DeadCell said:P.S. The game fucking rocks, the A.C.E.S system is like virtual crack. <3
Yeah it is :lol. Almost have marksman maxed already. Assault seems like it should take a while to max though.
DeadCell said:P.S. The game fucking rocks, the A.C.E.S system is like virtual crack. <3
Guts Of Thor said:Is anyone else experiencing problems with sprinting? I have the 360 version and I have to press the left bumper a bunch of times before it registers. I know nothing is wrong with the controller itself because I just played Condemned 2 and the sprint button works fine.
dammitmattt said:What's the definitive word on the frame rate hiccups for the X360 version? Is it frequent? Is it during single, co-op campaign, or multiplayer? Is it during gameplay or scripted events?
I had really bad slow down in the convention center in the main hall, when the glass was shattering under lots of fire.QVT said:It was all bullshit. I haven't seen a damn thing.
Me and FatalT beat the campaign in 4 or 5 hours co-op(if that) and then beat terrorist hunt on realistic all the way through twice. No framerate issues except looking out of the helicopter sometimes would be slow.
Cerrius said:just read the game does not include matchmaking. Wow just wow.
one less game for me to buy
Considering the Call of Duty 4 Skorpion is probably the best gun in the game, the Rainbow Six Skorpion isn't as good. It's still pretty effective though, a great little spray weapon.AltogetherAndrews said:So for shits and giggles, how does the R6 Skorpion compare to the COD4 one?
True dat. The only TV ad I've seen was on the trunks on a UFC fighter's ass.Dirtbag 504 said:Can I just say...
Worst advertisided game of the year!
thanks!strange_booj said:TAR-21 assault rifle
Hold RB and press Down(2), Up(2), X, B, X, B, Y, Up(2), Y while customizing your character's guns and clothing.
Comcast Event multi-player map
Select the "Extras" option at the main menu. Select the "Comcast Gift" option, then enter Comcast Faster as a password to unlock the "Comcast Event" multi-player map.
Prequel bonus
Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an "Elite rank". When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet.
I deleted all R6Vegas data off my hdd (savegame, profile and even the red and black pack dlc), and when I put in Vegas 2 it still knew who I was and promoted me. :lol There is no escape!Marty Chinn said:Does anyone know if I can do this to get the level up achiemevent and avoid the bug?
SMZC said:So, has the crappy online been improved upon the original Vegas?
Yes.SMZC said:So, has the crappy online been improved upon the original Vegas?
SupahBlah said:I've been trying to play terrorist hunt with my friends all day on the ps3 and its been dreadful.
Assembly Required said:I figured this might of been 'fixed' by now.. but I'm also still dropping out games I'm lucky to get into. WTF!?
... This is turning out to be an even more regretful purchase than AOT, But unlike AOT, it's fun when its working! (Online). SP Campaign is competent. But I don't see myself going through it again anytime soon. I'm sensing a trade-in -_-
Assembly Required said:I figured this might of been 'fixed' by now.. but I'm also still dropping out games I'm lucky to get into. WTF!?
... This is turning out to be an even more regretful purchase than AOT, But unlike AOT, it's fun when its working! (Online). SP Campaign is competent. But I don't see myself going through it again anytime soon. I'm sensing a trade-in -_-
gray_fox224 said:Damn, I' haven't even tried the online modes yet. Now I'm afraid of these connection problems.
shifty100 said:Better still I have had two system lock ups and it has kicked me back to the xmb a few times aswell.
dammitmattt said:So PS3 owners are bitching a lot. How is online on the 360?
dammitmattt said:So PS3 owners are bitching a lot. How is online on the 360?
Eric WK said:Fantastic.
dammitmattt said:Also, just for those who purchased the PS3 version...have you not learned from Ubi's previous PS3 games? I feel for you if you are a PS3-only gamer, but if you're a multiplatform owner did you really expect the PS3 version to be on par with the 360 version. Had Ubi EVER had a PS3 port that was on par?
dammitmattt said:Also, just for those who purchased the PS3 version...have you not learned from Ubi's previous PS3 games? I feel for you if you are a PS3-only gamer, but if you're a multiplatform owner did you really expect the PS3 version to be on par with the 360 version. Had Ubi EVER had a PS3 port that was on par?
SupahBlah said:No, ubisoft and ps3 should be enough to put anyone off.
I only got it on the ps3 because all my friends did (and a couple who are ps3 only) it was literally two days before release when they finally convinced me to get the ps3 version.
I thought it would be at least functional.
If people didn't know:strange_booj said:TAR-21 assault rifle
Hold RB and press Down(2), Up(2), X, B, X, B, Y, Up(2), Y while customizing your character's guns and clothing.
Comcast Event multi-player map
Select the "Extras" option at the main menu. Select the "Comcast Gift" option, then enter Comcast Faster as a password to unlock the "Comcast Event" multi-player map.
Prequel bonus
Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an "Elite rank". When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet.
gray_fox224 said:Desert Ease, I got your message for the add. Thanks.
Duck said:So I've just done the first half of the third level (w/ the gymnasium), and holy shit is the framerate terrible. I kid you not, all of it before a certain checkpoint is a slideshow with a bunch of tearing. Ugh.
Yep. I'm not sure it'd be a hardware issue with my 360 or if it's a major RSV2 bug or something, but damn if I didn't want to gouge my eyes out.SupahBlah said:360 version?
I had some slowdown during the single player on the ps3. No tearing though.
dammitmattt said:Is there any lag? Is it better, worse, or the same in co-op, terrorist hunt, or versus modes?
cool, thanks !Darkflight said:If people didn't know:
Streets Multi-Player Map
Extras->Exclusive Content and Login/Register with an Ubi account, you get Streets for free (not on the disk like the Comcast map, I think it was about a 90/100MB download)