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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil



Banned Footage Vol. 1 done and 100% for the whole game for the time being! Most of my time with the DLC was spent in Ethan Must Die... man alive, what a mode. I was successful after roughly 20-25 runs with a finishing time of 26 minutes. Some runs were just a joke:

- First crate was a bomb... dead.
- 4 Stabilizers in a row from crates... faster reload! Wow, but no weapons or ammo yet, game please.
- 8 Flame Rounds for the grenade launcher... that I wasn't given.

When my successful run ended, I had no ammo for any of the weapons I was holding and I was panting and bleeding with no healing items. My heart was in my throat, what an experience!

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Question for madhouse. Right before the
final Jack boss, will I have access to all the cages to use my antique coins on or will just the regular ones appear again?
is SOMA pretty similar to RE7? I got it on sale a long time ago but never fired it up

RE7 borrows from games like SOMA in some of its slower burn sections, but SOMA is a weaponless experience. I would argue SOMA is actually the better overall experience though - it's a scifi masterpiece - but it definitely has less gameplay.


Ok, I need help. Tips for
Spider Marguerite on madhouse? This bitch is kicking my arse. Best her in one attempt on normal she barely ever attacked me and I just spammed the burner on her the whole fight. Madhouse though? She's aggressive as fuck. She took ages to go down on normal too but at least she basically never did anything to hurt me. What weapons should I be using? What cage upgrades should I have for this fight? I have the choice of steroids plus stalbilizer, defence perk plus steroids, the attack perk on its own or the magnum on its own.

I take about 20 high power bullets and 6-8 shotgun rounds, with the flamer to
get rid of nests if any. With the items available in the area itself, you have enough to kill her if you aim as many of your shots at her hive as possible. If she jumps on the wall or ceiling, shoot her quick or block. Memorise her nest points (there are 7) and listen out for where she might be laying one.
The assault coin will help with all your weapons, so spend money on that instead of the magnum.


I'm pretty paranoid with ammo in Resident Evil games. Should I be running and avoiding most enemies or kill certain ones
like the molded that keep spawning
? I feel like I'm wasting ammo and won't have any when I need it.


I'm pretty paranoid with ammo in Resident Evil games. Should I be running and avoiding most enemies or kill certain ones
like the molded that keep spawning
? I feel like I'm wasting ammo and won't have any when I need it.

For the most part, you should have no trouble evading the molded. When they appear in tight corridors, try and pop off a headshot to stun them long enough to run past them. If you're ever overwhelmed with several of them, take a couple out to thin the herd and run past the rest. Using this strategy will allow you to hold on to a generous amount of ammo.


Beat it. Overall, thought it was great.

wrecked ship
you get to definitely feels off, but
as soon as you got off the wrecked ship and got to the salt mines I thought it picked up. The story is meh but it's RE so i dun curr. I'm glad I called Eveline being the granny relatively early, got hyped when I read Lucas' file and was like "haha bitches, called! it!".

My problems with the game come down to this:

- The areas may have backtracking, but it's a lot less explorative, with very few rewards if you do so. It's pretty much a linear game where you follow the path you're given and every puzzles' solution is right in front of you or in the next room. Not saying it wasn't a fun area, some pretty cool design choices, but overall it seemed to have a lot more to it starting out. Looking back, it's kind of the easiest "sandbox" of the classic RE style. Maybe that's nostalgia, but I've played the trilogy again relatively recently.

- Lack of enemy variety is a bitch. Main reason the game drags for me is the fact that after a certain point you've seen it all, fought it all, and it's really just a matter of clearing an area while being numb to all the monsters Doesn't help that literally 90% of enemies have basically the same design.

- Combat doesn't outright suck, just a letdown because enemies don't hold it up on their end aside from a few boss fights.

- Any decent resource management straight up breaks the game. I went in a bit excited to save scum and use ammo only when necessary, ended up with an item box filled to the brim with enough of ammo, multiple chem fluids, strong chem fluids, first aids, herbs, etc. to beat the whole game before getting to the "Saw inspired" parts(which I liked, btw. Reminded me a bit of Salazar in RE4).

- Only two of the five VHS tapes are worth a damn, and one of those two was already in the demo. Very weak mechanic that is essentially the modern horror trend fest I feared the entire game would end up like. They exist solely as a storytelling mechanic that spoils puzzles to you on first try. The Happy Birthday one is the only real clever usage of tapes.

