Gvaz said:100% sure.
I'm noticing tons more popin at 4096 too... Lemme try 8 again..
Dizzy-4U said:Smokey, what SLI profile are you using? The game will unlock for me in an hour and I want to be ready.
Dizzy-4U said:Smokey, what SLI profile are you using? The game will unlock for me in an hour and I want to be ready.
Wallach said:If you don't want to force it through drivers for whatever reason, add this to your launch properties in Steam:
+r_swapInterval 1
Jubbly said:There is no SLI or CrossFire in Rage. AFAIK, it's because of the transcoding and some other issue.
Thanks.Smokey said:It doesn't properly support SLI as of now. Game will still run so you won't have to disable the 2nd card or anything. Only thing I'm forcing through Inspector is Vsync and Triple Buffering. Everything else is default with the custom config taking care of most of the work.
Same here. Luckily it quicksaves just before it freezes every time so I can just alt-tab out and hit "continue game," but it needs to be addressed.aeolist said:Getting a crash to desktop during the Wellspring load screen
Can you post your config/launch settings? That's a pretty massive upgrade over what I'm currently getting.Gvaz said:Hrm dunno what I did but now it doesn't look so bad. Put it to 4xAA but it jumps between 60 and 30fps with vsync but I think I can deal with it for the visual boost.
SalsaShark said:Just started, trying to push the best quality since im running at a low native res anway. Getting 60fps constant with this:
cfg file:
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 16384
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 16384
vt_pageimagesizeunique 16384
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 16384
vt_useCudaTranscode 2
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
steam launch options:
+r_swapInterval 1 +vt_maxPPF 16 +cvaradd g_fov 10
Game's looking great, but i wonder if it could look better. anything i might be missing?
Should I use it with an i5 750 quad-core?Wallach said:Take the vt_maxPPF out, you don't need it.
DaBuddaDa said:Should I use it with an i5 750 quad-core?
Wallach said:Take the vt_maxPPF out, you don't need it.
TheExodu5 said:Wow. Dropping the mouse sensitivity setting in game makes the mouse actually stop reading below a certain threshold (deadzone). Shameful.
SalsaShark said:Mh, weird. When i first started the game it would run at like 5fps for 2 seconds and then go back to normal. Now i quicksaved elsewhere and when i go back and load it the game gets stuck at that 5fps performance. But i know i can handle the custom cfg i made cause after saving it i was getting constant 60fps. Its like the game goes to hell after loading the save (5fps even in menues)
any ideas?
Wallach said:The numbers in the first four lines should be 8192 not 16384. Didn't notice that the first time you posted your cfg. That's assuming you're still using that 560.
Tokubetsu said:Getting character model flickering in wellspring. Is this another ATI thing? =/
Just a bug, do a few missions and it'll go away.Tokubetsu said:Getting character model flickering in wellspring. Is this another ATI thing? =/
Yep. It goes away pretty quickly.bloodforge said:Just a bug, do a few missions and it'll go away.
TheExodu5 said:How on Earth can a 25GB game have textures this bad? Look at that compression!
FloppyDelux said:they dont know how to make them properly? textures making is time consuming believe it or not.
Todd Hollenshead said:Working to get the new ATI drivers up but won't happen tonight. Tomorrow for sure they tell me.
44 minutes ago
FoolsRun said:For those of us waiting for new ATI drivers:
angular graphics said:I've been shown this comparison: 8k^2 vs 16k^2.
So yes, there's a difference, if your system can handle it.
Sax Russel said:I'm not too sure how that comparison was taken, cause I just got to that part and I'm using 8k and it looks like the "16k" shot.
Actually, yours looks much better from either of those pictures. What config are you using?
TheExodu5 said:How on Earth can a 25GB game have textures this bad? Look at that compression!
Fuck. Game is unplayable for me as of right now.FoolsRun said:For those of us waiting for new ATI drivers: