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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


When you finally get
the shotgun and then go into the basement to headshot 6 of those nasty moldmen fucks after running away from them like a little bitch



Just be
holding both triggers when he's attacking to counter him, or to damage him when he's vulnerable

Thank you!
I finally did it by holding both triggers the whole time instead of just holding R2. Fuck, that boss fight was rough man.
Let him
catch you when you are trying to get down the hatch. He will knock you down, rip off your foot and walk toward the door and place an herb potion down in front of him and makes you crawl toward him. You pick up the foot and then use the herb to reattach it. It's nuts.

Yeah depending on where Jack is while you are trying to escape him he will burst through it or not.

The molded can do this also, it's rare but can happen.
I'm about 3 hours in and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've got the PC version and this is the first game I've seen with an HDR mode for PC.

I tried to play it at 4k 60 fps originally, but for whatever reason the character dialog was ahead of the video and not matching the mouths and it was horribly distracting, I'm not sure if it was dropping a bunch of frames or if it is some glitch. I have a 1080 and a i7 6770, but 4k/60 still is too much at times. This was the first time another character talks to you

So I switched over to 4k 30 FPS HDR mode, which seems perfectly fine and good. The HDR really improves the lighting a lot.

Also, I don't play a ton of actual survival horror games and this game is tense as hell. I've got to go to work and wait to come home and play in the dark which should be nice and terrifying.
Just be
holding both triggers when he's attacking to counter him, or to damage him when he's vulnerable

The gameplay and structure is pure Resident Evil, albeit in first person. The story and characters though are more in line with something from Silent Hill or western horror games.

I'm pretty sure I've sprinted right behind Jack on Madhouse mode without alerting him. His detection seems to be based purely on line of sight. He's pretty sharp though and will even spot you through windows or cracks.

Okay thanks.

Also regarding the molded, is
there body part specific damage like it RE4 or dismemberment? I saw a hint saying that you can tear them apart so I'm just wondering. I just wasted a lot of ammo on the incinerator molded and wondered if I could klll by targeting it's big arm as a weak point or something. Or is it all headshots?


Just started and
currently being chased by Jack
. Shit is super unnerving. I legit screamed once already....lol


Just got the
wooden statuette (light puzzle piece i guess?), then escaped bathroom to save room.
Need a break, and maybe a drink.

Speaking to every action RE fan who like me feared for a PT clone. Game is fuckin good guys.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Yeah ok I cant figure this out. What am I supposed to do? Early game.
Right so I'm just after the Jack garage scene. I've got one of the 3 dog head things and put it in the slot. I have no other key items of any kind. Just weapons, health items and the like. There's nothing to fit on that shadow puzzle, I don't have a broken shotgun or equivalent to place on the thing to get the real shotgun. I've thoroughly explored the area and cant find anything. Help.


Yeah ok I cant figure this out. What am I supposed to do? Early game.
Right so I'm just after the Jack garage scene. I've got one of the 3 dog head things and put it in the slot. I have no other key items of any kind. Just weapons, health items and the like. There's nothing to fit on that shadow puzzle, I don't have a broken shotgun or equivalent to place on the thing to get the real shotgun. I've thoroughly explored the area and cant find anything. Help.
check out that bathroom again


Not sure if this is really spoilers but I'll tag it anyway:

So I've found a broken handgun and a repair kit. Should I repair the handgun and use it or save the repair kit?
Yeah ok I cant figure this out. What am I supposed to do? Early game.
Right so I'm just after the Jack garage scene. I've got one of the 3 dog head things and put it in the slot. I have no other key items of any kind. Just weapons, health items and the like. There's nothing to fit on that shadow puzzle, I don't have a broken shotgun or equivalent to place on the thing to get the real shotgun. I've thoroughly explored the area and cant find anything. Help.
Drain the bathtub in the upper floor.


Junior Member
Just got the
wooden statuette (light puzzle piece i guess?), then escaped bathroom to save room.
Need a break, and maybe a drink.

