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Redfall |OT| Left with dead


Alright, after recuperating and playing some Sims 4, Hollow Man is staked. Damn that's a rough bump in difficulty, and his basically 3 phases don't help much for your mental health. Last phase is the trickiest despite the fact that he can come out of the shield to smack you. This is where co-op would have been welcomed lol.
I absolutely annihilated him, and I generally hate bosses in games because I'm terrible at them. He went down so easy [that's what she said] I didn't even notice he had different phases. I was using the raven guy, I shot him a bunch, he spawned some ghost things, there were shield generators to destroy, he was deaded in a few minutes. The invisibility power is basically an off switch for him, he can't touch you and you can heal up and restock ammo if you need to.


It is clear after the fact (I'm not giving anyone "credit" for calling this a GaaS beyond the MTX image from awhile back, as "this looks like a GaaS" game is typically a shit hot take someone is throwing out to dump on a game) that REDFALL was not this SP experience but was meant to be something very different, likely F2P. The core, or what we were being sold since last year, would make a fantastic game and REDFALL v2.0 - with an actual world that feels lived in, more polish on the NPC's and generally just more STUFF - is a game I would be interested in playing. It just isn't this game.

. . .that said, GaaS games are clearly NOT dead as the impending D4 and recently released HONKAI (that also reviewed well and is the good kind of "gamblin' game" considering the absolute lack of thread-shitting in the OT for it) show.
The Secret World is the game you want. Redfalls areas and game play remind me a LOT of TSWs into areas.

I'm enjoying Redfall, but it was built for co-op, and was not rebalanced for solo play in the least.

I'll keep playing to the end. Me and worm-bucket.


The Secret World is the game you want. Redfalls areas and game play remind me a LOT of TSWs into areas.

I'm enjoying Redfall, but it was built for co-op, and was not rebalanced for solo play in the least.

I'll keep playing to the end. Me and worm-bucket.

I think that is part of the problem, TSW did the introduction area so well. It set my expectations very high, because that is what a lot of people probably have done, is make the connection or implementation from Redfall to Secret World.
Funcom also nailed the intro island in Conan as well. But the opening part of Secret World is probably the best area in the entire game, lovingly crafted. A lot of content. Far superior to the rest of the game. Redfall, not so much,


Finished. It's a very, very, VERY weak game that can be mindless fun with friends (and only friends, since there's no drop-in co-op) or something you can play while listening to music or a podcast.

I wanted to 100% it because the achivements were pretty easy, but having no post-game, being unable to replay missions and having to re-unlock all the landmarks on new game+....nope, I'll wait for some updates


Finished. It's a very, very, VERY weak game that can be mindless fun with friends (and only friends, since there's no drop-in co-op) or something you can play while listening to music or a podcast.

I wanted to 100% it because the achivements were pretty easy, but having no post-game, being unable to replay missions and having to re-unlock all the landmarks on new game+....nope, I'll wait for some updates
IMO it started development as something more like Destiny, but with time they stripped it to something as close to classic single player game (still keeping it coop) as possible. Whole vampire nests screams to me mini raids for loot. Missions from hideouts also look like repurposed map events. Bosses being strictly separate areas (big raids?) also leave some clues about development of that game.


If anyone remembers playing Wolfenstein on the X360, PS3 and PC, Redfall reminds me of that game. Redfall, with the central hub in a town/city and the missions is very much like Wolfenstein.
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IMO it started development as something more like Destiny, but with time they stripped it to something as close to classic single player game (still keeping it coop) as possible. Whole vampire nests screams to me mini raids for loot. Missions from hideouts also look like repurposed map events. Bosses being strictly separate areas (big raids?) also leave some clues about development of that game.
You can definitely see the left-over and repurposed GaaS stuff. I'm really curious to play the game that was initially pitched. I'm not sure if it would be any better, but it would certainly be more focused.