The most obvious of all "choose your ending" prompts with weak storytelling. Of course I'm picking Mia since that's what the whole game is about. Zoe was cool in the phone calls but ultimately doesn't matter when you get to her.

In spite of that I thought the game was great. I do think once initial hype dies down it'll fall squarely in as a mid-tier RE game, if only because the tank control trilogy and RE4 are, in obnoxious number of ways honestly, better games IMO. For funsies here's my rankings:

RE4 > RE2 > REmake > RE3 > RE7 > RE5 > RE:CV

Only ranking the games I really like. REmake made RE1 obsolete so it's not included, also no spin off games(I don't count CV as one) although some of them are fun.

I'll start up Madhouse soon and see if it sways me further into liking it more, but I don't think my complaints will change much except for maybe resource management.

Fantastic game, I'm down to see where this direction leads for future RE titles.
I've been consulting a guide while playing and I'm worried I may have messed up. I think I
drained the bathtub
a little too early after the garage.
I haven't watched Mia's video (though I found the tape) and apparently there's some other stuff I should have done before the tub. Is there going to be a bunch of stuff that should have been easy that's now going to be really annoying since I have Jack running around?

Edit: yeah, this sucks. Any tips for Jack? Really not enjoying this part of the game. Alien Isolation worked well because when the alien is around it's really intense, but if you scare it off you have some breathing room until it comes back. Jack is just constantly on my ass and it's already gotten a lot more annoying than tense or scary. At one point I ran to the garage without him seeing me and ran up the ladder. I stayed there for a few minutes thinking he'd go away but nope, there he was right in the hallway as soon as I left.

Edit again: never mind, I'm an idiot, looks like shooting him in the head a few times puts him down for awhile. I'm guessing this isn't a wise use of ammo though?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Man playing this without VR... It's just not the same. Even for this second easy/trophy run I want to put the goggles back on, but I have to check a collectibles guide so I won't. It looks way better though, so that's a plus.


i'm at 8 hours 34 minutes and just completed the
"birthday" video
. wow, that was amazing. this has been a non-stop ride so far. the game feels like a big crazy maze.
made me think a "saw" game could be done well, by capcom even. ok, time to use the
red and blue code keys
and see what
has in store for me. am i halfway done?

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
My madhouse run is going pretty well. Just beat
the two fat molded in the Lucas section.
I've been really careful with my resources so far and I'm swimming in ammo, plus I have a shit ton of gun powder and I haven't used any of my seperating agents yet so I can easily make tons more enhanced handgun ammo if necessary. Loads of herbs stocked up, 3 first aids and a few chemical fluids, plus like I said lots of seperating agents so I can make more if necessary so I'm more than good for health items.
just used the red and blue key to access the other side of the yard. how far I am so far? 80%?
also, when I open the door, I can just get rid of both keys right? I won't use it again?
I really wish ammo didn't drop from crates for weapons you don't have in your inventory.

Hate getting ammo for the
when I only use it for about 5% of the game. Same thing for
machine gun
ammo dropping from crates in the last area. I throw that gun in the box after the
I'm pretty paranoid with ammo in Resident Evil games. Should I be running and avoiding most enemies or kill certain ones
like the molded that keep spawning
? I feel like I'm wasting ammo and won't have any when I need it.

The game gives you enough ammo (if you find and make when needed it) to pretty much kill everything that comes your way. I only avoided a handful of creatures and killed the rest, I typically always had some extra ammo. At end of game especially I was loaded with all kinds of ammo

I really wish ammo didn't drop from crates for weapons you don't have in your inventory.

Hate getting ammo for the
when I only use it for about 5% of the game. Same thing for
machine gun
ammo dropping from crates in the last area. I throw that gun in the box after the

Those ammo are plentiful, so like to waste them on opening crates later on when you don't want to carry a knife
Feel like I'm about to give this up.

I'm at the part where you first encounter the Molded and I've died four times already. I'm getting better at fighting them, but it's just not fun. The first couple times I didn't realize that headshots wouldn't stagger them if they're charging. The second I ran out of ammo. Most recent time I just go overwhelmed.

Fighting them isn't fun at all to me. The aiming is sluggish, and combined with the enemies heads bobbing around it's frustrating. The lack of ammo makes it overly punishing as well, if I miss more than two or three headshots I feel like I may as well just die and try again.

