Went to a friend's BBQ yesterday my Siege friend who was there said I should show them a bit of Siege as most of them haven't played it yet. We loaded it up and got Hostge mode on Consulate. Had some nice kills the first few rounds which got them excited(and one major fail as Montagne)
For the final round I decide to use Valkyrie and the objective was in Visa Office. I decided to camp above in the room next to the offices above Visa. I decide to leave a camera in the room behind me and one in the hallway opposite so I can spot enemies coming from either side.
I then watched on it as a Thermite came through the window on in the office behind me. As soon as he was getting close to the reinforced ceiling I realized he was about to go into his arming animation so I came into the room and popped him, and then went back into the room with the wooden wall to camp out again and monitor the cams.
A few seconds later on the same camera I see another enemy come through another window in the same office room. He comes in and crouches by the wooden wall inside the office(the one I am behind). He sits there and starts to look around to scan the area and hope that the enemy that killed his teammate comes out again. I quickly tag him with my camera and pop a shotty shell through the wooden wall from the other side. Enemy gets downed. Me being the asshole that I am, I throw a C4 through the wall onto him.... walk back and blow it up sending his body and wood shards flying. My friends were bursting out laughing.
I think I've sold them all on the game. I've done my duty to promote this game SiegeGAF
Nice! This game really is special. Been having some great times with it the last few days after kind of a 'rut' and it's just reminding me how well designed it is despite it's issues. Branching out to other classes and weapons than I'm used to is always fun as well.
Anyway, here is a PSA for the PC players out there, use Ubisoft's Report form to report cheaters or griefers! It actually works, especially if you have some recorded footage you can link. They respond pretty fast and seem to take care of obvious stuff so if you see some people being racists/griefers/cheaters just get a quick clip and send it in. I love this game and don't want it see it destroyed by assholes so I think we as the community need to start our own policing in the lack of proper anti-cheat and server admins like you'd see in a normal community-server ran game.