Speaking to every action RE fan who like me feared for a PT clone. Game is fuckin good guys.
Don't get high tho man :O

Right now I'm so FUCKING nervous playing this in VR. I just barely started and walked up to the house but I can't walk any closer :O
Ok I caved and bought it. I'll be SUPER surprised if it can actually be scary being Resident Evil and all that comes with it, but it looks like it's going to be a good game regardless going by the scores. I don't know what to expect at all is the main highlight, I know quite literally nothing about this game.


OK I need help because all of you are like bipolar.

I HATE outlast, HATE amnesia, and DESPISE the running from virus dude in resident evil.

LOVED resident evil 1, 2, dead space, silent Hill, condemned.

Will I enjoy this game lol

Maybe. The running sections are pretty forgiving.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Welp. I feel dumb. On the plus side due to being stuck and exploring everywhere else, I found a couple items I probably wouldn't have come across otherwise.


In many ways it must have been so frustrating for the Dev team to see the impressions of the Beginning Hour demo roll in, with the 'meh no weapons / no puzzles / first person pure jump scares / cheaper outlast clone' brigade

Assuming they had to release...'something' to whet appetites and in context of what the full package is, they made the right call...But even so, it's really just a fragment of what the full game is (or seems to be a couple of hours in from my point of view)
Really disappointed by the game after 5 or 6 hours. Most of the areas are tiny which makes being followed by the family rather dull
(and completely contained to specific tiny areas, Nemesis this is not)
and much like Revelations it quickly descends into mindless shooting that feels like shit in comparison to 4/5/6. Same terrible hit reactions and complete lack of enemy variety as well. Honestly think it's a pretty poorly put together game unless things change. Bad action, not scary past the first few hours, no real puzzles, and so on.

Incredible production values for the most part tho and some of the best use of first person animations I've seen.
Loving the game, having so much fun, but as someone who was scared shitless by alien isolation, this game is not that scary, it's remake levels, you get scared, but you can still blast monsters to pieces with shotguns, honestly it feels like remake in first person.


So yeah played for a couple of hours last night on Playstation VR. It was myself and a couple of friends where we took turns and man the game just oozes atmosphere right from the start. Those first encounters were intense as hell even when spectating.

That said VR was a bit disappointing. I mean it looks good and everything but the camera would jerk or keep snapping from side to side as well as losing focus when it transitions to a cutscene disorients you and made us motion sickness, something other VR games didn't do.


Junior Member
Welp now in front of the doorway. It feels so fucking real in vr and on the PRO it looks amazing. It's to dark to go any further so I need to take another break ;)

today I relised I'm a giant pussy...


Played for two hours and i was never really into horror games but this game man.. i take a bow Capcom. I'm sitting in a dark room with headset on and i have that feeling i'm really there. The atmosphere is insane. Buy it guys you won't be disappointed. Now back into the Horror.


"3 a's and a handprint."

Oh sweet, can't wait to see what I unlcoooooooooooohhhhh shit!


I knew there would be something in there. Looked like it was some sort of enhanced moldman with a bigger arm, took the rest of my shotty ammo to get it down.
Game is here! I'mma eat lunch and then I'll be streaming my first run assuming it can be streamed through ps4. I know some people have reported blue screens.


Jack's made me laugh so fucking much.

I'm from Texas, so, for me, he's like the perfect pastiche of ott redneck tropes turned into a villain. His quotes are so ridiculously delivered.

If he's not in MvCI, I don't know what I'll do. I guess I'll buy it anyway but with a frown.

I wish I hadn't spoiled myself so much. And I also wish the AI was a bit less dinky. It makes them less scary.
Man the tape where
Lucas tricks Clancy into immolating himself
is DARK.
It seemed like there might have been a way to save him if you completed the puzzles fast enough but I couldn't do it on a replay
I know this has probably been asked multiples times before but the topic is getting quite large so I hope you guys don't mind me asking.

How is it? Is the game a return to form for the franchise? Is it at all similar to the original classic games? Is it in any way tied to the original games be it, story, characters etc.

I really don't know much about the game but I may get it.
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