You can definitely see the left-over and repurposed GaaS stuff. I'm really curious to play the game that was initially pitched. I'm not sure if it would be any better, but it would certainly be more focused.
I would rather want to play immersive sim Redfall with no open world, level design worthy of Arkane heritage and actual story, because Redfall don't have any story outside of world building and "go kill all that bad vampires".


So are you guys actually escaping these nests? You're running through the whole level to the entrance? I can't make it in the time limit even skipping all treasure.

I just grab the one treasure that the heart leaves, & then start running & just barely make it out. i've done 3, but i'll probably just pass on the rest. not really fun (or rewarding)...
I'm surprised about the confusion here. I thought it was explained fairly well: grab the heart loot, and then loot the rest. It'll automatically kick you out when the timer is up; you don't need to manually escape. Maybe it's my Fallout 76 experience that helped me understand it immediately, since it has a similar mechanic for one particular boss
Actually, the exit is at the end of the vampire nest. If you make it out in time, you get 1000 XP. If you don't make it out in time, the vampire nest is still destroyed and you keep all the loot you find, but no XP. One of the loot caves that has the clear crimson cover over them, at the end, that you shoot after the heart is destroyed, has an exit. Before I take out the last heart tether, I look into each loot cave and I can see the faint outline of the exit in one of the caves. I plan out my route before I take out the heart, so that I can maximize my loot haul and get to the exit before time runs out for the XP bonus. I also kill all the vampires in the last room before I take out the heart, so they don't slow me down when trying to get all the loot and hit the exit before the timer runs out.


I also kill all the vampires in the last room before I take out the heart, so they don't slow me down when trying to get all the loot and hit the exit before the timer runs out.

Which is not needed because every vampire in the nest dies when you destroy the heart

SF Kosmo

Just finished the mansion mission - that was genuinely excellent, I really enjoyed it. Getting there was fun, now that I know not to just steam through groups of enemies, and plotting how to enter the house was cool, if simple. Sniper rifle and invisibility for me, but I haven't yet tried any other characters. I also cleared out a couple of nests and got a high damage pistol that makes fighting a bit easier.

Shame that the thread raging/gloating about the review scores is 60+ pages when the one for actually playing the game hasn't yet made it to 5, but I'm really getting into this now. It's not Dishonored level but it's not bad at all.

No, it's more underwhelming as an Arkane fan than outright bad or unfun, I am enjoying it as well


I like the game too, it's fun and I'm enjoying my time with it despite the obvious flaws/bugs it has. I'm sure those will be ironed out over time, in the meantime it's perfectly playable and the bugs I encountered thus far are not game breaking in any way. ~10 hours in I would rate it a solid 75.
Actually, the exit is at the end of the vampire nest. If you make it out in time, you get 1000 XP. If you don't make it out in time, the vampire nest is still destroyed and you keep all the loot you find, but no XP. One of the loot caves that has the clear crimson cover over them, at the end, that you shoot after the heart is destroyed, has an exit. Before I take out the last heart tether, I look into each loot cave and I can see the faint outline of the exit in one of the caves. I plan out my route before I take out the heart, so that I can maximize my loot haul and get to the exit before time runs out for the XP bonus. I also kill all the vampires in the last room before I take out the heart, so they don't slow me down when trying to get all the loot and hit the exit before the timer runs out.
thanks for this...

Looks like plenty of people are playing the game.

Great to see it. It's currently 13th on the Xbox most played list, at least the Xbox users didn't let the reviewers scare them off. It's a fun game, certainly not the most difficult FPS around once you've unlocked your abilities (at least what I've played so far), but it is worthwhile just the same. I think the reviewers were a good 10 points to harsh on it, tbh even with the quirks.


I've got enough skulls to take on Bloody Tom now. The safehouses in the second area are hard to find, I've only managed to locate three so far.