I don't get why they won't let you change the difficulty while playing, seems really stupid. I'd love to keep playing, I really like the atmosphere so far and the game looks great. I have too many other games to play right now to keep playing something I'm not enjoying. Too bad.
Feel like I'm about to give this up.

I'm at the part where you first encounter the Molded and I've died four times already. I'm getting better at fighting them, but it's just not fun. The first couple times I didn't realize that headshots wouldn't stagger them if they're charging. The second I ran out of ammo. Most recent time I just go overwhelmed.

Fighting them isn't fun at all to me. The aiming is sluggish, and combined with the enemies heads bobbing around it's frustrating. The lack of ammo makes it overly punishing as well, if I miss more than two or three headshots I feel like I may as well just die and try again.

I don't get why they won't let you change the difficulty while playing, seems really stupid. I'd love to keep playing, I really like the atmosphere so far and the game looks great. I have too many other games to play right now to keep playing something I'm not enjoying. Too bad.
Make sure if you are positive you're going to take a hit that you block to take minimal damage or you will die a lot more then necessary, also you don't need to fight everything, most battles are skippable.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Just beat it a third time.

This game is very re-playable to me, really love it.

I loved it but I'm a one and done type of guy, I've just never seen the appeal of multiple runs especially with more story driven games. I wish I wanted to do another run as I actually want to play it some more but I just don't, I think it has a lot to do with the fact I don't enjoy higher difficulties, these days I always opt for medium/normal for a little challenge while enjoying the story.
Feel like I'm about to give this up.

I'm at the part where you first encounter the Molded and I've died four times already. I'm getting better at fighting them, but it's just not fun. The first couple times I didn't realize that headshots wouldn't stagger them if they're charging. The second I ran out of ammo. Most recent time I just go overwhelmed.

Fighting them isn't fun at all to me. The aiming is sluggish, and combined with the enemies heads bobbing around it's frustrating. The lack of ammo makes it overly punishing as well, if I miss more than two or three headshots I feel like I may as well just die and try again.

I don't get why they won't let you change the difficulty while playing, seems really stupid. I'd love to keep playing, I really like the atmosphere so far and the game looks great. I have too many other games to play right now to keep playing something I'm not enjoying. Too bad.

The combat and aiming is intentionally clunky, so don't worry if you miss a few shots. I miss all the time and turn out fine.

Keep your distance, don't back yourself into a corner. Use the quick turn if you need to run for it. Don't forget to guard if you're about to get hit.

You can also
go get the shotgun as soon as you get the scorpion key
, that will help you a bit.

There's also a good reason you can't change the difficulty mid-game:
Other things besides enemy stats change, item locations are remixed and thus progression is slightly different.
I dunno if that applies to easy mode tho

I loved it but I'm a one and done type of guy, I've just never seen the appeal of multiple runs especially with more story driven games. I wish I wanted to do another run as I actually want to play it some more but I just don't, I think it has a lot to do with the fact I don't enjoy higher difficulties, these days I always opt for medium/normal for a little challenge while enjoying the story.

I'm not usually either but Madhouse has other differences that honestly blew my goddamn mind when I noticed
Make sure if you are positive you're going to take a hit that you block to take minimal damage or you will die a lot more then necessary, also you don't need to fight everything, most battles are skippable.

I've been reading that you're supposed to be able to run past most enemies, but it doesn't seem to work for me in some situations. For example, right now I'm trying to get into the room that takes the incinerator key. There's two enemies in that room with will hit me while I'm using the key. I'm assuming there's at least one enemy in the incinerator room, and when I live the other two will be there waiting for me. Maybe I'm doing some wrong but it doesn't seem as simple as just sprinting past to me.


I loved it but I'm a one and done type of guy, I've just never seen the appeal of multiple runs especially with more story driven games. I wish I wanted to do another run as I actually want to play it some more but I just don't, I think it has a lot to do with the fact I don't enjoy higher difficulties, these days I always opt for medium/normal for a little challenge while enjoying the story.

For me I can see myself playing it once a year, similarly to RE2, 4, Majora's Mask, etc.

Seems like the perfect spoopy game to pull out around Halloween with friends along with Until Dawn.


Has anyone tried the PS4/Pro version on an SSD? Do the textures still load slowly?

i have ps4 pro with 7200rpm HDD texture loading is laughable i notice it in the save areas the most

i have asked about it near launch on here a few times in other threads one other poster commented that he also sees the issue with the newer 2TB firecuda SSHD

I just realized I never got the crow key and consequently the grevade launcher. I am already in the barn. am I fucked? should I just go back on previous save?
I was finally at the end of Ethan Must Die and nearly had it until
Marguerite's bullshit OHK block breaker where she leaps on to you and tears out your throat.

