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Report: Disney seizing more control over Marvel Studios. Scrapping/re-writing script

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Why don't you just get in your spaceship, and fuck off back to Legoland?

But seriously, I'd always defended Disney as being pretty lax, but this is so disappointing if true. I so badly don't want them to ruin what they've started with films like Avengers.



Someone warn Captain America


It's over, period. Marvel lost their last ace, and that's the end of Marvel's hopes and dreams.

It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for marvel. Marvel has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively go see a marvel movie. Except if they want to see avengers 2 . Which will also come to Netflix at some point.

The age of marvel is done.


Yeah, I'm sure after 7 blockbusters that Disney let Marvel go nuts and paid off that NOW Disney decides, "Yeahhh, we don't think this is a good idea."
Total speculation, but Disney probably doesn't want any tonal drift in its Marvel franchisees. So if Wright's Ant Man was more an offbeat slapstick comedy heist film than a gritty action movie, it might not fit into the MCU big picture. That homogeny would make the Avengers movies stronger, but ensure the individual franchises can't ever be that interesting in their adaptations.
Homogenization of shitty superheroes movies that were already low quality.


I was hoping they would be to busy with Star Wars and forget about Marvel for at least a couple more years. We had a good run.


I posted it in the other thread too. Bottom line, Marvel and Disney cannot afford to give directors unlimited creative freedom. The Marvel movies have never been about the director but about fitting in the continuity. There is just this entire industry behind it all and all these properties are nowhere near a guaranteed hit, so they have to be intelligent with their choices. If a movie flops it's not just the budget thats gone, but also toys and other merchandise.
The DD director left because Sony offered him a huge contract with Sinister 6 so...yeah.

The Wright thing posted by latino review makes no sense either.

Why wait till now and why would Disney get invoved after CA2 did so well?


Daredevil guy is doing sinister 6

That's not a new deal, though, and presumably Godard would have worked out the scheduling ahead of time. Unless either Sony or Marvel was looking to push up filming earlier than originally planned.


Just another Tuesday for MCU which survived plenty of similar stuff already: Edward Norton, Thor 2's director change and Natalie Portman, Avengers cast $$$, other recasts, etc.

Hopefully Whedon and Co. can still deliver entertaining blockbusters and stomp on Transformers in the process
Devin knows someone in Disney. He also broke that Abrams was fighting w/ Lucasfilm & Disney last summer. At the time people wrote it off, but it turned out that he was absolutely right, and the fights were over scripting & scheduling.

Abrams has more leverage than Wright, Whedon & Goddard, so he got what he wants - until the movies don't hit their projected numbers.

Again - you can't just see the words "Latino Review" and pat yourself on the back like "Can't fool me, Latino Review!" because it doesn't work that way. They've missed a few times, but they've hit largely - and Devin wouldn't run this without doing his own verification aside from whatever reporting Umberto's doing over at Latino Review.

People are essentially just now starting to realize that Marvel ACTUALLY IS A CORPORATION, and not a singular, artist-friendly hive mind of really cool guys who care about the integrity of the movies they make.

In short - Marvel is just like ANY OTHER STUDIO operating in the film industry. Down to the executives looking to use the films made, and the profits earned, as a means to secure power within that industry. The quality of the product is secondary, if not tertiary, to those ends.


The DD director left because Sony offered him a huge contract with Sinister 6 so...yeah.

The Wright thing posted by latino review makes no sense either.

Why wait till now and why would Disney get invoved after CA2 did so well?

He had the deal with Sinister Six for a while, since last year. And the Wright thing makes perfect sense. Marvel even admitted he left due to creative differences. It will be pretty obvious when there is a new writer credited on the final film for Ant Man.


The DD director left because Sony offered him a huge contract with Sinister 6 so...yeah.

The Wright thing posted by latino review makes no sense either.

Why wait till now and why would Disney get invoved after CA2 did so well?

Whether Devin's info is correct, he's dead on with his characterization about Hollywood execs. Many of them are greedy, egotistical morons who feel entitled to leave their own mark on their studio's projects even when they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
at least gotg should be good... after hearing all this, i don't have high hopes for ant man or black panther. both needed to be special.

if cap 3 ends the cap trilogy nicely, i'll be happy, i guess


Why are they undermining Kevin Feige? Didn't he take a bunch of leftovers from the Fox licensing deal, and turn it into the biggest current film franchise? What more do they want?

Hopefully GotG was too far along for them to meddle with too much.


Just a voice of reason, but I'm sure The Avengers broke $1.5 billion because it was directed by Whedon. Lol.
Never said that it was but it is a quality film because of his handling.

You trying to hand wave away the individual writers and directors involvement is really strange.


That was just a year ago. What have they said since then that's been accurate?

It doesn't matter. It "fits the narrative" so they are going to believe it now. Some guys just enjoy news like these and will take is as truth and fill this thread and others with I told ya sos.