Nearly had one of the safehouse missions ruined by some cultists who had taken up residence inside the scenery. I was trying to destroy a statue but every time I got close I'd be shot from under the floor by a group of them. I could see the question marks over their heads when I got close, far beneath the level.

The second area seems a bit more prone to that sort of thing than the first. I found a boulder on the way back from the campsite where one side of it allows me to see all the way through the level, and one time the Rook knocked me inside a wall where I could shoot him without getting hit. Luckily I was able to climb out to grab the loot.
Is there a way to disable those laser defense traps without using a hack kit? I’m entering the house from area one where there is a mission and there are a ton of them.
I've got enough skulls to take on Bloody Tom now. The safehouses in the second area are hard to find, I've only managed to locate three so far.

Nearly had one of the safehouse missions ruined by some cultists who had taken up residence inside the scenery. I was trying to destroy a statue but every time I got close I'd be shot from under the floor by a group of them. I could see the question marks over their heads when I got close, far beneath the level.

The second area seems a bit more prone to that sort of thing than the first. I found a boulder on the way back from the campsite where one side of it allows me to see all the way through the level, and one time the Rook knocked me inside a wall where I could shoot him without getting hit. Luckily I was able to climb out to grab the loot.
i've been having multiple crashes in the second area, after having only one in the first. with tears of the kingdom just about here, i'm taking a break from redfall. gotta admit - the game's begun wearing on me. the combat eventually becomes tiresome (i felt it did in prey, as well)...


The hollow man fight was such a joke.
I just fought the next boss, Bloody Tom, and he's not much tougher. Like Hollow Man he has no idea what to do if you break his line of sight. He can only throw things at the pillar you're hiding behind, and you can shoot him without getting hit.

He did kill me the first time, because he has an attack where he fills the entire arena with red gas except for a couple of safe spots, which you can't actually see until you run into one. So you have to have enough health to stumble through the gas, twice. Pretty cheap, really.

The levelling up is way too slow. I need to go up five more levels to max out my invisibility power, and I'm not sure I'll get there before the game ends.
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Anyone still playing this? I think I'm really close to the end. Activated some safehouses and killed Miss Whisper, the other cult boss from the second area. That was a fairly entertaining boss fight, although I finished it first time, so extremely easy.

Bloody Tom was taunting me on a regular basis, despite being dead, and his cultists were still around, talking about how badass their boss is. You'd have thought killing the leader might actually have an effect but it does nothing at all. Same as finishing the two missions at each safehouse - it says neighbourhood cleared but there's no change in enemy numbers. You just get a few nameless civilians sitting in the safehouse doing nothing.


Anyone still playing this? I think I'm really close to the end. Activated some safehouses and killed Miss Whisper, the other cult boss from the second area. That was a fairly entertaining boss fight, although I finished it first time, so extremely easy.

Bloody Tom was taunting me on a regular basis, despite being dead, and his cultists were still around, talking about how badass their boss is. You'd have thought killing the leader might actually have an effect but it does nothing at all. Same as finishing the two missions at each safehouse - it says neighbourhood cleared but there's no change in enemy numbers. You just get a few nameless civilians sitting in the safehouse doing nothing.
If you killed them both
there are only two missions left before the end, the second being the final boss, which you can easily guess who will be.
As for Tom, it happened to me as well, but I thought it was just a bug and at that point I stopped caring xD
For the safehouses, probably it was just flavor text, since vampires/special vampires were still around for me


Interesting reading this thread. Sounds like if one goes into it with proper expectations (that is, not to expect some Dishonored 2/Prey level masterpiece), it can actually be enjoyed.


Tears in the rain
Anyone still playing this? I think I'm really close to the end. Activated some safehouses and killed Miss Whisper, the other cult boss from the second area. That was a fairly entertaining boss fight, although I finished it first time, so extremely easy.

