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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 |OT| of no auto shotguns


Hail to the KING baby
AltogetherAndrews said:
Why in the fucking hell can't this fucking company seem to get friendly A.I. to work in these fucking games? I mean, god damn it, it's a team based tactical shooter, yet friendly A.I. seems to be at the absolute bottom of Ubi's list of priorities..

I liked the first, and even there the extent to which I used my squadmates was "go over there and get shot while I take care of these guys." I was happy when they did that right.
AstroLad said:
I liked the first, and even there the extent to which I used my squadmates was "go over there and get shot while I take care of these guys." I was happy when they did that right.

Yeah, the draw fire routine. Only problem being that the survival of the clowns was crucial to mission success.


Console Market Analyst
Hm, is it a known glitch that if the game reads your Vegas 1 save, and promotes you automatically at the beginning of the game, you don't get the Achievement for reaching Private First Class?
Goreomedy said:
Hm, is it a known glitch that if the game reads your Vegas 1 save, and promotes you automatically at the beginning of the game, you don't get the Achievement for reaching Private First Class?
Yeah, they are looking into it already.


slept with Malkin
WTF UBI. Since I had a Vegas1 save file I got the bonus experience points that bumped me up a few levels. But of course it didn't give me the PFC achievement. I'm at Sergeant right now, so I guess it's impossible to get that first rank achievement unless UBI patches it.

fake edit-just read a few posts up lol, see I'm not the only one. That's some great quality control on UBI's part. :lol

Other than that, the game is pretty awesome so far. The newer weapons I've used so far are all pretty good(love the M4) and I can't wait to unlock more.

On the single player I did notice some AI glitches that mainly occur when they use shields. A terrorist with a shield walked backwards down an escalator at me...among other random stupidness. Still doesn't detract too much from the fun though.


Got the game today (Amazon screwed up my order, so I cancelled it and went to Target). I essentially got it for $45 after the $10 gift card it comes with and the $5 off coupon I had (CAG ftw!), so even if the game wasn't all that I wouldn't be too burned. But anyway, what I've played it's pretty good. Maps load a lot faster, joining lobbies is easier, etc.
The very first level in France
almost makes me wish they went to a different locale.[/spoiler]

But if there's one thing I'm bitching about, it's the graphics. Granted, they look better than in Vegas 1, but even still it's not very pretty. Maybe CoD4 has spoiled me too much, but the framerate + pop-in (both with textures and physical objects) + tearing = gross.

Also, for those still curious, it does feel a bit like an expansion pack. A pretty good expansion pack, but it's one nonetheless. If you liked the first one, give this one a rent at least, and decide from there.
traveler said:
Why do you hate Ubi so much, AA? :lol

Actually, this is precisely why I hate Ubi. Ubi games have these legacy issues that carry from game to game; A.I., pathfinding, voice line repetition, and so forth. It's bad enough that they have fucked so much with the R6 recipe, but it's absolutely inexcusable that these games are still suffering from the same shit that plagued the very first iteration. And of course, the damned thing has performance issues. Ubi doesn't seem to give a shit about optimization or about actually delivering quality, and they are more successful than ever. Sometimes I wish I didn't have alopecia just so that I could have some hair to pull out in rage over Ubi's shit priorities and the mindsets of customers and critics.


The 1.10 patch was there yesterday, didn't do much but I don't think it was possible to play the game before it was out unless you got an early copy so it'd be tough to say. :lol

Online connection is still flaky as hell on PS3, it's like COD4 all over again. :| When it was working last night (very rarely), it was fun as hell, I just hope it gets fixed before ppl move on. I tried a few versus matches tonight but none of them would connect for over 5 minutes no matter which I tried, and when I finally connected to a lobby these two guys were arguing about shit from the previous match until the host quit. That was it for me, I decided to try the COD4 patch out for a bit (oh man does COD4 seem blazing fast after a bit of Vegas).
Just fired this up on the 360, jumped into terrorist hunt with a friend and it's more of the same, which is great. Graphics, textures, ai, everything seems identical to the first, with maybe a bit more polish here and there. The sprint is a nice addition, everything seems to load much faster, and the cod4 style progression is awesome. Too bad about that achievement bug, but I'm sure it'll be sorted out. To those on the fence, it's really just more of the same. So if you loved the first one like I did, it's a buy.


hide your water-based mammals
oneHeero said:
Any more info on this? Debating buying this within next 30mins or not.
Better than the first. Especially on PS3, everything I wanted fixed is there. In game XMB while in an online game, no blurry 1080i, better loading times thanks to install, I could go on and on.


