Once again, you use a single example, when I'm counting probably hundreds of instances I have encountered personally.
If you had been pulled over 25 times, each time the same thing happening and 2 times it not, what would your informed opinion be then?
I think its sad you would say I'm trolling, saying I know something is right, when its laughably not. You act like you have gone out yourself and personally proven these "facts" and statistics you have seen
I'm curious to know what you've seen that has been bad. I've seen you talk about how you've seen lots of people take advantage of welfare, but can you actually explain to us what they've done to be so bad? Also, can you explain why you think its bad? For instance, you said that someone on food stamps was doing it because they wouldn't work 40 hours a week and go to school. Why is this bad? What makes this person "taking advantage of" food stamps vs someone else?
Here's some anecdotal evidence for you - everyone I've ever known who HAS been on food stamps, was on there for 1 of 2 reasons - #1 - they work at wal-mart or some other very large company and they aren't paid enough. They aren't able to get better jobs, not because they don't want to, but because they don't have the mental capacity to do better. An example (but not the only one) is my husbands brother. He was born when their mom was later in her years (he was an "oops) and he is mildly mentally handicapped. He can't do anything better because he literally doesn't have the mental capacity. So he works at Wal-Mart as a night stocker. And he's on food stamps.
Second example - more than one girl, youngish age, late-late teens, very early 20s, with a kid and no husband/man in her life. She also, while not my BIL's speed, also isn't very smart or bright. She was on food stamps while working heavily to make sure her daughter got fed.
All of my personal anecdotal evidence is the complete opposite of yours. And yes, I do believe I've seen "hundreds" of these people.
There are always going to be "some" people that take advantage of a program out there, regardless of WHAT program it is. Rich, poor, people are selfish. But to say that a program needs to be cut back is only punishing the people who need it to spite the few who are taking advantage of it.