Bloody Tom was taunting me on a regular basis, despite being dead, and his cultists were still around, talking about how badass their boss is. You'd have thought killing the leader might actually have an effect but it does nothing at all. Same as finishing the two missions at each safehouse - it says neighbourhood cleared but there's no change in enemy numbers. You just get a few nameless civilians sitting in the safehouse doing nothing.
You are basically at the end.


I completed it! The last boss was the most broken of them all - you don't have to shoot her, you just have to find and activate three shield generators while being attacked by lots of the toughest vampires, including a supercharged Rook. But the invisibility power meant I could just run straight past them all and activate all three generators without killing a single enemy. Then they all froze in place and I had to shatter them before I could find the fallen boss, who was waiting patiently for me to stab her.

Oh well. I did enjoy it a lot, and there's no way I would have spent nearly 24 hours playing it if it wasn't fun. These days I have minimal tolerance for games that don't grab me from the start, so Redfall is definitely doing something right. My Game Pass library is full of things I deleted in under an hour. I'm old school, so I'd rate it a solid 68%.

The review backlash is ridiculous, and fuelled almost entirely by console wars, but I think that if this had been released as early access and developed as an ongoing project, it wouldn't have been savaged the way it was. Bugs, performance issues, gameplay balancing... I never did get that last invisibility upgrade, and when I tried to respec the character at a safehouse it threatened to refund me only 14 points, despite me being at level 19.

Here's my final snapshot of the guys at home base. Pregnant in a rocking chair or T-posing in the air with a baby in her hand, I'll never forget whatshername.

Cleared another area of the first neighborhood, finding it hard to garner any interest in continuing. I’m sure better stuff opens up eventually (I think I have four or five skulls now and still don’t know what they are for) but the base gameplay has just become super boring. It’s also funny that all of this talk about vampires and shit and the only things to kill me so far are defense lasers and snipers.

I can’t think of anything this game does that State of Decay 2 doesn’t also do and do way better and that game came out like five years ago. Also makes me wonder how bad Scalebound must have been for them to cancel that and release this. So far I would rate this like a 4/10. Even the cooler dark scary buildings aren’t doing anything for me anymore when the vampires all look alike and attack the same.


Cleared another area of the first neighborhood, finding it hard to garner any interest in continuing. I’m sure better stuff opens up eventually (I think I have four or five skulls now and still don’t know what they are for) but the base gameplay has just become super boring. It’s also funny that all of this talk about vampires and shit and the only things to kill me so far are defense lasers and snipers.

I can’t think of anything this game does that State of Decay 2 doesn’t also do and do way better and that game came out like five years ago. Also makes me wonder how bad Scalebound must have been for them to cancel that and release this. So far I would rate this like a 4/10. Even the cooler dark scary buildings aren’t doing anything for me anymore when the vampires all look alike and attack the same.
Do yourself a favor and spend your time playing something/anything else that is better.

You'll thank yourself later.


Cleared another area of the first neighborhood, finding it hard to garner any interest in continuing. I’m sure better stuff opens up eventually (I think I have four or five skulls now and still don’t know what they are for) but the base gameplay has just become super boring. It’s also funny that all of this talk about vampires and shit and the only things to kill me so far are defense lasers and snipers.

I can’t think of anything this game does that State of Decay 2 doesn’t also do and do way better and that game came out like five years ago. Also makes me wonder how bad Scalebound must have been for them to cancel that and release this. So far I would rate this like a 4/10. Even the cooler dark scary buildings aren’t doing anything for me anymore when the vampires all look alike and attack the same.
You don’t need to do any more of the safehouse missions - three skulls are all you need to access the boss, so if you continue with the main missions you’ll get there soon enough.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
After reading a bit in here & curious like a dude slowing his car to watch a trainwreck I gave this a try for about 3 hours.
It definitely feels like I'm playing a closed Beta 9 months before release but not the shitshow I expected.

I like the art style, some surprise vamp encounters are cool and the weapons have a good kick and feel.
The world is mostly empty and the lack of dialogue with NPCs in the Firehouse is weird ("Sigh" or "Hmm").

AI seems overpowered or dumb as a bag of rocks, I can't tell.

Will play some more, but it doesn't deserve to be in the same league as Cyberpunk or Fallout 76.


I just finished Redfall today on my Series X. I did a 100% run and completed all the main missions, side quests and all the safe house missions. I didn't do a 100% achievement run, as some of the achievements are missable and some are tied to co-op and a few would require a second play through. And while I enjoyed the game, I didn't like it enough to grind 100% on the achievements. Although because it's co-op and you can jump in in and out of another person's game, it wouldn't be too much of a grind to 100% the achievements.

Overall, I enjoyed myself and would give the game a 7/10. I'm not sure if it has been patched already, as we are two patches into the game, but most of the buggy/dead AI seems to happen at the begining of the game. The AI also becomes more aware and agro as the game goes on and by the end, you can be fighting multiple humans, multiple standard vampires and elite vampires all at the same time and it can get quite hectic. The second town on Redfall island seems more alive, as the various human and vampire factions are fighting each other all around you. Some of the graphical glitches, like the textures slowly loading in or never loading in seemed to go away after the second patch as well.

I thought the gunplay was solid and by the end, some of the higher level rare weapons are pretty cool. The movement is solid and it's easy to off-line and circle strafe, which is important for an FPS. The boss fights are hit and miss and some are better than others, which is a miss overall, as the bosses are really cool and the boss battles should be more epic. It was fun exploring Redfall and some of the locations are creepy and interesting to explore. The main character design and enemy designs are cool. All the friendly NPCs have freakishly big hands, to the point that it's almost comical and graphicly, they are on the ugly side. The story was solid and each hero has their own back story and motivations that is added into the main story, so that aspect is interesting.

My postmortem is after two patches and my expectations were low coming in because of the bad press, but in the end I feel like I didn't waste my time and I enjoyed my time in Redfall.
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Thought the light tower mission was pretty good. Some of the level design holds up.

I liked that one as well, both the ship and lighthouse areas were well done. This first appearance of a rook wasn't terribly special, however but maybe it's because of the weapons I've collected and the skill points. I'm basically a god at this point. LOL
I finished up today. I probably would have had more fun with the bosses if I hadn't played as Jacob or at least if I didn't abuse that invisibility power as much. LOL

I had fun with it and would recommend for all GP users to give it a shot, not sure if I'd pay $70 until they get it patched up (this is probably one to pickup on sale if you aren't a GP user). The first map is basically bug free, there will be some crashes/freezes on the second map however. Nothing you can't navigate around.
I just played around with the latest patch. Fixing the texture pop-in problem really helps the graphics shine. The game looks great now and feels much smoother at 60fps.

It will be interesting to see what they can bring to it if they do an expansion for it. Hopefully it will be something that ads some new ideas into the mix and not just a new map that checks the boxes from the first two. I enjoyed the game, but by the time I got to the second map it felt kind of like a repeat of the first map in some ways.


Gold Member
When I played it on GP, I didn't thnk t was as bad as everyone said. Not a great game by any means. Probably a 5/10. The game felt surprisingly smooth at 30 fps, but when most games are 60 fps it feels dated. The biggest issues were it just felt like a game from the 360/PS3 era and it had really odd unfinished looking visuals like all the water effects at the beginning of the game and some other terrible nuances that should not be in modern gaming. I dont dont know if it's fixed in the patch, but some basic issues:

- Atrocious item detection where you got to be pinpoint looking at items in order to pick them up if it's non-enemy drops. Yet some reason when enemiee drop loot or ammo it's easy to pick up
- The first boss you fight in the game is in the basement of the firehouse I think. If you run backwards and up the stairs, it doesn't chase you and it goes back to it's room (the canned concept of monsters only being able to stick to their predetermined location). So I just went back and forth a couple times to pick it off
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