Talk about crushing.

Didn't do too bad with the lackluster rolls. It's a shame that the neuro rounds are completely ineffective against
, but are the best to have on hand for that final
Fat Moulded.


Does this game scale difficulty dynamically like RE4? I did the Jack
chainsaw fight
like 8 times and kept dying, but on the last try I beat him in like 2 minutes.


Beat it. Overall, thought it was great.

wrecked ship
you get to definitely feels off, but
as soon as you got off the wrecked ship and got to the salt mines I thought it picked up. The story is meh but it's RE so i dun curr. I'm glad I called Eveline being the granny relatively early, got hyped when I read Lucas' file and was like "haha bitches, called! it!".

My problems with the game come down to this:

- The areas may have backtracking, but it's a lot less explorative, with very few rewards if you do so. It's pretty much a linear game where you follow the path you're given and every puzzles' solution is right in front of you or in the next room. Not saying it wasn't a fun area, some pretty cool design choices, but overall it seemed to have a lot more to it starting out. Looking back, it's kind of the easiest "sandbox" of the classic RE style. Maybe that's nostalgia, but I've played the trilogy again relatively recently.

- Lack of enemy variety is a bitch. Main reason the game drags for me is the fact that after a certain point you've seen it all, fought it all, and it's really just a matter of clearing an area while being numb to all the monsters Doesn't help that literally 90% of enemies have basically the same design.

- Combat doesn't outright suck, just a letdown because enemies don't hold it up on their end aside from a few boss fights.

- Any decent resource management straight up breaks the game. I went in a bit excited to save scum and use ammo only when necessary, ended up with an item box filled to the brim with enough of ammo, multiple chem fluids, strong chem fluids, first aids, herbs, etc. to beat the whole game before getting to the "Saw inspired" parts(which I liked, btw. Reminded me a bit of Salazar in RE4).

- Only two of the five VHS tapes are worth a damn, and one of those two was already in the demo. Very weak mechanic that is essentially the modern horror trend fest I feared the entire game would end up like. They exist solely as a storytelling mechanic that spoils puzzles to you on first try. The Happy Birthday one is the only real clever usage of tapes.

The most obvious of all "choose your ending" prompts with weak storytelling. Of course I'm picking Mia since that's what the whole game is about. Zoe was cool in the phone calls but ultimately doesn't matter when you get to her.

In spite of that I thought the game was great. I do think once initial hype dies down it'll fall squarely in as a mid-tier RE game, if only because the tank control trilogy and RE4 are, in obnoxious number of ways honestly, better games IMO. For funsies here's my rankings:

RE4 > RE2 > REmake > RE3 > RE7 > RE5 > RE:CV

Only ranking the games I really like. REmake made RE1 obsolete so it's not included, also no spin off games(I don't count CV as one) although some of them are fun.

I'll start up Madhouse soon and see if it sways me further into liking it more, but I don't think my complaints will change much except for maybe resource management.

Fantastic game, I'm down to see where this direction leads for future RE titles.

RE:CV in dead last? We can't be friends. CV IMO was easily second best after RE2 and REmake
Finally was able to play a bit today (buddy let me borrow his copy) and I'm impressed this game has lived up to the hype. Played up to the first non demo video tape and I'm hooked. No school tomorrow and maybe no work cause of snow so plenty of time to play RE7.
I've been reading that you're supposed to be able to run past most enemies, but it doesn't seem to work for me in some situations. For example, right now I'm trying to get into the room that takes the incinerator key. There's two enemies in that room with will hit me while I'm using the key. I'm assuming there's at least one enemy in the incinerator room, and when I live the other two will be there waiting for me. Maybe I'm doing some wrong but it doesn't seem as simple as just sprinting past to me.

I don't know if you know this or not, but whatever item you last left the cursor on in your inventory will still be highlighted the next time you open it.

So you leave the cursor on the incinerator room key and just click x twice really quick to open the door, instead of scrambling to find it in your inventory.
Finally got through that area, I was completely out of ammo after dealing with the monsters but I actually managed to beat
the chainsaw fight with Jack
with just my knife. Took two tries, and man, that was intense. It's pretty crazy, when you slice him it actually cuts his flesh pretty convincingly, it's not exactly where I hit him but it looks really damn cool.

