20-30 years ago technology was nowhere near where we are not. Cellphones were large bricks. The internet was growing slowly, but basically non-existent (until it quickly exploded 5 years later). Computers were large, bulky and slow. Because of that, Visual and Voice Recognition was almost non-existent or expensive as fuck and because of those limitations robots were limited.
..Now look at the kind of stuff coming out of Intel (Watson), Microsoft, Google(Boston Dynamics) and Apple. Programmers can write voice and visual recognition algorithms in their spare time because we have the tools and processing power for it. The NSA has a huge automated cloud of processing which they use to literally analyze and spy on the entire world. Computing power is basically being given away for pennies through services such as Azure or Amazon Web Services. The internet is everywhere... They are predicting Self Driving Cars within 7 years
Thats only 20 years. I'd say given another 20 years and the world will once again be near indistinguishable from now... and since we can waste processing like nothing, I can see Automation just taking off and businesses will try and go as far as they can.