due to the cure, but c'mon, lynching Kark yesterday was not a great option

(in hindsight, I guess...did not expect to lose 4 people in one damn night)


Damn that was huge swing of a night. 3rd party faction gg.

I concur that the killing was most likely targeted. Natiko is too good of a kill for me to believe it was a coincidence.

Do we think that infection is targeted as well or any reason it could be random?


Well we never found the original scum, so I think we were correct that they have to "evolve" or whatever before they can kill.

That wouldn't make any sense though. We cured Fat the previous Day Phase before he 'evolved' so unless Level 1 and Level 2 can infect and only Level 2 can kill, it means it was blocked.


what in the actual fuck?

theres another team in this game?



i'll post stuff later cause now i gotta reread stuff >_>
I told you all yesterday, I wish I hadn't missed the turbo.

Because of that...

vote: acohrs

How did you know he was infected yesterday? Because he was, he got cured and then araxia went down...

It's because you are infected


I'm assuming you are town due to the cure, but c'mon, lynching Kark yesterday was not a great option

(in hindsight, I guess...did not expect to lose 4 people in one damn night)

I was after him after he used the term "vaccines" as the cure. How could I expect that he could have guessed that?

That wouldn't make any sense though. We cured Fat the previous Day Phase before he 'evolved' so unless Level 1 and Level 2 can infect and only Level 2 can kill, it means it was blocked.

Fat4all posted in our chat during the night phase so he was cured.
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