I take back what I said earlier, I'm definitely in this for the long haul. Definitely some parts that are annoying me so far but the highs are just too high. The fight I just finished, the scene in the garage, the initial family scene, there's some really crazy stuff in this game. Can't imagine how intense this must be in VR.


I'm fucked if I'm speed-running on Easy and am at 2:50 and just now
making the Mia/Zoe choice before the Ship
, right? 4 hours will be pretty impossible.

Sigh. I guess I dawdled a bit too much managing things in save rooms or going around and picking up items I didn't need in the long run, like more ammo/health.
I'm fucked if I'm speed-running on Easy and am at 2:50 and just now
making the Mia/Zoe choice before the Ship
, right? 4 hours will be pretty impossible.

Sigh. I guess I dawdled a bit too much managing things in save rooms or going around and picking up items I didn't need in the long run, like more ammo/health.
It's very possible if you know exactly what you're doing but it might be close, just don't stray from the path and keep moving.


I just finished the Bedroom DLC and I've never been bummed out about a DLC this much before. I mean it has straight out been pulled out of the main game. It's a good albeit short piece of DLC too and it would've made the main game that much better.
I'm glad I didn't give up on this, just beat the
mom in the shed
and man, what a great game. Pacing is pretty much perfect, and they nailed the amount of backtracking/ exploring for me. I've never beaten RE1 because I always get tired of it. If I get stuck for half an hour looking for a key or emblem or whatever, it's not satisfying when I finally track it down, it's mostly just frustrating. VII does a great job of still rewarding you for remembering the layout of the house and returning when you get a new key, but that stuff is 1) not cumbersome since you can get anywhere pretty quickly and 2) optional for the most part, so if you don't feel like returning to a previous area where you remember seeing a locked door it's not going to be the end of the world.

The mix between fighting bosses, hiding from the family. engaging regular enemies, and walking through parts with more psychological stuff is great too. Unless this somehow shits the bed before the end it's going to sit right with 4 as one of my favorite games.
I just finished the Bedroom DLC and I've never been bummed out about a DLC this much before. I mean it has straight out been pulled out of the main game. It's a good albeit short piece of DLC too and it would've made the main game that much better.

It definitely wasn't pulled out of the main game. It stars Clancy, and really wouldn't have fit all that much within the context of the rest of the story I don't think. I'm not sure where it would fit if it did.


I just finished the Bedroom DLC and I've never been bummed out about a DLC this much before. I mean it has straight out been pulled out of the main game. It's a good albeit short piece of DLC too and it would've made the main game that much better.
The player might loose some immersion if they switched players during that cat and mouse game in the Baker estate.
It will be excessive to include it as a puzzle tutorial tape because the 4 tapes already covered most of the bedroom DLC.


I'm fucked if I'm speed-running on Easy and am at 2:50 and just now
making the Mia/Zoe choice before the Ship
, right? 4 hours will be pretty impossible.

Sigh. I guess I dawdled a bit too much managing things in save rooms or going around and picking up items I didn't need in the long run, like more ammo/health.

Nah not at all.

I'm using this video as a guide as it's quite a casual speed run (2h30mins) Not a WR attempt or anything.

The guy gets from
the ship to end game
in 45 minutes. You'll manage it as long as you get a move on. Just remember to make multiple saves in case you get lost or mess up.

here's the video from the
Mia/Zoe decision


It's very possible if you know exactly what you're doing but it might be close, just don't stray from the path and keep moving.

Nah not at all.

I'm using this video as a guide as it's quite a casual speed run (2h30mins) Not a WR attempt or anything.

The guy gets from
the ship to end game
in 45 minutes. You'll manage it as long as you get a move on. Just remember to make multiple saves in case you get lost or mess up.

here's the video from the
Mia/Zoe decision

Cool. I haven't been using any guides or notes. Having so much fun replaying the game that I wouldn't even mind screwing up and needing to try a 3rd time. I'm kind of proud that I made it to where I am now in 3h without help.


Any word on when the free DLC is coming out. I know it comes out on PS4 first, I'm using an Xbone. so I wonder how long the exclusivity is supposed to be.
Beat Madhouse mode this morning. All that's left trophy-wise are the two golds for limited boxes and health. Any particular strategy for those? The health one is pretty self-explanatory, but the box one sounds like it would be hard.
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