Bobby covered the gist of it

Devin knows someone in Disney. He also broke that Abrams was fighting w/ Lucasfilm & Disney last summer. At the time people wrote it off, but it turned out that he was absolutely right, and the fights were over scripting & scheduling.

Abrams has more leverage than Wright, Whedon & Goddard, so he got what he wants - until the movies don't hit their projected numbers.

Again - you can't just see the words "Latino Review" and pat yourself on the back like "Can't fool me, Latino Review!" because it doesn't work that way. They've missed a few times, but they've hit largely - and Devin wouldn't run this without doing his own verification aside from whatever reporting Umberto's doing over at Latino Review.

People are essentially just now starting to realize that Marvel ACTUALLY IS A CORPORATION, and not a single-minded, artist-friendly hive mind of really cool guys who care about the integrity of the movies they make.

In short - Marvel is just like ANY OTHER STUDIO operating in the film industry. Down to the executives looking to use the films made, and the profits earned, as a means to secure power within that industry. The quality of the product is secondary, if not tertiary, to those ends.


The DD director left because Sony offered him a huge contract with Sinister 6 so...yeah.

The Wright thing posted by latino review makes no sense either.

Why wait till now and why would Disney get invoved after CA2 did so well?

Not to mention we had an article last year about how Disney execs are afraid of Isaac Perlmutter and let him do basically what he wants with Marvel Entertainment.

Disney has owned Marvel since the end of 2009. Even if there were some early plans for the phase 2 movies, all of them have run through whatever process Disney has for the entire production duration.


Future Thread title:
Kevin Fegie Leaves marvel to pursue other interest.

Future Future Thread title:
Kevin Fegie Signs 10 year deal with WB to head all DC projects


Devin knows someone in Disney. He also broke that Abrams was fighting w/ Lucasfilm & Disney last summer. At the time people wrote it off, but it turned out that he was absolutely right, and the fights were over scripting & scheduling.

Abrams has more leverage than Wright, Whedon & Goddard, so he got what he wants - until the movies don't hit their projected numbers.

Again - you can't just see the words "Latino Review" and pat yourself on the back like "Can't fool me, Latino Review!" because it doesn't work that way. They've missed a few times, but they've hit largely - and Devin wouldn't run this without doing his own verification aside from whatever reporting Umberto's doing over at Latino Review.

People are essentially just now starting to realize that Marvel ACTUALLY IS A CORPORATION, and not a single-minded, artist-friendly hive mind of really cool guys who care about the integrity of the movies they make.

In short - Marvel is just like ANY OTHER STUDIO operating in the film industry. Down to the executives looking to use the films made, and the profits earned, as a means to secure power within that industry. The quality of the product is secondary, if not tertiary, to those ends.

Yup, I'm getting tired of people shitting on Latino Review without actually looking into it. It's foolish to think people are truly leaving on amicable terms without some sort of dispute on the inside, which makes it weird to me that people are in disbelief over Latino Review's reports since it's basically confirming what's obvious.

That said, it's far too early to call the end of the Marvel movie age. It's only been like what - a couple days? If that? Give it a few years and wait for these changes to actually take effect and then we'll evaluate Marvel. Until then, every site needs to calm down with any clickbait and all the fans just need to stop trying to pick sides between Marvel, Disney, and the directors and just fucking wait.
Why wait till now and why would Disney get invoved after CA2 did so well?

It's sadly easy to understand if you know how suits operate in Hollywood. The expansion of the MCU into a variety of genres never made sense from a studio executive perspective...to them, the success of an espionage super hero movie does not indicate a heist comedy super hero movie will make money. Cap 2 may have protected the vision for Cap 3 but it won't do anything for the rest of the line.

I guess I'm just grateful we got Cap 2 and GotG before they contracted their vision of what a Marvel movie can be.
Future Thread title:
Kevin Fegie Leaves marvel to pursue other interest.

Future Future Thread title:
Kevin Fegie Signs 10 year deal with WB to head all DC projects

The better version of the Future Future title would be:
Bruce Timm and Paul Dini sign 10 year deal with WB to head all DC film projects.


Who didn't think Marvel was a corporation? Them making the movies faithful to comics was like Oreo making Double stuff Oreos. They don't do that shit because they like us, they do it because we want to buy it.

Funky Papa

Why are they undermining Kevin Feige? Didn't he take a bunch of leftovers from the Fox licensing deal, and turn it into the biggest current film franchise? What more do they want?

Hopefully GotG was too far along for them to meddle with too much.

Something I've learned from working for hulking corporations is that high ranking executives of the asshole suit persuasion HATE when somebody below them take the spotlight/create something worthy, yet they LOVE to get their fingers in the pie as soon as one of those ideas/works turn into something amazing.

They may not be able to create shit, but lord knows they will try to steer and sequester entire projects just to please their egos.

Not that we have confirmation of any of this to be true.
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