Zep said:
How is the recoil on guns? I hope they didn't make sissify the pistols...Loved using them in Vegas 1
Recoil seems to be pretty much the same as in Vegas 1. I get the impression LMGs has less recoil this time around but I'm not sure.

Oh, and handguns are definitely not weakened. They're like in Vegas 1 only they fire muuuch faster.


I'm really enjoying the online multiplayer. I'm also having tons of fun trying out all the new weaponry. The SR-25SD and the M468 have been my favourite so far.


LiquidMetal14 said:
Better than the first. Especially on PS3, everything I wanted fixed is there. In game XMB while in an online game, no blurry 1080i, better loading times thanks to install, I could go on and on.

I take it you mean you can send/receive messages like in burnout/rockband etc? Glad to see this being added to a lot of games.

Gonna pick this up tomorrow, killed me seeing all my friends list on it today.


hide your water-based mammals
PirateSean said:
I take it you mean you can send/receive messages like in burnout/rockband etc? Glad to see this being added to a lot of games.

Gonna pick this up tomorrow, killed me seeing all my friends list on it today.
In the first game you couldn't even access messages while in an online match. Not even BP lets you do that, you have to leave the online match and be in SP. THis fully works anytime, very nice.


Just finished playing T-Hunt on the first four or five maps. It seemed to me like the terrorists just immediately rushed my starting position and that was it. That's strange AI behaivour isn't it?

Every single terrorist rushing me from the moment the match starts disappointed me because I didn't even get chance to move around the new maps. Sadface.
captive said:
What the fuck circuit city! None of the circuit cities in houston got Rainbow 6 for either system.
Even circuit city.com doesnt have it.
http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/site...gas 2 arrives this week-_-Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I printed out the frys ad and was going to price match and get the fuzzy dice.

Dude, same thing happened to me! Waited there for an hour, never arrived. Kinda sucked, but good thing a Bestbuy had some just down the road (Richmond location)

This game is awesome, however! Me and my friend have played co-op campaign for about 3 hours straight and about 3/4 done (maybe a little short). See yall online!


LiquidMetal14 said:
In the first game you couldn't even access messages while in an online match. Not even BP lets you do that, you have to leave the online match and be in SP. THis fully works anytime, very nice.
Yeah, it works well and should be pimped a bit more. Actually staying connected was a problem, but sending/receiving invites via XMB in the game to specific versus or co-op matches worked really well.


I thought this game was out on Friday! Thankfully, this means EB will have no excuses like "we haven't gotten it" multiple days past the release. Hopefully they won't have sold out.


Well im almost halfway through the CQB stuff. The marksman stuff will be harder.

Having a blast ranking up, really cant wait for the new weapons.


Eh, even though I said I wasn't going to pick it up, I got weak. :p And wow, the sprint button is a godsend online. I've only played some multiplayer so far, but the multiplayer visuals have gotten a nice upgrade compared to the previous game. There's one multiplayer map that takes place on the Concert Hall from Vegas 1 (I forget the name). It looks like it got an decent upgrade from the previous single player game. That said, it's been a little framey at some spots (smoke grenades), but it hasn't been anything game breaking.

While I'm not great at this game, I can tell some people have been playing too much COD4. ;)


calder said:
The 1.10 patch was there yesterday, didn't do much but I don't think it was possible to play the game before it was out unless you got an early copy so it'd be tough to say. :lol

Online connection is still flaky as hell on PS3, it's like COD4 all over again. :| When it was working last night (very rarely), it was fun as hell, I just hope it gets fixed before ppl move on. I tried a few versus matches tonight but none of them would connect for over 5 minutes no matter which I tried, and when I finally connected to a lobby these two guys were arguing about shit from the previous match until the host quit. That was it for me, I decided to try the COD4 patch out for a bit (oh man does COD4 seem blazing fast after a bit of Vegas).

Yea the online is badly broken. When it works its fantastic though. I almost died when I heard the stuck gunfire... was this bug not in the first one too? HAHA


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Saren is Bad said:
Dude, same thing happened to me! Waited there for an hour, never arrived. Kinda sucked, but good thing a Bestbuy had some just down the road (Richmond location)

This game is awesome, however! Me and my friend have played co-op campaign for about 3 hours straight and about 3/4 done (maybe a little short). See yall online!
Yea i went to the Richmond location as well.

Havent gotten a chance to play yet.


Well I've played for a couple hours now... (ps3 version)

Barely touched single player before doing THunt with a friend of mine on Pro.

