I bought this game over sales and played few matches, I got killed every time. Didn't even get a single kill. It sucked the enjoyment out of this game and I'm thinking of refunding it
You will get absolutely and utterly destroyed if you are soloing without anyone helping you. Even WITH someone helping, or someone to suffer with while learning the game, you will get destroyed. This game has a steep learning curve, but it's damn rewarding and one of the best and most unique FPS games I've played. Ever. That's saying a lot considering how much of this game is still broken / buggy.
Honestly, after 20 hours, you sort of have a sense of what's going on...sorta. After 40, you start to understand your role on a operator by operator basis. After 80 or so hours, you have a good command of the maps and know where to go/what angles to hold/how to flank.
If you're on PC, I suggest you join the Discord server, there's games every night, and while I don't play with the folks too often, they all seem very friendly and chill and willing to help out new people.
Anyway, the advice is: STICK WITH IT
Still blows my mind how much different the experience is on PS4 than on PC. Mostly because teamkilling in casual is in almost every game if you're solo queuing on PS4, have yet to experience it on PC. The player base on PS4 is toxic and I don't know that it's Ubisoft's focus.
From everything I've read on here and on the subreddit, the PS4 community is straight AIDS.