Two weekends after the new patch and I still haven't seen the new map. What a bunch of bullshit.
Damn thats crazy. Played it three times last night in casual.
Whatever its rotation weight is, probably needs to be doubled or something.
Over 10 hours of ranked and no sign of it. Just played my first casual game in forever and what was the first map that popped up? You fucking guessed it.
Good games, fellas! Blitz got wrecked
I think we were undefeated in ranked tonight? Still unranked tho :/
Do you have the vid of what happened with Blitz?
I think we finished 8 in a row.. or 7
We need 10 in total for a rank.
Damned servers are down for X1. Just activated a booster too 😐
Fuck this game, can't even play a ranked match anymore without running into cheaters.
You're pretty much guaranteed to have a cheater in your match at this point.
You're pretty much guaranteed to have a cheater in your match at this point.
on pc? haven't seen too many on ps4 but I think there are some exploits due to shitty netcode/lag...
I have had the see through walls exploit multiple times, not much you can do about it. also saw a guy literally warp through the floor on our team for a kill from behind / win last night.
I mean the game is awesome I'm like level 85, but lets face it they left it out to die. period. worst servers since socom confrontation (which killed that game probably forever)
PC, and I'm talking about aimbots, wallhacks, etc. FairFight is a joke and the cheaters aren't even trying to be discrete any more.
Yesterday I was voted out of a match for being the only person on the team who didn't die within a minute. It's pathetic, this game has the worst community of any online game I've played.
Yesterday I was voted out of a match for being the only person on the team who didn't die within a minute. It's pathetic, this game has the worst community of any online game I've played.
It's getting worse. People team killing for fun
Ubisoft is ruining the game for not doing nothing against the teamkillers and the cheaters. A fucking mess.
My team got lucky. Also what happen to the kick feature? I'm getting sick and tired of the TK in this game.
I've rarely been tk'ed and always seem to be on the *other* team, the one that watches the kill feed as a dickhead kills some of his teammates.
Even then, it seems pretty rare, from the times I have played. Sometimes you'll see one player TK at the start of the round, but it's just one kill, so it could have been drone-induced mistake.
If three players are killed preround, the TKer is automatically kicked. Saw it happen this past weekend.
They do definitely need a better ruleset or logic for TKs, but I don't want to implement any crazy auto-bans, like auto-banning someone who teamkilled and then was kicked off the team. That could happen if you accidentally TK someone and then he and his three friends kick you out of spite.
It's amazing how expectation influences critical reception. I feel that expecting good story and co-operative options harmed the critical reception of Rainbow Six Siege. I note this now, because Overwatch has a very similar quantity of content, yet faced little to no criticism on this front.
Comparing the Gamesradar review of Siege to their review in progress of Overwatch
For Siege they criticize 'needless microtransactions' and lack of singleplayer content.
For Overwatch, there's yet to be any mention of the fact that there is no SP, or co-operative content, and microtransactions have yet to receive a mention either. Their review just focuses on the gameplay, and game design.
Similar reviews across the web from other publications.
If you kill more than 1 player pre-round then you should be kicked in my opinion. It's not easily done at all, and if you have more than two instances of TK across a game then you should be kicked. It might sound a little strict but I think the effect it would have on tkers would be several folds more frequent than mere coincidences. It should be a simple two warning system, basically.
Yesterday I was voted out of a match for being the only person on the team who didn't die within a minute. It's pathetic, this game has the worst community of any online game I've played.
Siege shits all over overwatch
Fuxk overwatch
Gawd, these skins are beautiful.
Yup--it's pretty bullshit.
I'm not about to pretend that Siege has the same amount of polish that Blizzard brings, but in terms of launch content and great gameplay, it's really not that far off.
I'd be totally okay with that, for sure. They can definitely improve it.
Didn't know you can throw back grenades now!
More like bananas and pearsBit of an apples and oranges thing there really
More like bananas and pears
Pears are shit
I've never played it, I'm just messin' about. I just see all the love overwatch is getting and I'm jealous because siege deserved it too.
It's our job to defend it brehs
Pretty sure that's been in since launch--it's just extremely risky and terrifying so it's not done very often![]()