Very much the same as the first, but the game as a whole feels much more clean and smooth all around, and visuals are slightly better. What makes the biggest difference for me is the brightness, even in darker rooms. The first Vegas was terribly dreary, but now things are bright, and its less confusing as to where you're being shot from etc...

Had no troubles playing THunt over PSN. My friend hosted, sent me an invite, I joined... and no lag at all. Gonna be trying some random online matches to see what kinda problems exist.

So far it seems they fixed everything that was wrong/bad about the first, and added in some nice touches, and far superior maps this time around. Only once have I encountered a noticable framerate drop. Great game.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Got the game this afternoon.

Played a couple hours of 3 player terrorist hunt. New maps are awesome and it's still as fun as ever (in terrorist hunt).

Haven't tried the campaign co-op. Waiting for a couple friends to pick up the game.

Played about an hour of the campaign solo, and love it so far on realistic. Yeah, it's the same ol' shitty friendly AI (sometimes) and the same ol' trigger-an-event-or-spawn linear progression, but goddamn, the gunplay is so damn solid, who gives a shit? It feels good to pull the trigger so I will keep pulling that fucking trigger.

I also love how everything you do now carries over -- from single player to multiplayer, and vice versa. Also love how you can pick up weapons you haven't even unlocked yet in the campaign story mode and it stays equipped on your character no matter where you go.

The AK47 with the 6x scope and silencer on single-shot is an insanely good sniper rifle. :)

Yes, it's hard to play this game or even look at it in the same way after 4 non-stop months with COD4, but the fundamentals are still here and it's a blast.
Just finished the campaign with a friend in one sitting. Took about 4 hours, which kinda sucked. What was worse was the story, holy shit was that cheesy and lame.

But holy shit was it fun! Especially co-op was a blast! Now on to online...


Concept17 said:
Well I've played for a couple hours now... (ps3 version)

Barely touched single player before doing THunt with a friend of mine on Pro.

Very much the same as the first, but the game as a whole feels much more clean and smooth all around, and visuals are slightly better. What makes the biggest difference for me is the brightness, even in darker rooms. The first Vegas was terribly dreary, but now things are bright, and its less confusing as to where you're being shot from etc...

Had no troubles playing THunt over PSN. My friend hosted, sent me an invite, I joined... and no lag at all. Gonna be trying some random online matches to see what kinda problems exist.

So far it seems they fixed everything that was wrong/bad about the first, and added in some nice touches, and far superior maps this time around. Only once have I encountered a noticable framerate drop. Great game.

Played attack/defend for an hour successfully. The graphics are definetly improved from the first. Alot of fun when it works well.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Is anyone else experiencing problems with sprinting? I have the 360 version and I have to press the left bumper a bunch of times before it registers. I know nothing is wrong with the controller itself because I just played Condemned 2 and the sprint button works fine.


slept with Malkin
zedge said:
Played attack/defend for an hour successfully. The graphics are definetly improved from the first. Alot of fun when it works well.

Yeah, the character models, especially in MP look much better and more detailed I think.


Got this yesterday planning on some system linked terrorist hunting, only to be stymied by the fact that all three EB's in my are were serving "pre-orders only" (360 version). My pal was left out in the cold.

So we fire it up and decide to do split screen co-op, only to have the game get to the point of the loading screen for the level, and then just freeze up completely at a black sceen, right after the little loading animation had played. Single player works fine, though.

Anyone else try same system co-op yet without any hitches?
What's the definitive word on the frame rate hiccups for the X360 version? Is it frequent? Is it during single, co-op campaign, or multiplayer? Is it during gameplay or scripted events?


Junior Butler
Anyone else experiencing a "failed to join" error message in multiplayer (PS3)?

It doesn't happen all the time, but it definitely happens too often.


belvedere said:
Anyone else experiencing a "failed to join" error message in multiplayer (PS3)?

It doesn't happen all the time, but it definitely happens too often.

Yes me too. Took several tries to get in a game. When I got in though it was fine.

I love that this game has in game xmb (friends anyway). This should be mandatory.

One thing I notice, why is the PS3 limited to 14 players? 360 is 16.


Subete no aware
Oh god, the singple player on realistic. Thank god I did the game co-op, or I would have punched my TV.

That said, at least you can rank up in the single player campaign.
I'd love to pick up this game since I played the hell out of the mp on the first one, but really now, with COD 4 maps coming on April 3, this game's as good as dead on April 4 (which happens to be my Bday!!!)

So, no gracias R6V 2... GRAW 3, where the hell are you?
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