I had heard people rave about Glaz and figured he'd be easy mode, but he's still a pretty niche operator. VERY high damage gun, but it's semi auto and his main ability is a scope with a decent amount of zoom, which makes it hard to use in *all* situations.
Still, he was one of my favs because his rifle is so satisfying to use and looks fucking awesome.
Actually, I'm really impressed with almost all the weapon models as well as their "material" texture/shaders.
My go to in the beta was Twitch because her primary was the closest I could get to a sniper. A marksman rifle with a two shot down I believe? Accurate as hell, and a quick double tap did the job. It wasn't even funny. So it was kind of a no brainier for me to use Glaz when I found out his rifle was essentially a one shot. Just slap a holographic sight and I'm good to go.
Can't say I've killed too many operators with his scope though, with how much CQB is in this game, the holo sight alone has sufficed.
I think I've only used the scope ever on Hereford Base when some dummy was looking out the window at our spawn point. Same with the map Kanal.